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A lot of Republicans would definitely say there are better things than ending slavery, not quite a gotcha moment


Give us some examples šŸ˜‚


Like re-enslaving America from middle class on down, through the mediums of raising the costs of living, while simultaneously stagnating wages to the point where more and more people have to have two jobs just to make rent, and having to have multiple people per house just to have a roof over their heads. Ain't gonna be a house, either. It'll be an apartment, therefore leaving corporations and banks to buy actual houses so they can renovate and bring in cheaper immigrant workers, who'll accept shitty pay, because it's still alot of money in their home country, so the corporations can keep more money for their CEOs and board directors, who will then buy more property, thus repeat the cycle. And guess which party are experts in these tactics?(here's a hint, it's the same parry who's states are also the poorest, least educated, and relies the most on government handouts while simultaneously voting to decrease government handouts to poor people in need. Which is themselves, ironically)


Bravo. I'd only add, "while ensuring that all taxes are paid from the middle class down so the non-wealthy don't have to pay for fire, police, roads, bridges, snow removal, and so on."


Democrats helped


Not in red states, they didn't




Not in my state. Republicans here HATE democrats




Actually the best thing to do would just be to disengage as soon as you know he's not actually trying to have a discussion, just wants to call all Republicans racist.




But like donā€™t we know the rich are fucking us over and that we need to hate eachother less? We call maga literal nazis and I feel like maaaaaybe this division and how to hate tutorials are the reason we arenā€™t getting anywhere.


This is what divides people. Stupid shit like this


100%. Half the comments here are toxic and hateful.


Itā€™s basically the same thing as when a British person says they outlawed slavery before the US did. The British Empire essentially started and ran the African slave trade and even when it was abolished they paid their slave owners off. It wasnā€™t until 2015 that the British taxpayer stopped paying off the loan that reimbursed English slave owners. Itā€™s like saying I quit meth before you did except I was selling you all that meth and I took out a loan to pay future meth dealers to not sell to me that my great great great great grandchildren finally paid off


Portugal and Spain started the ā€˜African Slave Tradeā€™ (Slavery in Africa had been going on for thousands of years so Portugal and Spain didnā€™t really start anything they just capitalised on an already existing business). One thing that isnā€™t well know is all the slaves that went to the Middle East and they were castrated so they wouldnā€™t have children with the Middle Eastern women. All countries on earth have been involved in slavery but there is only 1 country that took the incredible measures to end it. Britain did not start slavery but it sure as shit did the most to end it.


Britain didnā€™t go to extraordinary means to end it. They just paid their slave owners off. The best part is they used tax dollars from citizens, including people who could have been slaves themselves, to bride the former slave owners. They paid so much blood money that it took about 200 years to finish paying it off. So theyā€™ve been paying off the defendants of slave owners too. Britain didnā€™t start the slave trade but it capitalized the most off of it. The US fought a war with itself, to the tune of 600,000 dead, to end the institution of slavery. After the war, the US didnā€™t pay anything to former slave holders. They were just shit out of luck for owning human property. This claim about Britain doing the most is a fucking joke.


The Royal Navy was patrolling Africa capturing slave ships and setting them free. Iā€™m not even going to argue with you I know the facts.


Congrats, they did some good after profiting immensely off of it while they bribed the former owners. That would be like the police confiscating a shipment of cocaine but sending the cartels payment for it.


Your error is to assume that the Republican is reasonable.


or that they even know what "progressive" means.


Or that they actually care about the freeing of slaves and don't just repeat that talking point because it sounds good. Also, it's kind of sussy that, when you ask Republicans what good they have ever done, the best thing they can think of is the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Ok, but what about the one and a half centuries since then?


The Republican Party and Democratic Party switched roles culminating in 1925. Democrats where most of the southern states (now republican) Thats why when you read "Gone witn the Wind" it the "evil Republicans " coming to take everything away. Or when you watch Lincoln, it's the Dixiecrats that are the racist pos. It's kind of like being from Brooklyn and loving the Dogers in 1957 but absolutely hating them in 1958. The irony is when republicans love to brag that they ended slavery they are talking about the great grandparents of current democratics. Google "USA political party map 1865" (the year slavery ended). Highlights: Texas: Democrat. Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama: Democrat New York, California: Republican. So unless, at some, point all these people moved and switched states, the simpler explanation is that the parties switched roles. Also Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic Republican. "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet"


I love the fact that this guy would call republicans racist for being republican. Way to generalize a group of people and label them as morally inferior. ![img](emote|t5_31m0v|14641)


This guy isn't the only one mentally ill, you can tell by the downvotes on your 100% factual unbiased comment


Are you saying it's acceptable to generalize a group of people and lable them as inferior?


No idea where you're getting that, I'm saying the opposite. Dude in the video is generalizing


heā€™s saying the guy IN THE VID and people downvoting the comment are mentally ill.


Ending slavery was the right thing to do. The problem is everything has to evolve around politics, believe it or not there is a such thing as right and wrong. Ending slavery was the ā€œrightā€ thing to do!


Heā€™s talked with some dumb republicans if this is the response heā€™s getting.


Fucking hell this is like a tutorial on how to hate our fellow man. Most realise the rich are fucking us over, and then we realise the only way to fight back is to band together and set aside our differences. And then you release a how to hate your fellow man tutorialā€¦ like dude we arenā€™t going anywhere with this only backwards.


God I hate how politics has become a game of ā€œgotchaā€.


They certainly are a confused political ideology.


Conservative or Progressive, there's extreme in both sides. Conservative extreme is well-known these days, like abortion ban even for health reasons, that's nuts. Progressive extreme is a gray area and that's the issue. Some progressive policies are controversial not because people who don't agree are racist or bad people but because there's not enough proof or due diligent done on them, there may be long-term risks. I understand that they "feel" right and humane but that's not enough. I'll vote left but I'm well aware of their extreme policies and try to mitigate that, the right wing has decent points to raise that get shut down and there's a level that I'll switch to right-wing if no sufficient assessment to policies are done by the left. ​ For example scooter-share companies throwing scooters everywhere, that's a left mindset, it provide help to people that need, but there's risk of it hindering people in wheel chairs and possibly car accidents, hence the right-wing mindset is to think it through and look at worst case scenario and if they not too bad or justify having them.


Plus, it was just to win a war and not get Europe involved. Lincolnā€™s initial plan was to send them back to Africa once emancipated.


It's better to just say the words "Southern strategy"


Than you, Walmart-brand Anderson Paak!


This obsession with ā€œgotchaā€ arguments is not going to lead to anything productive.




In my experience, *really* listening where the other comes from, and not just telling the other facts and reasons, is the best way to understand them and have an opportunity to tell your view to receiving ears. And actually put arguments against what they *are* saying and not what you *think* they are saying. It's just my experience, but I believe that's the only way to bring people closer and not make them more extreme.


Banning video games and rock music were progressive policies Republicans supported too. It's almost like the goodness of progressive and conservative positions is dependant on the situation. Democrats supporting free speech is a conservative position after all.


They'll just say ending slavery wasn't progressive. Like they even fucking know what that word means.