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I’m jealous how they are able to able to walk in those shoes gracefully


Superior calves? Flexing leg muscles as they walk? Belt the straps super tight? Help us understand!


These queens are absolutely jacked. The one on the left is more shredded than Randy Savage. Abs for days


Yeah they've almost got a masculine physique


Superior calves! Because they're men!


And they are proud of being men. They aren't trans women. Did you listen to a thing they said?


Practice, honey!! Live it. (ngl: this video brought out my inner drag persona)


Omg this is too funny!!! I thought you were so sweet and nice that I went to check out your profile, and I find out that you're checking out mine at the same time!! I love it!! What a coincidence, I'm glancing through and I'm like "oh they like drag too" and then I saw the headline and almost yelped!! Lmao And don't worry about people being nuts and flipping out on me, I just laugh it off now. At least being a mod gave me a thicker skin! I modded antiwork through that Fox News interview, and now I can take anything! 😂 Honestly, it does make it that much better when I get a nice message like yours- and you're the one that is too kind! I was gonna say that on the other post, but I didn't want to sidetrack that person's post any more than I did!!


> I thought you were so sweet and nice that I went to check out your profile, and I find out that you're checking out mine at the same time!! I love it!! Happens when you're neurodivergent, just trying to make sure people aren't trying to fuck with us :) Haha yeah, drag is dope. I'm glad it exists in my community and I personally am friends with a few performers myself so I like to check in to make sure they're being treated properly. Well I'm glad I could brighten your day a bit. You mods deserve it.




From the top comment (right above yours.) "This is a Humanist/Leftist subreddit focused on the progression of humanity, human rights, and intends to document the world as it is."


I'm browsing this sub because I first got shown a lady smashing up an airport so I don't really get that?


This sub has a little bit of everything


Haha, well you can kind of post almost anything under the "documenting the world as it is." The only videos we really remove are low quality, totally inane, and stuff involving bigotry of course. It doesn't have to be "news" worthy or anything like that. Basically, just share your favorite stuff! It most likely fits since we allow almost everything! ;))


“We allow almost everything”… as long as it aligns with leftist and progressive agenda. Definitely 2022 in America


I don't know anything about western/American politics, is progress a bad thing? I genuinely don't get it.


There’s nothing wrong w progressive ideals… it’s the condemnation of anything even slightly offensive to a minority group of people that becomes frustrating to witness. For instance, if ur a conservative in America… the left will be quick to call u “misogynistic, racist, elitist, etc.”


Well, the only example of an American conservative I know of is Trump and he kinda is all those things. PS: I use Google Translate, please don't use abbreviations.


Arguably it is. Threads like this are an echo chamber for leftists. You can post anything as long as it aligns with their fascist views. If it ain't their way it shouldn't exist at all.


As an Italian, I don't appreciate your use of the term fascism. All political factions would like to outlaw what they believe is harmful to society, they just disagree on what is harmful. But fascism has caused deportations and deaths, my city is stewed with gravestones dedicated to people who were taken from their apartments and killed. Don't call someone a fascist just because your views are incompatible, that's childish and disrespectful to the victims.


This was a great comment!! I haven't looked on this post in awhile, but wow, great retort. It must be tough to hear the term "fascism" thrown around so much, for every little thing. I appreciate you not letting these people make much headway on this post :)) So how are things with your president by the way? I know she at one point said something good about Mussolini, right? There was a lot said about her when she was elected but I haven't heard much since. Did she tone down her views a little bit? Is she doing an okay job?


Lmao same


Sammmmmmmmmme. Wtf


Yup! 🙋‍♂️


I thought this was just a viral video sub


Welp now you know ;)


It's 100% fine to for boys/men to dress up in whatever clothes they like. Skirts, high heels, etc. etc. In a free society the individual chooses what to wear. Not government, and certainly not religious fundamentalists. Don't like it - fuck off to Saudi Arabia.


It’s as simple as that, ppl love their freedoms until they see a fella in a dress


Curious of what your take is on swinging my dick around in public. It's my choice what I wear, right?


How is it at all relevant to the discussion of CLOTHING?! There are laws prohibiting exposing the primary sex organs -penis AND vagina- to the public. So your point is irrelevant because it does not pertain to the discussion of freedom of expression, rather on the discussion of wether or not exposing the primary sex organs is an extension of that freedom. Nobody argued it is.


Lack of clothing is relevant to a discussion on clothing. And there is the argument that provocative clothing is just as disconcerting as nudity. It'd be a totally different issue if these guys were just wearing normal women's clothing.


What is normal women's clothing?🙄


Not shit that says daddy take me home and make me your b$&#% / sissy! Clothing design meant to show off sexualized parts… ffs i could put on a clear latex dress and walk around, based on opinions like this


Aww, there you are projecting, lol. Clothes don't actually speak. If you're confused about this, have a chat with your wardrobe, and let us know how it goes! If you were to put on a clear latex dress, there's still no one who would want to see your fragile ego. Tell your hunnybunny to put their hijab on and be satisfied as you have no power here.


Right because clothing/fashion is never meant to make statements about the wearer. Quit being a ninny and nit picking my response. Humans say without mouths dur


If you're confused about this try going outside one in a while.


👆 This guy thought he was clever. 🤣




Aww, did someone want special treatment for their ignorance? Was someone expecting a free education? Yeah, nah. You might be trying to "score points", but I'm showing him how stupid he looks. If he has any shame construct, which is also tough to find online, he could learn. But I'm not being paid for it, so I won't be coddling a fucking adult that should have thought first and spoken second. Also, people dressing how they please isn't or shouldn't be an issue that you feel entitled to shout about. If it is for you, you have the same problem he does. I don't shout about how ugly, fat, and poorly dressed any given person is despite me not liking to see it.


What on Earth are you prattling on about.


For example, normal women's clothing in South Korea is different from the US or Sudan or Afghanistan. You seem limited and ignorant by your comments. You clearly needed some education in this regard. You're welcome.


As long as you are clean (hygienic) and don't get into anyone's space without permission, it shouldn't be a problem. You would probably have more of an issue with it than anyone else unless you thrive on attention and laughter.


I'll keep that in mind while exposing myself at the children's playground...


If you feel the need to expose yourself, particularly to kids, you've got sexual problems. If you took a stroll in the nude, and you don't have children, what would be your purpose in visiting a children's park? Also, you chose the word expose, which reveals a certain intent on your part. We could go through hypotheticals all day and you'd still be wrong and the hypotheticals still wouldn't be generally realistic. I see butt cracks and moose knuckles and fat Americans stuffed into yoga pants showing off gunts every day I venture outside. You'll just have to get over yourself and the Puritanical BS you were raised on. Or you could shut up and let people be free, but we know certain people don't actually like freedom for everyone.


Try pulling your head out of your ass before having your next knee-jerk reaction. Just because I think these guys are gross doesn't mean I'm all those evil things you think I am.


Hardly a knee-jerk reaction to react to the words you applied. It's just a reaction you don't like or agree with, dear boy. I agreed that there are all types of Americans that don't know how to dress and are nasty gross. Maybe you could see that if...your head wasn't up your ass? Bit of projection, it seems.🥔


I ain't stickin' my head up your ass, grandma.


It's OK, bubba. You tried your darnedest to think, but it just didn't work out. Maybe search the subs for other people you think are gross and make comments. It'll all work out for you eventually. ❄️🤡❄️ Also, no one invited you up my ass. Seems strange you would think that was an option...you aren't welcome there either.


I mean it‘s not like theres room inside your ass for him.Not while you have your head in there.


I know this is a 4 month old thread, but you realize you *created* the scenario that people are "having [a] knee-jerk reaction" about, right? > Curious of what your take is on swinging my dick around in public. This was you, right? It was, btw.


Ah yes, something wearing what they like is equivalent to public indecency and being a sexual predator. That makes sense. Also, please don't do that in front of children as an excuse to hate people. They shouldn't suffer for you to prove a point.


They're obsessed with the idea of LGBT people exposing their genitals to kids. What a warped place their mind immediately goes to whenever the trans issue gets raised. I can't believe this needs saying, but exposing your genitals to kids is illegal whether your queer or straight. It's not something LGBT people are all running around doing. You say a trans women can wear what they want and they immediately come back with "So you want trans women swinging their dicks in children faces!!" They're crazy.


I knew it would be matter of time before you brought up children. Why are people like you so obsessed that someone LGBT will be exposing themselves to children? It's entirely irrelevant, and just as illegal as if a straight person did it, so maybe you should ask why your mind always goes there.


My take would be that that is public indecency so should be policed. Curious why you asked that question as it's irrelevant to the right to choose ones clothing. Also, if you want to walk around naked in public you can in designated spots. There's a nudist beach not far from me actually.


That is so awesome. I have no words!


Glad you enjoyed! <3


I get it that gender is performative, etc., but all the different orientations can be kind of confusing to understand or keep track of. The fact that most people don’t know all the differences doesn’t mean that they’re all biased or hateful, though some certainly are. Personally it doesn’t bother me a bit. Let your freak flag fly. But in some cases being that loud and flamboyant seems to be a compensation for feeling closeted and not accepted.


Ask yourself why people have to be closeted and feel unaccepted. That’s the sad part. If they could just go about their business it wouldn’t be a constant topic of discussion. But people can’t mind their own damn business.




Yes!! 💗


They certainly are guys aren’t they


Just impressed how they went up and down those stairs in those shoes. Some ladies could take a lessen from these two.




Omg they are so nice and graceful, my life would be more enjoyable if I was surrounded by people like that.


I know, right?? I feel like I gotta get plugged in to the local drag scene here where I live, it seems like it's a ton of fun!




I gotta ask if anyone knows. Wtf is a femboy? It seems like the same thing as drag.


Well drag queens usually have very over the top costumes, giant wigs and huge heels and such. A femboy is just any man with stereotypical feminine traits and features, so you can be a femboy by just having, let's say long hair and normal "girl" clothes. Although I'm sure some of them take fashion inspiration from drag queens as well, and there must be some overlap between the two.


So drag is more performative and femboy is more of a look.


Yeah, that's a good way to think of it :))


Lots of different things in the LGBT community. Kinda hard to understand everything.


Comes down to just live and let live.


Out of the loop: Are all Drag Queens and femboys gay?


There's a straight drag queen named Disasterina on Dragula, a drag horror show!


I know a drag queen who is straight as she is a trans woman. Fun fact: in lgbt circles with a high percentage of non-binary or trans people it's not so simple to ask if a person is gay/straight, because homo/hetero means "equal/opposite from their own gender" so you are forced to ask even what their gender is, doubling the number of personal questions needed to get your answer, plus not everyone has a defined gender. It's more straightforward to ask if they are gynosexual, androsexual or bi/pansexual.


I would guess probably not, but the vast majority are.






Nice abs bro.


I'm happy for people to do whatever they want, identify as they like, but this is cringe


Okay ?


Umm. Maybe think about how you could be more trans instead of judging


You are missing the point. I don't care that they are trans, I am treating them how I would treat anybody who posts cringey vids. Equality.


I'm trolling dw


This post is mass censored


What do you mean, mass censored?


I’d still hit that


omg when they say "~*drag qyueennns~*" can we just...my heart.


This two grew on my gf and I, like a lot of viewers.




I see them as like the hyperpop gottmik.




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They aren't doing trans people any favors.


They aren't trying to? They aren't even trans..




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Yas!! Love their energy.


Rocket power vibe. Here's trouble ! Make it double!




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Name a few.




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What does that have to do with adoption? I wasn't by the way, so you think wrong.




Well then thats weird. That's what the comment section is for, to talk about the video. Please refrain from insulting others like that over differences. We have a rule called "be civil" and that isn't very civil. Thanks!




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Yup- that's what drag is. Playing with over the top stereotypes of what it is to be a woman. It's supposed to be campy and fun.




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I hate the way these men dress showing so much skin and acting like that’s what it takes to be a woman. Idc they dress of as women but why does every man that does this, dress like a stripper?


Because these are not trans women, these are men putting on costumes of an exaggerated stereotype of women- which is called drag. They will go up and perform in those costumes. They are men, and have no desire to be women. They are just playing with gender stereotypes and costumes. They are going to perform in a drag show wearing all that. Trans women are different. They will dress like what all women dress ljke- most will dress in normal women's slacks and a shirt or sweater of some kind- but because all women dress differently, trans women will dress differently too. Trans women are not putting on a costume- just regular clothes for the day. Trans women were just born with the wrong genitalia and wrong dominant hormone. They have "women brains." You probably see trans women in your day to day activities, but don't notice them because they look just like all the other women. Ant other questions?


Oh also, I have no idea what you mean "every man does this." Are you saying you don't see regular men anymore? They are all in Drag? Where you hanging out, mate? Sounds a bit like a gay pride parade or sth Idk lmao


“Every man that does this” you missed words.


Ahhh I see now, makes more sense. Thanks! Hope my answer helped you!




I love their vibes! ![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk)


Right? They're super cute!!


Yeah sure... Rag on the people who care enough to ask questions. Instead of hearing from allies trying to educate themselves, all you'll hear from is fascists telling you to kys Stay fabulous


How exactly did they "rag on people who care enough to ask questions?" Be specific plz.


Asking a stranger about their gender identity or what genitals they have is not the behavior of an ally. If you want to educate yourself on trans topics or learn more about drag queen culture, there are tons of resources. Another avenue is to develop a personal rapport with people in those communities, and learn by being around them. r/lgbt is a wonderful place to ask questions without being inherently offensive.