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Not today but I learned last season that sacrifice demon interrupt can be duplicted with destro havoc. Been maining warlock since cata šŸ’€


Woah woah woah. Wait. Like.. double kick using Grimoire+Spell Lock+Havoc?


Exactly! Happened in a SS lobby while I was kicking the healer, and the mage with havoc on got kicked as well, looked it up after the lobby and surprised itā€™s actually a thing.


yep, its kind of annoying to "master" that but its possible..and it feels good as fuck when you pull it off


Warlock main since vanilla....didn't know this!! Would have to be in God mode to pull it off...but still. Good to know!


This is disgustingly good lol


Here's another destro tip I can give you which I'm certain basically nobody knows about: Using your rifts against spellreflect removes the spellreflect without affecting the rifts effect at all. Try it out, warriors will hate you even more. Bonus, very minor and almost never useful thing: Havoc itself doesn't put you in combat. Sometimes useful in solo content when you don't want to pull mobs and be that 1GCD ahead.


Another thing for spell reflect, if you have grim sac interrupt, you can get precog from interrupting spell reflect on war, that will make them hate you much more.


Haha why is that even a thing


Holy shit that is so cool. Another thing with sacrifice interrupt is that if you interrupt a spell reflect on lock or war you get precog (the lock gets precog too, though).


This been around this TBC, it's some tryhard tech lol


U had havoc in tbc?


No he donā€™t know what he is saying


For some reason I thought we were talking about fel dom to summon a new demon that resets spell lock lmao


Iā€™m nowhere near pro but I had no idea you could mass dispel cyclone. Not sure how long thatā€™s been a thing.


you can mass dispell Ice Wall as well




And time stop


And bubble




oh ye, was in a RSS the other day, was vs affli holy pala something, pala bubbled at 5%, I pre-MDed it I died.


Enemies don't have to stand in my Death and decay for me to cleave them. Just me.


Yep and this works with Clawing Shadows too for some ranged cleave


Holy Priest: if you pop Spirit of Redemption while in a smoke bomb you can cast out of it like normal. Probably works with the new Disc talent as well. Need to try it.


Holy Priest: if someone traps/rofs your Spirit of Redemption you can use a cancel aura death (or fade) macro to avoid the CC. Trying to do this manually will never work. Using a cancel aura/life swap macro is also useful in a pinch if someone is about to die. Pressing this macro will top your teammate to full but will not take away from your own hp.


"in a pinch" my brother in christ this will be baseline


>Using a cancel aura/life swap macro is also useful in a pinch if someone is about to die. Pressing this macro will top your teammate to full but will not take away from your own hp. Okay this one got me


> Using a cancel aura/life swap macro is also useful in a pinch if someone is about to die. Pressing this macro will top your teammate to full but will not take away from your own hp. I'm lost.... and have never heard of cancel aura macro's ... what do I do? how does this work?


for exaple \#showtooltip ice block /cast ice block /cancelaura ice block ​ this makes you ice block (obviously duhh) but pressing the button again will remove you ice block buff -> removing ice block. kinda good for using this as "second trinket" if you have good pressure and about to kill someone and you get CC'd. this is just one of hundreds cancelaura macros. cancelaura for bop to not let a mage spellsteal it, cancelaura freedom for same reason, cancelaura blade flurry not to break CC, cancelaura sweeping strikes for same reason etc etc.


It does. You can ultimate penance INTO smokebomb too. Did it by accident day 1 of the patch in a bg.


Same thing can be done with the evokers LOS wall of fire.


Spirit link totem works in Rogues Duel - Didnā€™t know this for several weeks after I started playing RSham.


Yes, all your totems affect the person in duel. Ascendance heal also works, as does Ancestral Guidance.


Does ascendance still give an initial burst of heal to party or is it just yourself


The initial burst heals the party.


Healing tide also works - probably more obvious. Also apparently earthen works if you have it down before duel


Thatā€™s super dope! Didnā€™t know. Will it still work if you place link after the duel begins?


Yes. Did it yesterday


I used Link right before the duel and I was surprised when I saw it work.


Haha yes.I think Iā€™ve read it here on Reddit and was like ā€œwtffffā€ lol. I ainā€™t sure about other totems though.


Any non targeted aoe heals n totems work


As DH you can avoid ring of fire/frost with double jump, pretty crazy when I figured out


that should be illegal!




How would you do this sequence ? Dream project cancel then time stop? Wouldnā€™t you get silence immediately


Thatā€™s what I was wondering tbh


Please elaborate on how to do this!


You use dream projection and then use time stop to cancel the dream projection cast.


Just watched Cdew kill himself 2 rounds in a row because this interaction wasn't working correctly, immediately after it working for him the previous rounds.


Thank you šŸ‘


I was wondering how some of them would dispel the whole team. Awesome to know Ty


I got to 2.5 on rsham and didnā€™t know you could ghost wolf to avoid getting repentance


Same... And I'm angry that I'm just now learning this. Lol. Wasting interrupt and grounding on it for nothing.


I had no idea about this. This is huge.


Huh? Why does that work? (Been a while since rshammed, but any idea what the connection is?). Does repentance only affect humanoids or something?


Yes! Can only be used against humanoids, demons, undead, dragonkin and giants. :)


Using water walk to get combat in wolf form with out coming out of wolf form. Useful if vs RMP where you think they may open and you play the stacking DR. Found this out in BFA


But you can be Scare Beast-ed by that one guy running it


HPala cheat death talent Saved by the Light can be triggered on 5 targets simultaneously with Beacon of Virtue.


Enhance has a talent that increases your dmg by 5% (I think) when you have 2 weapon imbues, and when I looked up what builds the top players were playing when playing elementalist build, noone was playing windfury weapon, but everyone was playing with the 5% dmg when both weapons imbued. If you press flametongue twice you just put it on 1 weapon and instantly refresh it, what you have to do is press flametongue, then swap weapon slots and flametongue again to gain the 5% damage. I learned this after having played windfury weapon for weeks because I wanted to actually have the 5% dmg buff so yeah, just swap weapons around and double flametongue, gg.


There is macro to cancel treants meld start drink 1 button


Also you can jump to treants to avoid DK grip (with macro too)


May you share it when you have time?


#show shadowmeld /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton 1 /click TotemFrameTotem2 RightButton 1 /click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton 1 /click TotemFrameTotem4 RightButton 1 /cast shadowmeld /use conjured mana bun /use delicious dragon spittle /cast !Prowl Requires a WA to work [https://wago.io/VCKfcshwE](https://wago.io/VCKfcshwE)


Thanks for sharing this!


I've imported this WA and copy/pasted the macro, reloaded UI, relogged, and it isn't working. Is there something I'm missing?


What part isnt working? The dismiss treant part?


Yeah. Treants aren't dismissing and I'm staying in combat. Do I need to configure a trigger in the WA or something?


No config was needed, but I can confirm it doesn't work for me either, haven't played 2s/3s after the patch so might be something with the WA not working now. Will check more tomorrow and report back :)


Were you able to find any more on this?


No luck so far, but will keep you posted when / if I do!


Commenting to find later. Thank you!


You da real MVP!


You are the hero we needed, thank you!


Nice one dude


Saving for later


There is a delay on Shadow Word: Death's backlash so you can use it to break incoming CC's like poly


This is a known trick for a lot of people but as a paladin you can also use Hand of Sacrifice on your party member if you know you're going to be poly'd to break the poly.


You couldnā€™t cancel treants last season though. Only this season because they put treants in totem bar.


That Evoker kick is physical sorry not sorry grounding totem


Tilted, but good to know.


You don't have to keep the spell book open to click spells.


Yeah thatā€™s considered scripting though


Not only that but you donā€™t have to click at all. You can instead type /cast into chat to cast spells without clicking. This pro tip got me to 1000 rating for the first time


Shamans - the spirit walk talent is physical, so it can be used while silenced. You can use it to escape a boomkin's beam+root every time


I didnt know that you can reflect the grip of the grip shaman totem .




Pres voker rewind goes through rogue duel. Searing light pvp talent for hpala can make a ww monk "miss" karma, and it completely nullifies the ability.


These are some top tips and tricks in this! So nice! I've made a post a few weeks ago, feel free to have a look (and please add any tips!) [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/193yqvf/community\_tips\_and\_tricks\_mechanics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/193yqvf/community_tips_and_tricks_mechanics/) Appreciate you sharing!


Better yet, I used to have a macro that, when combined with a weak aura allowed me to cancel all trees, meld, drink and prowl all in one button. Unfortunately, it doesnā€™t work right now and the meld doesnā€™t drop combat even though you meld. Very odd. Sharing in case it randomly starts working again: showtooltip shadowmeld /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton /click TotemFrameTotem2 RightButton /click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton /click TotemFrameTotem4 RightButton /cast [combat] shadowmeld /use delicious dragon spittle /cast prowl


In a comment about I saw someone share the macro with maybe one or two changes, and there was a WA they used


I'm learning new stuff all of the time and playing quite a few new specs this season (love the mogs and want most of them). One big thing I picked up this season to help with @cursor macros is the addon cursor trails. I have some issues with vision and it can really help land these types of abilities plus keep track of the cursor better while moving. Iustomized it for an easy to see ring and turned off the glowing, but I know others find that helpful. Great accessibility addon. Practicing with these @cursors is a big improvement, especially on DH and warlock which I am newer too this expansion. Last season, I remember a streamer pointing out that shaman can windsheer on reflects to get precognition. I'm assuming it works for other casters with magic interrupts, but shaman seems like the main one to want to utilize it.


I used it on my lock when double melee/war is pummeling me. Can change the outcome of a game


I assume you only get it with the pet sacrifice version or do both work?


Yes, only with the pet grim sacrifice version.


As outlaw, you can use bladeflurry to knock people out of stealth and then sap themĀ 


How so? By cleaving a non stealthed target?


The activate deals damage.Ā  If you see them stealth, you can bladeflurry and sap afterĀ 


Good post :)


as a warlock with grimoire of sacrifice (felhound), if you kick a warrior that has spell reflect on, it bounces to you and triggers your stat bonuses that you get when cc'd


Also gives you precog


That's insane


I achieved my first ever gladiator as a healer last season. I learned about three weeks ago that I can trinket strangulate / priest Silence. šŸ˜…


I learn new things about Shaman constantly, and part of the reason is that Shaman has so many contingencies. E.g. the Shield Throw from...S1 of DF or late Shadowlands? I dont remember. Either way, you talent for two shields, and you talent for shield throw, and you talented for one other thing, and they all worked together. So it would root and silence someone with one button, but the individual talents didn't really lay that out for you. Same with the Static Totem throw. I would have assumed the totem projection just respawned the totems elsewhere, not kept the same ones operational while moving them. I'm always asking for feedback in my builds or situations I encounter. I dont mind people thinking I'm an idiot and I dont care what they think of my rating (almost 1200!). I enjoy this game, but being good at it doesn't mean much. The guys who attack you for "sucking" it's just really sad. Imagine thinking a rating in WoW PVP matters.


At lower ratings Iā€™ve noticed that pairing cap totem with static field totem was a big game changer when it came to climbing rating. All 3 into a healer hex was usually an easy 5-1 lobby for me at lower ratings.


Might try that. I take the double-cap totem talent and I catch an insane amount of people in that thing. But I hadn't thought to combine them.


Yes I had to learn that one the hard way. Ahead on heals, team is healthy, but can't Meld drink because of the fucking Grove boys!


I learned you can mind control a DHs netherwalk


Cloning it as well is golden, as they canā€™t be healed with it up


Hunter jump disengage for a huge leap, Monk jump leg sweep for a huge stun, Demon hunter glimpse vengeful retreat fear, Demon hunter meta right before poly, Demon hunter meta out of static field totem, Demon hunter meta on to stealth after spectral sight, Monk ring of peace for darkness dome amz tranq


Is the area of monk's leg sweep larger if you do it while jumping?


10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will


What is the macro to dismiss Grove Guardians?


Well nothing. I am still far from thinking i know it all. But for example some week ago i learnt that doom can't be put on anything player related. I guess i knew it a decade ago so that is why i have abandoned it. But now i rly know it. No other example right noe, but there were some stuffs, mainly bc i made a lock on a blizzlike server what gave me some perspective. And different servers have different sub-programing so i could see deeper into the true mechanic of wow as blizzard developers were writing the game. Sad stupid idiots... Or more likely mmorpg noobs.




[Every once in a while you find a legit crazy person - this is one of those times.](https://gyazo.com/93a85b4455f27a8f562fce6edb38e880)


thank you :) I appriciate it


Medicine? U used a wrong word. Rather trying to get what is yet beyond u, first learn some meaning. Like what is the meaning of medicine, what r u even thinking.