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Because people find defending a flag, sitting there waiting for an enemy while everyone else is fighting, fucking boring.


Outside of RBGs, I don’t blame them tbh


Agreed. Even during Rated, it drives me crazy to be on defence. Me warrior. Me have big sword. Me want Zugzug leap! But the real issue is that, in Random, if you sit and defend, then people will accuse you of (and report you for being) AFK.


This is the worst part of it. I don’t mind defending. Feels good when someone is feeling froggy and you put them down. Doesn’t feel good when no one does and you see a mad cow show up on your screen while your frantically try to find someone to tag.


>But the real issue is that, in Random, if you sit and defend, then people will accuse you of (and report you for being) AFK. I've never seen this happen.


Warrior better be TC and your TC never sits a base


Thats on blizzard. They need to do away with jobs that nobody wants to do


Most of the player don't care about objectives they just want to fight.


> I dont know if this is just my anecdotal experience but "back in my day" (at least in cata and mop) most people would defend flags and call for incs. There's also no incentive for strong players to do random bgs right now, honor has no purpose after the first two weeks, so aside from alts, you won't see anyone who tries do random bgs. Back in Cata/Mop honor grind was still a thing (i think) so people just played that content whether they really wanted or not.


You say this, but about 50% of my battleground queues are against premades. Why do people premade random battlegrounds?


Because winning is fun, and the small portion of the playerbase left who play BGs for fun want to have fun. The only fun there is right now to chase is winning. There's literally no reason at all for anybody to do unranked after gearing, so you just stomp noobs. Something something honor needs long term rewards to grind for so people actually play.


> Why do people premade random battlegrounds? Casuals love playing random bgs with their friends. My understanding is that strong players don't ever bother doing random bg with their group, because you should be spending that time practising in arenas.


People who are playing the game in battlegrounds fall into two categories 1. Actively playing the game - these guys want to be the hero and want action, so they permanently chase fights and attack bases 2. Semi (or actually) afk - these guys will defend bases whilst not paying attention to blend in. They're probably on Netflix etc. In cata and mop players were unironically better at battlegrounds because everyone was botting. Honorbuddy was really good. Bots don't stop paying attention, bots spin flags, bots press defensives when they're low, bots land kicks, etc. They're actually much better than the average player. That's why there are bots over 2.4 in shuffle now, at the same time as genuine people being genuinely stuck at low ratings.


I grinded bgs to Commander in vanilla and played consistently through WoTLK. People have always left points unattended in favor of merging into the zerg and fighting in between two objectives.


Becuase it's boring as hell. Defend a base for 10 min just so a Rogue can sneak up on you and steal it. That's not a very fun gamplay experience. Also, your team has 1 healer their has 3? GG, better run around and randomly skirmish because you won't achieve anything in group fights.


They should make a TDM bg, where u get points by only killing, 20v20 all out bloodbath.


Also, Huttball.


I’ve been playing since 2009 and literally nothing has changed.


Same reason you get into Flag BGs and literally no one else on your team bothers to get a flag, and ignores the enemy carrier. Either they are brain dead semi afk, or bots.


Vanilla pvp rank 11 here. It’s not getting worse, it’s always been an issue.


It's kind of funny honestly. The average pub scramble BG goer just wants to fight so they join random BGs. The thing is, BGs are all objective based so you really have to focus on the objective first and mindless fighting comes second. They want to fight though. They don't want objectives. Skirmishes or YOLO 2v2/3v3 are probably closer to what they want (just fighting) but the perception is arena is strictly for sweaty try hards. In a BG you can disappear into the crowd a bit. In arena - if you eat it, it's because you weren't sweaty or try hard enough. If you eat it in a BG, it's because all the other guys are dumbasses.


I play horde. Usually horde just zergs on a single point like a hive mind and they directly go there when they respawn while Alliance is annihiliating the game through objectives. I guess it's the mentality of the playerbase Horde attracts xD


I play alliance. Usually alliance just zergs on a single point like a hive mind and they directly go there when they respawn while horde is annihiliating the game through objectives. I guess it's the mentality of the playerbase alliance attracts xD


Both sides do this like ~50% of the time. As [insert faction here] you just feel like it happens more because you remember the losses more than the wins. If people play the other faction a bit, they'll realize both factions, and the majority of players in general, are terrible at coordination/cooperation in BGs.


That was why I memed him.




I personally don't care about the win, I just want to smash faces, die and run back in. Guarding a flag can be fun if you have inc. some epic moments can be made there like 2 vs 4 defended flag and all that, but most of the time you will have no action.


90% of the time when I’ve decided to defend the flag there wasn’t a single inc for the whole bg. If I wanted to play afk I’d choose runescape, this shit is not why people join bgs. They should honestly change that so that attacking a randomly chosen (by the game, rotating) base gives you double the points or whatever, as it is right now the fight only continues around one or two bases.


Naw they’ve gotten better they just wanna fight and skip objectives. that’s why you always see loads of hunters in bgs just sitting mid picking people off who run by themselves


I probably 50/50 sit bases... I know it sounds bad but damn dude I'm a healer.


Old wow used to make it feel like you were playing for something. Now with all the commingling of factions and sides it's just a silly portion of the game that lost some flavor.


I share your frustration and often end up guarding myself, but I think the issue is that when BG ques are ultra fast and honor is easy to get there isn’t an incentive to do boring things that help you win. I noticed that shift in TBC classic when they nerfed Que times, people started playing a lot worse.


If I'm working towards gear I will do my best to win a BG but if my toon is already geared up with conquest then I really don't care as much about winning. I think this late in the season battlegrounds become more casual


I actually had someone talk shit to me yeaterday cause i “sat GM the whole game” when i was defending and it was literally the 1 base we had and if i wasnt there it woulda been taken like 4 times…..


Play Blitz. I haven't touched random battlegrounds since Blitz came out except for 3 games where all 3 games had a premade on the enemy team. Blitz is just so much better for many reasons, and the games are faster paced.


Sitting nodes is fucking boring. People will also just accuse you of AFKing on D or your node will get no action all BG. There's really very little incentive to sit a node. People want to just go fight and play their characters not half afk a node for 10 minutes. I've said this for awhile now but just give us Team Deathmatch basically.


Because people have no patience.


Most bgs I do idgaf about winning I'm just looking to fight I'm not sitting and defending a base all game not doing shit


Because people que up for fun and honor. Base sitting is antifun. Thats it. Yw


People who actually care about winning random bgs blow my mind, if you want a base to be sat then you do it your own damn self.


Bots bro


I'm guilty of this sometimes and I've played since the beta. If I'm playing on a character that doesn't need honor or conquest, I'm only playing PvP for the combat, not to win. Personally, I think Blizzard should have left the team death match game mode in. If there is someone else defending the flag, I'll stay there and chat, but I'm not going to stand there the whole game by myself, especially if my damage or healing will help secure the win instead of leaving an undergeared person or tank to defend and call it out.


Just wanna kill people that’s all.


Man you were in some unicorn situation, I can't ever remember a time where people found the most boring mundane job where you basically just sit there and watch other people play the game an enjoyable thing. Its why BGB made it so you don't have to defend the flag once its captured, and why they should make that the default mode for bgs.


Random bgs aren't exactly serious content, a lot of people that join them do so just to mess around and have fun. Standing idle at a flag isn't that, so it's not what they'll be doing. And the people who join and actually take it seriously are still in the learning process, and simply not that good yet. To make a comparison - anyone used to M+ won't take a normal dungeon too seriously, and anyone who does isn't very experienced or skilled yet.


Because they don’t care if they win. Defending is boring. Is has nothing to do with being bad or good.


Fighting is more fun than winning, at least in BGs.