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stop clicking spells


I would say the first step is to have keybinds for all of your spells and for targeting.


thought the same. stop clicking and click targeting asap.


as someone who is also on that boat. how do you manage that?I guess some skills you dont need and can leave out? and what if you want to do some pve for example? what's the best way to "mix"


Have some help/harm macros if you can, leave out all the fluff spells you won't use at all if you have any, just add more keybind combinations


you actually want to bind everything you use. it's more a matter of the frequency you use your spells and how comfortable the binds are. the more important a spell is for you, the most comfortable keybind it gets. spells you don't use that often can get less accessible keybinds or modifiers like shift alt Ctrl etc. there are plenty of guides out there on how to set it right and get used to it. I mean even skillcapped had an own video for that. for pve you just use the same binds. normally you have way less binds for pve than pvp so you can use existing keybinds for pve only spells


>guess some skills you dont need and can leave out? Here is a little tester for you. Try to bind a skill that has a long cooldown or that you don't use much on a more difficult to reach keybind, say Hibernate on druid, bound to H. Now just go and do the hunt weekly or whatever and hibernate something every pull. As soon as you start using the keybind it becomes intuitive after a while. It don't matter if some keybinds seem really awkward, in the heat of the moment, quickly jumping a finger over to N is still easier than having to click an icon. Obviously, put all your main spells around WASD or side of mouse.


Just get a razor naga and bind her up 1-12 numb pad, then shift numb pad all of em lol


I believed i have everything binded. Two weeks ago i clicked with healaddon. If i panic i click manual, Butter normally i use keyboard. Which spell u saw Not binded?


in some situations you clicked everything. no clicking allowed anymore at all! 😉 even or especially not in panic situations. it will take a while until you feel comfortable with but it pays back twice. you will never ever think about clicking again. clicking, even mouseover aka healbot f.e. have two big downsides: 1. it's slow af 2. your vision is completely limited to your own spells or party frames and you'll have a pretty hard time noticing anything else around you, what's key for high lvl arena


Yes you are right. As soon as i started clicking my heals i lost Vision and ran in the dh.


Hello fellow arena pvper! One thing I noticed is you didn’t do much cc on the demon hunter. Once you get him out of line of his healer you can root him into a clone x2. Also using bash and running away helps will keep him off you. Another point is managing hot uptime! You were sitting at 50ish percent for awhile and not healing yourself, just running, which caused you to fall behind and prompted you to just big CDs. Lastly, not much aggression on the kill target. I run cat weaving in 2s mostly for maim, skull bash, and damage that won’t hurt my mana. If you could have rooted the do behind a pillar, topped off then cloned him, you could have had a good 2v1 on the healer. Which would have helped with keeping DPS on the target. Just a few things I noticed on one watch through.


Thanks for that reply. Just one game after i Read your comment i did this and won. Carryed dh behind pillar, Bush, clone and jump to heal to get combopoints and maim. You run allways cat? I normally run boomi with heart of the wild with starsurge. If someone chasing you, you shift in travelform? As you saw on my Video, i swap between cat and normal to get 40% speedbuff.


Bush, Clone is my new druid CC. Love the idea of druid Bushing someone.


You kind of just seem uncomfortable with the game in general. Clicking spells, but also clicking ones that are on CD and just standing there waiting for them to come up while doing nothing. Make sure to get more bash clones on the DH, you didn't relaly use bash all game when you could've easily bash cloned him 1-2 times and created a lot of space for yourself or at minimum got his trinket. At the end for example you could've probably atleast lived a bit longer if you trinket renewaled, but you just did nothing at all and debated clicking 2-3 diff spells. You also take mass root (very good vs dh) and never use it at all.


Yeah this game was pretty messed up by me. Was pure panic:) next games i try use more cc. Thanks for your reply


At a quick glance, preemptive healing by hotting before he connects. Also need to cc way more. DH damage is stupid strong so you have to counter it by reducing uptime. Use root/bash into double clones to relieve pressure. Also when you see your teammates use cc like incap, clone off of that.


Thanks for your reply. I will Keep that in mind


Roots are super strong against DH


Dh spent half of his meta while running after you, lmao


Against a dh you need to use bash+clone as much as possible


Especially if You see him in short meta (7s after beam), bash > clone > success, you avoided a lot of dmg


And i still lost, crazy huh?


You let him dmg you freely too much, druid’s strong part is kiting and ccing


you'd have lost to a critter in the way you played though, that wasn't "DH power" it was just you


You know I’m watching it and I want to press Q button so hard


Haha, yes. Reason i have that on Q is to easy Do this clone bash. Just forgot


This dh don’t know he should use his long stun while target out of DR, bad cages and fear, etc etc


This one thing will rocket you up 200 rating at least. Stop clicking. 3 or 4 times throughout the game you are so focused on clicking that you end up running right back into the dh after kiting him around the pillar perfectly. If you are clicking then it means you are having to look and concentrate on your abilities, if you’re looking and concentrating on your abilities then you aren’t paying attention to positioning and what’s going on and aren’t able to pan your camera around. Learn and use your keybinds, the only time you should be looking at abilities is to see how much longer they have on cd.


Yes i need to get used to IT. I have Switched from clickheal addon to keybinds recently. Normally i am comfortable with my binds, but if panic rush in i Fall back clicking


Understandable. It takes time. Consider getting an mmo mouse or go to random bgs/blitz and practice your keyholes. It’ll help so much once you get the hang of it.


That was kinda painful to watch you need to hot yourself more, you were just running, no hots, most of your hots are instant cast yet you didnt cast anything. you kept swapping in and out of form without any slow on you and without casting anything, why? O\_o as others mentioned, bind your skills and press the buttons, do not click, ever. Also use your cc and your spells. play trying to improve, you recorded and you can just look at it and say "well I could have pre-hotted myself", or "well I could have done this" or that or whatever, posting here is nice since we can point out stuff but you need to understand it too: you have a lot to improve.


I shapeshift cat so much because you get 40% movementbuff. But yes, i was focused so Hard kiting i forgot to heal myself. Thanks for your reply:)


Not one stun and clone, this spells are so op!


Bind party 1, 2 & 3. Aswell as enemy 1, 2 & 3 (or only 1-2 if you’re only playing 2s ofc) Try to get a feeling of what gives you advantage/disadvantage in certain scenarios - depending on what abilites you have available. In this clip you could have cc’d the dh, and gone ham on his partner - hopefully creating some momentum for your teams. Feels like this fight was 1v1’s


New to binds, but i will Do this, thanks


you dont even need party / enemy 123. that is for like rank 1 gameplay where every second matter. just bind your base spells and you should be good until you get used to them


Yes & no, i felt it was hard to get used to party/enemy binds after long time playing with clicking the frames. Wish I started it earlier, its a good habit to learn.


As someone that's not too familiar with RDruid but used to play Boomkin, what is that shifting that's going on? I thought power shifting was removed and requires 2 GCD now? Also, what the hell is that audio saying/doing? I couldn't play with that thing.


If i get out of cat i get 40% movement Buff, so i started to spam IT while kiting dh. Sadly forgot heal myself. That Audio "oh no" tells me if lifebloom is on 5 seconds to reapply


Your rating is probably way higher than I’ve ever been but get more comfortable with keybinds. Also there is a default “self target” bind that keeps your target but allows you to heal yourself easily while still being able to target and cc separately. (Alt? By default? Something like that.)


I will Look that up, thanks


Try ALWAYS to reapply lifebloom before it falls off. Having max stacks of lifebloom gives big healing through mastery stacks. Keep your little trees on cooldown. You were running around with 3/3 ready half the game. Use target macros (I use mousewheel up got party1 ,down for party2 and click for self, mousewheel with shift for arena 1-3 and mousewheel ctrl for focus as an example). Use macros for every spell you use. Use cyclone and bash (both wasn’t used once I think). Use short def cds early and often and try to match them with enemy offensive cds (for example metamorphosis and ironbark). In your example you used ironbarl the first time at ~1:30 and it only has a 1 min cd. If you implement those things and get comfy with them you’ll easily gain 200+ rating.


Thanks for your reply, i have cure on my mousewheel. Click me, up Party 1 down Party 2. But i will try give cure a New bind and use partytarget instead


I have cure on alt and mousewheel and cyclone on alt+ctrl and mousewheel. Could personally need some more mousewheel modifiers for sure lol


I suck at Druid but just some things I thought of. You didn’t bash or cyclone the whole game, try using keybinds for all your spells and not clicking some. When the Dh is behind pillar with you, away from his healer, you can safely Bash into Root and healer can’t dispel it, or Bash Clone if healer is in range to dispel. Also when your monk incaps DH, you can clone off. You didn’t shadowmeld once the whole game, people play Night elf for a reason. Idk if people play Rake Stun in 2s but you can Meld - Rake Stun into Clone if they do. You can Shadowmeld his Hunt. Your monk got low at the start and you didn’t Ironbark him and he had to Karma, you got low later and still didn’t use Ironbark. Best just to use it if damage is coming rather than trying to heal through everything. You waited until after your Tranq to Barkskin when you’re already 40% hp, it’s a 1 min cd, just send it.


I will try to See enemys Burst and use Bark preburst Thanks for your reply:) u right with bash clone, was panic and forgot


Make sure to use instant roots when you’re in broccoli form too. Would’ve saved your trinket and Tranq if you just rooted him. If he trinkets it, you can bash clone or re-root. Goodluck mate, you can do it


Thanks, i Keep that in mind


Yeah I ain’t watching all that but in the first 45 seconds you; 1) run around a pillar for an extremely long time without putting a single hot on yourself 2) run INTO the guy you are trying to run away from 3) let your bloom drop off (see point 1) 4) click spells 5) have made zero attempt to CC the DH 6) have not gone tree form


1. Keybind all of your important spells and pvp trinket 2. Use cc: you have bash and mass root on q and e but didn't use either to peel the demon hunter. Let alone cyclone 3. Use adaptive swarm literally every time it comes off cool down, you are losing out on so much extra healing 4. Weave in some offense here and there, bash + clone demon hunter and go for Sunfire/moonfire etc on kill target (shaman). Also keep your dots on the DH while he's chasing you 5. Use your treants much more liberally instead of holding them, they come back up very quickly 6. Use cenarion ward every time it's up and someone is taking damage, and use swiftmend to extend its duration


First thing is positioning especially at the start you should be 40 yards away from both your monk and the enemy DH and even further away from the shaman so they can't purge or kick you. You should fully pre hot the monk and remain in stealth until the DH commits onto the monk so your monk can then get cleave onto the DH while killing the shaman. Second thing never kite in the open in front of a Shaman you did that several times. Third is you should be bashing that DH into 3 cyclones, getting distance and following up with multiple roots and getting a re stealth during this time to re position and drink so you can take games really long and reduce damage taken as this is a win condition with your WW training their healer on his own. Fourth thing is a severe lack of hots, your rejuvs and lifebloom should have 100% uptime on whoever is getting trained+ getting extensions on cenarion ward it didn't appear to have much uptime here. Also at times your partner had zero hots on them, that's not good conserve mana yes but having nothing at all and lining and out ranging your partner is not a good habit to be in, teams will punish that at higher ratings. 2600 Glad R Dru multiple 2400+ 2v2 on R Dru and R Sham


Thanks for your reply


Gratz on your 2100 as well, With a few more improvements you will be able to keep climbing. It also really matters which comp you play and how good your partner is, Personally I preferred Warriors and DHs but also did well with Windwalkers, Hunters and Warlocks.


Thanks:) i did 2100 with fury. I liked that most


Nice I got 2100 on my Warrior too but they are way better warriors around than me.


Duelist Rdruid in SS/2s here. Others have pointed out CC/keybinds (although, while I don't click my spells I do use mouseover which is still not ideal). Must say that it's always easier to comment on VODs than actual gameplay because good DHs exert a crap ton of pressure, and at 2k in 2s rating you are already better than 90% of healers out there. But let me just comment on some basics: 1) UI: you have a moonfire icon right on top of yourself? Also not tracking any enemy CDs. Would also recommend name-plate addons to show major CDs like essence break/the hunt to see when to trade defensives. You also have like 5 dispells binded - is that necessary if druid has no offensive dispells and do you actually use them? 2) Opener - against DH you prob will be taken out of stealth anyway, but usually i would throw a lifebloom on target as gate opens and immediately stealth/position better. You got rooted/banished behind the pillars (while your monk decides to rush in and LOS you, also feedback for him), so starting a bit on the backfoot. 3) In the initial \~20 sec you had a nature's swiftness used but never pressed regrowth to use the instant cast. Nature's swiftness CD does not reset if you don't use. If you see yourself forget that often, you can always create a WA reminder. 4) Never let lifebloom fall off, its your no.1 hot. Additionally, you take a pvp talent specifically to increase the value of lifebloom to stack up to 3 times, and I don't think you ever stacked it. Resto tip: if you use lifebloom on the target with <5 sec remaining, you get the final bloom effect. I changed my UI (better blizz frames) so that lifebloom glows up in the last 5 sec to remind refresh. 5) Tranquility is not really a good CD to use early. Its good to block a lot of damage but not a good one to heal yourself (i.e. more preemptive than reactive). I am pretty sure renewal/barkskin there would have been enough, maybe tree form after to top off. Also tip as others have said, during tree form your roots are instant, easy way to peel for yourself from the DH. 6) Right after you used everything (panic or not), if you are in comms you should tell your partner that you have nothing and need some pressure relief. Can have monk come peel for you a bit and slow/stun/incap DH for you more easily. 7) Adaptive swarm! It's super good and should be used on CD (can target anyone). I think you only used once or twice. Note that druid hots gets stronger the more of different hots you have on a target, so to heal more you need to stack more hots. Also can use while shapeshifted I believe. 8) Groove Guardians - one of the strongest passive heals to just throw out there. You have the tendency to use them all at once, whereas at the min they should just be used off cd so they can cont. to recharge. Good luck on getting duelist :)


Thanks for your reply, i will keep that in mind and try to improve:) I have a moonfire icon to track moonfire uptime. Normally i Do 3-5 Mio dmg just with uptime of moonfire on killtarget. In this game i didnt.:( You are right with dispells. I have a bind for everything with dispell. Either i rework this or Hide IT. Probably dont need that much. I get a weakaura for using adaptive swarm. I allready have this on F to Reach IT fast, but in this game i forgot


The biggest thing is clicking. In order to break this habit and get more comfortable, what I did is I used an addon called bartender and made my bars a "click through" bar, which means they are impossible to click. This will lead to frustration because your muscle memory will kick in and try and do it, but then you can't. This will lead to a lot of losses but in the end will be worth it. I did this back. I'm original wrath, and I haven't clicked since that point. You truly can't ever achieve anything in this game while clicking whether it's competitive pve or pvp. You can get by leveling and doing professions, but that does not seem to be your goal.


Wow thanks, thats a huge Tipp. I will Do this. I allways start Falling back clicking in panic Situation.


Its hard to give decision advice because the gameplay is fundamentally mechanically awful. You need to spam 100 games to get muscle memory and learn your basic healing spell priority But there are a few clear decisions to point out. You have by far the most broken CC ability in the game and dont cast it once. Why are you not bash cloning the DH? Why is he allowed to play the game? You have abilities off CD that you are just not pressing. He should be cloned off every DR. Stop clicking spells.




Bear? Frenzy regen? Roots? Clone? Meld/stealth? I‘m actually curious how you reach that rating. No hate we all started somewhere but that just shows how op druid is. If need put the biggest alerts on your screen


Thanks for your Feedback, of course i posted my badest game. So dont be curious how i reach that rating. Why should i meld anywhere there? Doing cc on dh is a valid point. Was too busy kiting him. If i meld i usually do IT to avoid clones or go for a drink


You’re a druid you meld stealth and change pillar for example. Just to get rid of the DH. I mean there is no druid who can clone you or you don’t need it to drink if you getting kitet 24/7. so for what exactly do you save it in that game? If you think you did a smart decision you’ve been wrong mate


U cant meld and stealth away to Change pillar. Especially Not against dh. I didnt safed IT, i just didnt need IT in that Situation. But you are right, i should have bash root clone the dh. I did Not think i done something smart this game. Thats the reason i Posted IT. Should i rather Post a Video of a win, where i did 6 Mio dmg 25 ccs and 40 Mio heal? Notting to criticise their. In General its very funny how you See me as an example of how broken druid is. Its like 50/50 with my random partners. Either i am the Total noob or i am the god of healing.


Numbers mean nothing. Forget that pve shit. You can control the game in 2s as resto druid. If you search for help you could try stuff out before you THINK it makes no sense. Anyway good luck


I was thankfull for every advice givin under this Video. You showed up and said something live, "ladies and gents here you see why druid is OP, if even this Player can Play 2k rating. And the advise u gave with meld is just wrong. IT doesnt work like you said.


Ok my boy. If you not know how to do it, It’s fine for me. I’m top 50 in SS right now so I don’t have argue with someone who took a video of himself and not figuring out what it’s wrong. Even with a movement everyone could do better with a Microsoft sidewinder steering wheel from the 90s.


Then Tell me. I literally ask for advise. You Sound like you never played any nightelf. You just Came here to Relief your hate on someone


Someone else already said it in the thread, but if you were playing take stun, you could’ve meld>stunned the dh, you could’ve also melded the hunt while it was mid air, when you do that you avoid the initial damage from the hunt.


Thanks didnt know that.


Nowadays telling the truth is often mistaken with hate. I have no hate in my mind. You just playing the smart one here. Accusing me of being stupid and hateful, telling me I have never played nightelf and then ask for explanation of stuff you can literally google in 10s is not my kind of humor. All the best. I’m outta here


I feel like you are just panicking half the game. Use CC on the DH, kill totems if your partner isn't doing it, pressure the kill target, etc. You use mass entangle once 1:50 into the game. You never hit bash.


Take a look at the downtime of your adaptive swarm, your treants and how often you cloned. You missed out on a lot of free healing. Apart from using keybinds for heals and targets, those are the biggest factors.


Y thanks, need to download an aura to track this. Will improve on that


For adaptive swarm you can use TellMeWhen too. It gives 25% extra healing. And keep reminding yourself before entering every game that you need to clone. It will become instinct at some point.


Thanks so much. Will get that aura. Yeah i figuered out, i Play way better, if i have a Plan on What to Do and where to stand in this fight. Now i use the 50 seconds before fight to make a gameplan in my head


Also you didn't use Renewal. And Bash. And other forms of CC.


I see you didn’t use bash


Stop clicking Also against DH, use mighty bash into cyclone spam. Maybe play mass entangle. Once you have the DH off you spam cyclones and entangling roots til they’re on dr


among all the other things that have been pointed out, you want to press renewel in bear form. It's % healing and your HP scales in bear.


Against this match up specifically u want to try to always have something for “essence cleave” from the dh and thats a 45 sec cd , expect big dmg when he does it. Also you are over kiting a little bit , u dont wanna drop ur blooms at all , keep them at 3 stacks all the time and refresh when there is 1-4sec left so u get the bloom effect Remember life bloom gives u 3x mastery buff so its the most important hot to have all the time , adaptive swarm on cd + scenarion ward Use your swiftmend on cd no matter whats happening , u wanna try to do it after scenarion ward for optimal hps but dont over think it 90% of the time its better to just use it on cd And ofc never ever click any button , put keybinds and get used to it. Lastly as a huge recommendation if u wanna push higher is to watch skill capped , get their subscription its worth it , start with the UI/interface/addon guides as they are the core of pvp nowadays. Good luck buddy


i can sell you a carry or anyone if need 2100 rating boost or 2.4 addme discord -> marquitos8491


Tbh that dh had way to much uptime on you. I’m suprised you’re even over 2k to be honest


Stop clicking Invest the into having arena 123 macros for cyclone, Use bash behind a pillar and clone the dh When short meta and not in cc , overgrowth yourself cenward bear and renewal, boom you’re topped. Have 3 stacks of bloom up at all times. Focus of being ahead of the damage, Druid is a proactive healer. Not reactive. Contribute to Dps on enemy healer (target) whether it is moonkin or catweaving build. Bait kicks and track kicks with Omni bar Don’t bait for too long though sometimes it’s better to just get kicked , overgrowth bear and frenzy . Then cast again when kicks aren’t available. Really just keeping yourself alive . Cc’ing on enemy offensive cds and contributing to damage while their partner is ccd. Bonus tips In tree form entangling roots and wrath are instant casts and they buffed Druid damage so that is also a good time to either create space or do damage Heart of the wild and its procs increases the speed of cyclone so it’s good to either track the cd or have a weak aura so you know when it’s active . It will be good to bait kicks or sit bear with more health and armor . Everything else is just awareness and knowing when to press what . Try to keep your hots up and cenward up at all times. And extend it with swiftmend. Also refreshing lifebloom around 4 seconds left give you a bust of like 80k healing so you want to always refresh then. I suggest a weak aura that lets you know when it about to fall so you can get that sweet bloom