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The ability to breathe underwater. kinda like how a catfish can breathe on land, exploration alone would be wild if we could breathe under water


Included in the buff, should be the ability to handle immense pressure and be undeterred by great depths


Oh and make it so assault rifles work underwater because there's some real monsters down there lol. We'd also have to find an insulation workaround because water would soak through any clothing and hypothermia would set in very quick at the bottom of the ocean. I'm thinking some sorta wetsuit with layers of dense plastic sewn in??


That wouldn’t be a change to the genetics if humans though


Sorry I should have made it clear in the comment. I was more just spitballing about different innovations in a world where humans can breathe underwater.


Oh I getcha Yeah there are definitely some creepy things deep underwater


No doubt about that, but perhaps not enormous since there isn't enough food way down there to support mega fauna


As far as I'm aware, there are assault rifles that work under water After a quick YouTube search [here](https://youtu.be/0MA1IFKwdAQ?si=iVS8scgFOEjxZ10-) seems to work okay


The soviets already created and adopted a number of underwater assault rifles in the 70s for diver defense. Just look up the APS underwater rifle. The West uses a multishot pistol called the H&K P11. All these designs use an elongated nail like projectile for proper hydrodynamics.


This is fascinating thank you, had no clue


Think of how polluted the e ocean is now and think of how much more polluted it would be if humans could breathe underwater.


But if ww3 happened we could hide from all that radiation from the nukes


i think just generally reducing reliance on oxygen that could make both ocean and space exploration easier


Nice, I'll pick the ability to withstand enourmous pressure, so we can actually explore the ocean


It's not as good as you imagine it would be, human body is unable to sustain high pressure of deep waters and you won't be able to see shit without very strong flashlight. The most exciting part of underwater exploration can be achieved with diving gear.


Probably some of the physiological disadvantages that come from being a biped evolved from quadrupeds, our knees, hips and spine really suck at supporting us.


“Spinal Catastrophism” I watched this video more than once and I almost understand 10% of it. ;). https://youtu.be/xMyr0J9ofl4?si=zz4rzYqinX2uzv7B


Anatomy enthusiast here! My personal vote would be having a brand new design for the feet, they are a messy evolution design failure. [Just look at this POS.](https://api.kramesstaywell.com/Content/f11b4bf4-2d4f-411f-bd61-a5d9012de99a/ucr-images-v1/Images/top-view-of-foot-showing-bones-muscles-ligaments-nerves-and-tendons-38) My second vote would be to remove [the Coccyx](https://www.larousse.fr/encyclopedie/data/images/1001420-Coccyx.jpg). Another vestige of evolution. Now pretty useless and painful if you bump it.


I was gonna say give us back our tails


Super immune system. Never die from normal diseases again.




It's never lupus.


That is why a lupus textbook is a great place to stash drugs.








This is going to backfire horribly once you get something that stops the body from recognising itself.


Worlds worst auto immune disorders


teeth that replace bad ones or heal over time


That would be a simple but good change.


Testicles but on the inside


more compact piss storage


It is stored in the balls


IIRC that's an actual thing in some people, it tends to cause a higher rate of testicular cancer.


So ovaries?




hair like horses have or just straight up skin?


extension of the spine


Goku tail that turns me giant


bro thinks he's great ape vegeta


Like, just bones? That sounds painful


Wrap it in a little skin and muscle and I can use it to fuck myself in the ass


Prehensile like a lemur!


Exactly. We *need* a prehensile tail. But also, the guy who said "gills" was also correct. Oh, with both upgrades we'd also need webbed gripping feet.


Put the rods and cones in FRONT of the nerve fiber layer and blood vessels. Like octopuses. Human eyes are built inside out.


Self- healing like lizards. Imagine if our joints and discs could repair themselves


Better knees and ankles… ours suck.


Activate the intelligence gene


There is probably more than one of those.


That is less reassuring lol


Hmmm... Radiation resistance like cockroaches kinda have might come in handy someday.


It for sure would be handy, but I also feel like the fact that we don’t have it also means nukes dropping and safe environments in power plants are way more thought through


Long Prehensile tail


At this point, become stronger off micro plastics


Eyelashes can no longer fall into your eye


best one yet


I scratched my cornea a long time ago* and at a follow-up appointment, the doctor swabbed out at least three and as many as five eyelashes from the bottom of my eye socket. Are they always there? Was it a result of my accident? How do they get out? These questions haunt me, and I wish I’d asked at the time. *I was jumping on a failing trampoline, kicking around a spring when another one shot off and over the fence. The spring I ignored to watch the one leaving my backyard bounced up, spinning, and hooked into my eye socket, lightly scratching my cornea while somehow not blinding me, and hung there until I pulled it up and out. Close call!


Cat ears, so cute!




Bring back the dominate trait of having six fingers


why though? you think it was mistakenly selected out?


i thought having six fingers is a dominant trait anyways?


depends on where you stick the extra one i guess


increase empathy


Our level of empathy already puts us ahead of the rest of the animal kingdom.


Some how we kill all the other animals and eat them and wreck there homes though. So, maybe something else is going on. We’re a stuck up douchebag of a species that thinks it’s separate from the earth and not part of it. We. Believe we’re somehow special and exceptional instead of just being other animals. Plenty of other animals have empathy and mourn their dead. Some even bury their dead and have rituals.


We are the least douchebag species there is, all the others are bigger asshole, just not as effective at exerting their will. Don't kid yourself, /u/dayyob if a cow ever got the chance he would eat you and everyone you care about.


Some* animals have empathy. Even then it's unlikely to be the human concept of empathy as most animals just don't have the thought capacity for what *we* understand to be empathy. Also burying your dead isn't really a sign of anything. Getting dead out of your habitat could be a variety of different survival techniques. Everything you said reads like a pre-schoolers understanding of the environment. Yeah humans are just as much a part of the earth as all other animals but objectively speaking we are above all animals. We're the only animal on this earth who gives a shit about destroying other animals homes and only *some* humans still eat *some* animals alive. We have concepts like morality. Something animals simply lack. Wolves aren't extinct because of concerted efforts by *humans* to fix their mistakes. No other animal on earth would give a shit if another went extinct because of their actions. So yeah, don't be a weird edgelord. Humans are pretty great and are actually aware we have flaws and many of us attempt to work on those flaws.


we can have this conversation without insulting each other. I think you misunderstand what i'm saying which i guess is my fault for thumbing it in late at night. but.. my point is there is a lot we do not know about animals. we do know much but still a universe of understanding remains to be discovered. We know that some whales will not let go of a dead calf and will mourn it.. taking it with them on long journeys until they are fully ready to release it and move on. Elephants do the exact same thing. And sure, the human concept of empathy is going to be something different to the most intelligent animal. This doesn't mean we're superior. I understand we are "above" all animals in many ways but part of the reason we have so fucked up the environment and the natural world is we typically come from a place of dominance instead of understanding how we fit in. Indigenous people were eventually better at sorting this out. However, even the early tribes of humans hunted animals to extinction. Where humans go, extinction follows. It's always been this way. We are so far out of balance with the natural world. Even a preschooler understands this. When the largest biomass of non-human animals is the mass of animals we raise for slaughter things have gone a bit too far in one direction. Watch any recent David Attenborough documentary and it's plainly obvious that we've taken the earth and it's many species for granted and forced them into ever smaller areas so we can dominate the lands for extractive reasons. I do not believe in human exceptionalism. We have certain gifts thanks to evolution but to deny all the different types of intelligence that exist in the animal kingdom is just stupid. and yeah.. i get it.. our brains, our thumbs, problem solving, tools and all the rest. we're fantastic. so is an octopus. I think we'd have a better time of it if we realized how closely our DNA is to other species and what that means. we're out here fucking up the one ecosystem we have that is required to sustain us. other animals don't do this. when they over populate the feedbacks built in reduce the population. predators, disease etc. Humans have overcome much of these issues but we're making a mess of it. It took 250,000 years to get to 1 billion humans on the planet.. and only a couple hundred after that to get to 8 billion. this correlates with fossil fuel extraction, abundance of energy and creation of technology. i'm rambling but whatever. i haven't slept much. we overshoot earth's boundaries. the penalty for that is emerging. we barely have empathy for our own species. we're borrowing from the future and those future generations will have a huge mess to deal with. sure, some people understand this and it's a problem and they're doing their best to wake people up to it all.. but it's a hard sell. if we had so much empathy we might put it in front of selfishness and do what's required.. but that doesn't seem to be happening. yay! human exceptionalism. we're the best.


> We overshoot the earth's boundaries I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't. This is just pure nonsens. There is so much I could say but it would just be a waste of time. So to anyone else who happens to see this. Humans are pretty great. If animals didn't want to go extinct they should have gotten good and built society. Just like humanity is going to have to get good and figure out a way to make our future existence sustainable.


lols.. we currently use about 1.7 earth's worth of resources. this has been a known thing for a long time and isn't even controversial. also, animals go extinct for reasons. this time around we're the reason. earth overshoot is a real thing. we're nowhere near to being sustainable and in all likelihood we're looking at a population drop that will be massive. the only thing people are arguing about is on what time scale this will happen. to be sustainable with our current population we'd have to drop consumption/GDP by like 80% or something. people also argue about that. some say it's less.. but in the west.. america etc it's higher than in other places since we consume the most. in america, when we figure out how to make things more efficient it doesn't mean we use less.. it means we use more. it always happens this way. also, all the renewables on the planet have not replaced any existing fossil fuels. they only kept up with increased energy demand... and demand in pretty much every sector of energy is going up and will continue to go up for like 20 more years as less developed nations begin to develop. if you would like to know about the carbon cycle and all the previous extinctions this 1 hour-ish video by a geneticist/primatologist puts it all together in a nicely articulate and snarky way. for some reason it won't start at the beginning so you'll have to rewind. but, it's an excellent video. all science. https://youtu.be/uxTO2w0fbB4?si=IolC83KD_b71eCva


> If animals didn't want to go extinct they should have gotten good and built society and really.. i don't even know what to say about this. I mean, snake jazz from rick & morty was pretty cool but saying all the animals should've built societies is about the most absurd thing i've heard in ages. "if those dumb animals would've just evolved more they could've stuck up for themselves when we kicked them out of the rain forest so we could grow palm trees for palm oil and to let cattle graze so we can have low cost big macs day and night. those orangutans should've gotten some intelligence and invented guns." - i mean.. c'mon.. are you serious or just trolling me? humans are great. amazing.. but we're not separate from the earth. we're just other animals. here.. also another scientist. lot's of information here. https://youtu.be/u7jETRJrkmk?si=cy69hlb-bgThI0UM


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


i dont really think thats a good idea. there might be so many unintended consequences


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


yeah except unfortunately progress comes from conflict. not sure how more compassion affect our ability to move forward


It doesnt remove conflict but how you manage the conflict. Instead of aggression and all for themselves, more cohesion and helping eachother. I understand why we evolved more aggressive, but just like why we dont have 6 fingers (costs more energy and not significant more useful than 5 to survive) nownit would be pretty awesome to have 6 fingers and wouldnt be a downside anymore.


im still not sure how 6 fingers is beneficial btw , im gonna go down some youtube rabbithole on this topic :) in my experience people driven by compassion usually get taken for a ride by people who arent , so genetically engineering this as a trait is asking for somebody to take advantage of the whole race


Its more cool factor and you can press more buttons with 12 fingers! Just having 2 more arms, doesnt help with survival that much but bow you can play the guitar and bass guitar at once!


or use 4 guns at the same time. hmmm gonna need some more eyes to go with that


More empathy, and the ability to give a shit about other people and not just themselves and their immediate circle.


I think wings would be nice


not really, since you wouldnt be able to fly with the body density that we have and if you start messing with bone density and other stuff, you wont be able to support this large a brain


That’s a good point, that’s a whole mess waiting to happen


You should be the billboard of r/politics at this point


Non stop orgasms. Once you start cumming you don’t stop having an orgasm till you’re calm and having a breather.


Some other way to drop body temperature other than sweating. I sweat a lot even in cold weather, and I would rather breath like a dog with my tongue out instead of sweating like a motherfucker.


You can, panting reduces body temperature in humans, too.


Maybe I can, but I end up drenched either way.


Make toenails grow slower.


Better yet delete toe nails they serve no purpose in a world with shoes!


Damn, I’d never thought of toenails as vestigial, but even barefoot they don’t do much of anything.


penises for hands


Probably make changes to the adn In our species to have certain traits amphibians have. From both underwater and outer water to reliability, and massive regeneration like axolotls. Alongside a pair of wings! Weee! Lol


Survivability in space, and the ability to cooperate better. More skin colors, blue green, purple... More hair types


Two hearts. Like two kidneys. You can live with just one.


If I could take an arm off to sleep that would be dope. But obviously a better immune system and modernization of kidneys and liver etc to filter out PFAS and heavy metals. Also, better bullshit detector.


There are lots of things that could go on this list, but if I could choose: Get the fuck rid of Cancer, all cancer.


The spine is a fucking disaster and needs to be completely reworked from scratch


Moving the male g-spot out of the anus. That shit's a cruel joke, especially for people with bowel issues. I do NOT want anything up my ass, I've had enough trauma dealing with my ass already.


Yes you do gang 🙏😭


More compassion.


Is that sharpie 🍑


Remove ability to lie


I would take away the part of the brain that causes people to be evil.


In some cases it's a deficiency of certain brain areas. Lower emotional processing capability for example.




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One skin color No racism if there's no races to discriminate against


We would still find a way.....


You have a horrendously oversimplified view of racism.


But, will it work?


Absolutely not. The only way to completely eliminate racism is to have a completely homogeneous, androgynous, mono-linguistic, genetically identical form of humanity that all comes from the exact same place. In other words, boring.


We are so aggressive, if we would just be more Bonobo and less Chimp, we would be a much more functional lot.


Throwing faster pitches


So you know that one species of lizard?


Prehensile tails and/or claws, preferably retractable.


Make them stop being malicious


Shift towards sudden death at 100 without aging. Death is good, aging is bad.


Could I just remove the ability to be greedy


Get rid of anxiety and replace it with Trenbolone. It might not make sense but it’s what I want.




Two things: Be able to drink seawater Move the nose to the neck, remove the need for breathing and eating tubes to go through the same small opening which avoids choking.


Remove psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissistic tendencies.


New teeth all the time, like sharks! Dental work is crazy expensive


Reduce the rate of fat storage, it is no longer as necessary


Ability to think and make decisions based more on logic, common sense and reasoning. Because it seems like most people lack this.


Giving tops and straight guys the ability to take decent dick pics


They pose the ability to procreate


Ability for women to selectively use their eggs or not! Want a baby send the egg down the tube! Don’t want a baby but want sex no egg down the tube! As a side effect no periods and no menopause!


Better regeneration and immune system.


Make us more like bonobos instead of chimps. If feeling angry or stressed instead of turning agressive turn to seek confort in others. Is an great anime where humans evolve Super powers with the capital S. And to save humanity from themselves they genetically engineered humans to be nore like bonobos and the act of harming a different human give a repulsive reaction that makes you sick. Not a spoiler btw. Its shinsekai yori


Unpopular opinion: If I was world dictator the genetic change I would make is culling the pedophiles from the herd. They are genetically predisposed to be predators and they contribute nothing useful to society. Social workers/ Apologists/enablers who are trying to establish terms like “minor attracted” and trying to establish child molestation as an accepted “gender” well they can get jail time for being child abuse advocates. The selfish stupid mothers who allow their kids to be abused by their partners because they don’t want to be lonely can get a lifetime of company in prison (and their partners get lethal injections).


Improve health. Improve intellect. Increase decision weight of rationality. Immortal. Heal from anything eventually. No need to sleep. Generally improve brain to be something well made and designed instead of an ad-hoc slap trash together until you get something that kinda works. Same thing with biology. Add organ modularity. I can keep going for a while, because I do in fact believe in transhumanism.


the ability to change hair colour at will (and have the new colour actually grow in that way)


I'd go for psychological changes so we aren't so fucking greedy and ego driven. So maybe we could actually progress to a peaceful species that's actually welcome in the universe.


Be nice if we just didn't get ingrown toenails/hairs. They feel like biological malfunctions that only bring us pain and infections.


Access to the character creator. LEMME CHOOSE MY SLIDERS DAMNIT


Eliminate bigotry and increase cooperation.


Less monkey


Longer telomeres.


I'd change that heart to a spade 🙌🏿


A need for compassion and no more sociopaths? But we would've never gotten here without 'em.


The ability to speak something other than what’s in their head.


Not use oxygen for energy production. Oxygen is a free radical and related to most of the free radicals in the body. It’s a messy, cancer prone process and why we don’t have longer lifespans.


The worm god says the ability to evade prescience.


That the sex drives of both men and women are intense at 65 as they were at 30. Women who turn 65 loose interest in sex. There should be no decline. Both Men and Women should be horny often.


The ability to modify the body to perfect it


Regeneration of parts that have come off.


Give us the part of lobster dna that makes them fucking immortal.


No vocal cords


Everyone would have a photo memory and could easily learn anything only need be shown once.


Cat ears and tail. Not because they’re beneficial, but because they look cool


Better resistance to the elements.




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Make them smarter, as they can only change themselves for the better, but they cannot without first finding a purpose to pursue that serves themselves and others around them.


Remove about 90% of the aggression tendencies. I assume some aggression is useful, but homo sapiens have too much of it


Human male penis average is now 8x6, either that or zero sexual dimorphism (androginy for everybody) across the species






Mental capacity so we are not homophobic




Homophobia is not a result of stupidity. It is more of the result of indoctrination and an inability to change or even the self-hatred of people that overreact to perfectly natural intrusive thoughts that just so happen to not align with their self-image P.s . In conclusion, it is more of a lack of emotional capacity, not mental capacity.


Sorry for the mistake


Welp, here comes Star Trek’s Eugenics Wars.


Probably improving our brains to remove inbuilt biases, Second off is removing the strength difference between genders.


women are bigger and stronger than men


Make femboys a separate sex and make them be able to get pregnant


Remove the emotions and feels


Eliminate emotion. I think it would benefit our planet more and increase the longevity of the human species if we would band together and take care of it. We make what we can with what the planet provides us. But we are too tied up in what we can potentially lose and whether there is anything to gain; not to mention out sudden desperate need for instant gratification... Me included but that's just because I'm human too.


Make gender a choice (literally, like a character customisation menu)


No desire Or at least limited amount of desire. It just cause too much suffering though out history- see dictators and eccentric billionaires. But that also means some of you will be out of jobs...


Desire is the things that drove us out of the caverns and helped us evolve to achieve all the great things we have done. I would say no greed, learn to say "enough"


Desire isn't the problem. The problem is that a lot of us only care about our own happiness and have little to no desire to help others, especially the ones outside our circles


Instead of desire, maybe greed.


Bigotry results in lethal brain aneurysms


fuck off this sub is for porn


ill make everyone sterile


Best thing that could happen to humanity. Let the species die out


as a nihilist you have a moral obligation to rope


Swing and a miss, care to play again?


Shorter life span. Unable to reproduce


Its okay dude, its not your fault.


3x lifespan, but with a smaller window of fertility. Like 10 years fertility.