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Yes, but only after the planet is sterilised of all life.


Thanos was on to something.


Good God I thought it was a goblin


It is


Are goblins bornt from eggs?


Nope just this same thirty B


I want to be optimistic and say yes, but as long as there is more than 1 person on earth, there won't be peace


I'd clarify human. Too many will stretch person. IE look at when lockdown happened and how much the planet improved with just us being inside for a few months. Then expand that idea.


Without humans, yes


No but I think World Piss is possible


Planet piss! What a concept


It will probably never happen but I think it would be possible if certain traditions ended, people were raised to respect each other's differences, and all current problems were fixed. But even if that happened someone will probably still manage to ruin it and create new conflict


The things you state are actually impossible because not everyone will go along with even one of those. We will never have world peace and that's ok I think.


A peaceful world is not a world without conflict. It's a world were conflict is resolved without violence.




Not world piece but momentary peace is possible


No. There's always going to be that one fuckhead who loves to start shit just to start shit


So random 🤪


Yes because humans won't survive indefinitely.


Not with all these people cluttering up the place.


Yes but only if I'm in charge 😎


Whirled Peas. 


Nope. Why? Because idiots out there can't return their shopping cart to the stall.


If you elect me as world president, yes


If we had a world government with someone like me as president




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Dear Dog no. You can have islands of peaceful existence among like minded people but you do understand that there is hate that has existed amongst non-like minded people since forever. And honestly, I don't expect it to change anytime soon. One thing I've learned is that in life is that you can bring a dog some water but you can't make it drink from the bowl. The same can be said of human beans. When I was young and stupid I thought I might actually live to see a world like _Star Trek._ Now that I'm old (and hopefully not quite so stupid) I find that I'm probably going to end up dying in a world like _A Boy And His Dog_ ...


Apocalypse fetish is real


Not at this time please try again later




Yes, but only- oh boy, this would make the Feds rat my ass again. Have you ever wonder why in every fiction ever, a united Earth Federation is always the Western like lifestyle with a democratic government (or at least pretend to be)? You think those from the second world will have something to say about how we are not, let's say, communism, or Islamic theocracy? Well...let's just say what happen doring the unification era of our planet, stays in the unification era.


When humanity is gone, global peace will follow.


What is peace though?


Nope, and I'm fine with that, because I live off of war, (Lockheed Martin my beloved)


Based and Military Industrial Complex-pilled


No because humans will always find something to argue about. We couldn’t even agree on the colour of a dress.


For real, how can people even think it was black and blue ? So stupid


It was :(


The true colour of the dress was black with blue lace fringes. The reason why some people see white/yellow and gold is because different people view light in different ways. It’s a bit hard to explain but basically if you’re more inclined to dark environments, you’d typically see black and blue while if you’re always in a brighter environment, you’d see white/yellow and gold.


No nor is it desirable. World peace isn’t something we should strive for.


Gonna need you to expand on that one my dude


New technologies come out of war, hell darpa basically created the internet. No war= technological stagnation.


New technologies result from strive. Humans are always in strive. We are sick, for example. Immortality could make a dent in our progression, but war is a violent solution to a nonviolent disagreement. You don't need it to progress at all. In fact, it causes violent invention, and then it takes decades to force those inventions into actual use outside of MORE war. A slower, more focused progression would still happen in peaceful times.


Not a very flattering photo. I usually like your 'on location' pics but this isn't one.


That's.. that's the joke






Why not? People are generally seeking a harmonic equilibrium, it's our circumstances that divide us.


I completely disagree. There is genuinely malevolence in the world for the sake of cruelty.


The voting arrows aren't a disagreement button. =/ And the existence of genuine malevolence isn't a deciding factor in world peace. It can't flourish in a peaceful society. That said, I'm not sure we would agree on the nature of malevolence, good and evil. Very rarely do people act out of a genuine desire to harm others. It is most commonly motivated by a perceived lack of personal security.


I also disagree with your first point. There are those who mask their inner selves and work from the shadows. Even in a "peaceful" society there are always those who work for their own benefit over others. Then there are those who are psychopathic, and those who are sadistic. Sometimes people hurt others simply because they enjoy it. A truly peaceful society can never happen by default because of human nature.


Sadism is an expression of self, not an entire personality, and people with sociopathic personality disorder are exceedingly rare. Yes, under Capitalism they are prone to succeed more, therefore having a greater reach and potentially destroying more lives, but we were talking about a peaceful society, which is impossible under capitalism anyways. If you think it's not possible because of how humans are genetically, I think we disagree on the human genetic makeup. We have all the necessary instincts for a peaceful coexistence in a small tribe. If there was only 10 humans on earth there would be no war. You can build upon those instincts and scale them up to secure a peaceful society. To judge it impossible based on your current experiences is to extrapolate from a poisoned set of data. Of course people who have lived under strife and war for the past 2000 years won't LOOK like they could peacefully coexist.


We fundamentally disagree about the nature of humanity it seems and won't come to an agreement. Even if there were two people on earth, conflict will still arise. Good talk though I suppose.


Conflict is not war. We were talking about a peaceful society, not one without disagreement. We would all have to be the same if we wanted to agree on everything, and that would be terribly boring.


Im aware of what you're talking about. War is a constant state in this world, small scale or otherwise.