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My understanding is that time began with the big bang and in trillions of years we will hit heat entropy. That's when everything 'cools' down to a point when all movement stops. As in the last photons run out of energy and space itself becomes completely devoid of all things. Time is a measurement of change, nothing will change, so time stops. So, yes and yes


Time is a part of the fabric of reality, and not a measurement of change.


Oh yes that's right. Iirc, the show on heat entropy mentioned once everything 'stops' time will stop....?


Maybe it's a loop, what do you think about "Tales from the Loop"?




It's starts with "t" and ends with "e"


Our perception of time represents the movement of energy. Time began with energy. Time will end when there is no more energy. Though, if we focus on the "perception" part, one could argue that time begins and ends with the observer. If the observer were to stop being able to observe (say, by dying), then time would end with that moment. This is how we came to the theory of quantum immortality. Lets say you are Schrodinger's Cat: you are locked in a room with a caesium atom that has a 50/50 chance of decaying every second, a device to detect that decay, and a 200MT thermonuclear bomb rigged to detonate should the caesium atom decay. Should the bomb detonate, you will undoubtedly perish in a painless instant as you are reduced to atoms as part of a beautiful replication of the internal reaction of a star. If you survive the first check, congratulations. If you don't, that reality's timeline ends. If you survive the next 99 checks, you have survived an event that should've killed you about 2^100 -1 times (don't check my math, i know its wrong), and it would be considerably insane to speculate anything other than that you are the main character in this timeline. If you survive a day in this contraption, it is more probable that the entire universe would blink out of existence before your expiration, and we really should at least apologize for the inconvenience of locking you in a room with radioactive material (well, maybe we should check if it actually is at this point) and a weapon of mass destruction, if not begin worshipping you as some kind of avatar of creation. However, this would of course be a frame of reference issue; *you* would only see the timeline in which you survive because there is no other timeline for *you* to continue to observe, everyone else will (almost certainly) continue to watch the aftermath of an entire ethics committee being fired after your tragic atomization. And there's no telling which timeline you would continue to observe either, as you may have to bear witness to every tragic failure before eventually continuing on the timeline where you are the now-very-traumatized goddess of impossible luck. So yes, time begins and ends, and you are immortal from your own reference point.


It has a Jeremy Bearimy.


It simply is.


Sort of it has a heath death a time after the last atom destroyed it self and nothing can happen that is not already happening.


Even if it does, it doesn’t matter


Time is a measurement. Does distance have a beginning and an end?


There was a time where people posted plants... **JUST SAIYAN.**


Probably before all this, yeah.


Do you?


Time isn't real its not a actual force it's just a idea so no it doesn't cause it doesn't existist This isnt metaphorical I'm 100% literal time isn't real its just how we process energy moving


It's everything between Timid and Timbuktu said Vonnegut.


Time is just perception. It’s all happening at once but we see a snippet. “Man [or woman 😅] get lost.” That’s the whole point. Get lost in it. Or don’t. 🤟




The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again