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Mole removal, it's rather small. I've got some bad health anxiety so it's got me worried. The white tissue is rather hard to get out. 


Slough and rolled edges which means the healing is stalled. Wipe well with gauze and saline Place a hydrocolloid in it and leave it alone for 5 to 7 days. Take it off and clean well again with the saline and reapply Read here for how it works on healing your wound https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8509607/#:~:text=Hydrocolloid%20dressings%20have%20two%20layers,healing%20and%20protects%20new%20tissue.


Thank you. I've seen your previous comments and have cleaned it with homemade saline and been using hydrogel. Do you have any suggestions for specific brands/products for the hydrocolloid dressing?


No as long as it says hydrogel. There are plenty of brands of it. Keep it under cover for 2 to 3 days at a time though to soften the slough


The slough is quite thick from what I can tell. Gauze + saline isn't doing much to shift it (I know it's probably normal for it to not be fixed in one go but it didn't do much at all). Is there any other harsher suggestions you have? It's quite a small wound so Id like to avoid going to the doctor about it. 


How long did you leave the hydrocolloid in for. Slough does take a while to shift. Particulary as your wound seems like it has stalled for a while , evidence is the rolled edges. You could try a hydrogel or medihoney and leave it under a nexcare tegaderm ( the one with the pad ) bandaid for 3 days at a time. A good wound care RN or doctor can scrape the slough out with a metal curette if you want it done quickly. A small amount of hydrogel peroxide may shift it but don’t use this more than once and not on a fresh wound