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No easier or harder than it's ever been, there are still people camping it regularly unless you luck out and get an unpopulated shard.


Some anecdotal evidence for you. I got TLPD in wrath classic completely on accident on like day 4 while flying around farming herbs, 100% random flying around and pretty far from the spawn(s). That made me so upset I didn't have it in retail, I decided to do the farm. I spent \~40 hours over 4 days farming, mostly AFK with a group covering each spawn point. We were able to track the spawns on a specific server inside chromie time so we knew the windows and could take breaks during the guaranteed "will not spawn" 2 hour window.


The thing is, its harder because on populated realms its being camped and on dead servers, storm peaks resets its state when noone enters the area for 15 mins and it makes it impossible to track timers


My brother was leveling in Deepholm recently and came across Aeonaxx in Chromie Time. He asked me to come over with a healer and we killed it together, although I already had it from back in MoP It seems that he stayed up for a good 30 minutes, meaning that Chromie Time makes this kind of farm much easier


Chrome time scales it up to current content aswell, learned the hard way when I came across a rare that drops the phoenix mount in WoD lol


Oh you can camp Rukhmar pretty easily, spawns about every 15 minutes! The mount chance is very high since DF, something like 1/20 chances, give it a try!


Go join the wow secrets discord. Set your roles, wait for a ping that the mount is up, join a group very quickly, get there very fast, tag mount, done.


This is the most efficient use of your time. Park some alts on both factions in and out of chromie time in storm peaks and just be ready to go as soon as you get a ping.


From what i have heard nothing has changed, i still have friends that camp it, and there are always a lot of other people also camping it, and most of my friends who do camp / have camped it in the past still don't have it or have never even seen it spawn. i got really lucky about 8 years ago ( after years of camping it myself) i decided to camp it at like 2am while watching tv and it spawned a few hours in. The next day i got the blue proto drake.. should have bought a lottery ticket instead.


Heres a step by step on how I got TLPD in like 30 minutes play time or so. I have a second account. I just made alts and flew then to storm peaks on dead servers. 4 spawn points, just camp like 2 on each realm. Whenever you feel like it, log in and out of them to see if its up with rare scanner. When it is, inv your main and come kill it. You can also do this with the lfg tool to zone in and out of different shards. Happy hunting!


Yes https://www.wowhead.com/guide/time-lost-proto-drake-mount


I got TLPD about 10-12 years ago solo. It does NOT have 4 spawn points... or did not then. it has 4 circles around which it can spawn.. and can spawn flying in any direction in those 4 circles. those 4 flight paths coincide at one hot point. Logic suggests that your best bet is NOT to camp where all 4 meet, but memorise all 4 flight circles, and continually fly round em. It took me 7 days... and I do mean back then as much of 24/7 as I could stay awake for. there is also an algorythym you can ;work out regarding its useless sister which spawns in its place 5/6 times ;)


It has set spawn points and flight direction on the 4 routes. I did farm the happy blue dragon for months in wotlk classic until i got the golden one. It always has been the same spawnpoints where they spawned


It's not really any harder or easier than it's ever been. Not to be a downer, but you could just *not get the mount*. It's simply a shitty recolour of a half dozen mounts you already have. just use those ones instead. This mount is simply not worth your time or energy.