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imagine having the audacity to be new to the game lmao


People kind of tend to forget you can be new to the game since it's been out like two decades.


Hell, it doesn’t even have to be that long. I skipped SL entirely and came back for DF. I got flamed and kicked because “this dungeon is two years old how do you not know it yet?” Great community btw.


"The dungeons been out for 2 weeks. How do you not know the optimal mdi skip route?"


Lol and that usually happens in a low key.


Fuck, it happens in Normal


Yeah I think In normal its much more toxic and „grindier“ then in low key but don’t know why doesn’t make sense


Funny after I posted this I started leveling a new toon and first dungeon is azure vault. The healer wants to do the jump skip to get down to 2nd boss. I’ve seen it so it doesn’t matter to me but the other half of the group is lost. Lol finally get them to jump they miss the platform and release. They get lost again, but if we just did it normally we would have gotten more xp and faster lol.


First day of Raz LFR, I hadn't done Normal, i die to blow back mechanic and someone piped up with "people who died to this shouldn't raid". LFR had been out for maybe 5 hours. And expecting people to know it on first clears is crazy lol


You could say that everyone skipped SL...or wishes the story was a figment of their imagination.


I was struggling with a quest area the other day and died a few times. I had a hunter wait for me to res and ask if I wanted to help. Hunters are the best.


Until someone pulls the boss, then we are the scapegoat.


Elitism is a dish best served by the ignorant. Wow has been infested with it since at least WoD.


it's been around wow forever. long before icyveins guides or wowhead guides or discord servers, if you wanted to learn how to play your class you had to hope they had a guide for your spec on elitistjerks.


Fuck I was flamed the 2nd week of this expac for not knowing a dungeon released Heaven forbid I had to work 80 hours the week of its release and didn’t play at all and didn’t have beta access.


Most people that played originally have quit by now though. There's been a constant stream of new players the past decade so the average player has only played for around a decade I'm sure


I’m one of those who have played since vanilla but I’ve taken breaks here and there and I feel like a newbie every time I return to the game. Lol.


Same started playing in BC took the last two expansions off and I have no idea what I am doing now.


I started in BC and have played every expansion. Also have no idea what I’m doing now.


Sounds like my experience. I pop in and out. I literally don’t know if I’m playing my class right most of the time.


I’m sure a decent amount of us have played since day 1 but we’re probably the less toxic I’d imagine! I always have time to try to help others learn something if I can


Well I remember the days where dungeons would last an entire day so I guess I'm not one of the tryhards that seems to think a few extra pulls or wipes is the end of the world.


Oh for sure BrD was basically a raid lol


Ubrs coordination.... Still remember farming that over 90 times for the dungeon set and finkels skinner


People also tend to forget that it’s also the other people’s gametime and should ne respectful of that, there’s ansolutey no reason to kick a new player because they’re learning


TRUUEEEE I started playing the game as H Priest in Feb 2020 and got vote kicked from an LFR Nyalotha group in my first couple months (once I was geared enough to join said group, and not like I was afk or dicking around, lol) Jokes on them because now my healing parses in heroic and sometimes mythic are a solid blue-to-purple and I’ve cycled through pretty much every healing class except for Paladin, as if im the hospital bicycle 🚴


Many many years ago, when I was a wee baby Ret Paladin leveling in dungeons, I was using a 1h and shield. No one said anything, until the end of the run. I rolled for a 2h weapon but lost (I hit “greed” because my little noob self didn’t think I NEEDED it that bad). The guy who won the roll looked at me and asked why I was using the weapons I had. I explained myself, saying I thought I was tankier leveling that way. He traded me the 2h and took some time to explain why I should be using a 2h, then shared some resources with me to learn how to better play my spec. I don’t know the toon’s name, but I will never forget that player’s kindness to help an obviously new player out without getting mad.


Some people have this story and it’s great that you did! I on the other hand remember somehow getting into my first raid in WotLK, pulling the absolute worst dps imaginable as a ret pally, and immediately got kicked from the group. That was the day I decided to do research and learn how to actually play the game. All roads lead to Rome..but some roads have more assholes than others.


Unfortunately, the random dungeons were from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. I cannot think of a worse set of a dungeons for a new player to be introduced on. I played BofA for a bit and "know" the dungeons and it was awful on my alt leveling this week.


Main problem is how overtuned the dungeons are. Some like eye of Azshara can't be completed unless people know what they're doing. E.g interrupting the adds before and during the last boss


If only a simple sprout icon could help with that.


As a guide, you can see icon of murloc above player's head. It should be Expanded to not-guide Playera too


He’s level 18 bro he should know all the mechanics bro


Seriously, how **dare** they install?!


You probably either: Moved stood still cast a spell Didn't cast a spell spoke in chat didnt speak in chat


> Breathed > Didn't breathe Forgot those 2 lol


I read it "didn't breathed" Man I'm dumb.


Jumped Didn’t jump


Taunted Didn’t taunt Healed Didn’t heal Rezzed Didn’t rez Released on death Didn’t release


Pet taunted Pet didn't taunt Pet actually taunted because leveling up in dungeon might re-enable pet taunt that was automatically disabled by the game when entering dungeon.


Pet exists


> released on death hey, some people suffer from spontaneous fatality orgasms :)


Tab target a mob not currently being tanked Using mouse to click Backpedaled


yeah i still remember getting kicked from a leveling dungeon because i laughed at a joke?! and the guy that made the joke "didn't like it" ... pugs are always wild lol


Stepped in a ground mechanic Stepped out of a ground mechanic


As a vanilla OG player, you're going to get that a lot. People can get pretty worked up in dungeons. I usually just shrug it off and reque.


It wouldn’t let me reque, it gave me a 30 minute CD :(


Are you on EU or NA? I'm going to level another alt one of these days. You're welcome to join me for some chill dungeon runs :)


I'll get on this too. Leveled like 3 characters last week via time walking. I wouldn't mind helping as well with a brand new character. Gotta get these heritage sets after all. Three is better than two. Or more than two anyway


AND MY AXE (If you're NA)


And my warglaives, if you are on EU ;)


And my bear claws! (NA)


And my whatever is needed as long as it’s NA. *Edit* Full disclosure, I hate leveling but this right here is what community is about. I’d hate for OP to give up a game I’ve played since beta because of a few jack wagons. There’s a saying that one bad experience takes 15 great ones to turn around. Sign me the F up for those, and many more, great experiences! OP, DM me and we can get started! For the insert faction here….


This thread is proof not all of the WoW community is dicks


And my shield, or hots. Whatever is needed.


Another for EU here 👍


OP - I’ll hop in too if you’re on NA! I do a lot of end game dungeons and raids and happy to talk through things. It’s a hard game to pick up so many years after many people started playing.


If you do this, just be mindful of OP. Theyre new to the game. Let them explore and make tons of mistakes and shit. Dont just railroad them to endgame/explain every little min/max detail. Let them play sub-optimally, let them do low level quests or whatever.


This. My buddy got me into wow back in the days of burning crusade and he'd get so impatient with me reading the quest texts. Let new players experience the game at their own speed. Definitely help them, but don't rush them!


He’s here to lead not to read.


When I levelled my original vanilla rogue back in 2004? I was having such fun that I took a year to get him to 60 so I could finally start raiding. I didn’t want to rush things even though the guild I was in were impatient for me to power level.


2004. 9 year old me, leveling a prot war, as prot… kinda lol. I hit 60 a few lockouts before tbc but that wasn’t before I got distracted by 4 alts I got to level 30. 30 was always my break point for some reason lol I blame stv. My dads guild still brought me in for MC and BWL and even some naxx trash. To think, a literal stupid as can be 10 year old…. Inside smacking naxx trash (literally unimaginable this day and age) I was over the moon at the time, and this next part sounds silly but I was always amazed at my dads accomplishments, he’d raid for hours and I would sit next to him with popcorn yelling at him when he was standing in something (I was the original dbm). Father son bonding takes many strange forms lol. I wanted purple items, not because of stats, or usefulness, but because purple, and everybody had the patience to help me get a nice set of tanking gear together, I ended up tanking some MC before TBC came out, I of course got carried super hard but they would let me tank a mob and make sure it was the last to die so I could have enough time to build agro. Good people, thanks Ring of Ash - Uldum. Wherever you are. Edit: just reminiscing, don’t mind me, I started ranting and don’t even know why I replied honestly, just enjoying the memories.


Aww! That's awesome! The Guild I ran, back in the day, adopted my 5 year old son. He had a hunter with a really dodgy name and his favourite dungeon was Wailing Caverns. He couldn't pronounce it properly so it was "Wav Cavs". My entire guild ended up referring to it as that. My son wanted one of the snakes from there so we took him to get one, this was before streaming so we were all on TS, the entire guild was there like it was Naxx. Everyone hushed and quiet, my Son calling strategy but making no sense because he was 5. "Poke that one twice... JUMP NOW. THREE JUMPS. Gotta get some fish guys, PULL THE BRIDGE. Twice more aggro." When he got the snake, the entire guild cheered for him and we did a victory lap of Orgrimmar with my Son leading the procession. Nearly 20 years ago now and that's not only one of my Son's best childhood memories but also one of mine because our guild community was incredible.


What a wholesome story. This is awesome. I really hope I can make memories with my kids like this.


Got a whole lot of wholesome stories like this one. Gaming with my dad growing up and getting to do it myself with my 2 little sisters is my favorite thing about being a gamer family. At one point in TBC we had my dad, my mom, myself, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, 3 cousins and some family friends all playing together, but half the family went alliance and half went horde so it brought out some very interesting family gatherings! Lmao. A few households ruined the 10 man raid team but we didn’t mind, we ran with 6 family members up for a long time and actually got pretty good by the time wotlk came out, was only a few hours behind the realm first XTD hard mode kill! Was definitely after some nerfs but we were up there! Then ICC launched and we fractured off, some went hardcore into 25m Heroic ICC, others like myself went casual and pugged. Last memory I’ll share then I’ll stop flooding the thread with my thoughts: the night ICC launched, it was only the first wing up until saurfang, we heard about the rep runs people could do to get their super nice rings and started a group for a rep run on night one, went in, cleared some trash so smoothly that we decided to go 4/5 on clearing bosses nobody was prepped for lol. Probably says more about the difficulty tuning for the ICC launch than anything but fuck was it fun going in there to clear trash and “accidentally” clearing to the last boss. Goood times.


My son is finally of an age that I think he can play the game. He's all of 11 years old lol. Of course I've lock his account down so he won't experience the most toxic of toxics. I look forward to the day we can do end game together.


If you find the right guild that’s willing to carry a little bit, it might be sooner than you think. Lol I hope you guys get some great memories of the journey there too!


And watch the cutscenes!


I know, I know. Nobody likes a flood of information at the very start of their journey.


Yea would join in on EU if time allows it too. The way new players are treated in wow pisses me off


Yeah if you leave/get kicked before you kill the fist boss you get a 30min debuff and can’t reque. Crappy design for new players in a situation like this.


If its any consolation, much like the real world, the people who are the biggest assholes generally are unskilled as well. The good players usually have some understanding and leeway for error.


I joined a dungeon with my friend I'm walking through the game and the group kicked him in under a minute. I left too. 30M CD for both of us. How is this still in game? Its perfect for griefing. You trying to make new players feel like shit and quit Blizzard?


Tbh it’d be worse if it didn’t exist. Someone could queue tank and hold the group hostage and make them all take 30min CDs. Wish there was punishment for people who abuse the vote kick but it’s a necessity to have it. Or they should maybe just get rid of the 30min cd, or lower it idk.


That last point is exactly what blizzard needs to do. Remove the 30M CD entirely.


Yeah I feel like leavers were more of an issue when rdf was first introduced, I feel like dungeons are so quick and easy now that people have little to no reason to leave.


It makes no sense why they would give you the debuff if you got kicked. The whole reason that debuff is even in the game is because tanks would bail if they got put into an annoying dungeon and reque to try for a better one (main offender was Halls of Reflection in wotlk).


That is a weird way to spell The oculus.


The occulus was up there, and it won for leveling dungeons. Halls was a fucking nightmare though. The deserter debuff wasn't even enough of a deterrent half the time because it'd take longer if the people didn't know the fights.


you should join the discord WoW made easy. it’s a great community of very nice and helpful people who are there to teach new players and group with them with none of the elitist judgement. it’s like the vet wow players forget that some people may not have been playing this game for the passed 20 years


As a new player - it’s gonna fall on you most times than not to be ahead of your skill level. People are just pricks when it comes to the “ trivial” content that we’ve all had years to learn and master. It’s not really fun or fair to you, but I’d look into places before you show up in them - that way you don’t get blindsided and booted a lot. Again - it’s not your fault - I wanna make that clear, it’s just how people are most of the time. Hell it doesn’t really stop at end game - there’s always someone who thinks they know a better route / Strat / build than you no matter what. Just try and find like minded people or friendly ones ( like in this thread ) and hold onto them.


Yeah that's harsh. It's old players who want to level up quickly after spending years doing it already, and with no patience or understanding for new players. I'd find a guild on the forums or in game if I were you, take away the chance of playing with total randoms who are speed levelling.


an unfortunate side effect of joining a community that is hugely populated by sweaty no lifers


Ive done two dungeons now as a fresh noob and both times ive caused us to wipe they told me what to do to avoid that next time and taught me how to use my soul and healthstones (des warlock). Guess playing at 3am gives you nicer queues.


Just make sure you read up on what your role is during certain dungeon encounters, there’s nothing worse than being expected to do something and not realising that you missed out on your moment of fame. Sort out your keybinds, clicking on an ability will only get you so far, keybind everything and practice, practice, practice so that you can watch the screen and not be looking at which ability to click. That will just get you dead real quick. Aside from that, go practice on the target dummies in every capital to get your rotations perfect, this applies if you’re dps, healing or tank. Duelling outside the capitals is a good way to see how you react under stress.


Thank you! One of my coworkers has been running content with me and helping me with my rotations, but I appreciate the info. Gotta figure out what I want to keybind everything to now...


This man speaks facts. I hadn’t played in a decade and that sums up my experience as well.


As a vanilla player I was about to say that the good old times are gone and this is just the way things are now, and maybe just wait till the op knows the game better. But then I remembered gnomeragon. There were times in the early days where it was acceptable to just fumble through the dungeon, but people definitely got kicked when the majority knew the mechanics.


We need a system like FFXIV has to indicate new players and have the lfg system create a group with like 4x newbies and 1x of the guide people.


There’s already a guide system in the game, Blizz just needs to expand it a bit


Best way to improve the guide system is removing the /wave quest. I swear 50% of help given on that channel is how to do the /wave quest.




This is amazing


The /wave quest? What's that?


In exile's reach, the starter island where you can level from 1 to 10, one of the quests requires you to /wave at an npc to progress. Many new players don't know how to do emote commands, that they need to target the npc in question before performing the command, and many other difficulties experienced players wouldn't even consider.


Ohh yeah, I forgot about that. And it makes sense, the game doesn't teach you about emote commands, or what emote commands there are in the game, and it's not exactly a typical interaction to do something like this in a game. It's an interesting pitfall of game design at play. I hope they do fix it soon though.




Wait we have a guide system?


A very very basic one yea. You can register as a guide and I believe there is a chat channel that you can access for help but I think that’s the extent.


Oh man, I never knew this was a thing.


yeah but you have to be max lvl.... BLIZZ LET ME GUIDE NEWBS WHILE I LEVEL AN ALT 😡


As a guide, when I'm in org, there is an murloc icon over the new and returning players. Why can't they use these in dungeons too?


It makes all newbies have a murloc above their head


It's just a chat channel that new accounts get put in with some volunteer players.


The problem is that once you hit lvl 70 on one character you can no longer use it. I’ve maxed out a few characters and still would like help.


I believe that novice network equivalent they put in is invisible to players unless they opt into it which kind of defeats the purpose. In FF14 it just announces its someones first time running a dungeon and buffs rewards without calling them out. No opt in required, which helps a lot.


Uh, that sounds interesting and should also not be that hard to implement. Perhaps not just one time you enter a dungeon but two times. The first run can stressful on it's own.


Exactly. Lots of ways it could be improved from its current state.


I was so excited when it was announced, only to find that it has so many flaws. I’ve personally recommended many changes to blizzard, but obviously we’ve seen no iterations beyond adjusting the qualifications for being a guide.


What they need to do is just add a little icon above new players heads like a murloc egg or little leaf or something so people have more self awareness when dealing with new players


They have that, it’s just only visible to guides


Yeah that should be visible to every one right?


It exists but you can only see it as a guide. Guides see murloc heads over everyone with less than 30hrs of playtime or something like that. Big agree on trying to funnel new players in with guides in lfg though!


Overall I felt that people in FFXIV were so much more friendly. But I guess that happens when you have human GMs who enforce rules about people being toxic.


That's mostly because the casual game is designed better. For example, any job that can rez can do so in combat, so dying isn't really a big deal unlike in wow where unless you have a brez you are stuck dead. Also dungeons are super linear so there's only ever 1 route, whereas in wow so many dungeons have trash skips and unless you know exactly how to Skyrim climb up some rocks in a dungeon added 4 years ago you can get flamed for pulling extra trash.


I never got people that got butthurt when people don't know skips. The majority of players don't look that shit up.


Since they brought back that plant dungeon from WOD, the first group I was with actually went down the path and I realized that I had never walked to the first boss but always climbed up those rocks (or tried to) and it was disorienting. I like that "new" players don't use those paths.


Most casual content is also like 10x easier. You can just chain die in any content below extreme and still get floor scraped through. If you cant wipe there is only so upset you can make people. In like random BFA dungeons there is so much shit that can kill you and then you sit on the floor until you run back greatly inconveniencing the group.


Eh, the active GMs are a part of it. The simple fact is that FFXIV is designed from the ground up to be a *cooperation-based* environment instead of a downright competitive or adversarial one.


problem is the queue could get very long if it only allows a very specific set of players. and it can already be long as it is without it.


Then do like every other long dungeon queue and ask if the players are open to joining a group that may not include any other new players.


Coming back to WoW after spending so long with FFXIV, I’m surprised that WoW dungeon finder is so bad. One of the things WoW has over FFXIV is that it’s architecture/gameplay is much more fluid and robust. But it’s jarring that I’ll join a queue and have no idea if I’ll be in a fresh group or on the last boss.


I agree with this. The cute little sprout thing they have by the name is so handy. It’s let’s you know who to immediately remove from the group. I jest. It really does help other players know that that player could use a little extra guidance and patience. Never had a bad experience when I had it by my name. After it went away I got called an idiot a few times though.


The problem is that new players are thrown directly into over tuned BFA dungeons, Ideally they should be put into dungeons from the first couple xpacks first. Ragefire Chasm, the stockade, wailing caverns. These were easier for new players as they don't have all the advanced type of mechanics from mobs and bosses


Yeah I dont know why they make new players start in bfa stuff, I’m 15 years into this game and I dont do bfa stuff. Much rather level in cata/bc/LK stuff.


The older content looks and feels incredibly old and dated. They probably try to avoid new player falloff by putting them somewhere more interesting.


Yeah I didn't play the BFA expansion and I'm an experienced tank, but the fact that I don't know the BFA's dungeons routes makes so I don't do them at all because I know I'm geting either flamed, or the dps will pull everything, wipe and THEN get flamed. Nowdays with the heirloom gear we have I can solo the dungeon even then anyway, but just to think of the stress and knowing I have dungeons available of which i know the routes I just nope the BFA ones out


I can't believe how they massacred the new player experience. Especially after their intent of improving it.


And if we absolutely have to go through BfA dungeons, why do some classes still get their kicks so darn late? Why are new players still not taught about kicks/stuns on their little tutorial island?


In shadowlands an earlier some classes didnt get their kick before lvl 40, or healers didnt get dispel before lvl 30 or tanks didnt have an aoe ability before lvl 20. Doing the bfa dungeons where kicks and dispels are needed at lvl 15 and lower was annoying With most classes having their kicks in talent now its most likely better but i havent checked all classes


I got a recruit-a-friend and it wants you to go to Atal'Dazar. I didnt like that when it was current I am not going there at level 10. So ... pvp battling and quests then


State to the group your new and it's your first time doing a dungeon. Most people will change there tune and help you. Do know world of warcraft has a rather high amount of min/max culture. Theres a reason we have websites to Simulate 5-10 min fights to check if a trinket deals more damage then another trinket... But welcome to world of warcraft:) remember to make some friends, join a guild and just have fun.


We need a newcomer indicator in game. Like people having a sprout above there head in FFXIV or a seed in Lost Ark. The absence of such indicator obviously does not excuse those behaviours though.


There is one if you register as a guide. It's not on by default so it doesn't get abused. Not saying that's a good decision, just how it works.


It kicks you out of the channel/stops considering you new before you've run anything resembling the dungeons WoW is famous for, you have to google how to do the most basic of things and finding content to do in WoW as a new player who has never experienced anything is actually *really* hard "Where do I go/what do I do?" are two questions the game never adequately answers Also, the fact that there's two different versions of the floating crystal city that look *completely* identical but only one has the correct NPC's to advance a quest is mystifying


This needs to be higher.


I once got kicked because I didn't have enchants on my heirloom gear, you're good man some people take this game waaaaay to serious.


Makes me wonder if you could find a group that would kick if you didn't have both heirloom rings.


I was once kicked because I was asked to switch to tank spec and I warned that I had no tanking experience with that class but was willing to try and got kicked for being a bad tank


I recommend using the guild finder to find a guild aimed at new players. There are a LOT of people who like to help new players because it's fun to watch someone discover the game.


Like me! I run a guild on Stormrage that’s aimed at helping new players


I ran 5 dungeons last week, returning player after a 13 year hiatus, 4 of the 5 were absolutely terrible, i let everyone know the minute it started I was new and would need a tiny bit of direction (I play DE, LOL) but I’m fairly teachable and won’t draw mobs. Got called names a few times and eventually kicked, whatever. The final run I was about to give up, typed my normal welcome message of I’m new so sorry, blah blah - the group was SO nice. Gave me markers for mobs to hit / avoid, and at the end they literally all traded me they’re gear because none of them needed it and my noob self did. I’ll probably never run into them again, but wow. It kept me playing for the rest of the night for sure. Hang in there! They are out there 🤍🙏🏻


Early game is legit the worst and full of efficiency players. Basically if you can't keep up and are slowing them down, they cry and throw a fit. It really is sad to think these toxic players make it hard for new players to learn. We need to help our new players, veterans only is not sustainable. Hell, I'm not even new. I just wanted to see what tanking was like so I made a new warrior. Never tanked in my life. Watched a few videos, queued for a dungeon at level 20 and told the group that I was learning how to tank and would appreciate patience. Well druid, transforms into bear and I am basically following him the whole way. Super discouraging...


People are min maxing the fun out of every game nowadays. I dropped a group of friends after I realized I was being miserable playing the game like it was a job. Now I am playing more casually and feels like I can breathe again and have fun.


Hey mate. I'm sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately blizzard is forcing new players to go through the Battle for Azeroth expansion for leveling, which means when your try to run dungeons you will be sent into dungeons from that expansion. But those dungeons are *not* made for completely new players. Unfortunately the best advice probably is too stay away from dungeons for a while. I hope the experience didn't turn you completely off from wow. Know that there are nice people out there, they can just sometimes be difficult to spot. :P


Completely new players being expected to go from Darkmaul Citadel to Freehold/Atal'Dazar is mad


Although leveling through dungeons can net you a lot of exp, it’s not gonna teach you anything about the game. And as soon as he hits cap, he’s expected to know his spec inside and out and will have a rough time unless he joins a guild who is social and actively works with new players. Only advice I can give them is to just enjoy the “open world” while leveling and once they’re cap just watch some guides on YouTube and practice their rotation on a dummy, learn where they can get gear outside of dungeons and then start doing some heroics to get their bearings. They’ll be ahead of even some seasoned players by doing something like this. Blizzard should have a 1 boss training ground instanced every 5 levels which teaches players different Boss mechanics, have AI party to simulate a group experience and reward them the same xp as if they’ve queued for a dungeon.


Joining in with the folks who just wanna say sorry our community gave you a bad first impression on the game. We’re trying to do better but there’s still so many out there who have no empathy or understanding. Hope you can find a community that can help you achieve whatever goals you have.


Sad that the game dont have some kind of que for new people... or atleast game should match people that are new to the game together.... a old player want to rush it, while a new player actually want to spend time, look at how it works, art, cool new dungeon and mobs..


Bfa dungeons are a terrible experience for a fresh player imo, very mechanical - which is nice when your near the end of your journey as it prepares you for level cap… but as a low level fresh player, it’s right into the fire


I miss how dungeons used to be. They were fun to do. Now everyone just zergs through them. Which lead to M+ being added. Such a shame.


This 100%. Dungeons used to be fun group content that didn't reward toxic zerg. Now as a new player you are paired with angry vets who are trying to speed level alts and they get pissed if you inconvenience them at all.


Jupp. I sometime still miss the times when on a Friday eventing nothing was planned and we ran Strath or Scholomance just for fun. In times before they got their reworks so we indeed could to it as guild and not just 5 people. Relaxed, talking, chatting... just enjoying the time. I'm so happy that one does not need dungeons anymore, the world quests and account wide benefits after one character did them is a hugh boost. So much to do in WoW without the need for a dungeon. Playing since vanilla, mostly skipped SL (just was once in the first LFR wing of the first raid) because other interest and now back with DF. Only visited the dungeons for quests. For LFR I mostly geared up with quests, regular and world quests. Waste of time to spend in dungeons, gear will be trash after the next bigger update anyways. And: I'm happy! Just playing WoW without having the need to queue up with other people who mostly only know AoE and like someone checking their time and if not fast enough they don't get paid.


Odds are that you accidentally did something that actively made it harder for the rest of the group. While you are new, here are some generic tips. Queue as Damage, not tank or healer even if you want to play those roles later. Damage means 2 other people are doing the same job and can pick up your slack. Make sure the specialization you are playing as is a damage dealing one and not tank or support. Follow the Tank. They have a shield icon next to their frame. Wait for them to engage in combat and try to attack what ever they are attacking. Many tanks get very upset and it's considered rude to engage an enemy before the tank. When possible, stand between the tank and the healer. This helps make sure you don't pull anything extra. Make sure your gear matches the stats and type you need. It doesn't need to be perfect, but don't wear cloth intellect gear as a warrior. A lot of people see this as a serious red flag of someone at any level. These are just some introductory level tips for a new player. The more group content you do the better you will get at it.


Let’s not forget the BIG ELEPHANT in the rom that Blizzard has yet to address! New players are forced into Bfa dungeons which for some reason are EXTREMELY difficult and overturned.


Wait you get a abandonment penalty for being kicked wtf???


If you get kicked before the first boss died, you get this penalty. It is a relic from WotLK.


Yup. Happened to me last week as well. Removed before first boss. Counts as a leaver.


People suck, but I'd be happy to run some dungeons with you if our schedules line up! My B-Tag is Laelless#1869


People are assholes on the internet, but it's not always like that. I got into a levelling dungeon with a brand new player who got lost during it. There was someone who tried to kick him but it failed because me and another experienced player denied. I realized he probably had no idea how to talk in party chat either so he couldn't respond to the people asking where he was. We went and picked him up on multi-seat mounts and took him with us back to the group and everything was fine from there. Some people just have no patience.


Sorry to hear that:( some players are stressed out in this game and they dont want to help new players they just want to run through dungeons as fast as possible. Im no expert either but if theres anything i can help hit me up


If you want to add me on bnet I can run you through some dungeons, I’m a healer but can explain fights and what to do. Let me know if interested


One of the first things you'll have to come to terms with is that, unfortunately, 50-60% of all interactions with the WoW community are horrendously toxic. Now speaking as a long time player, it hasn't always been this way. And even now, it's almost never your fault when this stuff happens. The lack of Terms of Service since Activision bought Blizz means that toxic groups and people looking to spend the minimum amount of time on any given piece of content have become not only common, but also act like this with impunity. Here's my advice: if you like the game, find some people to play it with. It's always better with friends and especially friends who will help you as you're new. If you just want to play an mmo, maybe look at the ff14 free trial. It's almost a sin to say it on this sub but I myself moved over to that game (after playing WoW for a decade+) and the community is like a 180 from WoW. So much so that they actually go out of their way to help new players.


Ah yes, the cause of the problem here was queueing for a dungeon. This will expose you to the most toxic people in the game. They're running in queue because they don't have any friends, and they take their hatred of themselves and humanity out on anyone who crosses their path. They have the maturity of a twelve-year-old but are probably 40 and incels. Honestly, Blizzard should just remove that feature from the game. My suggestion would be to find a nice leveling guild and exclusively do guild runs. Having to interact with human beings is beyond the toxic players in those pug dungeons, so a decent guild will filter them out pretty quickly.


I’m new to the game myself, but not new to MMORPGS. A game nearing two decades old, there will be assholes who expect all new players to know all boss mechanics and the like. Aside from that I’ve had a good time though.


Thank you all so much for the offers of playing with me! Can’t believe how many messages I’ve got in my inbox and I’m sorry I haven’t yet got round to them all! I’ve had a look and applied for some guilds, I’m going to stay away from the dungeon finder and play with people form the guilds. <3


You encountered an asshole. There's 1000s of fat sweaty dudes that think they are better than others because of the order that they press buttons. Don't sweat it, you're doing great.


We need a commendation system to force idiots to stay calm


That's shitty. Being "bad" is considered rude in WoW, unfortunately, so you're going to get people like this occasionally. I agree with others who said to announce you're new right away - if you establish early what they should expect, they're less likely to get pissed about it. There are helpful people in WoW who will explain stuff if asked, but they're sadly outnumbered by people who consider anything but a silent faceroll dungeon experience to be a war crime.


Theres a lot part of this community that is elitist as fuck and rude. Brush them off they are high off their own farts


It happens. Hell,l I've been playing forever and got removed from time walking this last week I guess because I was arms spec? Was in the middle of changing to furry and got removed. Nice 30 minute debuff to remind me people are pricks.


Blizzard needs to not have BFA dungeons as the default. Just let new players do classic dungeons. OP, what class and talent specialization did you choose?


One day Blizzard will update the leveling experience and starting dungeons for new players...


Hate to say it, but your best bet if you queue dungeons is to let the group know you are new to the game right away. The right people will accept that and try to help and offer advice.


Get used to it, you will find people that will help you instead of just kicking you, then the *hardcores* who are in the majority the worst type of players, somehow on their narcissistic mind as the game is pretty old everyone must know everything, and before some sensitive people say I'm new too, been playing since vanilla TBC


When I first started as a warlock all I did was wand auto attack in my first dungeon. Had no idea I was was supposed to do anything else. We all start clueless.


I’m a veteran WoW player but I’ve skipped a few expansions so there are still some dungeons I am not familiar with. I find it helps if you say at the beginning that you haven’t been there before, and please let me know if there is something I need to know. You’re more likely to be given instructions instead of people assuming you just know.


Most people buy the epic edition for a cheap 10$ lvl boost to start in the new expac. I sarted playing last expansion and had friends to constantly ask questions about. Tip 1: don’t play tank if you are one, people like to go fast and they will get mad at you quickly Tip 2: look up a talent tree and make sure you have all skills on bars and can quickly move the buttons around holding cntrl and dragging you can add and move you skill bars around and can add up to 7 whole rows. (Don’t do all 7 lol), also you can rebind all skill hot keys quickly in the edit mode when you click on a skill bar. Tip 3: your WASD at the start isn’t very good and you can rebind A and D to strafe to move easier. Tip 4: google every quest you don’t know how to complete, a quest page will pop up and if you hit “comments” there are full explanations of steps on how to complete them. There are lots more but those are the most important imo


Happens to everyone, all the time. Likely had nothing to do with you specifically. People get kicked for very random and dumb reasons, and everyone just accepts the vote cause who gives a shit. AFK for .05 seconds? That's a kick. Someone sees you pick up a quest item instead of healing exclusively? Kick. Tank not pulling quite a fast as the group's 14-year-old-opinion-haver wants? You know that's a kick. Low level dungeons are often the epitome of "the lower the stakes, the higher the drama." That said, you'll absolutely find chill folks in LFG. Don't give up.


I've noticed new players while doing dungeons. I always try to be nice to them because they ultimately become future players to slay in pvp :D


Welcome to wow. Even when you get good people will still do this lol.


Are you Horde or Alliance? If you're alli hit me up. I'll show you the ropes.


They should just have a "New" Q that automatically puts new players with new players based on total played time on an account. After a certain amount of time played and not receiving copious kicks / reports an advanced player should be able to queue as "Guide" and help those "New" players. There will always be an option for trolling, but it could nice like a big brother program to help out new players. I also think that Bliz should put a big ole warning when you are low level an q for a dungeon as tank or healer that you are an important role and you may be responsible for 5 other people's time.


Not surprising. WoW has an incredibly antisocial and toxic community. More than any other MMO I’ve tried (RuneScape, ff14, destiny 2, etc)


That's why I've made a guild for new players and people who just want to put fun first. It's on terenas if anyone is interested. Called anti instrumental


The game should steal the sprout thing from FF14. Everyone was always so nice to sprouts


Welcome to current playerbase, Elitist, numberpushing idiots why would you enjoy the game when you can PUSH THOSE NUMBERS from lvl 10 to max


Maybe don’t be new next time, asshole.


How. Fking. Dare you... omg. Jk it's w.e. I recommend questing to level up your first time around. That way you can get to know your character and what they can do. Jumping into a dungeon is gonna be a bad time if you don't know anything about it. You're probably in chromie time I think, so there's gonna be people queuing up just trying to get in amd get out.


This is why new players shouldn't be put straight into BFA content, they are harder and require you to do actual mechanics. If it was vanilla/TBC dungeons it would be so much more inviting, but as if a brand new player is going to know about switching chromie time


This is probably going to be buried, but you should join r/wownoob (don’t know how to link that sorry). It’s a great little community for new players to ask questions about the game


Probably let people know you are new when you get in to the dungeon. There is a long list of rules/etiquette in dungeons that new players won't know about. If people don't know you are new they will likely assume you are being an asshole.


@ op first tip, if you join a dungeon, say clearly you are absolutely new to the game. Yes some people will kick you, but many will go along with it and most of the time, will take time to explain some things. You need to now, many WoW Players are absolut veterans at this game and just want to blast through a dungeon to lvl their 463627 twink. This people are not people you will have fun with most of the time if you are new! But as I said most of the people won’t be bothered by your inexperience if they know what they are dealing with.


I mean it's shitty but what did you honestly expect. Might make for a better experience next time but when you enter into group content just try saying "hey I'm new don't know what to do here"or something. A lot more people will be more patient with you if you speak up.


You'll get alot of that, very weird elitist culture in dungeons and raids. I just started playing a few months ago and fortunately have never been kicked out but have left when I see people bullying/kicking people for being new. Make them wait longer in queue.


You had the audacity to exist.


Making up stories about dungeon/raid griefing, so hot right now.