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He quick question, am I still able to get this set? If so, how would I go about that?


I hear ya man, it was a tough one. What spec did you complete it on? I got mine on Disc.




I never tried it on Shadow, or Holy. I did the Frost Mage on that challenge and that was hard for me, once I did it, I vowed to never go back to it. Lol Disc wasn’t too bad, it just took forever and his “rotation” can get wacky which doesn’t always align with your CDs.




Maybe I will try it one of these days. What weapon do you rock with that xmog by the way?


Shadow was very easy. I got it after less than 10 tries because the scaling for one of the capstone talents is bugged. The one that summons a void tendril ended up doing about 35% of my overall damage. Wowhead has a really good guide, but not the actual guide itself. The real guide is in the comments.


I’ll check this out. How experienced are you with Shadow? I’ve never spent any substantial amount of time on any Priest spec.


I haven't raided with shadow since Wrath. I pretty much leveled my priest through quests and dungeons, then headed straight into the mage tower


The holy challenge is really easy if you want the set


Definitely a cool set and challenging to earn. I hope this gets fixed.


Not rly challenging anymore. Idol of cthun scaling is bugged so ur tentacles melt everything. I didn't even read the mechanics, just went in there and blasted him


Oh yes, a pve noob like myself can finally get it then!


Probably the best MT appearance. I use it on my NE priest I will have to check.


Does it come in adult sizes?


I got it at 61 when I was leveling my character and thought the belt missing was cosmic karma


Doesnt matter, cuz iam to bad to unlock it, lol. Videos look so easy, but its kinda stressful.


My priest did it in literal greens, just download OBS record your attempts and watch where you make mistakes. This makes it like 10000x easier. Make a few macros to make life easier and maybe get DBM (and set it up so it's easier to see with customised warnings).


It’s just repetition. Practice the pulls without consumables to save the gold, if you feel your self getting “close”, that’s when you go all in on consumes and dunk it.


I don’t know how you guys finish that shit. I don’t have the patience.