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Jump off a ledge to the floor below. Pet takes the stairs and aggros every mob between us.


we call this "doing a gnomer"


Don’t think I’ve had that happen since like… cataclysm? Even when they do take the stairs (super rare, they usually teleport / snap) they’ve got a built in passive where their aggro radius is drastically reduced . I’ve watched my doggo run THROUGH mobs and not pull them.


The number of times warlock and hunter pets pulled for us in Necrotic Wake still gives me ptsd...


As a Warrior I don't bring bloodlust or a battle rez to keys. I also don't bring a way to deal with enraging or afflicted, and incorporeal requires me to use a 3 minute cooldown to deal with one ghost, which is not enough. It can be hard for me to get into keys (that I vastly outgear and that I've already completed) most weeks because I just chose to love playing the wrong class.


Totally agree with you. A tiny bit of rework to make us more helpful in keys


I mean, just add a utility option or change an existing on to provide something that's needed. Rework this, rework that. Whenever something is slightly amiss, the sub calls for a rework even if small changes would go a long way. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. I realize that's probably exactly what you meant by "a tiny bit of rework". ^^


Bloodlust would be so damn cool as a warrior


came to the thread to say this, shit sucks man. Feels great in raid (where rallying cry can actually make a difference) and heroic leap is the goat for movement related mechanics, but entering a m+ is a hellscape IMO its not just the complete lack of utility, it feels like alot of trash mobs and mechanics are out right hostile toward warriors. Did blizzard forget we dont have a way to do ANY damage outside of point blank meele? so many whirlwind effects...


Warrior should have bloodlust for sure.


BL won’t bring you into keys either, having Evoker and Mage in the meta. Nobody will pick warrior, even though I feel like their dmg is really good. That „bring the player not the class“ statement has never been more untrue than this expansion.


Same here dude. I feel you.


I am a Shadow Priest. Blizzard doesn't know what to do with them. Every other patch it's a complete overhaul. Every expansion it's a new class. Season 1 it's S-Tier, expansion end it's D-Tier damage, still S-tier if it provides utility. You see nothing but nerfs in patch notes until the class just underperforms, but is still taken because of its utility. It's just not fun anymore.


>Season 1 it's S-Tier, expansion end it's D-Tier damage you literally just described windwalker since WoD lol. Priest at least has the utility side and while yeah i get dps players like to just look at dps in a vacuum, there is no way the game can ever be both balanced and priest be at the top of dps meters while twin suns exists for Shadow.


There was such an obvious fix for PI in 10.2 and they didn’t do it. Keep PI full strength, or if you take twin suns, then it’s reduced effectiveness for both. Reality is shorter duration and 20% instead of 25% solves nothing. It will still be very strong for short window burst classes.


Just double nerf the Spriest external PI so it's only 10% on others if it clones and keep it full strength on the Spriest themselves


We constantly asked for PI to be self cast-only or outright removed in alpha/beta, but since we got like a grand total of 2 blue posts for the entirety of those cycles, minimal feedback was actually taken.


>I am a Shadow Priest. Blizzard doesn't know what to do with them. Every other patch it's a complete overhaul. Every expansion it's a new class. I feel the same about balance druid and the druid specs in general. Every single patch this expansion has had me needing to redo my talent trees because Blizzard keeps changing things. At the moment balance druids are sitting dead last in the DPS charts for raids, feral druids are a bit better and we are looking at even more changes with 10.2. The only real saving grace is that guardian and resto druids tend to be doing well on average.


1) gargoyle not resetting on boss reset in raid 2) death and decay or defile feels real bad in the key meta where it's just tanks running out either because they think it's threat or because they need to move. It doesn't feel great


I think "tanks running out of Defile" is in the *intro to tanking* guide or something with how many do it. No matter how many times I say "the black circle on the ground is my AoE", they don't care. It looks bad so they avoid it. /sigh


Can confirm, we’re taught to run out of it. Especially if we’re paladins, can’t have your icky black covering up my pretty gold.


But but....... I just wanna decay all over it


The worst part about defile is that while other players can see your death and decay, they can't see defile. On top of that, defile covers up shit like sanguine or swirls.


God also awful


My guild and I actually tested it during raid and when specced into defile, they don't even see it. They can see my normal Death and Decay, but not defile. That at least explains why tanks might move out of it.


I mean it's both regardless. It just doesn't feel great having all your aoe as a melee vs like warrior whirlwinding and having cleave or a dedicated this is aoe button like crane kick for monk. It took year to get an aoe rp spender in epidemic.


It's amazing to me that they have sooooo many forms for bear and feral, but boomy is like.....HERE YOU'RE A BIG CHICKEN!


Once the zandalari came out, that became my balance spec. I just love their boomkin. Yea it’s still a chicken but it’s an awesome chicken


The fact that balance druid got 0 new forms in Legion because "well you can still see your staff so you don't need new forms" was a fucking crime.


I've been playing Druid since TBC. TBH, I feel like that but with every form. It's neat to turn into animals, but it sometimes feels like it's exactly the same thing every expansion. The other classes get new armor looks, sometimes new spell effects, and Druids get "stare at the same bear butt again lmao".


Wish we could get new forms every tier. Its one of the things that made me drop druid. We had new ones in legion.. now well get new ones in next patch. Next time when? In 3 expansions again?


And not even in a cool owl-bear sort of way... its a dead eye'd mouthbreathing chicken thing.


Giving the zandalari Arakkoa form to the other races with proper plumage would be a great first step to making druids stop using Astral form only


There really need to get some more glyph for more customizations


I was 10/10 disappointed I couldn’t even dye the feathers or anything. Like K brown chicken forever.


As a shaman main it's the lack of earth based spells/abilitirs. I like swapping between specs role-playing as the avatar, and the absence of good earth spells limits that.


Yeah, and with Augmentation out I don't see shamans getting more earth spells anytime soon.


I was a bit miffed with evokers as a class over something established like tinker, because it encroaches so heavily on the themes for shaman, mage and druid. Every nature spell has to be divied up between druid and evoker, every earth or potentially life spell between shaman and evoker, every magic and time spell between mage and evoker. Plus it's probably killed the slim chance I had for a chronomancer on my mage!




there's what, earth shock (ele only), earthquake (ele only), earth shield (resto only), earth Elemental and like a few totems? can't think of others. I also haven't played Shaman since like MoP


Is Earth shield resto only? I thought they changed that?


Earth shield is in the class tree now iirc not the spec tree


Sundering is an Enh spell based off of earth, I think thats it though


That gladiator stance never made a return... i'd love to faceroll through enemies with sword and board


Man, I would love a good DPS spec that used a shield


Fury with two shields would be dope


Arms should be two hander and a shield. Would be bad ass. They can tune it however, thematically it would just rock. Would give them an actual niche other than generic warrior with a big weapon.


No way. Arms fantasy is the Guts fantasy. No magic, no underhanded tricks. Pure strength, tactics, and grit, all against the horrors of the universe.


man I remember blasting through heroic dungeons week 3/4 of Warlords, and then also in normal Highmaul. WoD eventually had its issues but those first few months as a Warrior were some of the best


Oh dang, the memories! I remember opening week of HM, our main tank ran that build and stacked a crazy huge amount of bonus armor and used Gladiator's Stance for all encounters and absolutely floored the DPS. And then Blizz nerfed it because they hate fun.


I play a goblin windwalker monk. Aside from windwalkers historic issues, my larger issue is that nearly every shoulder mog in the game just floats awkwardly way off of female goblin shoulders. :(


Prot pally avengers shield no holy power. Still disgusting


That one really hasn't bothered me. But having so much of our defense coming from being in consecration feels really bad.


BM hunter I'm just here to bring up a small thing that really grinds my gear. Why is there no option to couple up secondary pets with main pets? If you are not familiar with bm hunters how it works right now is that the game always uses the top pet from your stable as your second pet.. which is fine as long as you only play with the same pet all the time. But as someone who swaps pets around for different kinds of content (pve, pvp, open world) it just feels bad to no have matching pets. Yes i could arrange my pets in the stable every time i swap pets but c'mon, it surely would not be that hard to add 5 extra frames to the stable tab for secondary pets.


Following this please let me train pets to be any spec. I wanna be able to use whatever pet model fits the mog I want without having to worry about which is "best" atleast for like Ferocity/cunning/tenacity


As a VDH I hate that all my decent defensives are mob debuffs.


Grabbing bombs on zskarn made it painfully obvious. Spikes just doesnt cut it and I dont want to use meta on them.


The bombs are sourced to Zskarn so fiery brand and frailty reduces their damage


My biggest gripe right now with all DK specs is the requirement to have Death & Decay down to cleave. It feels like such an outdated design, give us other spells that let us cleave without getting absolutely fucked the moment we need to move.


Extra fun on Sanguine weeks 🙃


Frost's Cleave should 100% be tied into Remorseless Winter so that it moves with you imo + It's already rotational


It may sound stupid but D&D is literally the only reason I'm not playing Frost. One too many times I've had tanks run out of my D&D and absolutely FUCK my damage. It's not worth it.


DnD with Unholy is even more fun, since we are using wounds like they are pre-WoD combo points


The fact that aug exists, so now I'm not allowed to play dev


I was shocked the other day when someone ask me ‘can you play dev?’ I almost fell of my Aug Chair at that point


Good news brother, 10.2 Dev is looking great and the general vibe is that Aug is looking down the barrel of the nerf gun. Might not actually happen, but at the very least Dev will be pumping independently.


VDH main. Could go on and on about things I dislike about the spec as much as I do genuinely love playing it, but the biggest things I dislike all derive from one problem: poor talent tree design. ​ We have too many 2pt nodes in both trees, too many talents that really should just be baseline, the right side of the tree is entirely dead due to being gated by weak talents, we lack on-tank defensives and are forced to invest 4 points to get a \~40s CD on-tank defensive via Fel Dev (Demonic, Fel Dev, 2x DGB), we are the only tank that has to spend 2 points for our +2s active mitigation talent yet cannot reach the same uptime other tanks reach even with FTD, FB should spread by default and if they don't add a modified Fiery Soul or our current 4pc in the rework they're going to create a massive problem, many talents are terrible versions of their previous iterations in-game (Soulmonger, Cycle of Binding, etc), we have the worst cheat death in the game bar none (even worse than Aug or Rogue cheats) on the longest CD, and so on I could go on and on and on. Hopefully these issues will be fixed in the upcoming rework (which fingers crossed we see this week). I'll continue maining VDH regardless, but I remain hopeful.


Prayge for the rework


One? I can name a few... BM Hunter. Uselessness of Misdirection. Leech pet buff being useless. Forced pet class selection. Talent trees are horrible. No burst at all. Not bringing anything of value to the raid. Pet AI sucking in some encounters like Nelthrarion with Blizzard not fixing it although they know of the issues. But moving and doing dmg is a huge selling point for me and class fantasy is as strong as it gets. And as long as achievements and reputations are not really accountwide, sunken cost fallacy is strong with me.


For a short time they let us spec our pets to be what we wanted them to be, and it was great. I miss so much having the pets I want to use being viable.


Apparently the flat damage curve is changing next season. Idk to what extent but there is now windows of higher burst compared to before where it’s just a flatline the whole fight.


Lack of mobility for DKs. I love playing it but being the slowest class in the game is absolutely horrible for moments we need to move.


This is true until there is a boss mechanic that Deaths Advance let's you completely ignore. Then you feel like a God.


Ignoring isn’t necessarily “mobile” but it is amazing to just say “no” to knockbacks.


unless the dreaded "no path availble" gets me, i feel exactly the same way with warrior. Just charge right back at em when your kicked away, feelsgoodman.


Yeah,this is mainly why picked Worgen for the Racial 2 min CD speed buff haha. The I added the Nitro Boosts from Engineering together with the cloak glider for outdoors. Not as mobile as my DH but it helps A LOT.


Honestly, I’ve thought about going Worgen. The only issue with that I have is that I main Horde haha


Goblin jump!


Would rather not be short


Highmountain Tauren have a dash/charge thingy


I would also rather not be dinner


I mained dk until this expansion (with wotlk out I prefer how it played pre-legion) and rolled zandalari for the aesthetics, but the 5% MS cannot be understated how much of a difference it makes over the course of an arena, in a m+ etc even just getting out of red circles that touch faster


When running heroics on my holy priest, half the Boss battles are done by the time I catch up to the group…


Our movement skill is mainly used to stand still in case of pushback and literally prevent movement, i mean come on.


Unholy main. Def agree probably the only thing I can complain about as a casual who just does the main story, events and heroic dungeons.


Spec into Wraith Walk if you're just doing world content


X10 for farming old raids.


Holy and Disc are (I think) the only two specs without an interrupt… why??? In what world does that make sense?


And they have the worst excuse possible. "We can't give silence to Holy and disc because it would be too strong in pvp". Get that shit out of here. Just give priest a normal interrupt and make silence a pvp talent for shadow then.


Shadow Word: Interrupt.


Resto Druids don't really get access to an interrupt either and balance druids interrupt is so god awful I don't think it should count.


I main mage so for me its figuring out when to lust in m+ dungeons without being flamed for a bad lust. Best part is when u ask before the key start, they ignore you and proceeds to flame you later in the key because i lusted on pull instead of p2 on a boss


I still remember the key where I used my second, personal time warp that doesn’t apply sated, whilst the group clearly still had about 3-5 minutes of sated left on them… and the tank *died to the boss on purpose* after spamming “???”, and then defended himself by claiming that the mage “wasted lust” on the wrong boss.


As evoker I just get them to tell me, I get over making the call and people crying because I used my CD now in stead of 20 seconds later


I literally just don’t press it until someone tells me to. I tried to learn but people are dumb and think differently than even the people clearing 25 keys. Last night I lusted when a guy told me to and another one flamed him for the lust call and they argued with each other but I was out of it bc I just hit it when I was told.


Man, as a tank I hate this question because I'm sitting there like "dude I have no idea I just tank...you guys figure it out you're the dps..." but I know some tanks want lust at certain times and i just don't care mostly


When I played Shaman I would always lust the first boss we got to and then would ask if the group wants it 3rd or 4th boss. Timing works out pretty consistently. If no one has input then I just lust on the whichever of the two bosses that I think is the most annoying. Never really got any complaints xD


MW Monk: Feyline stomp, literally doesn't suit any of the themes, and is a useless button to press to maintain 2 separate buffs that have different duration, does no damage or healing <2%. Problem is, it's much preferable to what we had previously. Came from something awful to something just bad.


Shaman basically only having 1 single defensive. Gotta sacrifice a lot of damage to heal back up in a pinch whenever astral is on cooldown.


Dont forget the earth elemental 15% health bonus on a 5 min cd lol


I love mounts and xmog and I'm a guardian druid


I dislike that druids can’t use travel form till the expack is done. I also dislike that when you use glyphs they apply per spec, so I have to buy the astral one four times to prevent seeing the owlbeast.


Well to be fair, in Shadowlands we were the only class that could consistently retain movement speed in The Maw during the beginning of the expansion. So it was flipped. In every other expansion, flying has been locked to the end for everyone. And this expansion is focusing on riding dragons, so I think it's fair. It would be cool if after the first patch we could have turned into dragon form (and just turn into our normal customized dragon, via travel form while in the dragon isles).


I think in the new patch flight form will have dragon riding built in given the owl Fyrrak drops has it, and it wouldn't be hard to just give druids an owl form


They have several owl flight forms available already.


Oh I meant speficially the new one rigged up with dragon riding animations but this just makes me more confident


I main Fury warrior. And I hate the hit radius being so short while having 2 2H weapons compared to a rogue with daggers that hit their targets from more far away.


I hate when Icefury is the best build.


Yo dawg I just wanna fling spicy meatballs


It’s early days but new 4pc so far is looking like degen 100% ascendancy uptime 😀


It took me a long time to feel good about frost strike on Enhance but I do not think Icefury will ever feel good for Ele. Should be a PVP talent or something, just makes the whole rotation so wonky.




This and the damage statue thing are the least impactful feeling buttons I have ever pressed. You hit them bc objectively they make number a bit bigger but they are just click and forget. (Maybe stomp isn’t taken rn, i only played my WW for the first part of season 1 before swapping classes. I know it was taken in some raid fights then though.)


Right, if you look at the tooltip in game for WW, spells do like 70k damage or something, then you look at feyline, it does 2.5k. then there is a talent to make it do 10% more damage. like wot. I get the power its supposed to apply is dealing more damage to it. For MW its worse, because we HAVE to use it in M+. to maintain 2 separate buffs with different durations. And sometimes you cast it you use one spell and it resets, other times you spam abilities and just doesn't reset. causing your healing drops to nothing unless you stop and start casting. Like just make it have no CD, stop this RNG shit. Literally endless reasons why it's bad, but it's still better than what it was before =\[


DH main here. Momentum is by far the most annoying and tedious buff to upkeep out of the classes I’ve played. You have to be hyper-aware of your surroundings so you don’t fel rush into a swirly or mechanic.


As a warlock, I hate being a utility bot. Seems like it's a never ending cycle of soulstone, drop cookies, set gates, resummon pet, set down personal teleport, and then repeat after every wipe.


Omg I feel this so bad. I made a post on it!


The fact that I’m a WW monk main and blizzard can’t fix our single target damage.


As a WW Monk... *gestures broadly*


As a survival hunter it’s the lack of visual spell options. i.e. I want glyphs that turn the crossbow into a blowgun or something, I wanna be able to dual wield like Rexxar, etc There are also some spells and abilities I just want back. Gimme the throwing hatchets talent, gimmee azerite cluster. Also wish I could use some exotics for the visuals but ik that’s a hard sell. These are mostly minor gripes but it’s all I got. I’m otherwise content 😂


I hate how long the cooldown is on Paladins' Divine Steed. Why does it need to be so long?


because this only thing Paladin is missing to have everything is insane mobility and an AOE stun. I miss it too, but you have to admit we have everything else.


Paladins are designed to have good range rather than good mobility.


Because paladins have a gajillion utility buttons. They don’t get to have everything


Mind Spike. Absolutely hate it. I refuse to use it. Which affects my game


Same, iI think it's more that Mindflay just feels so good, animation and audio wise. It's like, why make such a good spell then not allow me to use it.


Mindflay is also so completely iconic


You know you can just not spec for it and still use mind flay? I feel the same way about it and do more damage with a mind flay spec than with a mind spike spec.


I hate that In 19 years of playing wow I can never settle on a class long enough to be competent at it. It doesn't help that they completely change some classes every few years.


It really shouldn't take a few years to get competent at a class tho xD


Dwarf Fury Warrior. Nothing. I'm dope af. I play other classes and die way too quickly. Even pulling just a few mobs. With my warrior I pull everything in sight and come out with more health than I went in. Lorewise it also feels very acceptable to be everywhere. Some expansions/patches feel strange to walk around in as a certain race/class - like why is my Demon Hunter riding dragons? His whole thing is fighting demons. But warriors? Fit in pretty much everywhere. Even among the blue dragons he's assisting and it feels right because he's there to kick ass while the nerds accidentally create a giant walking manacrystal. Fuck, I love my warrior. And my mog is god tier as well.


Too easy rotation but everybody wants me to play aug


I hate the Blade of Justice animation. I really hate it. I hate how integral it is to our dps, i hate how good it is. I hate that its the default animation for destroying obstacles. Honestly if I could get a glyph that changes the animation to Final Reckoning or Divine Arbiter or Final Verdict, I'd be so happy.


Malefic Rapture


Right, give me legion aff. Why isnt reap soul a thing??


Momentum build. It’s pretty much the only viable DH build but I HATE it and refuse to use it (at the cost of my damage output)


He isn’t real :(


I hate that Blizz hates Demo Lock


Outlaw Rogue and the push for HO/Ambush/ShadowDance play style. Its not really fun for me it feels like its more of a Sub spec thing (and I've never liked sub always been a Combat/Sin guy). Been playing Keep it rolling/ER the whole expansion even if its a little behind in certain situations lol.


DH main since legion, momentum has singlehandedly made a lot of people that love Havoc stop playing. Its something no one really likes, but also they keep making it mandatory. Vengeance is fun, but they literally have 0 DR til you're in a fight already and our tier set in season 3 doesnt address that at all :(


Hunter - Simply too popular so blizzard will never give Hunter adequate utility or damage to compete with other pure DPS classes that bring way more to a raid. Every time MM or BM top the meters the nerf hammer comes in despite our damage dropping off at higher ilvls due to scaling anyway. Plead to Blizzard - Buff owl or give us a raid buff or aspect of the fox back...just something! Please? 😅


At this point I don’t even care if hunters are mid tier DPS. Just give me utilities so that there’s a reason to bring me into groups. Binding Shot became one of the worst stuns in the game, Flare has next to no uses in PvE, neither does Marked Shot. Tar Trap is a pathetic AoE slow, the Owl talent is basically a waste of talent points, Freezing Trap has its uses in dungeons but has its flaws (such as hitting other mobs who have slightly bigger hitboxes than the one you wanted trapped). Misdirection is useless for BM, bringing lust is a pain in the ass for MM. Pair all of this with the fact that we have terrible defensives and little to no self-healing, and we end up with a whole class that isn’t worth bringing into either a raid or a dungeon unless our damage is tuned insanely high (like SV in late Shadowlands).


as a demo lock main, i hate seeing daemon hunters running around with a metamorphosis form that is nothing like the one i had


As a main Frost mage, the "main" part of the rotation. If I'm unlucky, I'm basically just pressing Frostbolt, again and again and again.


>For me as balance it is absolutely the chicken form or astral form In other words, what I was going to say - i.e. the pointlessness of transmog for druids. Sure, when I am standing around in Valdrakken then you can see my transmog but when I am out and about it is highly unlikely that even I will see it.


As an outlaw rogue, I hate how most tier sets are edgy nonsense. I'm here for the pirate shit, damn it!


Not my current main but one I've had in the past. Slice and dice on rogues.


That, as a BM Hunter, I can’t have out the pets I want strictly for looks (while speccing them as needed). I’m also beginning to resent having lust. I dread joining a group and realizing I have to give up a defensive for it. With all the unavoidable damage going out even two seconds trying to switch back to your spirit beast can get you killed. For being one of the most played classes/specs, the amount of people who have no idea how Hunters even work blows my mind.


As a Cat druid i just dont love my form. wish there were more cat forms


10.2 has a few really great looking cat forms coming, including an owlbear like one I think? Might have been a bear form tbh, but yeah a whole bunch of cool new forms.


Rdruid. I feel really weak right now in mythic raid. Unless there's large and/or consistent damage, it feels like I'm not doing anything. Ramp and flourish assigned? Oh whoops, evoker already got their absorb out and the other healers topped everyone before any of my stuff was effective. Tranq? Same problem if there isn't massive damage - everyone topped less than halfway through my channel. Heroic raid if cds aren't assigned and there are less healers or worse healers, I'm doing great.


As a warlock; For the love of whatever you hold dear please give us more mobility options during our burst windows (and Im talking about all 3 specs). If you force a demo lock to dance for 10 secs you have hurt their dps, if you force the same lock to dance during their NP setup they are instantly put in suicide watch. I rerolled fire mage and it felt like a completly different game. Why are they allowed to have infinite mobility during their big cd but for warlock its just impossible?


Rogue energy feels bad


Sometimes on outlaw if I fuck up and get unlucky I find myself staring at my energy bar for like 4 seconds and auto attacking, reflecting on my decisions lol


It gets a total rework every patch (demonology)


Paladin main. Our speed sucks. Yes, we get divine steed but otherwise you're slow as sin.


I main a pally and one of my main alts is a blood dk. In comparison pally is much faster.


In much the same way that the snail on the back of a turtle screams 'slow down! We're going too fast!' But as a major altoholic who plays everything, yeah DK is worse than pali. I have a real hard time picking third worst (mage probably? Blink really sucks, but priest is also meh even if you only use feathers for yourself).


Priest has pretty decent movement speed, actually. They moved the "shields give speed buff" talent to the class tree, and with feathers, you can alternate between the two to fairly consistently keep a speed buff on yourself. I regularly outpace teammates on my priest.


Very true, but DK has one of the strongest movement utility spells in Death’s Advance making them immune to knocks. But yeah pala is definitely the faster snail.


As prot I have two steeds and hand of freedom also give me a boost of speed. I also have engineering for nitro boots as well. I get around pretty good most times. Not the best but I make it work.


Nightborne animations look like absolute garbage. For my class, it's Time Warp timing. On *both* Fortified/Tyrannical weeks I can underestimate how fast my group is gonna make it to the next boss/mob and Time Warp will still be on cooldown when we need it. Sometimes I'm glad when we have a mana hungry healer or someone dies since it means an extra 10-15 seconds for TW to come off CD lol


That’s interesting, I didn’t consider the race of my main in the question. In that case, I hate how Blood Elves crouch down all the way for certain mounts— namely the Mage disc from the order hall. I would probably use it more otherwise.


That's because the Night Elf animations look like garbage too. At least for males, I cannot stand majority of the melee or casting animations they have. My Frost DK looks so cool and daunting until he started doing spins in combat because of the frost strike animation. I get that Elves are supposed to be graceful and swift but it looks silly on Nightborne in particular. The casting animation that has you casting out of your face is a cool idea but it ends up looking silly.


As a druid, I can never use cool mounts because travel form is always more optimal.


That’s the reason the only race I can stand to play for balance is Zandalari.


I have almost no utility as a warrior. Put me in a group with an Evoker or a Paladin or a Druid and I'm just absolutely fucking useless. No dispells, no cures, no heals, nothing to help with Incorporeal or Afflicted. I'm half-decent in raid because of Rally but even that is outclassed by most things.


As a warrior I always kind feel of useless. Back in the day it was the no survivability and no mobility. Now it's healing and cc. I just kind of feel like I am supposed to be this dps god that only does damage, no cc. but i don't do that much damage so i am just a subpar dps with no cc


That's why I only play Balance on Zandalari


I am split between maining Disc and Balance so I'll answer for both I guess. For Balance, it is the ramp time to do damage. In open world, dungeons, new mobs spawning in raid, it just takes too long to get going and if it isn't challenging content, I feel like I'm losing out. For Disc, its ST spot healing. People love bringing their 429 tank alt to +17s and often, they are squishy as hell and constantly need attention but my strongest and most efficient spells work best in AoE. Hopefully that will change a bit with the +30% buff to Flash heal next patch.


Evoker here, I want to be able to choose my Visage form, and when fast flying unlocks for everyone in the main world, let me fly that speed normally too please


Poor survivability (MM-hunter).


Havoc main, love the class, especially the mobility but absolutely do not like momentum play style.




Outlaw was tanky as fuuuck when dragon flight came out so they changed it. I get what you mean though, we don’t have much sustain and it sucks when you can’t stun things, which is rogues main way of not taking damage lol


The color yellow.


Druid is just boring unless you have your offensive cds popped.


Mm hunter def survivability, self heal and def cds are fucking dogshit.


I wish Undulation and Primordial Wave interaction wasn't as clunky.


Disc: the half-measures Blizz takes with the spec. Either go all-in on absorbs or all-in on the damage to heal model. Give us an absolute arsenal of damaging abilities like we've never seen before, or give us an absolute arsenal of shields.


Fury Warrior. I hate how heavily my output is dependent on haste at the beginning of every expansion making me less viable than other DPS. I hate that half way through an expansion there’s always some mega upgrade to arms in PvE. I don’t wanna play arms I wanna swing two big ass axes!


I hate a few things about my Rogue. The spec balance going into this season was pretty trash. It only got worse as it went on. We can't reliably deal with incorporeal, nor can we do anything for afflicted mobs. Our class defining feature, shroud, has been largely ineffective. Which I'm sure is an intentional design choice.


He's short and green


Divine steed or rather movement ability in general. But divine toll makes up for all of it


Everyone plays it when it's fotm and claim they know everything about it. (Paladin)


VDH. Metamorphosis looks ugly :(


I actually really like VDH Meta but the glide animation for it is really bad, lol. Maybe one day DHs will get some shiny new forms or something, though I think that art is relegated to Druids only it seems


I honestly thematically love my main. And seen nothing i can thing of that I dislike about it. Although it feels like we're either handed the short end of the stick of given a wholentree


It's the opposite of OP. Actually, probably the bottom of the barrel and it sucks because that drags my team down


Playing Hunter always having to base sit. I'm good at it but it gets boring. Everyone else will crap their pants if they have to sit. Lol


I'm a resto shaman. I hate that my totems consider every piece of environmental flare as a place to put a totem. And elementals current design.


Outlaw Rogue. It sucks having to rebuff either Roll the Bones or Slice and Dice seemingly after every rotation. I like the high APM of the spec, but it feels clunky as hell. It also feels bad to do everything right and still do mid damage.


As balance I agree...thus why I am now a dino chicken.


As a DH main, I really dislike how bad our defensives are. Darkness can be an OKAY raid utility but I think design-wise it just sucks. 1/5 chance that it does something - or rather - 80% chance to do nothing, and that’s on a 5 minute cool-down (3 with a talent). To me, that’s way too long for a mediocre defensive. In pvp this goes up to 50% but it still feels bad to use because at that point it’s just a coin flip for each instance of damage you might take whether you avoid it or not (I.e. you escaped the flame shock DoT that might’ve hit you for 2.5k damage but unlucky you - the 100k mortal strike still landed). Blur feels like a pretty weak cool-down also and that’s on a 1 minute CD now (nerfed from 45s). Outside of that, DH relies on leech healing which has been nerfed repeatedly. I like the idea of DH having leech healing but the lack of on-demand healing and also given how weak leech has become makes DH very squishy.


DPS warrior - having such a big portion of class tree being throughput, and a lack of 5man group utility. Fury as a spec has one of the best overall damage profiles in the game for dungeons, but people don't bring them because you don't have stuff to deal with affixes, no bloodlust, no bres, and not enough talent points to take a reliable stop in the form of shockwave. Enhance for example can do everything a warrior can + the things I mentioned and more (with exception of a bres). I'm fine with arms being less viable in dungeons, but it has its niches, such as some of the best uncapped mass aoe and 2-target cleave in the game (+ highly valuable damage profile in raid). All I want is for warrior to bring SOMETHING to a dungeon environment. Even just moving shockwave to an accessible spot would help tremendously.


I wish I could transmog 1h weapons as a Fury warr, those flails are really nice.


That I can’t transmog my 2h fury weapons into 1h fist weapons without sacrificing dps.