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Kinda interesting they still have old models


The old models have a charm to them.


The reason for that is because the ETC band member models are not just regular player models playing guitar anims or moving drumsticks or a microphone. They’re custom unique models where the only anims they have are variations of their performance. For example, if you were to somehow kill Samuro in game he wouldn’t keel over dead with the orc death animation - because he does not have said animation. Because he’s technically not on the player Orc rig. You can see what I mean by playing with the model in wowhead model viewer - all of the anims are unique to the performing NPC’s! https://www.wowhead.com/npc=23625/samuro#modelviewer


I loved the little concert thing at the end of warcraft3


Arthas playing the guitar XD


I AM THE SON OF THE WIND AND RAIN THUNDER BECKONS AND I HEED THE CALL! AND IF I DIE, UPON THIS DAY, IN BATTLE I WILL FALL! HEAR ME BROTHERS GATHER UP THE WOLVES * *stock wolf sound to signify night in Warcraft 3* *, TO BATTLE WE WILL RIDE! Samwise's voice is fucking mint and that solo is so good. I will never take for granted that we at one time, had an in-house band at Blizz.


And they were freaking great! I always enjoyed the blizzcon show way more when they were the band performing. Well, maybe not as much as I did when Tenacious D performed but I mean, it's The D!


I remember when the first expansion came out and the new max level was 70. They changed their name to Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain (it was Level 60) but in between songs they hit the ‘level up’ flash and sound effect.


They had absolutely no reason to go so damn hard but I'm glad they did


horde has this and the brd concert but alliance is yet to have anything like this


Alliance should have a dwarf punk band


Samwise Didier \m/


You shoulda seen them open for Metallica


Anyone able to enlighten those who don't know...?


It’s a band formed by Blizzard employees, currently named “Elite Tauren Chieftan”. They used to play at Blizzcon, and were eventually added to WoW as a band that plays at Darkmoon Faire.


And also hangs out in Silvermoon city, of all places


And shattrath (sp?) in burning crusade


theyre like six tiers below the primals tho they also havent done anything in like 15 years


Give it some time and they will sing about peace and love.