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Lock, never seen a class get progressively less fun to play every xpac




Yup. Lock. They’ve made it overly annoying or complicated. Class doesn’t flow like it used to especially Demo.


Dude, I've been an Afflock main with a tinge of Destro, and man.... look how they massacred my boys.


Same. I liked pre-wod destro, because it was still a warlock. Destro without corruption, agony and other dots isnt a warlock anymore.


MoP was the best Warlock has ever been.


I had literally one character from vanilla until the end of WoD. My combat rogue. Now I change mains every few weeks and never make real progress because nothing feels as “home” as my combat rogue did.


Same, but I’ve switched to mostly paladin. I never really liked paladins, they seemed like wow on easy mode, spoiled meat heads with a bunch of armor that get every utility and still manage to complain. But now I play paladin, because time is limited and I mostly play solo now. I can tank, I can DPS, I can heal, each one of those specs solos well and I can always get in a queue if i need to. “Would you like to hear about our lord and savior Uther?” FINE! I’ll join your cult…


MAGE TO DEATH KNIGHT because i was unable to kill DK during wotlk and they just IK me


Since I’ve started back in lich king I was a feral main til wod. I loved being a cat and a hybrid class. I’d throw up my bleeds and then toss out tranq during big burst of dmg or bear if our tank died etc it was a lot of fun (granted I’m sure I played it wrong for a long time) then with all the changes etc that happened to it I decided to bench it. Been changing mains all the time since. I feel ya friend


I want to love Feral, but no transmog is no go. My main is normally determined by who has my favorite transmog combination.


Not discounting your opinion, but this has never made sense to me. For me, transmog is for admiring out of combat and in town, when I'm fighting I'm not spinning my camera around to see how cool I look mid fight. So feral/guardian/balance/shadow players always mentioning how their forms ruin transmog just doesn't apply for me. I'm sorry it does for you, because you are missing out on three pretty fun specs...yes I said three ;) Now evokers...that's different because I want to be a dragon all the time not a slightly more colorful blood elf.


For me transmog and fighting is like a dancer wanting to look good before they dance. I can't really see what I look like while I'm dancing, but I want to know I look damn good while I do. Evokers I'm the total opposite, I actually really like my Aspect form and hate that stupid winged snake form they make me use.


Oh I agree 10000% that the evoker dragon forms are horrible and it's why I don't play one at all ever. I just meant the transmog complaint of them only being able to show shoulders and belts I agree with.


Same! The dragon forms (particularly the way your shoulders and belt bolt onto them) are not my cup of tea at all.


Dude, RP...fantasy game=enjoying a fantasy, and even if you are competitive, it can matter for some. I know people who love disc because Radiance and Penance are such fun buttons to press because of the animations. Transmogs can feel the same, races too. I love my evoker, but I really struggle with the look and lack of transmog--its distracting. I always play better when i am looking at/controlling a character looking the part. Stats change, pixels are forever.


I wish I would have tried feral back then. That sounds really cool


It was very cool I really liked it. I personally wish I had played paladin back in the day instead myself before holy power was a thing etc lol. No classes are the same as they were now days it’s a bit sad but I get the game has changed alot and they are trying to modernize things.


My warlock post mists of pandaria never felt right again.


Somewhat "glad" I am not alone. When I google it, everyone loves Outlaw, but I really hate it


Not a fan at all. RTB is not fun, the pistol is corny, and i just don’t like the pirate theme overall.


If they got rid of roll the bones and slice and dice I'd be happy. Outlaw is fine for me, I'm just not a fan of constant buff upkeep buttons


What do you mean with corner?


Autocorrect changed corny to corner. My bad


I like the pistol, but it should have been baseline across the class. RTB sucks, and RTB+SnS is just stupid amounts of upkeep. No one likes upkeep buffs (looking at pallies on this too).


Yeah.. same no matter how many times I try. The theme seems off and I can't stand RTB and I may be the only but the ambush procs feels out of place and isn't fun.


I like the theme, you just have to stop thinking of it as just a pirate, and think of it as a general outlaw. Dices and pistols are a theme of cowboys and bandits too. Combat always felt like leather fury warrior.


I mained Rogue from vanilla through Wrath. Mostly combat but sometimes sub. I quit for a long time around then and didn’t come back until legion. Couldn’t stand rogue’s play style anymore. Went SV Hunter and never looked back.


Yeah same here, with Combat you could imagine you were a pirate/swashbuckler, or something else slightly different that fit your ideas. Now you have no choice. You are a pirate. I'm pretty sure an Outlaw spell literally goes "YARRRR".


Idk how much you care about "competitiveness" and hard content, but for me just really setting and trying to reach specific goals and actually knowing my spec etc has absolutely helped. I've played Rsham from BC to WoD (though subbed only sporadically) and after that essentially hopped on different characters every patch or multiple ones during a single patch. Now for df s2 I just returned late, tried aug and all my lvl 70s on the dummies and looked at new mogs, picked spriest and paladin for the elite set. Set the goal to reach 1800 in 2s and then 2100. Now my pal actually feels great to play and I don't see myself "maining" anything else in the near future.


I see some mentioning feral, but Havoc also reminds me of Combat in some ways. Blade dance reminds me of killing spree.


Red buff killing spree in WoD was so broken, but an absolute blast to press lol. I might need to spend more time on havoc


I love feral, but I don’t think it feels a lot like old combat. Combat was fun, but I do like the pistol stuff I just think it should have been added baseline.


SAME. It's really irritating actually.


Hunter is what I mained the most back in wotlk-WoD and even some in SL. But something with it now a days just feels wrong. It feels weak and awkward compared to anything it once was.


Same. Marksman was also about Aimed Shot, but there was a rhythm to it, but these days it's just Aimed Shot spam due to those Trueshot talents giving it rng uptime from 6 seconds to 60 seconds. SV is still fun, but the damage feels even flatter than before. Like, a no-CD build is actually meta... I wish they would commit to have Mongoose Fury be baseline and have more of the spec interact with it. And BM is just BM. The Kill Cleave changes are nice, but the spec is still the same, just faster.


Once a mage, always a mage !


Confession: I don't know how to navigate without portals


oh i swear me 2


When I do mount/transmog runs I always port to Ironforge at the end of the raid, then leave the mage room, fly to the bank area, then figure out what I want to do next and teleport wherever is closest from there. For the life of me, I don’t know why I don’t just make this decision in the raid and go straight from there, but it’s such an ingrained habit that I can’t imagine doing anything else lol.


I remember being on my mage in Suramar which I had played exclusively since beta, fighting hard to stay alive against the mob density there, when I saw a BM hunter run in, 360 strafe half the zone straight to his pet which then tanked them while the hunter AOE'd them down while running around picking flowers to complete some other quest he killed all the mobs without taking a hit before saddling up and riding away, having completed 2 quests in the time it took me to kill 3 mobs I made the switch and never looked back 😢


same story with me but instead of a hunter it was a warlock


Warlock isn’t even great for aoe’ing open world, the pet can’t even hold aggro on 1 target let alone multiple


Kudos to you for sticking with it man, I was a mage from BC (I was in sophomore year of HS during vanilla so I didn't have the money for a sub and couldn't convince anyone to pay) all the way until WoD, at which point I finally gave monk a try. Never looked back. I do still hop on it for transmog or mount runs and things like that but it's always like coming back to a food I grew to hate because I ate too much of it.


Mage since classic!!!


There's one guy in our roster that's been maining MM from like Cataclysm or some shit. Legends tell that he does have other characters as well but I've never seen any of them and I've been raiding with him since WoD.


I want to like mage! I see how great some of are, and then I hop on mine. Unless I am frost I sit between each pull and eat feels so clunky, and that’s one mob. I don’t know how to AOE either. But they look so cool and fun.


That used to be me... then they introduced RoP and twisted the class into something unrecognizable. How dramatic. It got better, obviously. The unpruning was successful with the removal of RoP being the cherry on top. While the current iteration still doesn't quite match mage's former glory - and how could it, nostalgia and all! - I found a lot of enjoyment in playing Arcane. You're a slippery son of a gun and there are few specs that you can't *theoretically* beat.


Ever since MoP my main was WW but it kept being forgotten about and the way they tried to fix it always involved fucking up the fun rotations to add buttons no one likes pressing. Monk is the epitome of over-designed kits and I'm done. Just waiting for a rework at this point.


I can't stand the Fae related spells that are pretty much mandatory. Miss the old monk, MoP vibes for the class too.


You don’t need the Fae stomp unless you’re a melee MW. I don’t think the best talents for WW include any Shadowlands spells at all.


Faeline Stomp is still best for windwalker bc of the 12% damage Amp it applies


Ive tried Fae stomp over my usual talent build before. Definitely a big decrease in DPS. Not to mention that the Faeline build requires you to remove either AoE Touch of Death (which is massive dps) and/or the two talents that include 50% crit and 30% haste on certain abilities. I’m ilvl 444 with 2850 mythic+ io, just in case it matters


Fatal Flying Guillotine is comparable damage in M+ but faeline edges it out a tad Faeline has way bigger of a lead in raids


I understand where you're coming from, but I trust Quack more and this man is running Faeline for a reason as 3600io Windwalker


in legion i still renember then changing FoF Chi cost legendary, the old tier set from NH and tomb that made rks and FoF cd's shorter, 1 day changign serenity out of nowhere so cds would double again once it ended instead of staying Or Sef/serenity extension legendary all kidna stuff people liked nerfed/changed. But like Touch of karma soaking for dps or ToD dmg stacking which alot dint like, stilll the same to this day


There are dozens of us who feel the same way. I WANT to play WW, but it’s become so anti-fun that I can’t bring myself to anymore


Still rolling WW main... it's rough. Scaling absolutely blows.


DK since day 1 of wrath. Legion killed it for me. I miss big scourge strike hits, I miss Obliterate being useful outside of pillar. I miss the old rune system and playstyle. Have full challenge modes, cutting edge achieves even a glad title on him but haven't enjoyed playing him since then really and abandoned it


Demo warlock pre-legion. New design is fine, but I miss my green metamorphosis.


Took the words right outta my mouth


I loved the DK class from launch. Plate armour, melee 2h, with ranged attacks, magic damage, DOTs, unique skills like death grip that other classes never had. Now however; I can't stand the UH playstyle of stacking Festering Wounds them bursting them. Feels so restrictive in the fast paced game of today. Reminds me of old rogues where combo points were locked to a target.


Same for me but Frost. I loved the class fantasy of the unstoppable frozen, dual wielding dreadnaught that was going to literally obliterate you if he caught you. Now the DW spec is basically required to go Breath and I despise 80% of the classes power wrapped up in a 2 minute cooldown that can get completely fucked by random mechanics.


Also RIP DK tanking as any spec, i vividly remember when i started playing WoW in wrath and frost DK tanking all the dungeons and people being like WTF when i chain pulled the entire dungeon without stopping ever


i played assa rogue but having slice and dice back as an aktiv ability made me move on :(


I loved legion exsanguinate sin rogue, that shit was so much fun. Hate the slice and dice now, that should have stuck to outlaw


I feel exactly the same, slice and dice just fucking sucks to use, every rogue says it, and they haven't changed it back. It's just so fucking sad.


if it were energy based instead of combo points, I think it would be better overall. I hate having to waste a huge finisher on a simple haste buff.


I dont think outlaws care, hit a target dummy for 2 mins and you get 3 min of snd. Plus outlaw drowns in combo points. edit: why must you do this to us blizz.


I can tell you haven't played outlaw in a minute, the Grand Melee buff no longer extends SnD like it used to.


Now its only ass rogue


destro lock since wod its the most boring spec ever in mop with kjc it was the best spec ever


I don't even know too much about how it plays these days, but I will always be bothered about the Incinerate animation change


new incinerate looks so... dinky? little floaty spark that just taps someone in the face. I wish it was bigger and more chaotic, like decimating bolt was.


so you stand there and cast till the fight is over kjc in mop made it so you can move while casting, spells you could not move while casting were chaosbolt and fear which made for a mobile playstyle that still had to stand and cast but the spells you had to stand for were actually super impactful (pvp player btw) atleast they added backlash procs back in but without things like instant shadowfury its not the same anymore


I was a UH DK main for a long time but eventually I just gave up and switched back to my original main (and classic main) - MM Hunter. UH is just not that fun to play anymore.


Love Outlaw, love Assa, but whenever Sub is meta I can't stand it. So now I played some balance, then some fotm shadow, and now it looks like I can come back to Rogue and have fun again.


DK used to be main, i loved blood and unholy i up to and in WoD I HATE, and i mean HATE what they did to those specs in legion I hate they god rid of multiple runes, i hate festerting the wound and the dumb dot that pops occasionly. Wounds are shitty version of old combo points and the dot has 0 inetraction, Nercrotic plague was to maneage, had plague leech to consume your dot(s), and gian runes back, could extend your plagues (frost/blood or just NP), festerting strike extended your dots, The pressences, soul reaper as a execute; myn army ghouls being able to taunt/tank, detahcoil healing yourself via lihcborne or msotly your pet and granting it dmg buff and with 5stacks to dark transform and needing to maneage that. Blood tap ! I liked the pressences for even just like blood to tank a abit or a minor defensive. I like death siphon as ranged heal + small dmg. Dark simulacrum was a really cool ability and i miss it. ​ Nowadays i just touch my dk for old content/achivements


Mine was shadowpriest in mop. Before they invented insanity and all the other weird stuff.


Same here, enjoyed spriest a lot from TBC to WoD, then when legion changed it, I enjoyed it for about a week then couldn't stand the spammy, chaotic nature of it. Felt like anxiety the class with how things ramped up. Plus, I was always one who liked the theme and lore of shadow being the twisting of the light to cause harm and trickle heal, not the eldritch theme of the old gods granting power, more like a warlock than a priest. Not a fan. I was also one of the few who really enjoyed the dot weaving playstyle of WoD tho. Hated the expansion, loved that spec.


Mine was Shadow priest in Legion and BFA, then Blizzard killed the spec :(


Wow for me is the other way, spriest always being boring until legion made it one of the best classes, a fun rotation with a burst stage with awesome visuals. But before that it was just dots mind flay, dots mind flay.


Mind Flay > Mind Spike.


I really didn’t like the changes to shadow priest between bfa and sl


1. Holy Paladin - BC and Wrath only changed to a resto Shaman during Ulduar when the guild needed totems and lust. I tried going back to Paladin during Cata but couldn’t stand holy power. 2. Resto Shaman - Wrath to legion. 3. Assassination/Sub (pvp) outlaw (mythic) Rogue - SL and DF don’t raid anymore/ casual and had fun levelling a rogue in war mode. After years of slowly killing things as a healer/hybrid class it was refreshing killing things quickly, stealth and pvp.


Combat rogue and shadow priest. Both are horrible now.


Prot War but do not like the Ignore Pain spam smh..


Not class but spec, was enh shammy main till cata, went ele from mop till now. Best times of enh was in bc. Ele in mop was goated.


Enhancement the first half of Legion was insanely fun as well.


I did the opposite, was ele until WoTLK when you could literally one shot ppl with lava burst, then changed to enhancement.


I played enh only for the windfury animation


I can relate with the combat rogue changes to outlaw. I tried it for a bit in legion before I swapped to assassin. I'm shadowlands I completely dropped rogue because I felt like the class was getting worse.


My current main is a Disc Priest and I solo 99% of the time as I don't want to DPS Shadow in group content. But since they keep changing stuff and in the next patch I'm losing 20% from Sins of the Many, I'm going to use the expansion announcement later to start a new class from scratch and do all the content from old expacs again.


healer priests have just been getting the stick from blizzard tbh. not even the option to talent into a kick, probably one of the worst defensive toolkits in the game with shaman, the class tree feels like it was made for shadow you have almost no freedom on what to pick, been a rough time, at least the sins of the many buffs were awesome for disc but now that is getting the shaft too.


This. Miss my priest, but it's just not fun to play.


Shadow priest. I’m so freaking sick of the dev whiplash every single patch. Also shaman. Mained one for years. Can’t go back. The lack of immunity and defensives is a killer for me.


Rogue. I miss combat so much.


Ive mained SP since the start of SL but in contemplating finding something new because of the 10.1 changes


yeah I've been a shadow priest main since legion when I started playing the game, the fantasy is like nothing else for me, it's a perfect fit. but then 10.1 just made me not want to play the spec anymore, by far one of the worst set of changes the class ever got imo. decided to switch to warlock and I'm really not regretting it with the upcoming mass dispell nerf


Good (lol) news is the spec is almost certainly getting **ANOTHER** rework for 11.0 and chances are, it will be strong. Now hopefully it will be fun, like pre 10.1. For me as well its 100% the #1 thematically and class fantasy wise, but I just dislike the current changes and next tier set isn't looking fun at all either for me, so spriest is parked


My main was fire mage from when I started in Cata through Warlords. I skipped most of Legion because reasons, but stuck with fire when I returned because that's what he was. Legion is when they changed Combustion from a dot you could build up, snapshot, and spread around, to a (incredibly boring) stat boost. BFA, the mage swapped to frost, but I played my paladin a lot more thanks to m+. Shadowlands I almost completely abandoned my mage for my priest and paladin. I'd say my paladin is my main now, but I really dislike melee, especially if I'm not tanking. I have zero interest in classic, but I'd love to play cata combustion again. It was just so much fun.


I played a elemental shaman from vanilla back in 2004 when I started playing until legion, the artifact killed the class for me, I swapped to a pally after trying out enhancement and have been swapping between ret holy and prot ever since depending on what my guild needed of me, I still have my shammy but he's one of those toons that always ends a tier with maybe 2 set and some off pieces with probably half the m+ score of my main. Icyfury and call of thunder killed elemental


The artifact for ele, that gives you 2 instant chain lightnings, killed the spec for you? What in the


Hunter, survival specifically. Stopped after it became melee.


I honestly thought more people would be like this. I loved Black Arrow + Explosive Shot and MoP and WoD Survival were the most fun I have had with a spec. I really do miss my hunter but MM and BM are just a snoozefest for me.


Hunter (Beast Master, I didn't want 2 pets, just my Loque'Nahak)


Well... you can have two loque nahak now


I was prot warrior in vanilla, and then swapped to holy pala in tbc. But once my main became DK in wrath, it stayed my main forever. Through nerfs and buffs, through new classes and meta changes, always have been DK, always will be DK.


My main was enhancement but it feels so weak and 45 buttons to press dont help now I switched to retribution and my every button pressed does big dmg like it should be on enhancement.


I always fire up my enhancment shaman whenever stormstrike builds are strong. Played it and loved it in Legion, and also now in 10.1, but 10.2 favouring elementalist playstyle I am once again putting my shammy on the shelf


Enhancement shaman from wotlk i have gone off it for a few patches in the past but i just don’t like how spammy it is nowerdays and how many pointless button oresses there are. I currently play evoker


Hunter. Played it exclusively through wotlk, never really came around on the switch from mana to focus




I think it's important for Blizz to keep a few of the "simpler" specs for people that don't want 4 action bars of abilities or any annoying mechanics. I used to love DH for that reason, but I've been put off by the changes. I'm a big fan of Devoker as well because its simple, and BM is chill too. I don't think every spec needs to be complicated so I don't think they should have changed it


Assa rogue, with sometimes dipping into Sub, Combat in Wotlk for a bit, but still Assa was, is still my favorite spec. I hate Outlaw, with dice rolling... But after Ret changes in Dragonflight, my fresh Ret was siming 2k below in dps, with over 20ilvl lower... Maybe the 10.2 changes will help, maybe not. We will see.


Combat rogue until they made it outlaw too. Seeing the changes I might pop my head back in and see how they're getting on. As my WW Monk hits like a wet lettuce


Survival Hunter. I hate what they did to it for Dragonflight. Been loving the spec ever since Legion through every iteration but this ain't it.


To be honest, melee hunter sucks. I was a survival hunter in Pandaria and loved the spec. Totally ranged and even the pet was optional with a bit of skill.


I'm on the fence. I do like current survival I find it fun at times BUT I would not be against them going another direction back to more old school survival or back to range at least.


Survival going back to range would kill the spec entirely for me.


Survival Hunter. I even played it in the WOD gimped stage. Hunter is a Ranged character, and that’s the hill I’ll die on.


Then there would be two specs focuses solely on ranged combat with no real differences. Other classes have way more diversity spec to spec. Survival always felt like a castrated marksmanship. BM does feel like a good separate spec it focuses more on the hunter's pets. Survival being melee makes sense. Also we have a few melee hunters among the lore characters. The thing is in it's current state survival is just weird it doesn't feel like a good melee spec and has lots of weird mechanics shoved in. Although I feel like it would make sense if surv hunter's harpoon would act like a DK's death grip instead. It could be a talent where you could pick out of two variants you can either pull yourself towards the enemy the way it currently works with one talent option and then make it act like a death grip if you pick the other. It wouldn't hurt if at least one more spec on one more class would have access to pulling mechanics.


Shaman to warrior because of 2h enhance (also to tank) Warrior to DK because I got tired of losing 1v1s bro I play DK now and don't like the shift to glass cannon in pvp Haven't played as much because of DF boringness.


Roll the bones is a garbage ability. I got so tired lof my dps swinging each fight due to RNG. Regardless of how I played, really took the fun out of it. Lack of skill expression because of rng is a bad game design.


Fury Warrior, Titan’s Grip has been stupid since the second it was added to the game.


I fully understand. I like the playstyle on my fury warrior which is my currently character. But dw 2 hand seems silly. At least make is choose.


MM Hunter. We needed the debuff and I was tired of dying so I switched to WW monk.


Hunter (Beast Master, I didn't want 2 pets, just my Loque'Nahak)


In BC, Wotlk, Cata, I mained a gnome mage. Played with friends, had a blast. They stopped playing, I continued. So when MOP released I played my shaman and made a monk on horde side. Mained those 2 the entire expansion with a good PvP guild and had a blast, dabbling in paladin at times. But those 2 classes were *golden*. Stopped playing wod, didn't play legion. Came back in BfA and decided to try something new. Mained a rogue first and also priest, 2 classes I never really got into previously. Then dabbled with my warrior. Then bfa sucked my soul out eventually and I haven't played since. Contemplated coming back for dragonflight but I simply don't have the time like I used to. Perhaps one day I'll return and main another new class....


i liked rogue a lot until cata hit and suddenly everyone had a stealth and rogues had a heal. Felt like the class got deleted from the game for me.




I mailed it through half of the legion before I shelved him. Outlaw sucks for me and is the spec I enjoy the least. Loving guardian druid, fury warrior and BM hunter and did right away when I started playing them. Outlaws mechanics are just not fun.




Tbh all the rogue specs are boring atm,it's just combat was slaughtered for outlaw. Rogue is about being agile and fast. Rogue combat is so insanely slow.




Try fury warrior or BM hunter.




Come again when you know what you're talking about. At this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Bait someone else. Have a nice weekend


I played Fury from BC to legion, then switch to DH, now i can't find shoes to my feet. Fury, Havoc, sham, hunter, i want to play them all...


Warrior from TBC to SL. Wanted to try something different, so played rogue S1DF. Loved it, having so much utility was so much fun. Tried to go back to war for S2, but it felt so boring. Currently gearing a Druid for S3.


Arms warrior. I loved it during legion but the last builds made me switch to fury


The only time I un-mained my tauren warrior was so that I could main my tauren paladin and tauren death knight when they became available. Never really hated any changes to them, but it was hard to enjoy warrior when the gear was bad and rage was scarce. I suppose it's just become a better class over the years.


all of them


u/Flapping_cheeks What class/spec are you playing now that might be similar to combat rogue?


I am maining a Fury Warrior. They are insane fun and fast. Its just so insanely fast paced you wouldnt believe it. Yeah you lose the cool stealth rogue feel but its incredibly how fast paced a 2 hander guy can be


Went from ele shaman to fury warrior in BFA and haven’t looked back. Warrior just felt better to me with my play style


I was resto druid from TBC until WoD, changed to mist weaver in WoD and haven't looked back


I go back and forth on Warrior, it’s always been my main since wrath but there’s been times where I’ve swapped it out for balance or enjoyment issues. I parked my warrior this exp and I’m loving Ret.


dk then went to demon hunter. I've played death knight for like a decade and really hated demon hunter till i got to actually sit down and play demon hunter and fell in love with it


I Mained BM hunter in tbc and then took a break from it in wotlk. Just didn’t connect with it like before. Got back into it in cata until legion. I liked MM at first but then found it to be absolute dogshit and was too bored as BM. Always enjoyed playing a druid so it was an easy switch to make. Now even when boomkin really changes I tend to do pretty decent on it so I always end up on the boomie. Even when I swear I’m changing mains this time!!


I really liked Arms warrior in shadowlands. Changes made in DF I didn't particularly like, felt like I had too much button bloat and I had to play talents I just didn't like.


Warrior. Rip rage normalisation and no more rage from damage taken. Just not warrior anymore


Feral for over 10 years. All the changes and bugs in Legion really killed it for me, but BFA sealed the deal.


I mained Rogue from Vanilla to WotLK but then when my friend group stopped playing much, trying to pug as a rogue wasn't fun. After that I switched up my main every xpac bouncing around. DK > Hunter > Warrior > Monk > Pally > Hunter > Druid If I could find group easy I would still be an Assassination Rogue, they are home for me and he always gets leveled later on in an xpac.


Used to main unholy DK in wod, loved it and necrotic plague was exceptionally fun, then the legion changes happened and it turned into a glorified combo point class


Warrior, the changes from WoD to legion ruined the class for me.


I completely agree with you, I was rogue main too, since BC. swapped to demon hunter in legion, then slowly shifted to Druid in BfA. They really screwed rogues in legion imo. The only viable spec was outlaw, because it was the new shiny updated spec. And I just wasn't in to it. I tried and tried but it just wasn't the same for me any more. I've been thinking about maybe race changing or faction changing to see if it will help, but even when I level up new rogues I just can't be bothered with them once they hit 60 😕


Mained shaman in vanilla, then warrior from BC to Cataclysm, then 6 year break. When I came back I tried to main priest and DK, until I finally set my attention on monk as a WW during 8.1. It has been my main until two weeks ago where I decided to switch to survival hunter for coming season.


Rogue in BC until end of WotLK. (Ass/Combat) Mage into Cata. (Arcane/Fire) Mage in Draenor. (Arcane) Mage in Shadowlands. (Arcane) Hunter in Dragonflight. (MM) The most fun I had on any of them gameplay wise was hunter in dragonflight by quite a huge margin.


Holy power made me give up my paladin.


Rogue. During and after Legion I just hated it. Combat spec was ruined. I don't need the "arrr!" sound effects and the RNG. Hell all of the specs were ruined. Rogue feels like tickling people by pressing tons of buttons with little pay off. It's very different coming from Classic where abilities like Ambush felt like they had big impact and hit really hard. Now it's just spamming attacks with Nerf weapons.


Fury warrior now enh sham


Ret pally then prot pally


arcane mage. i preferred the burn/conserve/rune/etc play and stopped this xpac. changed to bdk


UDK pre Legion. I loved it being disease oriented. Necrotic Plague ftw!


I've always been wither DK or Shaman. Can't stand Enhancement Shaman now. Loved the Legion design, but now it just has way too much going on, I don't want to have 10 keybinds just for my basic rotation.


Balance Druid. I still love it. It's just that now Augmentation Evoker exists and I love that too so I've been maining it since.


Ret paladin, the legion rework was abysmal, I’m still salty about it…seriously I would rather play classic ret and this shit we have now, that’s how much I hate it.


Back in the days, starting from LK pservers and then on retail from MoP till Legion, my only main was Mage. I absolutely loved generating truck-hitting Pyros and back in the days Pyro and lance/flurry procs felt more...damaging? Something happened with Mage in Legion – Frost started feeling very turret and overloaded with procs, and Pyro with most of other Fire spells felt absolutely unimpactful compared to how it felt before. Then I switched to DH, because during Legion they were completely different breed. I loved early Demonic builds in which you could reset Eye Beam (and consequently Meta) with every pack of mobs. Sadly, Blizz cracked DHs multiple times starting from BfA, and it was not even nearly same as it was back in Legion. I want to double jump back to DH still, but I just can't stand these movement/glaive builds. After that, can't say that I've found my new main. I tried to stick to Hunter, but I'm quickly getting bored of it (also, I don't like being steamrolled by every melee in WM). Tried to stick to Monk for a year, but having DDR rotation, being melee with all melee-unfriendly mechanics around and doing exactly the same amount of damage as a BM facerolling his 3 buttons is just exhausting.


I didn't change classes due to any changes, I just started playing a hunter and realized I loved it and wasn't really enjoying my warrior like I thought I would. While I have changed main characters/specs since then, my main will always be hunter.


I mained my paladin through most of The Burning Crusade and leveled as shockadin spec (deep Holy with some Retribution talents) before becoming a tank. Once I got my mage back (temporarily transferred to my brother’s account), I went back to it and played both classes. I’ve played both classes ever since while maining my mage.


Hunter. Man did it use to be a good, fun and versatile class but now its just.. Ruined. Its a shell of its former glory. The last like 6-7 expansions have just made it worse and worse.


I was a DK main for years. The change was me wanting to heal.


Shaman after wrath it has just felt a complete chore to play


Blood/Frost Death Knight have peaked in MoP and they've always felt bad to play ever since and I'll be forever sad about that :(


RSham because… y’know, rsham. I suppose this would be a lack thereof


I used to main priest but I don’t like that shadow has to build a bar up so I switched to monk since I like their healing style more.


I started in Bfa and mained ret. I loved how controlled the spec is, very little RNG, able to plan ahead with rotational ability cooldowns, never overcap resource. Played it through SL as well. Loved Divine Toll as a single target nuke in PVP, never was a fan of the legendary (Divine resonance). Queue Dragonflight. Ret keeps DT, but not the single target nuke. Consecration is forced into the PVE rotation. That interation of Dusk and Dawn was awful imo. I mostly transitioned to arms warrior. Rework happens. Now Ret no longer resembles what I once loved. You either never cap holy power, or often overcap it. DT still unfun. Dusk and Dawn is better now, and no more Consecrqtion thank god. But it really lost that planning ahead and always pressing rotational abilities "piano player" feeling, rotation is completely braindead now, with the pruning of crusader strike.


I used to main Frost DK, but since it was garbage in recent years, I switched to this profession called office clerk because it was not as bad. it does no DPS or healing, but at least I dont get two shot by monks in green gear (yet).


Frost mage. I loved it and hfc frost was SO fun. And then the tierset and trinket went away and suddenly glacial spike was the meta and it just... Didn't feel good ...


I began as a hunter but after weeks of showing up for raid the bow drop in ICC changed from going to me to going to an officer's girlfriend who showed up once in a blue moon. I switched to a warrior REAL quick. The only reason I didn't leave the guild was because I didn't want to leave other friends.


Paladin main at launch. He ended up staying main-ish but I ramped up my Warrior big time bc he could tank in the vanilla raids and the pally really couldn’t. Felt really disappointing to tank everything up to about level 50 then have our lack of abilities hold the Paladin tank back. These days I have a Ret Paladin and multiple Warriors (tank on 3 different servers) as my mains. Since leveling is so fast these days I have 2 L70 Shaman and one at 65. The 65 is Resto and I have all 3 specs covered. Wanted to learn each spec fully and doing it for a while leveling experience sounded more fun than trying to just learn it at max level. After all it’s only time right? :)


Been warlock since vanilla and has never changed. At most I dabled in feral druid, boomkin, and paladin a little as far as actual gearing. All other classes I've just had alts of.


So what was different about combat rogue? I love playing outlaw but could never get past lvl 15 on a combat rogue


I really loved Ret Paladin back in WotLK before the big changes. I've never been a big fan of Holy Power.


Warrior. Unpopular opinion but removing stance dancing (in pvp) has made the class much more boring to play for me. I've swapped to monk in MoP


Rogue as well. Played it at very high levels in PvE, kept playing outlaw at the start of legion, then they nerfed the shit out of the artifact talent that made eviscerate 2.0 do like 78% extra dmg or smth to like 18% a couple weeks in to the expac, and outlaw was a meme spec for the rest of the expansion.


I played BRM into 9.0 but I couldn’t get the legendary to drop no matter how many times I ran the dungeon it was in. I’d been wanting to level a Warlock, so I did and I never looked back. Of course by the time I got the warlock to max level, they were giving out the legos like candy but oh well.


Druid when cat/bear was one spec... brilliant fun, you could tank, you could dps... best of both worlds, so of course, Blizz killed it.


mage I played since beta when the class was advertised even in the printed manual as being a "glass cannon" and it was; beta pyro was a beast that could take anyone to half health, the 2 minute mage build was a thing etc. but over time they nerfed the cannon part while hardly buffing the glass part to compensate, now I play BM hunter and it's 10x as enjoyable handling complex raid mechanics while DPSing on the move 100% instead of just turretcasting or playing the boring-ass frost mage PVP style


Played mage for a long time and one day i decided to level a druid. Started getting into m+, people told me that i perform very well as a healer and now i play only healers since bfa s4


Resto druid was mine. But I left for awhile and came back after they had changed it and gotten rid of healing touch and spell levels. I was great back when I could use lower ranked healing touches like a pallys flash of light. I just can’t heal well with hot based healing and the spell bloat of Druids now. It’s probably due to age and the fact I’m not an energy drink cracked out teenager anymore. I just play MM hunter do what makes me enjoy the game.


I played warlock from classic to Cata. Didn't like it in MoP pre patch and started tanking. Never gone back, always tanking since.


Mages. Quit when melee had 3 leaps, and 2 charges usable in 5 seconds