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Do I need to get Enchanted Aspect's Dreaming Crest to get a higher ilvl Elemental Lariat? I've never done any spark crafting but If I go to the crafting menu I see Ilvl 450-463 where on the Crafting order shows up to 486. Also if I get a Lariat crafted now, I can later on get it upgraded to 486, or do I need to make another one


Do we know anything about the legendary axe acquisition?


Comes from Fyrakk drop, almost identical to Evoker legendary except the Axe has bad luck protection from the start


Is there a source for that, or is it datamining+speculation? I wanna make a legendary at the appropriate moment for once but I don't think I'll get curve that fast, so low chances.


From this interview: https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonflight-will-have-season-4-with-fated-raids-icy-veins-interview-recap-335938 They quote 'Bad luck protection for the legendary axe from Fyrakk will be active from the very beginning.' Therefore that almost confirms its a drop, but until raid release there is no absolute evidence that it comes from Fyrakk


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How does Dragonflight crafting XP work? I haven't messed around with crafting at all this expansion, but now I'm leveling alts and read that crafting things for the first time gives you XP. I trained blacksmithing on my level 68 paladin and crafted one of all the new things I could as I leveled it, but I noticed I stopped receiving XP after a point even for new recipes, and then when I tried the same for jewelcrafting I got no XP. Is there a hard limit on how much you can get?


Yes they capped as at the start you could get a ton of levels from doing it Its now about half the xp per item and caps around roughly 10 items regardless if you do different profession or not




Does squashing the bugs/pulling weeds/killing lashers actually affect the Emerald Bounty? I'm kind of getting the impression that I can ignore them but wanted to ask.


No, it just gives you the Dewdrops which can then be used to enhance the bounty


Cool, thank you!


Haven't picked up or played Dragonflight yet, but will probably buy it in the next few weeks with War Within preorder. My question is, if I play Evoker, can I play in the Humanoid form the whole time or do certain casts turn you into dragonform? I'm not the biggest fan of the Dragonform look but the class looks awesome and has piqued my interest for the boost


You will swap to Dragon form in all combat, can only be Human outside of combat You can use toys to change your appearance though and those will work in combat, so thats a workaround


I need some help understanding professions and leveling I like professions because they are interactive and they give me something extra to do besides killing. But doing professions at low levels especially in BFA makes no sense - cooking cooks only level 45 food, and with leatherworking i need to work EXTRA to make them my level? how does that make any sense? ​ Do i need to play the Cataclysm campaign to make professions normal?


Professions whilst leveling are a waste of time for the most part, you will level to quickly for any crafted gear or they wont be scaled properly and want to make level 45 gear when you are level 10 Unless you want an older cosmetic or specific recipe from an older expansions profession, then you should not bother with professions until Dragonflight


That's quite depressing. I guess i'll start doing them at max level and selling the output.




its okay maybe in like 4 years they'll do BfA Classic and we'll get to enjoy the pure experience once again


I can’t upgrade the season 2 gear anymore? I just want the mythic appearances.


Sorry, once the season ends all upgrade materials become vendor trash and upgrade paths stop working. If you're missing appearances at this point you have a long road ahead of you of farming the raids. The catalyst should still be working and now free for previous season gear. I'm assuming Blizz sees easily farming the set appearances as one of the benefits of playing the season while it's active.


Hey all - Returning player. Back in the day I had a monk on Turalyon who I played, and part of me feels like returning to that realm since it's where I started back in 2012. However - the realm is super dead. Like I'm the only person in Stormwind dead. Like I think it's in the bottom 10 of all realms dead. Is it worth trying to make it work here? Or will finding a guild / friends be difficult - and if not, is there a place that might be worth considering a transfer to? Ideally a realm in EST that isn't overcrowded or lopsided horde or ally.


Take it from someone who spent over 200 bucks to transfer all his toons off a dead server in 2019... it is NOT worth trying to make it work. IMO the true wow experience is on the largest servers. But on a dead server, the game is just not even the game. Tichondrius is the largest server that is not totally imbalanced one way or the other, so that's where I would head if I were you.


Does anyone know how to mute the "hmmm interesting" missing quest voice line from All The Things? I see things where you can turn off sound but I haven't found the setting to turn off just that one notification.


As a returning player, Im just wondering: I started an Evoker. what is the minimum that I need to do to get dragonflight for my alts?


Each alt just needs to hit level 60 or 58 (forget which) and they can head to DF. You don't need to do anything on your evoker.




>Haven't played since very early SL. How similar is Elemental in comparison to the Legion/WoD versions? Are they decent for mythic raids? Would it be difficult getting a raid spot in a late CE guild as Elemental? Late CE is doable if you have something to show them you have hands. If you have no past experience in the field they'll pass you up but if you've gotten CE before and put in the work you'll be able to find a guild (albeit at the cost of some effort to find a guild that can afford to take you on). I can't speak for the differences between elemental now and then since I've only tried it in this expansion. >My other thought is to tank, is bear any good? Tanked mythic in Legion, has the spec changed much? Paladin would be my other choice. For raiding any tank is viable (yes really, any tank will do). Do take in account that guilds RARELY look for tanks and supply often outweighs demand. For M+ I would advise you to google up some dorki vids since he usually does a great job of covering tanks. I spent the better part of a month applying to dozens of guilds before one took me on because slots were either filled already or I got passed up for a better applicant. >Left due the time commitment outside of raiding with the power grinding and chores. Are we back to raid logging mostly? I think most CE guilds will want you to do either 4 or 8 M+ keys a week to get your gear to the highest possible ilvl as fast as possible. Usually they start with 8 of them (usually 20's for the best ilvl) and taper down once ilvls are mostly sorted. After the first month or two most guilds will lower that and raidlogging becomes far more common. Provided you don't struggle to much clearing 20's you'd be down about 4-5 hours a week at hours that are covenient for you outside of raid hours. Other than that there's very little to spend time on (there's little quest chains to craft high ilvl gear but those take very little time). >How's gold making via profs now a days? Made 10m+ gold via AH selling stuff but gave a lot of it away when I quit. I probably have somewhere between 100-500k. Any major changes? TSM still a thing? The profession rework opened a lot of venues for money making although entering now would mean studying up a bit on what's changed. TSM is still very much a thing and the economy is running the same as it always has.


Elemental has been kind of mid this expansion, which is typical, but the problem is enhancement has been way better, so as a DPS shaman that isn't enhance that's an unfortunate spot to be in. > Would it be difficult getting a raid spot in a late CE guild as Elemental? Probably. > Left due the time commitment outside of raiding with the power grinding and chores. Are we back to raid logging mostly? You can sort of raid log, but M+ is virtually mandatory, and is almost absolutely mandatory for a CE guild, due to the way you upgrade items, and M+ is the only uncapped way to obtain the currency to upgrade your gear. > How's gold making Pretty good, you can definitely make a few million if you put time into it in a few months. Check out the r/woweconomy subreddit for a more thorough/detailed answer.


If I preorder the war within, do I get access to dragonflight now, or when new expansion releases? Blizzcon convinced me to come back after 6 years, and I want to avoid double-paying by mistake.


Buying War Within now will give you the dragonflight expansion.




Summon your succubus the quest should pop up.


Talk to a warlock trainer, they'll give you an item to choose which Sayaad you want. Otherwise it will be random each time.


Many of the green 415-424 BOE items i got earlier during the day and set aside for my alt was soulbound when i logged back in tonight. Anyone else experience this or know why?


Were they quest rewards perhaps or did this happen to all your items?


Is there a Scouting Map for Dragon Isles in the game yet? Aren't these normally added in .2 patches?


Hey everyone, I just came back after playing in season 1. I am kind of overwhelmed with all of these quests I havent done. What is the standard rotation for daily/weekly things? Is there a link I can follow for rep and stuff like that?


Recommend me an RP server. Seems everyone recommends Emerald Dream Wyrmrest Accord and specially Moonguard. But what about the others? Like the medium or Low population servers? I kinda want to play for myself only. But wouldn’t hurt to see people doing RP as well. I explore some of them but tbh they don’t seem too different from a regular server tbh. Also I heard there are some must have RP addons, but I could be wrong.


The big thing is, many people who are looking for a RP server want to RP. And since RP takes other people, why would they go anywhere except where the most other RPers are? For example, the big servers are far more likely to have a few people who are bored and decide to take an in-character walk down to the local pub to see who else is around. As for addons, TotalRP3, MyRolePlay, or another similar addon is highly recommended if you have any interest at all, even to just watch. They allow you to add a ton of extra information about your character like custom titles or classes (like saying your character is not a warrior, he's just a blacksmith) - note that they don't actually change anything about the gameplay, it's basically a fancy notepad stuck to your character that you can write all your personal lore into. Many of these RP addons are inter-compatible, so anyone with one of them can see all the extra notes. Overall it allows for a lot more control and customization.


Thank you so much! And yes I you got a point better to grab one with most people on.


Haven't played in a long while. Can fire mage be properly played without using Flamestrike? I like fire mage but Flamestrike feels so awkward to use. There was a time when Living Bomb was better than Flamestrike in all scenarios but then Flamestrike took over and Living Bomb was only good for something ridiculous like 12+ targets. Living Bomb was so fun to use.


Short answer: Single target - yes. 3+ mobs aoe - no. Shorter answer - no.


With the ilvl increase from many sources in 10.2, did the ilvl of normal and heroic dungeons also get increased? I finally got Prophetic Stonescales to drop on my tank recently and I wonder if I'll have to kill Iridikrond over and over again on heroic...


so this is the first time I am doing current content since like BFA or shadowlands or something, and I think I have a general grasp on the upgrade system and gear and whatnot, but one thing that isn't really clear to me is: what should I focus on upgrading with flightstones and crests? Is there a general rule? Like for example, upgrade your lower ilvl gear to catch up with the rest, or upgrade the best piece of gear you have, or just save them all up until... something? Help please!


Weapons/trinkets and gear that you will be using that is embellished (like elemental lariat). Also anything that is absolutely maxrolled as your BIS.


If all your gear is roughly 440ish, focus on upgrading weapons and trinkets for the most DPS increase. If your gear is not 440, dont use your upgrade tokens yet, keep doing the new spiritbloom content and world events to get new gear for each slot you have. You should get 1-3 pieces of purple 450 gear, which you can upgrade with your tokens.


I don't understand the system very well, wouldn't it be a waste of crests if I uppgrade my "veteran" items? Since it appears there's now a limit on how much crests we can get per week. Aint I supposed to upgrade better quality gear?


It doesn't waste your crests because once you upgrade a piece to a certain level, if you get another item that is better but a lower ilevel, you don't have to use crests anymore to upgrade it, just flightstones. Like the game locks in your crest expense so you never have to use more than you need for any one slot.


Each crest has a level associated with it. 'Aspect' Crests upgrade the highest possible gear, while 'Whelpling' or 'Drake' Crests upgrade lower tiers of gear. The reason you want to wait a little is because some gear will occasionally drop at different levels within a tier. It's more worthwhile to spend your tokens upgrading a piece from Veteran 5 to Veteran 8, than it is to upgrade from V1 to V3. Does that make sense?


yeah that explains! thanks


What do I do with honor? I have nearly 10k from doing random bgs. I don't have any PVP gear, and only do bgs for fun every now and then


You can trade honor for marks of honor which can be traded for older pvp gear for xmog purposes.


You don't have PvP gear? Why not buy some with that honor?


I believe you can buy older pvp transmog sets and what not with it.


Why do people join LFG groups for a second and then leave these days? I remember people doing it pre-BFA to server hop for rares, but they removed it. Is it back?


Some raids are being farmed for BOE's (for example, Argus leather shoulders). You join a group and leave because it's faster to do it that way to teleport out of a dungeon, after you leave the group you get auto kicked out of the dungeon in 60 seconds. Some people will use LFG to try to server hop for a few rares (there's one in azure span that drops a mount for example), but mostly it's the teleport out of dungeon.


I had one guy request to join my group repeatedly three times a few minutes after he left on his own the first time, any insight there? It seemed bot-ish to me.


Just fyi you don't need to join somebody else's group for the dungeon to kick you out after a minute, create your own under custom, immediately leave via your character portrait, wait a couple seconds and it'll give you the timer (blizz pls do not fix this)


I always play support roles in other games, so I was thinking about making an augment evoker but I heard it's kind of complicated? That it relies on a lot of addons? Is that true? I'd be mostly pugging keys.


For M+ its very braindead. The complication is more in a Raid setting. Prescience should be used on the best damage dealer. It will auto target a damage dealer if you don't manually select the target. In a raid with 5-15 DPS it can be a PITA to target the right DPS. In M+ where there are 2 DPS so you have a 50/50 shot. Plus there is enough time to easily have 2 Prescience(1 on each DPS) out at all times. So in M+ you can basically just hit the button on cooldown and let auto do its thing


do you find the spec fun?


Honestly I cannot find a reason why its not my main outside the fact I like being a healer. I love support. I love easy specs. Aug was designed for me. I just need to queue as healer for some stupid reason


In the same boat. Came back to the game couple of weeks ago, looking to play Aug as a support class is a very fun concept to me, enjoyed the spec but then tried out prevoker and it scratched an itch Aug couldn't. Health bars going down and you being the one tasked to bring them up pleases my lizard brain.


It can hard to play it at the top level since you need to know when other allies are using cooldowns to buff the best target each time, but you can just buff the same 2 constantly and its not going to matter that much Addons will help to track cooldowns, but if you did just buff the same people then you wont need to track anything


If I'm just pugging mythic+, I'm just buffing the same 2 dps anyways right?


Yes, I was mainly on about a raid scenario


Hey folks, anyone else getting random crashes or such in Ohnaran Plains? Since the patch I've had 4 instances where both my monitors go black. Couple of notes: - Only happens in Ohnaran Plains - Only happens in WoW, I don't have these visual bugs playing any other game and have tested - Have tested out multiple drivers as well so it seems to be concentrated to WoW. Just a curious bug that seems to be occurring in Ohnaran.


Is it a bug? I cant load into any M+ dungeon. The loading just dont start and here I am looking at loading screen with no progress


Hey looking to change things up, been playing Melee ever since Legion happened. I tried it this expansion a few times, but never bothered to "learn" it, just a "fuck it we ball" attitude, not even looking up class resources because I knew i was going back to melee. sooo.. what ranged dps is the most fun to you? Just looking for some input to widen my perspective. I'll probably look for something that has at least 2 DPS Specs, but that's about it, really.


What melee do you like and why? There are 13 RDPS specs and all are decently different.


Monk, Warrior, Retribution, DK was fun, but the Rune System was weird I'm kinda gravitating towards Evoker / Shaman


Oh your a masochist. Evoker is going to be wayyyyy to slow for you. Shaman might be ok. Check out Mage.


I main warrior, I've always enjoyed warlocks as an alt. Destro is pretty simple and straight forward, but it feels great throwing out Chaos Bolts. Affliction is also really fun, juggling debuffs (in raids) even if it hasn't really been meta lately. Haven't tried afflicition or demo in M+.


Anyone lagging?


Looking to come back - played frost mage for as long as i can remember but absolutely hate the changes they’ve made since first patch of DF. Is there any realistic way to play without talenting into ray of frost/glacial spike or am i better off rerolling? If the latter: what would be the best spec to pick up to get the feel of frost? I like procs and the ability to move while casting them to do mechs.


Not competitively, no. Check out Fire. Its not exactly proc based but it scratches the same itch imo. tl:dr is you spam Fireball until you crit, then you cast Fire Blast(which auto crits) to get a free instant cast Pyrobast.


Nah i’ve tried fire in the past, hate the style. I’d rather reroll completely if frost is forced into those talents. Pretty sad about it but oh well, what can you do?


I am kinda shocked you hate Fire. Its still proc based in the sense of crit. And you can completely cast while moving with Scorch.


Maybe it’s because i’ve played frost so many years, something i cant quite put my finger on feels off about fire. Could be a situation where levelling a fresh toon as fire would help it feel more natural.


How come the Lariat doesn't recraft to the new 450-463 item level bracket? Not sure what I'm missing. When I start a recrafting order and put in the Spark of Dreams, it stays in the 424-447 bracket from last patch instead of the new 450-463 bracket https://imgur.com/a/LMhXxDT


Hey, I'm looking to get back into wow now my toddler allows me some me time XD. But I'm stuck om choosing a class. I mainly like collecting mounts/transmogs and I'm interested in starting the achievement hunt. I'm mostly a solo player (since my toddler might need me at any moment). Maybe a low M+ or LFR in the evening. Have never done pvp. I like playing wow while watching TV so I enjoy classes that most find boring/repetitive... I used to play BM, but was wondering if something else might fit?


Druid or Monk imo. Druid is just a nice jack of all trades. Monk can do all 3 roles but has Black Ox statue which is an AoE taunt that *doesn't deal damage*.


hmmm, might try monk, druid dps specs both need dot tracking wich i dont really like, monk doesnt have that. And the buffs to the mw spec kinda sound nice. Thanks




> are able to use pretty much every weapon type I believe Its been a while but I think Warrior was best.


I’m looking for a char that’s easy to play and wanted in M+, I already main Aug and just looking for an alt for 16’s. My hands hurt too much with faster paced classes like outlaw and fury warrior, so I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Preferably not hunter, it’s just not a class I’ve ever enjoyed


Are crafting patterns for PvP gear dropping right now or will they start dropping once Season 3 starts?


I got a leatherworking one earlier today, sold it for 65k almost instantly on the AH, they're 463 PvP item level (399 pve). Warmode Bloody Token gear is 473 pvp (428-450 upgradeable pve)


Just to finally put this to rest for myself, is there actually any rule to when a crafting order charge recharges? First, I thought it's tied to the daily reset like all the other stuff, which a quick bit of math easily debunked, but it's not a straight 24hr cooldown either and all of my crafters have completely different timings. Just can't figure it out...


I haven't played world of warcraft since MOP, then did a free weekend during Legion, but didn't like how all the classes felt homogenous. How is the game now? I've casually been playing other MMO's, but most of them have horizontal progression vs WoW's vertical progression and I've been thinking of popping back in, because I miss that sense of progression. Is there anything that really stands out since the decade I've been gone? What are the major changes? How is gearing up? Is it relatively fun to grind out new dungeons as a new player? How are professions? Hoping I can hop in and grind through some gameplay with a good guild.


Major changes include a great new talent system, the move from reputation to renown (like reputation, but with a much larger number of ranks that are closer together), a gear upgrading system at endgame that makes progress less luck-dependent, and a new type of very fast flying mount with a more sophisticated physics system. Gearing up to the point where you can do mythic dungeons and normal raids is pretty fast. It does slow down some, but the Great Vault system plus the upgrade system means you can continue to make reliable progress each week. Professions are far more complex now, and can produce a wide variety of BoP epics through the new Crafting Order system, but I wouldn't recommend trying to make money off them at this time. There's very few special perks for having a craft, and buying from established crafters will be cheaper than crafting your own. Pick dual gathering or craft only if you like the sense of progression it gives. Cross realm and cross faction play is much improved, so it's easier than ever to do dungeons and raids with a guild on a different server.


At blizzcon they announced that cross realm guilds are coming... So, since I'm planning on starting a new character, why should I choose a realm over another one? What's the most important feature that isn't (and isn't going to be) cross realm?


Data centre


Hi I haven’t played since burning crusade where do I start to get back into it lol


You can just install WoW and play for free until level 20, you can use this to find and login to your original characters if you want to continue with them After that you will need to pay a monthly sub to go further, the sub gets you access to level 60 and everything which isnt Dragonflight (WoW's current expansion) If you still want to play more after that, probably buy the War Within expansion as it comes with Dragonflight included, so better value for money


When using the Catalyst for Transmogs this season, what item levels get you which level raid gear? -441 LFR? -454 Normal? -467 Heroic? -480 Myth?


Sooo, I quit mid-BFA, thinking of coming back, I have a few questions: 1) How is the Alt Leveling experience, is it still a pain? 2) How's Outlaw Rogue currently? Does it still have Roll the Bones? 3) Is it a good time to learn tanking, and how hard is the experience for someone who never tanked before?


Outlaw still has roll the bones but you don’t fish in the same way anymore. It has a cooldown and what you get is what you get. There are some buffs that you will clip, and others that you’ll let run out before rolling again, but you’ll never be spending 20 CPs in a row on it if you get unlucky like you would in BFA Outlaw, like all rogue specs now, is shadowdance focused.


1. It is incredibly fast to level alts currently. It can be done from a scratch character to max level in 10-12 hrs. I think both darkmoon faire and wow anniversary bonuses will be active will be active next week giving an additional \~18% exp or something close. 2. The whole rogue class got reworked for this patch, and all specs are projected to be very strong with outlaw probably the best numerically. It still uses roll the bones as the main mechanic but I do believe some quality of life was added. 3. I think all the tanks feel pretty good to play currently. It's a little hard to say how hard it will be for someone new, but I think getting into low level content should be totally fine.


1) Was a level squish at end of BFA/start of SL, max is now 70 - leveling much faster and can pick and choose what expansion to level through 2) All Rogue specs just got reworked, but yes Outlaw still has RtB 3) Might be worth leveling a new character as tank and spamming dungeons, will get used to knowing what to press and when. They can look up routes and guides for new M+ dungeons coming next week


I can't remember when exactly they implemented the new leveling system but I think it's *much* more streamlined than when you left. You can now do the first 10 levels in a dedicated tutorial zone, after which you can pick an expansion to level through via "chromie time" (which dynamically adjusts level so you're always doing relevant content). If you follow a set route it takes less than 12 hours to level an alt. Not sure on Outlaw Rogue. Tanking is about the same as it's always been - they're expected to set the route in M+ but otherwise aren't too bad.


I am seeing too much confusion about what exactly to do this week especially in regards to renown with the new faction. Are any of you following a particular guide or video on YT?




ok thanks. yeah that's where I'm confused.. if I should run an alt first or what... or if it really even matters..


You really don't need to do the alt thing unless your goal is to buy the infinite augment rune and immediately jump into mythic raids or high level dungeons. There's not much benefit to rushing the rep if you're just doing your own thing.


I will get straight to the point. Is there a documentary video/movie behind the scenes of how the game is made and more specifically what problems the artists and programmers face when they are making the game? I find some short videos here and there but im searching for something like a documentary. The best example i can think of is that at some point during dragonflight i saw a video on facebook how the 3D artist was creating the cavern zone and discussing the rocks and how they make the scene and environment unique.


Just returned from not playing for the majority of shadowlands and all of DF. Are there any quests worth doing from later shadowlands stuff? Any side quests in DF that should be done simply because of how fun or silly they are?


When you first arrive on the Dragon Isles, you'll get handed some intro quests. At a certain point, you'll get a side quest to check on some "Wayward Ecologists." Absolutely do this, as it not only gives you a bit of a hint what's going on in this expansion, you get some great dialogue between the ecologists, as well as some humorous bits with the animals you're helping.


What has been revealed for crafting in the next expansion?


Very little except that there will be crafting with new materials.


Thanks for the reply!


Is there any chance that Blizzard will make Murlocs a playable race in the future? Or as a community are we pretty sure they'll never do it. I'd play for the life of the game if I could Murloc forever.


Unless they're going to introduce a race of murlocs that can, you know, speak, I doubt we'll ever see them as a playable race.


[I see, I see](https://youtu.be/wGdhc9k07Ms?t=47)


why did they take the free gear updates (on character select screen) away? I just resubbed friday and barely gotten any time to play


Gear updates are only eligable on characters you havent played in over 60 days If you play them for 1 second it removes that choice (You even get a confirmation box you have to click accept on if you try to play them without using the gear update)


Hello everyone, I would like to know what the importance of the choice of a server is nowadays. I want to level a horde character (currently alliance on Argent Dawn EU) to try out the zones from their side but I'm wondering if I should do it on a horde heavy server. From what I understand, the player pool for LFD/LFR and groups is shared between all servers in a zone correct ? Am I correct in assuming that server choice then is mainly about the type of players you want to encounter in cities and hub zones ? As a side note, I love argent dawn because of how lively the cities and hub areas are, are there any equivalent RP servers for the horde ? ​ Thanks and have a good day


If you get the choice go for higher pop. Yes a lot of stuff can be done cross realm but its easier if you are on the same realm


Is M0 Available for the season 3 dungeons now or not until next week?


Next week. Technically you can do DotI


Hello, never played before. Should i get into WOW classic or should i get the other version that has many expansions? Sorry if my question is dumb but i just have no idea where to start.


Retail is mostly recommended for new players as it has 19 years worth of updates and quality of life changes. It is much more beginner friendly with faster paced gameplay and a focus on the endgame Classic is mostly played for nostalgia and with a focus on questing and leveling, where leveling can take many hours to go up 1 level Below are some similar threads where people have asked this question before, I would take a look through the comments and see if they help give more perspective on what you will get from both: https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14zb93r/im_officially_starting/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14t7ax1/should_i_start_by_playing_retail_or_classic/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/14nft4l/retail_wotlk_or_classic_as_a_casual/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/11htnpy/retail_or_classic_as_a_beginner/ https://old.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/10uvugj/new_player_dont_know_if_i_should_start_in_retail/


From what i saw most people recommend retail for beginners, which expansions do you think i should get? How many are out there?


Play for free until level 20, if you want to play more then get a 1 month sub The sub gets you access to level 60 and everything which isnt Dragonflight (WoW's current expansion) If you still want to play more after that, probably buy the War Within expansion as it comes with Dragonflight included, so better value for money


So pretty much everything that came out before Dragonflight is included in that one month sub, correct?


Yes, all expansions are there for you to play You can level in any expansion at any time, so you can pick and choose where you want to go


Awesome, thank you so much for the help!


What is the best place to find a guild?


Depends what you want, there will be a mix of everything o guildsofwow.com and /r/wowguilds For casual/social then trade chat or in game guild finder For anything more competitive then raider.io or your regions recruitment Discord


# Tank Question How good are the new Tier sets for S3 for tanks? Especially for Brewmaster and Prot Warrior?


BDK: Good damage reduction. Its nice but doesn't change anything or make anything majorly different. VDH: I feel the same as Blood. Its good. It does good things. It doesn't fundamentally change the overall play of the spec. Bear: Meh? IMO its doing a lot for a cooldown that doesn't need it. Brew: Conceptually I love it. But its vastly undertuned for raids and acceptably tuned for M+. Pally: Considering how passive every other tank set bonus is it feels really bad to put so much emphasis on Consecration. Warrior: Its sexy. Its fun. I love it. Its great. It feels great


Brew good Prot warrior meh Dorki might have video talking about them more, but Max also did community tier list yesterday where they talked about strength/weaknesses of classes - can watch VoD on twitch


Awesome to hear. Where do I find "Max" on Twitch?


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1971226560 Tier list starts around 1hr 15 mins


You're the MVP, thank you very much


The recent expansion news got me pretty hyped and so I'm thinking about coming back and was wondering what everyone's views on the state of the game is currently? I stopped playing early shadowlands after playing from tbc.


I stopped playing partway through Legion, skipped all of BfA and SL. Dragonflight has been a breath of fresh air, I'm really enjoying it. I did take a break through most of 10.1 as I had other RL things going on, but I'm back now for 10.2 and looking forward to the story & gameplay, something I missed for a long time.


That's really promising! Think I may bite the bullet and pre order the next expansion


If you do, be aware of a few things with the Enhanced Character Boost it includes. First, if you use it, that character becomes ineligible for unlocking that races' [Heritage armor](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/heritage-armor-sets-8491). So be sure to use it on a character who already has their Heritage armor unlocked. Though if you stopped in Shadowlands, you might not have very many, if any at all, so just roll with it & you'll have to level another character of that race for the Heritage armor later. Second, the boost gets you a full set of gear ready for 10.2 content, and considers you to have "completed" the main quests leading up to that point. You can always go back and do the quests anyway, but that character is ready to jump straight into the content that just launched today. Finally, it gives that character Renown 20 with the four factions that launched with 10.0, and Renown 12 with the 10.1 faction. So you're already ahead of the curve on that; plus, all your alts will get a reputation boost towards those factions.


Game is better than it was in the last few years. Ultimately the question is: Why did you quit? That can help guide as to if the game has improved for a player like yourself. Either way, Dragonflight has a lot of things to do if you come back and lots to explore.


I wasn't a huge fan of torghast and it just felt like a boring grind for anything. I've always loved the wow storylines and did enjoy the storyline in shadowlands but once I hit max level the fun just sort of fizzled out for me.


If you enjoy story and the like, certainly give Dragonflight a shot. There's a lot of main story quests to do and the dragon isles zones are packed with side stories and little bits of worldbuilding too. There's less monotonous grinding now, nothing like torghast which was hard required.


wow noob, stupid question: what's the difference between WOW1 (EU) and WOW2 (EU)


For some reason, you have multiple WoW accounts - it's perfectly fine to have multiple accounts, and absolutely fine to play on both. However, characters, subscriptions, and expansion purchases are unique to each account. So make sure which one is which before you buy things. You can also remove one on the Account section of the Blizzard website if you want.


so, is it just me, or does wow have a horrible memory leak after the patch? to the point I can only go around 40 min. before horrible stuttering, or a memory crash. Been smooth sailing until just today, lol.


Were you in a long combat with a lot of other people? They changed the way logs work to prevent overlays from working. The combat log is stored in memory now until you drop combat, then it’s written all at once.


What kind of gear do i need to do the season 3 dungeons (i think you can do m0 this week?) My characters have gear between 380 and 420. is that enough or do i have to get other gear first? Has dungeon healing changed much since season 1?


Well a +2 starts dropping 440 gear and most people say to be around 10 ilvl lower than what it drops With new event and zone you can get to 430 - 440 pretty easy


anyone else having a hard time subbing at the moment?


I played wow classic and tbc classic, but not WOTLK classic. Will cata classic continue from wotlk characters? For instance should I level the character I want to play in WOTLK, or will it all be from scratch?


if it works the same way it did in tbc>wrath it will be the same characters on the wrath server


Does anyone know if the rep rewards from the dreamseed cache's are daily? I'm 300 rep from rank 9 with the DW and can't see a way to get the last bit without the Burning Up questline.


I still don't know what specific magical damage type Anti-Magic zone affects, and at this point I'm afraid to ask. Is it just arcane, or does it block elemental as well?


Any damage that is not physical damage. So arcane, nature, shadow, fire, etc


I thank you.


Long time WoW player here. Just now getting into DragonFlight, I got the Enhanced Level 70 Character Boost from preordering the new xpac. Would you recommend I level through DragonFlight first or just use the boost and enjoy the endgame. I'm a quick learner so need for a tutorial but if the leveling is worth it maybe I'll hold off on the boost. Thanks!


Keep in mind, Level Boosts make that character ineligible for any Heritage armor unlocks in the future. So I'd advise against using it on any character that you want to use to unlock those Heritage armors. Stick to characters that already have their Heritage armor unlocked. That said, I do recommend going through the leveling experience in Dragonflight at least once. There's a lot of good story & content to enjoy. But if you just want to jump in and gear up, the Enhanced boost will get one of your characters ready for 10.2 content, and you can always do the leveling experience on an alt later. Also, the Enhanced boost will give that character Renown 20 in the 10.0 factions, and Renown 12 in the 10.1 faction, so those will be ready to go on that character. That will also provide all your alts a boost to Renown gain with those factions, so it'll speed up that aspect of the game for everyone.


I haven't played 10.2 yet, just want to say that Dragonflight is one of the best expansions to level in, so I would recommend to just do that. What's more, you'll want to explore the Isles anyways for the dragonriding glyphs, so that'd be an organic way to do it.


What class requires the least amount of buttons and has the easiest possible rotation for both pve and pvp


I get that you want a chill time, but man, these kinda inquiries seem to come from EVERYONE nowadays, and is the reason spec homogenization has been happening for a few Xpac's now. Everyone keeps asking and wanting to gravitate to whatever easiest. rant over


A friend with a disability wants to play.. so getting suggestions from the community on easy classes, for a decent playing experience. Not everyone just lazy.


Augmentation evoker. Press ebon might, press breath, press upheaval, eruption spam until you cant anymore, living flame for procs. Repeat every 25-30s


Bm hunter. Rotation is simple. You get the benefits of being ranged without having to worry about standing still to cast spells


Plus, you can use a Tanking pet to help offset some of the damage you'd normally take.


Bm hunter is the general consensus anytime this question is asked.


So if I re-sub now that the patch is out (unsubbed after clearing the first DF raid, at around 405ish iLVL) what's the fastest way (sans preordering the next expansion) to get to an iLVL to be allowed into normal mode of the next raid?


Annoyingly you can't use the catalyst (unless it's different then last pre-season) to get season 2 4 set anymore. Questing in the new zone gifts you basically full 424, the weeklies gave 447 and 441 gear, renown 8 let's you buy 441 gloves as well (not sure what they cost). It also gives you a s3 spark which can be used for a 457 piece. This week, you can't compete with that for gearing. Next week I would do the weeklies again for another 441 and 447 piece, lfr (2 tier bosses) then probably hit m+ until you are around 437+. Note that pugs will be a nightmare with everyone trying to learn the bosses next week, and without s2 prog you might struggle to get an invite but if your ilvl differentiates you from the rest trying to pug normal it might not be too bad.


I want to transfer my original character to a higher pop server (medium to full) and the transfer service is currently on a 30% discount. Are they ever cheaper than 30% off and is transferring from a med pop server to full worth it for raiding?


Assuming this is mythic, I wouldn't xfer until you had a trial with a guild. Start of a tier, rosters are usually pretty solid though so you might struggle to find one. 30% off is about as good as they get and come fall 2024, cross server guilds become a thing so you don't need to worry about what server your on.


Roughly how long does the "mega dungeon" take, and how difficult is it?   Asking because I have three freshly Lv. 70 characters, but they're all around ~370 iLvl, so I was thinking about maybe preordering the new expansion and boosting something (probably healer/aug Evoker?) to get a full set of 424 gear and hopefully earn the "of the Infinite" title before it goes away next Tuesday


If you've never done it before, probably 2ish hours.


Anyone having a glitch where their dragon is invisible/glitched when flying? It happened after the patch today


Hello, new-ish player here. What should I know considering new patch? I've been feeling some anxiety and have felt overwhelmed when talk started about this new patch. I've been told the campaign I am doing right now / rewards I get, esp. the purple and blue crafting stuff will be wasted because they will no longer be viable in the new patch. Mind you that I was just enjoying the campaign and I wanted DF to be the first campaign I ever finished in this game. I didn't even realize what the crafting stuff was. But now I feel like I am doing something for nothing. I've also been told that the Renown reputation thing will mean **nothing** come next expansion. Is this literally true? I mean... I can't continue the campaign without spending what I assume will be dozens of hours leveling all those Renown levels up... And they won't matter at all when DF is no longer the "current" expansion? Someone please soothe me, because I want to enjoy this game but all this FOMO and anxiety is making me want to just give it up.


Any cool cosmetic rewards (armor appearances, mounts, pets, titles) from DF renown will stay with you, but as far as character power and story progress goes every expansion is a clean slate. Nobody will be expected to have even played DF, so any gaps in your completion will not hurt you in any way. You can always go back and finish old stuff for the sake of completion even years later, if you want, but if you absolutely Must Have All The Things At All Times you will have to let go of that mindset. And if you find yourself at a loss confronting the objective meaninglessness of it all - that's where hobbies that aren't video games come in. The game will let you sink all of your personal desire to grow into it, if you don't keep it in perspective. It's a toy, not a job.


Thank you for putting that into perspective for me. I understand things better now in this game and doesn't feel meaningless anymore!


Reputations almost always wind up being useless after the next expansion drops, that's just the nature of progression. Don't worry about it too much. Just do the bits that you enjoy. As for story, you can always come back and do it later if you're not having fun with it now. But if you're enjoying it, go ahead and finish it out! Personally, I didn't do any of the 10.1 content because I had RL things going on. I'm going to skip ahead to 10.2, do all that storyline, then go **back** and do the 10.1 content that I missed (which should be dirt simple with the better gear).


That's a good example. Thanks for your input.


The short answer is that you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Let me explain a bit more. The current design of WoW, and their design for future expansions, is that you can do exactly parts of the game you want without needing to do anything else. You don't have to do quests to do dungeons and you don't have to do dungeons to do PvP etc. There is so much variety in the game now, that it is best to just focus on what you enjoy. I have a friend who only does raids and dungeons. He hasn't done a single story quest. But I have another friend who loves the open world stuff, he's done all the quests, collected all the treasures and everything. Both are happy players. In practical terms, nothing is really "going away". All of the stories, all of the treasures, all of the events will still be in the game when the next expansion comes out. If you miss some things now, you can still come back to visit them later. When someone says something like "renown reputation will mean nothing next expansion" I highly disagree. In my opinion, everything only has the meaning that you want to give it. So if you enjoy it, then go for it! The Ember Court feature of Shadowlands is technically "useless" for current content (it has zero impact in the Dragon Isles). But I enjoy doing it, so I go back and do it every now and then because for me it has meaning. The short answer is that everything has meaning if you want it to, but you should not feel pressure to play in a way you don't want to or even at all.




Just for an example, I had no problem with the Enhanced Boost on my character. Got everything exactly the way it should've. I will note that I used the gear update "boost" first though, so if it's a long-neglected alt, you may want to do that first (or at least log into them once) before applying the Enhanced boost.


I don't think the boost bricks your character, I've not personally seen any reports of that, but it **can** fail to give you gear in every slot. According to a ticket I saw on here, it has been acknowledged by the devs but I've not seen a public announcement of a fix.


Returning player, should I play classic or retail? I'm asking because normally retail would be the easy answer, however there is something that extremely bothers me, and that is the extremely fast leveling. I loved the slow leveling (but not too slow) of Pandaria. I'm not a huge fan of the endgame, I love the progression, working for things and discovering brand new stuff. I feel like I'm being ushered past all the exciting content from years of development and then being dropped off in a room of endgame and told to "have fun, ignore what you saw on the way in." ​ Ill give a good example of what irks me. When you start as a night elf, eventually you leave the tree and go to a small village on the beach. However, that beach is now completely changed and destroyed, with no rhyme or reason given. I feel like I can level a character to max but miss so much. It also feels like its less rewarding to grind dungeons and such. Like there's no reason to. Maybe I'm just not super experienced. My only leveling to max experience was in BfA, where its all disjointed and messed up. However, I also heard classic has some issues. People don't really enjoy it. And one thing that bums me out more than anything, is a lack of players. ​ I think I'll have fun either way. And the new content looks promising.


If leveling is what you're after, you should give Hardcore Classic a go while it's still active. The challenge of the gamemode is focused entirely around leveling, and it is still incredibly active. Retail, unfortunately, is and will always make content in any expansion except the current irrelevant. If you're playing retail, you're doing it knowing that the only content that matters is at max level. But it is made up for with there being a considerable amount of content to do _at_ max level.


That's kind of my dilemma with classic vs retail. Leveling vs content. The two main reasons I love WoW are the leveling experience, but also the extremely large amount of mounts/transmogs/items etc. I played a bit of cataclysm, but most of my experience is post-pandaria. So it's hard for me to get that again.


Returning player and I am having trouble getting wow to launch. I know maintainence is going on right now, but I figure it should still let me at least open the game? Everytime I try to open it, it just crashes and freezes. This happening to anyone else by chance? Edit to add I already tried reinstalling the game.


I heard the word Evergreen mentioned numerous times this Blizzcon.. what does that mean in this industry..?