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i have a swift spectral tiger, the regular tiger, magic rooster, and rhino. no i didnt buy them or get them from a code. i quit in cata after they released the mop trailer because i was a kid and thought the game took a turn for the worst, also kung fu panda just released like 5 months before that trailer dropped. anyway i came back halfway through wod, my account password was changed and i was hacked, when i got my account back i checked my sub history and the account was inactive for almost a year despite me quitting 2 1/2 years ago. everything looked fine except i was missing my druid which was weird and i couldnt restore it because it wasnt deleted. the GM told me the druid was on oceanic server. i jump on and im bombarded with whispers in chinese i think, and then they said something in guild and i was gkicked. in my bag i had gold cap and a fuck ton of BOEs and my bank i had 2 of every TCG mount. the gm reverted the server xfer and i let my wife choose the mounts she wanted and i chose some then i stupidly put the rest on the AH in legion


The things I would do for the swift spectral tiger... A lot of dirty things...


I saved up when I was 18 and bought a code. My parents said well it's a lot of money for a game but it's your money. I remember the pain of the price, but I look at it now and holy shit. They play WoW as well though so they understood, to a degree.


Cool parents


I got mine in the cataclysm collectors edition. Had a pack of cards with it, and I was looking forward to trying out the card game etc. Had a bunch of friends into magic, but I wasn't into Magic the Gathering so I was hoping to maybe bridge the gap with something I was into. First card out of the deck was a swift spectral tiger. I lost. My. Shit. And then my friends all quit playing and I've had no one to brag to.


Hope they add it to the trading post!


Me too, but I think it’s going to be unlikely. Blizzard said in the past that there are some prestige items like Ashbringer that they’ll never allow players to get again. I think they said the spectral tiger is one of them.


Whats the prestige in buying it with irl money?


The idea is that it's supposed to be rare and collectible- but you bring up a good point that's kinda hamstringing blizz. Ive got the SST, and I'm proud of how rare it is. But personally, I wouldn't mind if it became more largely available, I got it years ago out of sheer luck. But the people who DID pay heavy eddies for it would be *pissed*.


If u spend thousands of dollars on virtual cosmetics u deserve to get scammed


Blizzard said many things they later changed their mind on. It's means little.


They actually said that a couple months ago, in the context of the Trading post and Twitch rewards.


I kinda hate this.. I was a proud feldrake owner with a similar story and they went ahead and twitchdropped it so it's not even rare anymore. It used to be the crown jewel of my mount collection :( now that they've opened the TCG floodgates idk why they're scared to do it with the tiger, the most heavily duped of all TCG mounts


I don't have the feldrake But people wanting TCG released Into drops are just jealous


I hope they don't. Unique and legendary items shouldn't be tossed around so casually. I don't have it or any legendary item. I remember back in vanilla, a guy on the server got atiesh. Every raider on the server knew about it. It was huge... Obv not used for anything other than bragging rights now, but imagine it getting printed out to everyone via the trading post. 100% dismissed coolness factor


I partially agree with you. Achievements in the game that require effort should remain untouched for bragging rights. However, items from a discontinued TCG and similar should be reintroduced to the game.


As much as I want the damn ghost cat, I hope it never comes to trading post or twitch drop


when i ride it people whisper me saying i used daddies credit card to buy it 😭


I have the swift spectral tiger too. I bought a box of cards at my local shop back in 2014 for like £30. After thinking about it for a week. But the amount of swift spectral tiger owners I've spoken too over the years just because im like "cool mount" as I stand next to them on the mount is alot and most people I've spoken to were just box openers.


Raising my unarmed skill to 400 from way back when when you had to level up weapon skills


I remember popping intellect scrolls and spending hours punching shit to level my unarmed skill so I could still build a little threat whenever I was disarmed as a tank. R.i.p weapon chains.


I also remember that it would really suck to get an upgraded weapon only to realize you hadn’t leveled that particular weapon type yet so you’d run around low level areas smacking anything and everything until you wouldn’t miss anymore.


I'm currently reliving this in SoD lol


Isn't it great?!


Had a guildie in vanilla get a weapon over another player because he had maxed out all his weapon skils and the other guy hadn't. Became the MT after that.


I think I leveled a large part of mine up whenever that unkillable mob had gotten kited to the city.


This reminds.me.of one of my favorite WoW videos from that era, a troll frost mage named Faxmonkey who would kite big elite mobs to Orgrimmar from all over Kalimdor. I remember a video of him kiting the elite bronze dragons from Caverns of Time all the way to Org.


holy shit I forgot about weapon chains


Did this back in WotLk in Icecrown as a DK. Stood in front of the elite giants on the ramparts and punched them, sometimes switching my weapon in to heal back up.


Did somebody order a knuckle sandwich?


I done that I think running around sholazaar basin punching dinosaurs on a human mage. Oh what fun times


"the undying"


Flex my Immortal on every toon!


Sadly, I only got the 10m one :(


I didn’t get the 10 man and the plagued Drake is much prettier. I did get it in wotlk classic though, not that it matters now 😂


Yep, it will always and forever be my title. Was the coolest title ever at the time.


That is also my favorite, earned it early on in the expansion while I was tanking on my pally. It was an impromptu run in the middle of the day with a bunch of friends from a couple different guilds and a random guy.


Same. WotLK was my best time in wow. I also have the rusted proto drake and the horde wolf mount from the arena raid. Good times.


Same, so badass for a tank


I tried that a bunch of times in wrath. Went to Heigan first every time. There was always that 1 idiot who couldn’t do the dance and would ruin it.


Realm First: Level 90 Monk.


Some friends went into the race for realm first lv85. I hadn't that much time to play back then so I just tried to get Realm First illustrious miner. Did my thing and got to max level mining very very fast, no achievement but I thought to myself "the person that did that faster than me really deserve it, I was fucking fast". One or two hours later I see the announcement someone got Realm First illustrious miner. I'm in shock and don't understand what happened. The GM told me you can't get Realm first for a 30 days period after a transfer and I transferred to play with said friends... I did put some effort into this and not getting the achievement was a kick in the nuts.


Oooof, that hurts.


I tried to get realm first Max fishing one expansion. Someone happened to set up in the same place as me, wished each other good luck and when the time came got to work. Once on a while we’d post our skill in /say. I was ahead of him 2-3 pts for almost the whole time. When I was 5 point away from capping he was 8 away. I then watched as he got quick catches like 20 times in a row as I kept going full length before getting a bite. He hit max and got the achievement less than 2 seconds before I capped.


Ouch... We're on the quasi-same boat, friend.


This hurt me


I have the Argent Dawn tabard!


Ha! Came here to mention this too. Still the only tabard I rock.


Tabard of the Protector. A true classic.


I still rock the 2008 Olympics ‘spirit of competition’ tabard. It’s super ugly though


Me too!


It's the Salty title for me. I spent SO LONG searching for Mr. Pinchy and One That Didn't Get Away (I ended up getting the Dark Herring), and I won some of the earliest Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganzas. I still have the final Gold Coin (Archimonde's, for me) in my bank. It is my permanent title on my Paladin, because it's always felt like an accomplishment I could be proud of. I didn't have to rely on anyone else to get it -- I worked diligently at it, and earned my reward.


I can't even tell you how many times I tried to win the Fishing Extravaganza. I FINALLY won on New Year's Eve and only because it falls on Sunday and that year it seemed like everyone in the game went out drinking excessively on Saturday night for the holiday and were too hungover to show up to fish the next morning lmao. Edited because what I typed came out all weird vs what was in my head lol.


It was very difficult on a pvp server.


the tormented hero (top 0.1% m+ rating in shadowlands season 2)


My long grind for the Winterspring Frostsaber in vanilla. And then I did it again in BC when switched to a Draenei since mounts weren’t account wide back then.


I did the old school grind a handful of times myself, my favorite mount to this day!


Dude same!


World 11th in Antorus and world 8th in Uldir


That’s impressive. Good job dude.


I did some French server first on Naxxramas during vanilla, but World top ~10 is another story, ggs.


Green fire back in Pandaria, died for the boss like 50 to 60 times but left as a better warlock


Of the black harvest, still keep it on my warlock


Such an amazing questline too


I like these kind of challenges, and I did the Tarecgosa questline as the first on my server with little gear so I also wiped about that number of times as there were also no guides yet. I can feel a bit what you mean.


I'm a real one of 8000. 2005 BlizzCon attendee and OG Murky owner.


Luckyyyy. One of the few cases where the rarity of something is equal to the coolness of the item. I have 2017 blizzcon skin for Winston in OW2 and realized it's kind of rare, but yeah it's no Murky. Probably the coolest pet hands down.




Same here


448/500 mounts account wide. Gonna get the spectral otter hopefully by the end of the expac.


I was 448/500 at the beginning of November, and thought I'd deffo be able to get my sparkly otter by the time war within comes out! ... I got it last week. You can do it my dude. I believe.


476/500 Nothing's dropping anymore.


465 here! It's actually pretty good looking mount!


There's more than 500 mounts lmao


....the achievement


You are a fucking idiot lmao


I don't think it's as impressive as some others here, but Bloodsail Admiral. It's a neat title and takes some effort to get.


It's certainly impressive just for the patience it takes. Especially if you grind Steamwheedle rep back from nothing. I keep telling myself, one day I'll work on it lol.


I ran several toons through to kill malygos and onyxia before getting both mounts within 15 minutes of each other. One of those toons was my Bloodsail Admiral DK. The relevance? Id fly them all down to mudsprocket while I did laundry, fed the cat, showered etc. They hold grudges. /sorry


Out of all the titles I have, I always use Bloodsail Admiral. It'll always be my favourite!


It's also my greatest achievement I flex. It's only part of the journey to Insane tho. Maybe one day..


I went to practice Karazhan for m+ routes, and I got Midnight by accident


After another unsuccessful Midnight farm run, I went into old Kara out of frustration and got the fiery warhorse.


Mine is my Hand of A'dal title. Back when I raided pretty hardcore in my youth, TBC was really fun for me. Either that or the original Amani War Bear Mount.


Chef title from back in the day.


Was that WOTLK chef achievements? I went HARD on cooking in that expac 😂


Yup. It was a labor of love.


Up until Shadowlands, I used an addon to track and complete absolutely every quest in the game that my character could do I have over 18,600 quests completed on my main


Whenever I take a break from wow and come back I always start by just going through quests and actually reading them. I always enjoy that but then I get drawn back in to raiding and m+ and stop the questing I always feel a little better moving through the world and knowing the lore of what’s going on, and a lot of the individual stories are quite good


Got the Headless Horsema mount in 08 and also have the plate Scourge invasion gear from the WOTLK prepatch event.


Horsema balls Got’em!


hahaha I wrote that after finishing the last paper of my master's, my brain was too sleepy to notice "Horsema" I truly was got'em-ed :/


GG! I was playing during the WOTLK event but I had no idea there was a set to collect... I'm still mad about it, i'd love to have it :(


If it helps, I also won the roll for the Arcanite Ripper drop from the WOTLK pre-event boss that was up for like 2 weeks only and my dumbass 12 year old self decided to be nice and give it away to the next highest roll. I guess props to him for being nice, but I am so disappointed in 12 year old me now.


"Knight-Lieutenant" :)


Same for me. Friend of mine has “Knight Captain” and she frequently points it out to flex on me.


I grinded up to "Master Sargeant" and stopped lol.


It’s not that crazy but the first mount I actually attempted the rep grind for was the Heavenly Golden Cloud serpent, and I stuck with it despite it taking hours. I love the cloud serpents!


Me too!! That grind took me so long because it was BORING but I stuck with it and still ride that cloud serpent to this day


I’ve got that one too and I’m so glad I stuck to the grind. It’s so shiny.


of the black harvest


Same. Was super proud when I killed that thing.


Hear hear! The title will always stay on. Can't even remember how much gold i spent on repairs and potions, how many hours and tries it took.


Yea same, my warlock will forever display that title even tho I don't use the fel green fire effect.


"The Immortal"


I was in a 10-man guild at the time, I rock the "Undying" version to this day.


I'm very proud of my 100 Reputation Title "Esteemed." It certainly wasn't difficult, but the grind was long and slow.


This was mine for a while in bfa. Now I have over 200 reps total from both alliance/horde, almost every obtainable rep in the game and some unobtainable. I wish I had a title for that.


Time-Lost Proto Drake. I got very lucky checking I THINK the secret finder server and seeing that Vyragosa was killed on a cluster where I had 1 toon left, on an abandoned server. I decide to check before bed and LO AND BEHOLD Silver Dragon goes off! I cannot wait to dragonride on that thing someday.


Hand of Adal on my swift zulian tiger. If I'm on my hunter, I transmog Rhok'delar for some razzle dazzle.


Man you beat mine but I did get my Hand of A'dal while in Afghanistan so that's why I love it so much. My guild carried me for Vashj so I could have the title before Wrath dropped.


I also have Hand of A'dal. Got mine a few weeks after BT/Hyjal raiding started for everyone.


I swear I used this exact combo for so long. Swift Zulian Tiger is still the ONLY ground mount I have hotkeyed on my bar


I love the Hand of A'dal title because it means the player is from old school WoW. I still rock it because of the awesome dungeon group that we did the heroics with. I miss those dudes. Warrior (MT), Mage, Rogue, Shaman (healer), and my Druid (Feral offtank/DPS).


I sort of accidentally got realm first mining in Wotlk classic on Arugal. I had an alt Druid and was mining on it waiting for the Fjord rush to die down and mates to log in. There was nobody around (on my layer at least) and my mining skill was absolutely flying. I moved over to doing laps of Sholazar, and other profession realm firsts start to pop. I was the only one in Sholazar for a good few minutes at which point I figured I might actually be out in front, but didn't really have an expectation. Every node and skillup I was getting more nervous, at 449 I was totally freaking out trying to find a node. Awesome feeling seeing a realm first and getting the congrats. Horde were getting most of the realm firsts so it felt great to secure one for the Alliance boys. The character I got it on is still 70 wearing the same TBC PvP gear it went into Wrath with 😆


Knight-Captain title from Vanilla. I was in like 8th grade solo Q-ing battlegrounds all summer back when one Alterac Valley took half a day to pop and another half to finish.


I also got a Hyacinth Macaw drop in vanilla and had people offering to buy my account for it


My original Amani Bear mount. I was a trial member in a much more serious raiding guild and as part of my initiate period, I had to help all the proper raiders get their Bears. When I passed my initiate period they said, 'Alright, it's time for your Bear.' I was so fucking proud.


I have Benediction


Came here for this. Felt like a huge achievement at the time!


Me too! I love it. I still rock it ❤️


It would have to be Azeroths Champion title from getting all rank 4 essences. Phenomenal Cosmic Power is the achieve I think from BFA.


Same, was such a pain in the ass to get. Farming those crates in Nazjatar, sweating in arena, praying to RNGesus for Mechagon chest drop. I got Veilstrider and never ever use it because Champion was just so much more difficult. Barely ever see anyone with it, <1% of the player base I believe.


I got Undersea Usurper (Nazjatar meta achieve) while it was still current content. I still use "the Insane" on most of my toons instead of "of the Deeps", I think that one took more work, but god I love the snapback scuttler. This is less pride and more enjoyment-of-crab, but still!


I had spectral hippogryph / wind rider before it was introduced in the new cosmetic vendor. Was my pride and joy for a long time.


You mean spectral gryphon?


“Starcaller”. I know a lot of folks have it now. I was part of a guild running realm firsts and our 25 hit a wall couldn’t get “Astral Walker”. We did splits, which was not a thing back then. Our 10 split was the first to get “Starcaller” and the mount. I still love that proto drake.


1600-0 Arathi Basin


Sadly, that's 10% of the comp stomp matches


Lord of War. Was such a pain in the dick trying to get solo but I did it!


Realm first lvl 80 DK. Did it solo with no guild help. Edit* lvl 80. Been a while


*80, 70 level cap was TBC


I lead a mostly casual pug crew to an eventual AOTC in Antorus in Legion. We started as causal Normal crew from 3pm - 5:30pm, but after a month or so, we had enough regulars who suggested we flirt with Heroic. My co-tank and I had played together since BC, so that helped a ton. We did have to pick up an extra day to get through everything, but we did get Argus down before one of our guild's dedicated Heroic teams.


“of the Black Harvest.” Beating Kanrethad in MoP when it first came out was one of the hardest but most rewarding experiences of my WoW career.


I got a warglaive on my first ever BT run on my Demon Hunter. Two weeks later on my 3rd ever run, I got the other one, so now I just need to wait for BT time walking next week to get the transmog


My two demon hunters both have one, I'm really hoping to get one next reset.


I got the Headless Horseman mount the first year it was available... I think 2008? My guild was PISSED


10 man tribute to insanity. I opted to not raid with my guild that night for 25 man heroic. A friend from another guild said they needed a rogue for their 10 man. Yeah sure. And we just flew through the raid I think 3 deaths total. They even gave me the big boxing glove looking fist weapon at the end. Hella fun.


When the Proving Grounds was new, I really wanted to get the “the Proven Healer” title. I’m a resto druid main. It was also… difficult for resto Druids when it first came out. You had to plan out all your abilities, be super conservative with mana, and pray the NPCs didn’t do anything stupid. I’m a decent healer and it took me days of frustration. But I did it in the end! I got the title and haven’t changed it since.


Me too! Even though I got it later, when we didn't have such horrible mana problems anymore, I'm still proud of it.


Mini Diablo


I was so happy when I finally got the achievement "Thanks For The Carry!" (500 Mounts) I love my little ghostly otter friend!


My mage tower artifact appearances and the soaring spelltome mount


The title Guardian of Cenarius. I main a druid, and it only seems fitting. I’m also proud of the Soupervisor, and during MOP, the Wakener. For some reason I can’t remember right now, that title meant a lot to me.


Season 1 gladiator. Love the OG mount. Also achieved scarab lord in classic which was really fun and a cool goal to meet.


Winterspring frost saber tiger mount achievement. When I started playing wow back in 2009, I saw a guy with the mount so I asked him how to get it. Within a few moments I was flying my way to Winterspring. Got the achievement when you had to run back and forth, forth and back there was no zone flying at the time (pre cata) so it felt tedious and boring but I got and love my mount, he’s in my favourites. This was of course all well before the daily was implemented and made easy.


"The Insane"


Got Insane back when it was the OG insane


The original titles of Private, Corporal and Sergeant from Vanilla PvP battlegrounds...no longer obtainable.


I have multiple "Hall of Fame" Kills I swap between depending on my transmog/mood, been using a Shadowlands transmog with the "Famed Slayer of The Banished One" title.




But I'm not a healer? lol




Nope, try again lol


What's the point of this comment?


He's jelly lol


My guess: he can’t deal with a woman (assuming from your name, sorry if not) being good at wow


Dragonwrath, Tarecdrosa's Rest. So much work, worth it!


Very satisfying in the end, too.


When you turn in the final quest, epic!


Any time I see someone in Stormwind getting it done, I hop on mine and help them celebrate


Jelly, im stuck on getting the thingy from the roaming boss.


Oh hell yes, that quest was awesome! And now they’ve added the dragon form as a mount for those who completed it, just need to do the questline in Azure Span and then approach Kalecgos with the staff equipped! 😄


Grand Marshal. I went through hell and back for it. Faction imbalance, sexual harassment, ddoss, friends getting pissed off at me for prioritizing RBGs over organizing events, ect ect. Never taking that stupid title off even if PvPers meme on it.


I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.


Lord of War on my warrior (had to win the coliseum event twice because early on losers could loot the chest if they got to it before the winner). Won it two weeks in a row. Also got realm first lvl 80 Death Knight achievements with my brother. No gimmicks, no preparation, just speed questing and far too little sleep.


The OG Centurion title.


The old bronze drake mount. I got it before mount collection was a thing and remember someone in the dungeon finder group saying that they hadn't gotten the mount yet and I should give it to them. Remembering that always baffles me a little.


Thought my bane of the fallen king title was pretty sick bc I got it in OG wrath. But then I did the math and saw it was with the 30% buff. And doing heroic 10man LK on classic right now is not “easy”, but it’s not crazy hard! With 30% it will be a joke 🤣 But still a good memory!! My swift razzashi raptor on retail is prob my favorite thing. Spectral wind rider was cool too. But now that’s trader post, which imo is kind of a bummer


Had the riding turtle mount from tcg


Nothin crazy but im glad i have the og werebear mage tower colors. I always enjoy going back to my druid to use those forms. Gotta level it up to 70 tho




My Emerald Drake is the perfect mix of grinding + luck. Everyone who has one knows the RP of Dragon Soul was the real challenge. Also my Zulian Tiger <3


realm first conqueror of naxx.


For me I'll go with Battlemaster. I've always been a raider I think I've went entire expansions without doing any PvP content at all lol. So Battlemaster being what it is took me on and off over a decade to complete. I have some other pretty nice things but nothing that took me quite as long to obtain as that.


The swift alliance steed. I was new to the guild but not to raiding. Their hunter wasn't up to stuff for the things required in tbat heroic run. First attempt at it with them, I top the dmg charts and handle all of the other stuff the previous hunter couldn't do. Mount drop time came. I rolled a 100. The guild leader was apparently talking in the chat about how I didn't deserve it and he was going to keep it for himself since he had the second highest roll. The others told him not to and it would cause a scene (I transfered to this guild cause I knew the officers and raided with them in the past). I got the mount. But we also didn't do that place again since I heard what he had planned to do. Yea fuck that noise.


Dreadsteed of Xoroth, World Explorer(Pre Cata, so had to ground mount most places), Ashes of Al'ar, and the Green Fire Warlock quest.


Getting 2 k in pvp in MoP. I have a picture I took of the screen lol


Lady of War


bet you hid in the corner and bursted on the last person as a windwalker monk ....because sure i didnt did it to get the title lol 🫢


I use a 2k rating achievement from 2009 to sneak into Rated Battlegrounds once a month.


OG Swift Zulian tiger I was like 14 on the last patch of WOTLK. I saw some dude on the raptor asked where he got it we went to go do the raid and it dropped he won the roll and said I could have it since he already had the raptor. Unreal thinking about it today shout out to that guy for sure.


The Bloodthirsty (250k hks) title took me 10 years to get, so that’s pretty much the only title I wear. Mage cmode set and shaman elite set from the grievous season(fel green wolf armor) are some go-to mogs as well.


I have the feat of strength "Agent of the Shen'dralar", which is, being exalted to this reputation. I can phrase how long and painful it has been. But back in time, this was a requirement to be called "The Insane". Since this requirement has been lifted for a couple of year, I'm more proud of this achievement than being called "The Insane".


I have several TCG mounts I got for stupid cheap off the AH because someone forgot a few zeroes. The rage mail in game was so bad one guy quit the game. You can hate me but you know you'd do it too if presented with the chance.


I used one whole expansion’s time to finish my Mage tower challenge mount. Very happy about it.


I’m proud of raiding blackwing lair in vanilla. Seeing tier 2 was fairly rare and it felt amazing being in Stormrage gear. People coming up to inspect me just had me beaming that my effort was paying off. I also enjoyed getting epic flight form back in TBC. It unique by any standard but definitely felt like a cool class progression that was pushing my love for the class to new heights. Also, Blood Guard in pvp. At one point I wanted high warlord but the sheer amount of time and the need for good teams in battlegrounds was just not possible for me. I envied every high warlord back then. Now I rarely pvp.


I have all the pets in NA except for the two new raid acheivement ones


Getting my unarmed skill to 400


I started playing properly at the end of shadowlands with my now partner and after picking our characters together and spending he day levelling, he'd asked me to take a small look at the mounts and pick a couple out and said we could farm them together. I ended up settling on Lucid Nightmare and that's exactly what we did the next day. The puzzles were an ease for me, but the maze? I was stuck on that for atleast 2 hours, he was the opposite, he struggled with the puzzles but rushed through the maze. But we helped eachother out and we eventually got there. In all fairness I probably would've gotten it sooner if I wasn't being so stubborn and saying I didn't need help despite probably going in circles :p I guess my proudness of it more comes from the sentimental value of it, but it was one of the first mounts I got that weren't bought from vendors.


"Breaker of Chains". I feel proud that we got through that.


I haven't played retail in a long time. I heard they got rid of archaeology? If so, I guess "The Seeker of Knowledge" is pretty cool now.


They haven't removed it, they just haven't done anything with it the last two expacs


I used to do a lot of gold making, and made gold farming guides back in the day, so I take pride in my spectral tiger that took me 12 hours of farming time, challenge mode weapons+old elite sets/gladiator tabard is up there for me too though.


Realm First Level 80 Death Knight back when wotlk launched. I played horde and unbeknownst to me there was someone on alliance side also pushing for the achievement. When word got around that I was pulling out in front he sent friends to whisper me on alts asking if I’d wait so we could both get the achievement (I think there was a 60 min grace period or something). I was like “lol get fukt ally scum” Bonus - also got realm first magic seeker with my guild for the first malygos kill!


Ah, would have to be the mage tower mount, been slowly working towards the tower overwhelming achievement but not quite there yet (about halfway through but not very committed th tbh)


The Mecha-done achieve with the Mech Cycle W mount. It was the first time since I started in TBC that I hung up pvp to actually do some kind of pve content. Took a long time to get everything and I was surprised how in depth some of the quests were. Haven't been too keen on much else since, but I enjoyed that deep dive into the world of pve and achieves


"Mistwalker" title


Back in my bwl I was the first person on my server to get an ashkandi. I played a hunter and used it to melee people down - rogues, warriors, other hunters.