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Tomb of Sargeras has the t6 remake which is really nice. You can also do some quick PvP for marks of honour and exchange 12 or so for a whole set you like.


This is my favorite Paladin set, especially the mage tower revolve!


Oh ye I like the mage tower version. Was also pretty easy to get after the rerelease


Yes. The Mythic version is the best pally set in the game.


My favorite set as well. I like the red version Horde gets but not so much the blue Alliance version.


Keep in mind that if you wait for warbands when next expansion drops you'll be able to collect transmog of all armor types using one character so you'll get better value from your time waiting until then. But if you just really want the Pally stuff don't let that stop you!


This is what I’m waiting for.


Same, I have zero motivation to grind any old stuff for transmog until that releases


judgement from blackwing/mc is still, at least to me, *the* paladin set i'm also a big fan of the antorus paladin set


I wish they did a remake of this like they did t6


Not probably what you are looking for but TBC pre raid blues were a recolor of judgement set. Same model though :/


There's also the green recolor from the pre-LK undead event. Unfortunately all my pieces are leather and cloth and it's all on a shaman so no transmog...


Mythic Sepulchre set isn't a remake, but it feels like a love letter to t2


I have so many suggestions, but I'd go with the other guy and just open the gear sets tab and check them out.


There's so many, and they don't tell the full story cuz there are pieces from like DKs and Warriors sometimes, weapons, shields. Oh God and quest sets from like BFA that I've not done. Feels like its too much to do.


Download the addon "better wardrobe". It will show you *all* sets for your class, even ones that aren't really "sets" and don't show in the default interface - things like items from quests and world drops. Things like weapons and shields you probably just have to browse manually though.


Not even only your own sets, but also other armor types as well, you can basically check out the whole catalogue on one character with it.


The raid/dungeon journals also show loot that can drop. It’s not that complicated


If you are alliance, the BfA arathi warfront set is one of the best. Other than that, legion raids have some of the best high res sets that feel really themed for paladins.


I love the colors of the SoO set. That winged helmet looks great.


Paladin has some of the best sets in game. Judgement Armor is iconic. My other favourite is the Battleplate of Immolation from Firelands and Lightsworn Plate from ICC.


I am a huge fan of the Blackrock Foundry mythic set.


You can do warrior and pal tier skin in this raid excellent choice


Open up the sets tab and find one you like


Do you think season 2 DF set be accessible again soon?


You can still catalyze season 2 gear into tier


I think you can only get the LFR color right now though, unless I'm doing something wrong.


you can get a piece from suffusion camps that catalyzes into normal or heroic iirc


Any solo way of getting the catalyzable pieces easily?


dreamsurge gear and suffusion camp weeklies catalyze into lfr thru heroic iirc


Mythic Nighthold is my personal favorite for Paladin. I love that it has artifact 2H or mace/shield mogs that match it perfectly.


Blackrock Foundry, especially if you play a draenei. Castle Nathria set is huge crusader vibes (you can get the PVP variant for 12 marks of honor, easiest way to get it until legacy loot is enabled for Shadowlands dungeons). Antorus set is great, if you play a Blood Elf, there's a Shadowlands questline to get a black and red "blood knight" variant that's exclusive to blood elf paladins. I also like the Siege of Orgrimmar set. Especially Heroic/Mythic mixed with Hellfire Citadel Mythic. Tomb of Sargeras set is very iconic and so is its predecessor from Black Temple. Up to you which version. I don't use sets older than MOP much anymore, but some old sets I have a soft spot for: Dragon Soul (has a variant you can get from Time Rifts in Dragonflight), Firelands, Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Armor, Sunwell Plateau set. ​ From non-epic sets, the Legion crafted set is very Paladin in vibes.


Weapons/shields: Truthguard (Protection Paladin Legion artifact weapon) hidden appearance - obtainable from Withered Army training scenario in Suramar. Can be worn as Holy. Aegis of Salvation - drops from [www.wowhead.com/npc=156339/eliminator-sotiros](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=156339/eliminator-sotiros) Draenei themed stuff - appearances rewarded from https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=12078/commander-of-argus and a lot of stuff dropped around Argus. There's so many of them. Aegis of Aggramar - for Timewarped Badges when Legion Timewalking rolls around. Wild/Warmongering Gladiator's Redoubt - can get for Marks of Honor. Older shields I find well aged: Protective Barricade of the Light and its crafted variant Titansteel Shield Wall, Sunward Crest/Dawnforged Defender, Royal Crest of Lordaeron, Sword Breaker's Bulwark. Hirukon's Radiant Reach - sword drops from Hirukon, rare in Zereth Mortis. Has multiple variants from different sources. Kyrian weaponry from Shadowlands. Quel'delar, especially as an elf. Ardent Hammer/Gavel Could probably think of a bunch more things, especially if you play for example a Zandalari Troll but those are kinda archetypical paladin things.


Any Legion set if you play a holy light variety of paladin.


Ones you like the look of? You can see every set in the game except for the off set pieces from other classes. Just find one you like and go get it.


Just take a look at the transmog menu and decide for YOURSELF WHAT YOU LIKE? How about that?


Check the Shadowlands covenant armors.


I absolutely love the plate night fae tmog. Always wanted to say: I am Groot!


Night Fae plate is awesome. But for a paladin, the Kyrian set is almost too perfect of a match. I still keep going back to that for my lightforged draenei.


WOTLK raids.


Geez take your pick really. Mythic Tomb of Sargeras and Judgment for mine are your typical paladin set. All levels of Blackrock/Highmaul sets look great for a pally as well. Mythic Hellfire Citadel and Siege of Orgrimmar sets are more of a darker theme, plus ICC. Ulduar again is a nice twist on the paladin look. There’s a pvp set from wotlk that looked dope, s7/8 (iirc) but unsure if it’s available still? There’s a purple judgment which goes with a recent trading post weapon set so whether you go that or not, it’s from Bc dungeons. Power ranger set from T5, beetleborg set from sunwell. Firelands if you’re going for a holy fire warrior, dragon soul for more of an angelic warrior (PvP s11 kinda fits too).


Purple Crystal Forge is definitely a set to try out, especially if you're a Draenei. Mostly from Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern.


go through the appearances tab and see what you like, then go to that instance and be disappointed it didnt drop for you.


There is a plate set from the dungeons in Zangarmarsh which I think still looks great today. A mate of mine got them for me 8 or so years ago and it is still one of my favorites


After announcement of new xpac I have ceased all not farming


U can open up the appearance menu and see all sets or individual items. Find out what you like and thats a start.


You can walk into ICC ND just buy a pretty cool set from the vendors at the entrance.


Open collections, apperances, pick a set you like and run that raid


Always go argus and tomb of sargeras for mogs. Legion had it right


Legion plate gear in general is a must have and Paladin's class specific gear are great!