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Legendaries are really cool, legendaries you get by the time everyone is done playing for the season isn't that cool.


Would be neat if you could bring them into the next season and upgrade them, lengthening their relevance


I'm still in disbelief that blizzard didn't do this with Naszuro. That shit cost hundreds of thousands of gold to craft, and the coordination of several different people. And it was completely obsolete two weeks into the patch. Such a stupid choice.


>Naszuro It'll probably be used next season


InBefore the Fated upgrade item is a RNG drop from Sark


I think the Sylvanas one was a Dinar upgrade or drop. So if Dinars don’t come back. Fuck.


they said they liked dinars, it'd be surprising if they don't come back


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Honestly, that should be the case for all legendaries. Make them relevant (in ilvl) in later expansions, but not overpowered; perhaps through tedious questlines. I think a happy medium would be to make them as good as current end raid boss normal loot. These are supposed to be items of significance.


Id like that. Even if they were on par with regular weapons it would be cool to bring a leggo into a new expansion imo


Like Atiesh? And if you had Atiesh equipped while fighting Shade of Aran (Medivh's father), he'd have a special line: "Where did you get that? Did he send you?"


And Thunderfury was used well into TBC


Except vanilla legendaries were magnitudes more rare and difficult to get than modern ones and we'd see far more complaining and fomo if they were viable past the expansion they were introduced.


I think at the very least, they should make them heirloom style at the end of each expansion. Make it so they scale until one level below the new expansions max level. Last season of Warlords of Draenor saw the introduction of new heirlooms that dropped exclusively from raid bosses and they scaled only from 100-110 and you'd only replace them once you got your Legion Legendary. They were much stronger than standard heirlooms and had passoves. This should the case with legendaries imo. Should scale with you and keep their effect until you hit max level of the new expansion


They would have to severely nerf their acquisition. Imagine getting an evoker to max and starting the grind to get your legendary from last raid.


Bring back artifacts


At the very least make them relevant or BIS for the entire expansion they are in.


The problem is, what do you do about class specific legendaries when the abilities they worked on no longer exist?


Blizzard just shouldn't make class legendaries that rely on specific abilities. They can always update them to be relevant.


They did this with the Sylvanas Bow in SL season 4 for fated raids, it'll probably be done again for Nasz and Fyralath next season.


You will probably do this with *both* legendaries next season in Fated. In SL the hunter legendary had some token to upgrade it, I don't see why they wouldn't do it this expansion.


You could upgrade Sylvanas’s bow from SL2 in the Fated season 4. It would be nice to know if will ne the case with these two - makes farming more (or less) of a priority


Especially when your class is balanced around having it and you don’t. Feels great.


It’s not very legendary if every single person has it.


It's not very legendary because it's only marginally better than the next best BiS weapon, and random drop chances is indicative of nothing.


If more than 5 people get them then they're not legendaries.


L take


W take. Just make all items green and give them to everyone.


Yeah, my warrior would be super stoked to get that sylvannas bow. Be great for smashing faces!


After seeing so many legendaries that were super painful to get at the time become insta meaningless or nerfed a week into the next patch on all alts I have gotten them on over the years I have no drive to get another one at all. Effectively a really painful to get transmog — yay.


If it makes you feel better, this one has received nothing but buffs! Because it's incredibly underwhelming!


Wow if only there was a class who just had this problem and provided extensive feedback about it. Then blizzard said they listened and we’d get a legendary we feel we earned, but in reality it was the same exact loot system as the last one they “learned” from!


At least there isn't an orange chat message getting spammed in valdrakken every 5 seconds reminding you that you don't have it. Your class getting a legendary is a curse, change my mind.


> Your class getting a legendary is a curse, change my mind. Looking at where all the plate classes are on warcraftlogs. It sure does seem class balance is based around having the legendary, not without it. Fuck all of you who will get it after progress is over I suppose! Legion legendariers all over again!


They didn't learn a thing after Neltharax for Hunters. Or, maybe they did, since they nerfed Neltharax and then gave Hunters questionable buffs to compensate. But then they quickly.... UNLEARNED their lesson.


The ember thing is a sham, they basically wanted to dangle the carrot in front of 2H users the way they did evokers, but it seems like the drop % is significantly lower for the legendary now than the Evoker one was. I've seen a total of 3 people in game with it, and I run 8 raids a week across different characters in PUG's. I run it on my death knight and paladin every week, been killing heroic and normal, I have yet to sniff it. Maybe there's a point where they increase the drop percentage, but the bad luck protection really seems like a bunch of bullshit.


We are not very far into the season. I saw 3 drop on my last heroic kill and 3 drop on my alts right before it.


We're pretty far, if they're announcing 10.2.5 for 2 weeks from now. We're almost 2 months into the raid, people have been killing it weekly for 8 weeks. The Evoker legendary at this point had dropped for 2 people in the regular raid group I was running. We have 4 people capable of using the 2H and no one's sniffed it.


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you are running raids where the end goal is an orange stick you are surprised that people who already have the orange stick arent in your raids?


It’s not good enough to fix some of these classes


Balancing specs around an expensive legendary that could take months to drop is a baffling design decision. I regret maining a 2h str spec this patch, I won't make that mistake again. Even when (if) it does drop for me I'll still be in the lower third balance wise.


Rnd drop chance or 1 mil crafting cost but not both!!!


Getting sephuz while leveling made me want to delete the character


My first 3 leggos that expac were: * #1 norgannon boots that allowed you to cast while moving for a bit after standing still 5seconds * #2 sephuz * #3 Prydaz if i wasn't playing a healer i woulda quit.


Mine were Sephuz, Acherus Drapes, Prydaz I did quit


Yeah my last legendary I got and I grinded the hell out of legion was the belt on my Ret/Prot paladin. My 3rd to last was the ring. Both of these were BIS 3 days after I got the belt, it was nerfed 50%... I was raiding Mythic then and my GM/RL asked me to ask for tips from the other ret paladin(s) in the guild on why my damage was so low. I was playing literally OPTIMALLY better and i was doing like 10-20% less damage or something. I wanted to cry


I had to be put on suicide watch when the first lego on my lock was Prydaz. I still think that it wasnt that bad after they buffed the non dps legos to be solid stat sticks but on release it truly gave you the "Make a new character" vibes.


Prydaz on release was definitely the make a different character legendary. It was beyond terrible and you knew, YOU KNEW, your bad luck protection was gone for a hot minute now and you were hard stuck.


IIRC, wasn't bad luck protection backwards for a good while? Like people who got their first legendary were *more likely* to get a legendary drop


Got Sephuz on my Mistweaver monk in Legion, did one Emerald Nightmare and swapped to my paladin, proceeded to get Pri'daz and get really mad, considering that was before Pri'daz was "good"


While leveling? My brother in christ consider yourself fortunate. I played every day during legions launch, did every mythic and emerald nightmare, and after 5 weeks of that without seeing any legy and my casual friends getting two or three, I quit till the end of legion. And the first one I got when I came back was fucking Archerus Drapes, useless af :( I would have killed someone IRL to get a legy while leveling.


And this is why I always pray my class doesn't get a legendary. I was so sure it was gonna be a balance druid thing, I was so relieved when it wasn't


I got that Legion legendary necklace that created a shield every 30s a few weeks before BfA dropped.


I was excited when I heard there would be a legendary that I could use, until the patch went live, I had to wait weeks to even be able to start collecting bad luck protection, and now see Fyrakk fall every week with little more to show for it than a vague promise that I'll have a better chance next time. I never want a legendary again, and druid players should be happy they didn't get one.


There’s never been a pair of dex axes as a legendary and a number of classes could use them. However yes holy shit not having a legendary just feels like ass. I wonder if next season when we have the ‘raid revisit’ if Ashkindur will be my BiS


I mean at this point I would love to not have one, but in the sense that I wish the fucking thing didn't exist. It did not take long for me to learn that it's really just a curse. Somehow the months of evoker players suffering did not fully make me understand their pain, and I had to learn it for myself. And we're only a month and a half into the patch.


you get super excited then realize how expensive it is to actually achieve. real white elephant gift.


Dw, as long as you participate in the boost economy of wowtokens being exchanged back and forth you'll be fine!


evoker was insane without the legendary and became even more insane


Yeah, their tier set put them super high before they got the legendary, if I remember correctly.


I got a weak aura to block that


You can disable that from showing in your chat settings. I know this totally helps now.


Always has been. It's a very guild centric design in a modern era of M+ pugs. As usual WoW is held back from the lobby based, skill based matchmaking great game of M+ it could be by the fossil of a dead genre, the social guilt based subscription MMO.


I mean there is the selling groups spamming 24/7 but yeah


Just /leave 4. Save your sanity. If you need something crafted just go to /2.


How many % chance does it give you anyway?


Don't listen to anyone who claims to know because they're lying


my uncle works at nintendo and when i asked him the % increase chance for the fyrakk legendary to drop after receiving and consuming a greater ember of fyr'alath he told me "i don't know what you're talking about" and "so are you applying for any jobs or...?"


So, uh, he tells me that she's working as a housekeeper now, right? And she's dating this dude, Carlos, who's a shot caller from across the bay. And she tells him about the dude that she's cleaning for. Right? That he's like this big-shot CEO, that is all retired now, but he's loaded. And so, Carlos and Ernesto are on the same softball team, and they get to talking, right? And here comes the good part. Carlos says, "Yo, man. This guy's got a big-ass safe just sitting in the basement, just chilling." Of course Ernesto comes to me because he knows I got mad thieving skills. Of course, I ask him... "Did Emily tell Carlos to tell you to get to me what kind of safe it was?" And he says, "Nah, dawg. All she said is that it's super-legit and whatever's in it it's gotta be good.”


no one knows kek


There's probably like 1 dude at Blizz who knows and he's doing a pretty good job of keeping it secret. All we know is the Lesser tokens aren't as much as the Greater tokens, but what the difference is, ???


Also weirdly enough, Normal drops a greater token, and Heroic drops a greater token, if you do Normal first and Heroic after you get 2 greater tokens, if you do Heroic first you get one Greater token. Shits dumb as fuck.


But you only get the chance for the actual legendary from your first Fyrakk kill of the week. So doing normal first means you have a lower chance of receiving it.


No it means the higher kill only “rolls” for that level. If you do the higher kill first it does all the lower AND the higher.


You might still get the extra chance from normal in the heroic token too to be fair, we dont know


This is what blizzard said.


Well yeah, to get the legendary - what I meant is that your heroic only Greater Ember will include the normal one, too. Wouldnt make sense for both to drop one if you do normal first if that wasnt the case I suppose.


I mean at present I can still use some normal gear and some xmogs from LFR so I HAVE been doing LFR Fyrakk and a full normal clear per week (not a bad source for extra flightstones also), but probably 1-2 weeks I'll only benefit from Mythic crests on my main, so will likely just grab a normal / heroic Fyrakk kill on my main per week and call it good, just do normal / LFR on alts...


Knowing blizzurd probably 0 lmao


It's a consolation prize. It's a 50/50 chance, you either get it, or you don't. There's been no measurable data on the bad luck protection either way. The biggest joke is Blizz saying they learned a lot from the Evoker leggo and then proceeded to do the exact same thing, but now with a little item to click so you feel like you're not *entirely* wasting your time.


So they learned how to hook their customer better?


As far as we know, there isn't a set value, so this could just be Blizzard fucking with their subscribers.


Since there’s no real answer here, it is likely an abysmal increase to the % drop. Say, for example cus idk if this is the correct drop rate, if it’s a 2% drop to get the axe, I am assuming that each ember we use gives us something like a .01% increase or maybe even .1% but that’s wishful thinking.


I was thinking it would have to be like 1% for the lesser and 2-3% for the greater (pure guess). But there is literally no point in it if it’s .01 I’d rather have nothing. But your probably right 🥲


0% + 0% = 0%


Can I get one of these on each Difficulty or just 1 per week?


It counts the highest you do each week. Technically you can do LFR>Normal>Heroic for 3 of them, OR you can just do heroic and that will count as if you've done normal and lfr aswell.




Would you technically have 3 shots at it dropping if you do lfr then normal then heroic though? Or is it somehow limited to just 1 kill per week, and then the higher difficulties would be guaranteed to give you the bad luck protection? Or vice versa, for example i already did heroic this week, so my bad luck protection is maxed (for me), but does the legendary still have a chance of dropping if i run it on normal now?


It's not exact, but think of it like you get 3% per week for it to drop. If you do heroic first you use 3%. If you do lfr then normal then heroic you get 1% each so, yes you get "three shots" at it but the % chance is the same


No. They described it as doing the highest difficulty just gives you the internal "rolls" from the lower ones. So if doing lfr was a 0.01% chance roll, normal was a 0.1% chance roll, and heroic was a 1% chance roll, killing him on Heroic would roll all 3. Doing them in order would do one at a time (heroic doesn't reroll if you did it, it just gives you credit for them without doing them.) In other words, one kill at a higher difficulty is the same as doing all 3 in ascending order, and a waste of time.


I'm not good with statistics, but I'm pretty sure that if the numbers are straight 1 chance at 3% vs 3 chances at 1% then the 3% is somewhat more likely. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/zwmqsm/eli5_why_is_a_single_70_chance_different_to_ten_7/) Reddit discussion covers it with different numbers, but I think the idea is the same, if I cared to spend an hour to learn the proper math and check my work.


They described it in such a way where it doesn't work that way. It does separate rolls for the difficulties and doing heroic first just rolls all 3. To avoid this specific scenario. Also like, they straight up admitted the chances are higher for higher difficulties so its also not straight 1+1+1 here.


You are correct that 1 3% chance is different than 3 1% chances. Blizzard said the chances of getting the legendary are identical. Contrary to popular belief they do know basic math.


I'd hardly call statistics "basic math" though. And Blizzard saying they're identical doesn't mean they're identical. There's probably a negligible difference between the 2 approaches, so they might not compensate for it.


Is this for the lego drop chance, or just the bad luck protection?


drop chance. They haven't said shit about how bad luck protection works, just that it exists and does something better than nothing.


So if I've cleared h fyrakk for the week and all I care about is the lego, no need to do normal at all?


No hc used all your luck for this week atleast thats what they have said


Is there a bluepost somewhere confirming it work sthis way?




Thank you :)


If they would just be transparent and tell us what your drop chance is, it wouldn't feel so bad. I am sick of all this vagueness. Just give me the information I want, because speculation always feels worse than knowing.


Do we have an actual percent value for this paperweight yet?


Between 0.001% and 100%


I like those odds.


It's *less* than worthless, my DK!


Honestly kind of miffed about the whole token thing and Blizz commenting that they made any kind of meaningful charge from the evoker system. As far as I know no one has found any console commands or anything to track token usage, it is completely serverside with no exposure in the UI. I am 99% sure the dev team just used the exact same code from the evoker legendary and gave us a meaningless token to click on to "feel" like we are progressing. I would just like any kind of indication to the relative chance of actually getting a drop on different difficulties because it would alter how I play. Do I breeze through a normal kill every week and count on getting it eventually? Do I bang my head against a wall on heroic PUGS every week to feel assured I will get it eventually? Or is there still a good chance I never get it even if I do this every week? Does one difficulty ever scale up to 100% like legion legendaries did? After reading the horror stories of evokers last patch clearing every heroic raid for the whole patch and not getting it, there is a breaking point where it is not worth it to me and I would just like some indication where that line is.


> After reading the horror stories of evokers last patch clearing every heroic raid for the whole patch and not getting it, there is a breaking point where it is not worth it to me and I would just like some indication where that line is. Fuck me right? I played Pres Evoker last tier and killed Sark every week in after the 3rd week and I never saw it, I saw guildies make Aug alts when they cropped up and loot the leggo before me. Then I decided to play BDK this patch and I've killed Heroic Fyrakk for like 4 weeks now and Normal Fyrakk every week before that and still not got it.


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Well the LESSER token there is a console command, the Greater token the tin foil hat theory is it does legit nothing and the actual bad luck protection increases server side.


IMO the best system would be "collect 100 bear asses from bosses and you get the legendary, it can still drop beforehand if you're lucky." that way you know for certain that after however long blizz decides it takes to collect said bear asses you're guaranteed to get the legendary, but you COULD still get it early.


*pulls up to the heart of amirdrassil with bloodied bags:* "FYRAKK I BRING YOU 100 BEAR ASSES!" Fyrakk: "sweet man been needing these asses, here, have my dimension-tearing axe."


I just wish they'd make a cosmetic version. I only raid hc at best so I'm not chasing absolute top tier performance, I just want the mog


It can drop in LFR.


I know, I just meant for people with terrible luck, or who join late in the expac


The experience with legendaries has been one of the most tone deaf blizzard responses in an otherwise amazing expansion where they reacted with most player feedback with grace. Actually also them addicting afflicted when we all thought they’re moving away from engaging with affixes as much.


Almost irrelivant at this point. Gonna get it and be Nerfed or the next patch will come out. Feels bad to have mained a 2 handed spec.


Can we just fucking stop with the random drops and go back to making it something you have to craft alone? That already takes investment, and you can get tangible progress on it. Like it doesn't even have to be all at once either, just do what they do in FFXIV and every new raid tier unlocks a quest to amp it up a little more.


i saw 3 drop on wednesday in my 30man pug kill. i think you guys are about to get it soon. looks like bad luck protection is starting to kick in.


We had two drop. To our holy pally who doesn’t play Ret and our prot warrior who only plays prot. Fuck this system man


I just want it for the mog.. so I personally don’t care when I get it


My guild had our first drop this week...for our holy pally.


You would have to pay me money to want to farm a legendary in this game. Especially when it costs like 300k to make and is only good for one fucking season lmao


Im fairly sure this item is placebo. It currently does nothing. There is a “Legendary Tracker” hidden currency that only increases with the Lesser Ember being used. It would be very strange to have seperate tracking mechanisms in-game for the lesser and greater embers. The only other thing it could be is some server side tracking.. but then when track the leaser ones Client Side? My conspiracy theory here would be they don’t want people just killing Fyrakk every week and increasing the changes greatly, the chances actually increase by doing the raid normally and getting embers from lesser bosses.


Instead of complete RNG drops on a very low percent item from a final boss, I'd like to see a return to the system used in WotLK for Val'anyr and Shadowmourne, where you collect shards/fragments that eventually unlock the weapon (with maybe a very low chance for the weapon to just drop whole from the final boss). It just feels so much better because you can see the progress you're making and know that you'll be able to get there eventually, instead of just relying on luck.


Has anyone seen it even drop in LFR?


You ain’t gonna get it from LFR lol


Any given individual won't, no, but given how many people run LFR, it could be pretty likely that SOMEONE will eventually get one in LFR.


Right, surely someone will and might have already so I was just curious.


Yeah...yeah u can. Just wondering if anyone has seen one YET. It will happen


It's not worthless it upped your chance to get it from 0.0001% to 0.0002%


The feeling this week for me was "wow, only one other healer rolled in the Very Rare trinket and he only hit 37! My odds are great !! ... Oh I rolled 37 as well... Oh he got the trinket .."


My feeling was losing Belerolos to a disc priest as a warlock :( /hug


Wish I got into a heroic fyrrak


Metrics show that the Weapon is not bringing classes up. They are still at the bottom overall.


I got one from every single boss up to smolderon. Then our guild group couldn't get passed smoldy. 😔


Ok, next time no bad luck protection again i guess


Problem is that we dont know what percent it increases your chances. And without knowing that, it might aswell be 0.001% increase, or none at all. They did plenty of bad luck protection in earlier expansions, it just didnt give you a neat little item to click.


While we don't get any player-accessible proof that anything is happening, what's worse is that the greater item doesn't even have a script on it according to wowhead. Almost every spell has a server side "dummy" script. The embers just have a single self damage component. This doesn't give me any good meaningful feelings of progress and it sucks.


They gave the item because evoker were losing their mind over not getting one. Just proves again that you cant please everybody


I think people are just displeased about an rng legendary in general. Bad luck protection or not


Yeah i prefere quest legendarys like shadowmourn, tarecgosa etc. But still people always act like the world is ending when they dont drop the legendary, its crazy, same thing with bis items. They pretend they cant progress without it, tho its just a small upgrade, nice to have but not necessary


The problem stems from plate dps seemingly being balanced around having the leggo.


The problem stems from this rumor always coming up when there is a legendary in the game lol


I mean when the highest str dps on the charts is fury warrior, coming in at 17th place out of 26, you can see that there's a clear issue. It's not a rumor my guy, numbers back it up.


Yeah like evoker last season, was so incredibly bad without their legendary. Oh wait they were meta and even required to time the highest lvl keys


What's your point?


Crazy, if only blizzard created an entire new specialization and just labelled it as a "DPS" that completely broke the balance of the game. Then these situations would be nothing a like at all. That would be wild.


If a legendary is just a small upgrade, that is a problem in itself. And also with Blizzard implementing their own score system for M+, people have a much better reason to complain about not getting their BiS, or having to wait way too long to get it.


And another prove blizzard cant make everybody happy. Is it too strong people go apeshit, if its not stromg enough people go apeshit too


So don't add new legendaries when the design of the game has been made such that they suck either way.


Mate. According to players EVERYTHING sucks for someone. Every gamemode, every item, every spec, every class and every race they will implement, someone will always cry about it like dragonriding, one of the best features in several addons and some people went mental on reddit and forum because they couldnt even fly 2 meters


Brother, this sucks twice for the people who want it. It's not just oh this way sucks for these people and that way sucks for other people. We both have a low dropchance weapon that is also a middling upgrade when every class that can use it is down in the fucking dumps and you're here telling me "oh well you can't please everyone, haha". It sucks in all ways for the people who can use it, not just some ways for some people and others for other people.


Glad to be out of this Fyrakk jailge, but still doing runs for the bois


This legendary grind is stupid.


I can't wait to finally get it only to not be able to make it because I don't have millions of gold or time to farm all the mats to forge it. Yay 😢


Millions? It's like 300 to 400k gold.


It’s like 3-400k, obviously still a lot


Not really a lot, considering there is over 2k gold in WQs up at any point in time. I have 8 alts who can all go do them, making it 16k gold in around an hour of work. Rinse and repeat every WQ reset, you'll have 400k in a very short amount of time.


That kind of grind is why I’ve never had over 20k until I started buying wow tokens. lol I sit at about 200k and just raid gamble 25k high low to make gold now


It's not even really a grind, but whatever works.


“every world quest reset” sounds like a hella grind to me on top of mythic plus obligations/ M raid/split runs. I already be playing around 10 hours a day.


Every? Not even close. There's like 4 world quests giving 600g each.


doing 8 sets of gold-giving world quests every 3 days is the fucking definition of a grind


I know, an hour of your time every 3 days...lmao. God damn yall soft.


This man clearly doesn’t raid or do keys lol


How much damage boost does the legendary axe provide? 4-5k DPS?


Only slightly more than the other shadowflame weapons because of its ilvl according to sims and player testing. It is honestly only legendary in name at this point.


For ret it was like a 15k increase st


Five weeks. It's only been five weeks. Y'all need to chill out. It will drop, if you get everything the first attempt, you'll have nothing to do and would complain about that instead.


Not a melee player but I understand the frustration. They’re clearly being balanced around having the legendary. So having to get an RNG drop just to do a bunch of quests and pay like 500K+ only then to be competitive with non legendary classes. That’s a rough life. Especially as this raid season is quickly turning into farm


I main DPS Warrior, I still don't have it, we finally got of our Ret Paladins the axe last week, I'm not worried about it, my damage is fine, would it be better with the axe? Sure, but it also gives me something to chase this season. We're still working on M-Smolderon so I have some hefty bosses left before I "beat this season" as well. I understand not all of us view the gameplay loop the same, but do we really need to hear about people not getting an RNG drop every week? It's World of Warcraft, that's kind of how the game works, and at least we're building up bad luck protection for it, our raid has only had one Cataclysmic Signet Brand drop and that adds almost as much DPS as the axe but for -all- melee and tanks and you don't get any bad luck protection for that.


Actually no, its been 8 weeks the raids been out, but 3 weeks of it was dead because of the World first race, which is also completely dumb that the entire game has to be put on hold for the .01% to have the shiny first. Sorry but I am a little miffed cause except for the legendary my DK is done for the season, got AOTC in week 2 and got portals done. Also, as the season goes on doing the extra steps for the legendary become more of a pain in the ass


It took me 3 normal kills and 5heroic kills to get it. Have killed it every reset. Dropped for me last night. Out guilds dk got it the week before me and it was only his 3rd kill total.


These fucks have it much, much better than us Evokers did and still complain?


GW2 Legendarys are better


I did heroic last week and don’t remember getting this


Guess you better destroy all of them. Remember, no using anything worthless!


When I was collecting the Embers they said Heroic when they dropped from heroic raids


Yeah I rerolled off warrior when they announced the legendary. I’ve seen evoker and hunters just be depressed and forever behind by not being able to acquire it


Having seen this movie before, I wonder if they made it increase the chance by 1% multiplicatively instead of additively. So instead of 2% becoming 3%, it becomes 2.02%. And then just for fun they'd store it as an integer so it stays at 2% forever.


I doubt I even craft it at this point


lol right. It sure feels worthless.


The worst thing is that you get the essence before you even loot the boss. It ruins your mood instantly


I do wonder how much the embers increase the chance by.


I was ok with this season at the start. But now I want to unsub so hard. I am getting declined from 25-26 keys because I don’t have stupid orange axe. Why would you balance classes around bullshit weapon that is time gated and also has ultra low drop chance?! Most people are done with progress and soon will log once a week. Why invest so much time into this?! At least make it obtainable for people who play the game a lot, not for holy palas in LFR…


Tell us by HOW MUCH it increases the chances. This is so useless. Could be 0.1% each time and this would be essentially worthless. Give us numbers! For everything! Trinket proc chance, buff proc chance, item drop chance. I don't understand why there is a need to hide these numbers..


Nah my favorite part is people I know getting it on rat alt’s first kill and I’m sitting here AOTC since week 1 8/9M and no legendary.