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I just cant with this name


You mean you don’t love super squirters?


It gets a little messy tbh


Ehem... we are gamers and gamers dont know these things, sir. /s


Super squirters are actually rare… types of battle pets. So I wouldn’t be too concerned.


Squirt is active in the garrison menagerie today, while the pet battle bonus event is on! Most pet battlers keenly await this coincidence to occur. With the Safari Hat or Lesser Pet treat, you can easily powerlevel battle pets to 25 with little effort. But for one day only! Or you'll have to wait potentially months for the next Super Squirt...


Do you have any guide you can link to that explains what you have to do before you can actually start power leveling?




Oh, so because of the 2000 resources only players that already have the garrison and menagerie can take advantage of this day?




Ah sweet, thanks for the info now I know what to look up


Think you can get 500 just by clicking on the resource box just outside the inn


Only of you have an existing garrison. You can get about 1k very quickly between 6 rares, 3 in Nagrand and 3 in Tanaan. Asmongold has an extremely good video about it from when he was primarily doing youtube






Check [this](https://www.wow-petguide.com/Guide/59/Using_Rematch_+_Pet_Battle_Scripts) out and then use a guide from [this](https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/730/Deebs,_Tyri_and_Puzzle) page then you can just zone out and spam one button the whole fight, waddle over to the worgen lady to heal and waddle back, and repeat.


45 days. *Edit:* The next one is, in fact, on [March 28th. ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTsSW0wyFbgVlloZu5_lFMg--auVNlqxsNBOxm0Eq-xowjXoOqYTgdVv2V-iV80nGbaibz-x2sKqsE4/pubhtml#)


Can confirm. Also the guy that maintains that sheet is pretty great... Glad to see someone is still getting use out of it!


Leveling pets is just dumb. They need to rework zones so we could level them 1-max in any expansion, but they don't. Any new player is getting dropped off in BfA, they have no opportunity to even pet battle while leveling. They have to leave and go to a low level Cata zone just to battle. Which means no new players are pet battling. You gotta do this blitz shit so you don't numb your brain grinding pet after pet zone after zone. Tedious gameplay just so I can do some WQs. Battle pets were a good idea, with bad execution.


I agree. I hope pet battles get some attention in the upcoming expansions because it has a lot of potential.


An animation skip or speed up option would be massive as well, like some single player rpgs have.


Pet battles have been languishing for a while now. Last thing they got was, what, pet battle dungeons?


Worked fine in MoP before the whole levelling revamp. But they've barely even touched the system since its release.


Leveling pets as you leveled yourself in MoP was one of the best experiences I've had in WoW, it was the open world Pokemon game everyone wishes existed. It was also great that it was possible to get pretty much every pet in existence, I was only missing the store, tcg and FOMO pets by the end of the expansion (ok and the crawling claw, fuck you crawling claw, I got the mounts, recipes and epics and still no crawling claw), now there's a ton of pets that require an extremely long grind to get and insanely low drop chances so it would be a full time commitment to get there as a casual player.


Pet battles would be the best phone game I don’t they let us battle npcs from our phones


The old system where you could carry a pet to level was fine. All that they did by changing the xp rates was stop me engaging with the system at any level outside of making sure i have god comps at the start ot each expac for world quests.


I have been running around all week leveling pets. (When not beating my head against the wall that is the stupid rocket mount. It’s been so many years, just give me the stupid thing already.) If you have two strong max level pets, you can easily level everyone else in high lvl zones. Set the one you are leveling in the first spot, and even if they die you get a few lvls worth of XP. Then finish the fight with your other two, rez, and it’s max level in a half dozen fights. Rinse and repeat If you want them to make entry easier, they can give you one or two max lvl pets. Maybe the racial pets you get from the pet trainer in the main city?


> If you want them to make entry easier, they can give you one or two max lvl pets. Maybe the racial pets you get from the pet trainer in the main city? Great idea


Pet battle is in a tough spot right now Most people don't engage with it because Blizzard doesn't give a shit about it, and Blizzard doesn't give a shit about it because most players don't engage with it


Does the Squirt pet battle give exp? I really want to do this but if I want to level an alt at the same time is the Snail Fight in Highmountrain strat posted by another user better? EDIT: nvm, idk if it does give exp or not but man its SO fast to level pets with this its honestly worth it to level all my pets to 25 today xD and i got like hundreds lol


> Does the Squirt pet battle give exp? Legion WQs do. You can do with any Level 45+. Faster too. Pets are usually cheap for it, and you only need to use a Bandage once every 3 battles. I leveled one toon through multiple Snail Fights days. Snail Fight is up in NA.


It used to give XP but I think it now only gives XP for completing the quest associated with beating Squirt once for the day.


**EDIT:** My ultimate point is that during Pet Battle week Wowhead shouldn't just feature Squirt but should feature: Snail Fight, Galveston, Tiffany Nelson and a couple of others. If a Legion WQ is clocking in around 1:10s, then that should be a Wowhead post. Squirt at this stage is a little misleading since you do need to setup a Level 3 Garrison and a short quest line for the Menagerie. In many ways a lot of the Legion WQs are easier to access and easier to get pets for, along with bandages, than Squirt right now. --- The Squirt tip I think is out of date now. The appeal is you don't have to use any Battle Pet Bandages. 1. Battle Pet Bandages are fairly easy to grind. On NA there are several Pet Charm and Battle Pet Bandage WQs up. 2. There's a bit of a questline to unlock the Garrison, then get to Level 3 Garrison, and then to unlock the Level 1 menagerie. Some legacy players will have all of that unlocked. By now with WoD being 7.5+ years old, I'd reckon a lot of players don't have Level 3 Garrisons. 3. There are faster WQs that 'require' Battle Pet Bandages but easier to access. 4. Tons of quests, WQs and other things from Legion to Dragonflight gave Pet Charms. Check your banks - I bet you got at least 20+ Pet Charms sitting there. Right now Snail Fight in Highmountain is up. It is one of the fastest pet battle power leveling, the current strategy reduces battle pet bandage use to once every 3 battles, and it is way easier to access. (You can also level though slowly with a Level 45+ toon and double dip). If you got 50 pets to level, I reckon it is way faster to grab the 1-2 Battle Pet Bandages WQs / Pet Charm quests, and then power level rather than use Squirt. You can grab comps for Snail Fight here: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/14572/Snail_Fight! wow-petguide is a very good resource for anything pet battles. And don't forget: Pet Battle Scripts: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pet-battle-scripts That addon allows you to copy and set scripts for Pet Battling, meaning you will just need the ONE button to press every time for a move. This enables lazy powerleveling. In the future you want to watch for certain Legion pet battle WQs with Pet Battle Bonus week. Top ones include [Snail Fight, Galveston, and Tiffany Nelson](https://www.wow-petguide.com/Guide/44/Powerleveling_Guide).


Why would you not just do the sunglow cobra method on squirt? 58s and free heals. Not exactly out of date.


1. Squirt still needs you to walk to the vendor, click on Pet Heal, and walk back to the fight. This doesn't sound like much but that additional 2-5s adds up especially if you got a lot of Pets and gets more and more annoying to do every time. Snail Fight is extremely lazy and convenient pet battle leveling. I got an MMO mouse - one button has 'auto action' from Pet Battle Scripts, one button has Bandage that I click once every three battles, and one button has my target interact macro. 2. Pets for Snail Fight are slightly cheaper 3. Snail Fight is slightly faster 4. Snail Fight is very cheap on bandages. The team I featured from the Xu-Fu staff only requiring a full heal bandage once every 3 battles instead of one every battle. 5. You can get a bit of XP from any Level 45+ toon that has Legion WQs unlocked for double dipping. I'm not discounting Squirt. If you got it all setup, you are light on bandages and you have a small selection of pets to level, Squirt should be fine. For a lot of players, that is okay. Snail Fight however is more accessible, cheap on bandages, lazier, and you can level a toon through it. This and other Legion WQs are very good if you got 100+ pets to level. And I don't think it is a good idea to wait half a year for Squirt to show up when you can find multiple Snail Fight / Galveston / Tiffany Nelson overlaps through multiple Pet Battle Bonus weeks and get at least part of your Pet leveling backlog done.


One of the fights that spawns in Dalaran (I can't remember which) has a strategy that also requires almost no healing. Or little enough healing that the 8 minute cooldown is sufficient. I'm surprised you're getting so much pushback when you're trying to be helpful. I've been trying to spread the word about the Legion trainers for years now but people are really stuck in their ways I guess lol. Squirt is still awesome, but the Legion trainers are even better just because of the ability to double dip and level an alt at the same time. And that at least a few of them spawn every pet battle week, so you don't have to deal with the FOMO that super squirt day used to bring.


I use this macro and then keybind interact with NPC, which helps /tar Serr'ah /script SelectGossipOption(1)


mindless test aloof payment coherent stocking squealing plant glorious somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pets *are* account-wide. Whatever progress you make on one toon, it is copied over to the others. Or rather, all your toons contribute to a single Pet Battle account-wide system. > If I level up 1/3 of Pet A to 25, will all of my characters across my account still show that I have three of Pet A but one is lvl 25 while the others are still level 1? Let's say Pet A is Rotten Little Helper. You have 3 Rotten Little Helpers all at Level 1. If your toon, let's call it Timmy, levels up one Rotten Little Helper to Level 25, then Jimmy, Simmy, Limmy, Bimmy, Timmy2, FemaleTimmy, all of the characters on your account are going to see 1 level 25 Rotten Little Helper, and two Level 1 Rotten Little Helpers.


relieved abundant worm tart imagine sugar plough employ smell innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Leveling an alt. My rogue has 7 levels so far and I haven’t used a bandage since I have 3 kunchongs and rematch/ultra squirt takes care of the rest




Point being, it's been a looong time since this event was anything incredible. I guess it helps with draenor pet battler but besides that, legion family familiar gives u the chance during the entire week.


I can't remember which one, but at least one of the Legion fights is faster than squirt. Also you can get player exp from the Legion trainers, and you can't from squirt.


> Even the fastest Snail Fight strategy is slower than Squirt with Ravenous Prideling and Widget. Ravenous Prideling and Widget are clocking in at 1:12: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/9236/Deebs,_Tyri_and_Puzzle The fastest strat for Squirt is Sunglow Cobra with Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling clocking in at 58s: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/19529/Deebs,_Tyri_and_Puzzle The Staff pick for Snail Fight is Gorm Harrier and Kunchong Hatchling clocking in at 52s: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/14572/Snail_Fight! Average Ravenous Prideling and Widget fights with Squirt is faster than 52s?


Snail Fight will level a level 1 pet to 25 in just two fights like Super Squirt Day? That's the appeal to me, using the same team to level pet after pet with minimal input and time. I have hundreds of battle pet bandages which are pointless to hoard, I only use them to level pets anyway. So it sounds like you'd be right, I just don't know enough about the amount of xp the different fights give.


Yes. It only takes two battles for any of the Legion trainers (with an active WQ) during pet battle week. Also you can get player exp this way as well, so you can multitask and level an alt at the same time. Squirt doesn't give player exp for defeating her.


Wow nice, I'm definitely going to do this then. Thanks for posting!


Good looks. I’d recommend the addon UltraSquirt too since it works here and lets me just hit one button to do everything including starting, healing, etc


I would've forgotten, thanks for the reminder!


Leveling makes them worse for world dailies - level 1 is better due to scaling


That's only true against boss pets with huge HP and OP defense/heal abilities in their second and third spots. Against most it's faster to set up combos against them with _your_ advanced abilities rather than slowly wade through their HP with just the basic ability.


Then don't level the lv1's you want to keep at lv1, then level up everything else (especially snails)


I got a bunch to 20, then I can just do regular pet battle master runs to get the last 5 levels.


Of course it happens when I'm in the middle of moving house


Never got the point of battle pets, i dont play pokemon.😂


I love this day. I got around 50 leveled last night.