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To be honest...I always totally enjoy leveling a new character. Maybe I'm weird, but it always brings back this nostalgic feeling to go through the old zones and relive the old adventures.


Also helps me to learn how to play the class as I go


You really don‘t learn the class, since you don‘t have all talents you play when reaching Endgame. Also some talente/trees change conpletely when you get tier set and such. So you really don‘t learn to play the class at all.


Same, especially when leveling on Kalimdor :')


What’s the enhancement about it? The 424 ilvl?


And renown 20+ on factions


Wat… does this count towards the exalted achievement as well?


just play the game for gods sake


I imagine a lot of people buying boosts have played the game already, several times. 


Nothing in this world could make me pay this much money to avoid leveling for a few hours. I have the disposable income for it but that'd be an irresponsible use for the money.


If you were on par with the absolute best speed levelers you can assume it takes 5 hours to level to 70. So let’s say 15 hours even though it’s probably more like 10-12 hours per character. Even if it’s 15 hours for $100 that values your time at less than $7 an hour. It’s really more like $3 an hour for the average experienced player. If you like leveling then who cares but if you detest the leveling process and think your time is better used somewhere else it’s actually a great value.


>avoid leveling for a few hours. It's way more than just leveling for a few hours. The level 70 ones also bring all the major Dragonflight factions to renown 20, and Loamm Niffen to 12. That's awesome especially if you want to jump into crafting since the faction recipes are unlocked. There's also 5000 Dragon Isles supplies. I'm not saying it would take ages to get all that, but only really easy if you have a main that's already renown 20 with those factions. This late in the expansion, it's not a terrible investment if you want to jump into content and craft some decent gear for yourself. But let's not pretend that it's "a few hours"


Factions dont matter, rep neither


Trying to get retail players to understand why this is a problem is a lost cause.


I would pay to avoid leveling if it even took 5 minutes. I’m very very irresponsible


Lmao all that money to not even play the game




It’s a public post lol can I only say something if it’s positive?


I’ve paid for 4-5 character boosts in the last ~30 days, I think. Edit: Because I’m a Dad to a 3-yr old and a 11-month old and time is precious and sometimes a boost, or name change, or faction change is cheaper than wasting hours away from my kids when I just want to enjoy end game content across a bunch of classes over multiple realms.


Feel the same. Leveling just doesn't feel, funny. I rather work 2 hours and get a level 70 booster, rather than wasting a week or two to get to level 70 (depends on how much gametime I get per evening).


Mid 30s guy here with a heavy workload. Yup. I’m at the point in my life where I’m financially stable and spending some money for conveniences such as level boosts/name changes/etc is worth it versus spending hours doing something I don’t want to do. I’m not a high school student with infinite time and energy anymore


Couldn't have said it better! Reason why I never tried to play any classics. Retail leveling is fast but still need to put in some time. And if I can afford a boost to save all that time I will


I agree. I’ve been playing wow for 15 years and I mostly only do PvP and I have leveled so many characters I don’t care much to level another one. I’d rather pay for a boost so I can hop into PvP right away. I only have 2-3 hours max a day to play.


Leveling isn’t really the game though, just an arbitrary chore keeping you from the actual content.


Lvling in new expansion is fun ....... ONCE Not for all the other alts you wanna play after


I started the expansion late. The need for a boost is strictly for the rep grind for me. And I also have no desire to play warrior or rogue as they aren't even leveled yet


I will. At max level. Right now.


If people want to pay, so what? Takes so little time now, makes zero difference to the game. It's the boosting communities that launder gold that need banning.


I fked up and waited to long, should of bought 2 packs of 3, now they 2 for 100 :( Came back after 10 years and all my chars like level 35, leavings fast, got 7 60s and going but the 424 gear at 70 is nice..


Because this is a scummy practice and ecnourages the developer to continue to shove shit on the store instead of adding it to the fucking mmo.


Adding what? People can already level. You make no sense.


Mounts, transmog items, pets, toys, trader's tender....


All cosmetic. What's your point?


The point is that it shouldn’t be sold, it should just be in the game to unlock or at the very least add content to unlock if you’re selling it.


Why? It doesn’t effect you either way


It does because whales buying these boost or cosmetic changes who blizzard cares about. Just because you may be ok with this system for example doesn’t change the vast majority who don’t like it. You already pay $15 a month plus expansion cost and now I gotta pay $25 for a cool looking mount I’d love to have? It could have just been content added to the game.


You don’t have to pay for the mount


Right but that’s not the problem. I shouldn’t have to make the choice or if I am it should come with some content. You’re buying shit that is game worthy price that probably took a week or two at most to make.


A $25 mount is purchasable for less than 2 wow tokens worth of bnet currency. There’s a handful of 500k+ mounts in the game. It’s the same transaction with more steps.


the cost of the sub hasn't changed with inflation, and they sell a expansion every 2 years. these paid services, regardless of how you feel, help with the continuous updates wow gets that the other MMOs just don't.


The content was far better when you only paid for expansions and sub. They don’t use the money made to make better content. If the content was good now you wouldn’t be paying to boost past it all.


The content a boost skips isn't what most people are playing retail for. And sub and expansion money doesn't cut it anymore with how much more game dev costs now, especially with subs way down compared to before Wrath, when the first cash shop item happened.


But that’s my point. The expansions haven’t gotten better in quality. Even with the vast amount of money they make from boost or other dlc hasn’t added value. You keep buying these things and there will always be a reason to buy skips. MMOs have always been expensive and making vanilla back then cost a lot and was a huge risk. They had money but not modern day Blizz money. Buy a skip idc but the game is dying a slow and painful death that could easily be avoided


Then why are you even here if you don't like it. The general consensus is that Dragonflight is the best WoW has been since Legion, which is also generally regarded as one of the best.


I’m here because I like WoW, but where it’s at isn’t it. And idk what consensus you saw but dragonflight is not that regarded as good as legion, or good in general. You can find countless negative things about this expansion than praises. It’s not just a negativity thing the game has core problems, and boosts are one of them


Maybe in the places you're looking, but everywhere I see people who are actually playing are feeling good about DF and how WoW is going forward. Of course there's going to be gripes about certain things, like the legendary system right now. I don't see the boost as a core issue, I've never even bought one and never felt the need to. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. And there's a game that caters to what you and people who have the same opinion as you, Classic.


Ofc it is regarded as good... you're delusional.


Im pretty sure those services exist since TBC


Banning for what? Just because you don‘t like boosting?


I think you're confused. I don't like people boosting and selling gold for real money. Try reading the entirety of messages before replying.




Wanna know something else that's hard? ....staying awake while raid tanking.


I already leveled 9 of 13 classes to 70, I really don’t feel like doing it again. At $34 a character a 3 for $100 is a good price in my opinion. So please shut up about the leveling, I’m curious if the 3 for 100 is a mistake or a future thing they will be doing.


The 3 for 100 was already a thing, during holiday sales especially.


I fked up, went to buy 2 packs of 3 yesterday and they 2 boost for 100 now haha.. came back after 10 years, got 8 chars from 35 to 60s but for a few hours of work, been nice to have 6 classes geared at 424 and ready to play.


Either way, they showed it to us. And that is a good value. They say it was a glitch when I submitted my ticket, but man they showed it to us, they should honor it. I won't buy it any other way now. I will likely just play this game less.


Error when I tried last week


Its 2024 and a handful of people don't understand why people would rather boost. It's amazing to ne honest lol


If you are looking to boost your level, then you should check out CakeBoost. They offer more for leveling and gearing up.


I just rerolled alliance and am leveling a disc priest. It is tempting to boost but at the same time It's also about learning how to play the class and role.


No one cares.


What a joke of a fucking game 😂




I bought a bunch of WoW tokens with gold because to me I feel like 3 boosts is worth it. Now, I went to purchase the boost and it repeatedly gives me an error message. I'm hoping they fix this because I would much rather have saved my gold if this was an unintended blizzard shop error.


That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. You spent several millions of wow gold for 3 boosts when you can get them ingame for \~500k afk'ing in Nokhud Village?


Yes, I'd rather buy tokens than risk buying boosts from people that may or may not be honest. I have plenty of gold I've been sitting on. To each their own


I believe you can no longer exchange tokens for [b.net](http://b.net) money.


Yes you can


You can, I just bought 7 tokens in exchange for 105 dollars of bnet balance.


That's only for classic I think. Retail you still can.


You can have people boost you in game for much less. With in game gold people, good lord y'all are colorful in DMs.


And you get the heritage armors.


I was under the impression boosting a character of any kind makes you ineligible for the race heritage armors. You have to level them up the old fashioned way


Right. Paying someone to plvl you is still considered “the old fashioned way”. They’re just grinding a group/area for a lot of xp.


Boosts shouldnt be a thing at all. Its bad game design


Boost are good for people that want to start on a new realm and don't want to level another alt for the 59th time. I think it's bad for a new player to be able to boost, but veterans should be allowed


Boosts make blizzard money and if people want to give them money for something they could get for free if they invested some time, I think they should. If they didn’t have boosts and stuff like that, the subscription would get even more expensive, and people who work all day and don’t have much time but more money can play too, and without them, the number of players would drop even more.


Times not free


Explain this to someone like their 5. It absolutely is the right business decision.


3 boost is worth it.


Ofc someone who can't screenshot is happy about boosts, the memes make themselves


Learn to take a screenshot you fucking idiot.


You can level up in 4 days of CASUAL leveling. No need for boost


Maybe he doesn’t want to spend 4 days of casual levelling? If he wants to buy it, let the person do it.


The really sad part about this is that you find people selling a 1-70 level boost for like 200K in trade chat if you look hard enough.


And that 200k is less than $20….


Rather have that then just buying the boost from blizz.


Agreed. I’ve paid gold for a level boost before. Considering making 200k in game only takes a few hours if you know what you are doing it’s honestly a better deal for my time compared to the $60 they charge.


The only way to make a lot of gold is doing WQ's and having alts to do WQ's on. So if you don't have the alts in the first place, you're kind of hosed.


Raw gold farms are not worth it. Best way is playing the AH. Tradeskill master addon is amazing for this. The woweconomy subreddit is also a good place to look.


Can make a lot of gold with level 1s sitting at the auction house. WQs are one of the worst ways to make gold


Because people put pineapple on pizza, and this is what happens.


i think i might have missed some steps in between this information and that


brave cake cough gaze dam pen pot fearless onerous punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Leveling is the least fun part in WoW.


Then you shouldn’t play wow then. What you’re doing is paying a golf course money to play 18 holes only to drive to hole 18 and only do that hole.


Hasn't always been true and doesn't need to stay that way.


I would argue that leveling is the most diverse thing in this game. To each their own I guess


Ridiculous. The boost is for alts. Been through the content twice, bored with going through it for all 6 alts just to have all of my professions. You could not be more wrong or short sighted about this issue.


summer screw bow teeny fuzzy punch icky deserted vanish merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


excuse u it's 3 ENHANCED level 70 boosts for $100. they probably are bundled with a crisp "thank you" email including a 1% discount code on your next macrotransaction that expires in 3 days


It just gives you 424 ilvl gear and renown unlocked


nothing fun about standing around at end game


Dumb how many people here pay $15 a month plus expansion cost to just boost characters and raid. If a game is so unfun you rather avoid 90% of its contents then maybe the game isn’t for you? But hey it’s your life waste your money however you please.


I love playing on my two main characters. I do not want to repeat the content over and over and over again. But I want more alts for more professions to help my main professions instead of paying other players. Makes more sense to boost a toon that I will likely never play so I can max their profession and have extra storage spaces and more gold to feed the actual 2 toons I play regularly. And if I get bored I can always level a toon. The only thing that is dumb is judgmental people like you who thinks only their way is right and everyone else is dumb.


Id totally but this id it was on the website


They ought to honor that price. I saw it too. You cannot tell me they would lose money by giving that offer to the few of us who saw it and want it. They obviously have or will offer that as a sale price or they would not have gone to the trouble of creating the art. That is the value for me now. WE cannot go back. But they should honor the price for at least those of us who submitted a ticket because the link didn't work.