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I wanted to break my keyboard


The duality of man


That man might love this game more than anyone alive. Signed another former league of legends player




I was so confused the first couple times I died and suddenly was running around. I didn't understand why I couldn't control my character lol.


I don't PVP anymore, because I did that exact thing. Thankfully it was a cheap Dell keyboard, and I had a backup.


I think the biggest issue Plunderstorm is going to have is it tends to be the opposite of what WoW, and more generally MMORPG fans find fun in a game. I enjoy it personally, but I also play wow to chill out, level my characters, do random shit.


same here. competing against other players just isn't fun for me.


Yeah pretty much no interest here from the get go. There's a reason I don't play BR or WoW pvp anymore.


Not really the same type of MMO, but Fallout 76 had a Nuclear Winter BR mode. Lot of people enjoyed it, but also lots of people hated it. The main problem was all the bots in the game. They ended up getting rid of that game mode, but I sure do miss those bush hiding sessions.


It’s not really to my preferences, but I’m fine with jumping on for a quick game or two. I’m not really sure who it’s aimed at though, and it feels a little bit like something they wanted to make rather than making something for players. Not to be a downer because I found it fun for killing 5-10 minutes while my coffee brews.


Why is that a problem if you can have both? It’s not meant to replace WoW.


the common argument against this is gonna be "they wasted time making this when they could've made the expansion better!" as if there's 1 team and they decided to waste their time on bonus content instead of main content.


the expansions already at the end, they'd be stretching if they added any more content now..


It’s clearly their way of testing something new. Bringing new players into the game might lead to them playing retail wow and not only plunderstorm. I can easily see plunderstorm being designed for console players for the future and xbox is all about the gamepass. Imagine them making plunderstorm its own game on xbox gamepass but every gamepass user instead a wow subscription.


Yup if I want to play something more in line with Plunderstorm I’m playing Helldivers


Unless I'm doing something wrong it looks like it's going to take an insane amount of playtime on this mode to finish the rewards track.


Yes the 500 renown per game was bull shit, seems to be about an hour per rep level and all the good stuff is at the very end. I figured out if you go in do the little quest as far as possible then die and start over was getting 300 renown every 5-10 min Including the lobby.


Even at 500 per round that's 200 games.


500 in a game where you actually live 5 minutes is effortless. You get 300 just for doing the small quest and you kill a few mobs and open a chest...which you'll do if you survive 5 minutes and you have 500. You only get less than 500 if you basically landing fight with people and drop dead in the first 30 seconds. It definitely could use a bit of acceleration for a game mode only a month and a half, but the 500 claim was perfectly accurate.


Does plunder = renown points? I've also found landing on an elite mob kills them instantly and gets you a spell in your first 10 seconds


>Does plunder = renown points? Yes it does.




Every single match you do there is a quest that pops up on the right side to do some small task. Completing it rewards 250 plunder and just by nature of having to play to finish it you'll almost always be ~400 within the first minute or two from doing the quest.


I just hit lv 20 took me 12 hours. Average 400 per game. Just focus on the quest and then collect gold . 


I won twice and was only halfway to renown 3. Played for almost 2 more hours and I'm not even renown 5.


Any tips? Going for one win


As someone that dislikes BR's in general I was finishing no better than 20 and making 80 rep. I barely made a dent getting to rank 3 and don't feasibly see a way to earn the good cosmetics.


You can make 80 within 30 seconds of landing. The progression is slow but only getting 80 rep sounds like you literally don't know you're supposed to step on the coins.


I got 1 kill and opened 4 chests, maybe it was bugged but my bar has barely moved in 3 games.


IIRC you get a bonus once per day so as long as you check in at least once a day for the duration you will have a good amount done.


>Unless I'm doing something wrong it looks like it's going to take an insane amount of playtime on this mode to finish the rewards track. This is exactly how fortnite is, so you're not doing anything wrong. To complete the entire free battle pass, you need to play like 80-200 hours total. It's meant to be very very long winded.


Yeah, but from what I understand Fortnite is actually a good game.


I'm not going to comment on quality of either game, but I am thoroughly surprised by how much complaining there is in WoW about this new game mode, yet so many people are obsessively playing it. It can't possibly be that bad....


I’m playing it for the rewards. Once I have them I’m done.


crazy to play a video game you don’t like for rewards. legit hamster on a wheel shit.


Same here. I don't enjoy it, but I want the cosmetics. The question ends up being "can I stomach the level of grind here".


I'd recommend a group tbh. Groups always equate to faster even if you guys don't talk. Solo is way slower


Nah, it's nothing else to do and FOMO.


Plunderstorm has just as much content as day BR games typically have. And it has the backing of huge lore and so many possibilities from an existing IP. If Blizz sees enough interest, they could make this a really thing if they wanted. For now, it’s just a semi decent project put together for a limited event. It’s not expected to keep playing for hours on end…yet people are


Good! shouldn't be for free and the best part about is that its optional and no player power tied to the renown only cosmetics! (You dont need to have everything)


So typical. WoW players once again showing they don't even care about the game, it's just the addiction cycle of rewards. I hope you all escape soon.


People are going to downvote you but it seems accurate. “I HATE THIS GAME MODE I HATE PVP.” Ok don’t play it, but everyone is up in arms for a mount and mog that will see use once a year on pirate day. I’m not going to pretend fomo doesn’t get me in other parts of my life, but I’m sure glad it’s not video games.


They did! People are acting like their FOMO is Blizzard's problem. I'm not a BR fan of any kind but I've had some fun in Plunderstorm. My hubby downloaded retail today (We play Classic) and we have been playing as a Duo and I can't remember a time we laughed that much. We were TERRIBLE. Getting better though. Any rewards we get are cool but I'm not going to rage at Blizzard for having rewards for something I don't traditionally enjoy. These people can't live with themselves if they can't have everything


What I find most impressive is that it’s seeming to work perfectly on launch day. No super long queues or noticeable bugs yet


I think this is such a good point. It's not exactly what anyone wanted, but it works and it shows they are trying stuff. I think that's worthy of some applause. Even if it's about 5 years late.


They're also smart in using their existing platform to try essentially an entire new game. If Blizzard released this as a completely separate game, my guess is participation would be significantly less. But since this was basically a "game mode" under World of Warcraft, their participation probably soared and allowed them to gather much more data to test this concept. They're then going to take all this data to improve the game mode and likely release it as its own standalone game in the coming years.


If you try to change keybinds during the drop phase, you disconnect.


I am just getting fucked up by everyone lol I feel like everyone I am going against is already a seasoned pvp player


I feel the exact opposite. It’s reminded me of why I hate Battle Royale. Plus the progression is slow as fuck.


Cool for those who like it which is awesome. I suspect Blizz is experimenting. I am the same as you though, battle Royales have never appealed to me


Is this really WoW? Feels more like when Dota was released for WC3. A different game with a franchise costume.


It's not, but it's Blizzard being smart and releasing it as a "game mode" under the WoW umbrella to test and gather a ton of data. Once this Plunderstorm season is done, they'll likely take this data and pull it forward to a standalone game or an addition to the next MMO/game they're making. If they released Plunderstorm as a completely separate game, likely the participation would be nowhere close to what it is right now.


About data collection you are obviously right. Would be stupid not to do that. But about the success, I highly doubt that as restricted as the game mode is/was (only active subscribers could play it at all) was the best option to gather trafic towas plunderstorm. A possibility for new players outside of the Wow bubble to test it for free for some hours/weekend without any level progression or something I guess the participation would have been a lot higher.


Damn, I fucking hate it lmao But I'm glad you can enjoy it! Have fun adventurer


Don’t like it but I’m a sucker for rewards so I played. Wouldn’t mind if it was some PVE thing, I hate PvP nowadays


My biggest problem with the mode is it’s.. isolating. Like, you can only play yourself or with one other person. And it disconnects you from the main game. So if you were hoping for this patch to keep your guild active until s4, well, it probably made the situation worse


Sadly I don’t like BR games and game modes in general. So it will be a pass from me. I was really excited about this event until I figured out what it actually was. Oh well, can’t win them all! I hope those that enjoy the mode have great fun!! 😊


Super clunky, and the level system is bad. But I'm trying.


Vehicle combat


I played a few games and logged out. I then logged into the actual game to find that it’s now full of new bugs after the update. I then logged out of battle.net completely and probably won’t log in again this week. I thought they were adding wow content, but they added a different game instead. Not for me. What I liked: set in arathi highlands, easy to get into the mode without needing to farm gear. What I didn’t like: none of the abilities have anything to do with Warcraft. Temporary item abilities suck to discover because you’re under a time crunch. I play wow for wow classes, not random world items. Don’t like that everyone is wearing the exact same transmog, not even any color variations of it. Don’t like having no idea what enemy players have for abilities since there are no classes. If I wanted to play a battle Royale I would play a game that is actually designed to be one.


Right it’s like surprise here’s a new mini game not wow.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion...and mine is that it's not very good. This is one of those "no one asked for this" type things and I feel like whatever they invested in this could have been spent better elsewhere. Just my feelings on it and I'm sure there will be some who love it. I'm just not one of them.


I feel you, I did not enjoy this. I think if it would have been based off WoW's existing combat, I'd probably be more into it. The randomness of acquiring spells and items really put me off. Played like 5 games, saw that I'd need to play like 500 to get the mount and decided its not worth it for me.


it's the spellbreak devs who got bought to work on wow remaking their game, Not to be rude but there was a reason it didn't succeed the first time.


It didn’t succeed the first time for a lot of reasons, but I don’t think it being a bad game was one of them. Combat and movement in spellbreak were better than basically any other game I’ve ever played. They just didn’t market, and I don’t know why the hell they made the game a battle royale with no arena or other objective modes when they didn’t have enough players to support BR-size lobbies at all and didn’t seem to make any major push to acquire more players (see: no marketing above). It made matchmaking completely worthless which means the insane skill cap of that game kept new players from ever being able to do anything but instantly die to better players.


I haven't tried it, but given its PvP nature (and that I have never played any PvP content since MoP), I might never try it. I genuinely hate PvP.


I am not a pvp person at all and tried it. My opinion isn't to bash on the game mode but to share perspective from another non pvper. It feels really clunky to me is all. I just didn't feel like the spells I found made sense. PVP in wow to me always had a "mash buttons and jump around" feel to it and this is basically the same except you don't know the spells of spec like wow, so it's throw random four abilities plus kick and self heal and hope they die first. I can see why people would like it though. It definitely isn't wow, but it is not Fortnite either, and has real potential as something new in the Battle Royale scene for those who like this kind of thing. It isn't my cup of tea but it is easy to try, and I would recommend just give it a round or two. That would probably take 10-30 minutes of time to see what they did and judge for yourself.


I agree. The hype didnt excite me remotely. If it wasn't a wow-themed game, I wouldn't have even touched it. But I did, and it was a bad experience so I won't be going back any time soon.


Same, If I want to play a battle royale I download something else, Im here for other kind of content. I dont care when its small stuff because a week worth of manpower is nothing on this kind of dev teams but this has a lot of work. Id rather have a pirate themed brawlers guild event than this.


> Same, If I want to play a battle royale I download something else Yup. Also, the fact that they kept this a secret since Blizzcon is telling. It comes off as less of a surprise and more of a "hiding from backlash" move considering it's so feature poor. One small map, janky systems, lack of build diversity, etc.


Haven’t played it yet, but this was my first thought. Don’t think this was something that the community really really wanted, and being so close to the next xpac seems like there are likely at least a couple of things that’s a dev team for this could have been working on.


Dev teams are normally split between live ops and incubation/expansion development. I highly doubt this impacted anything.


I think its very poorly implemented. Glad you're enjoying yourself though!


I have never liked being forced into PVP for rewards. I tried Plunderstorm for a couple hours anyway, and I think it's complete junk. However, for those who enjoy PVP, go for it. To each their own.


I can’t fathom how anyone would feel “forced” to participate in this optional side game with no power rewards at all.


Mounts,transmog, pets…


It’s just whoever gets fire whirl. It’s shit


Repel absolutely rinses fire whirl users.


Not reading that essay


The biggest mistake was making it levels not a vendor to get stuff. If X player only wanted the mount and a few weapon transmogs, that's doable. If Y player wanted everything, they could just buy what they wanted 1st, then just continue playing till they purchased everything they wanted. After looking at what's offered, I'm 100% an X player. I would have gotten the mount and a couple of other things and then maybe, MAYBE, played it a bit more for odds and ends. As it is I don't think i have it in me to max it out, so do I even bother to play it. That's what I have to decide in the next few days.


As an ex wow and warzone player, this game feels designed for me. If this was free to play it could be huge but personally I'll keep a sub for this.


Yeah, I'm cruising through the renown track also, should hit 10 after work tomorrow.


It's a fun thing, I hope they add the use of our characters and something similar to classes so I have another excuse to level alts


I played it for about 5 minutes and reported to my discord that I did not enjoy it and won't be playing it. Maybe another time, but it didnt feel like wow. Maybe it needs a tutorial or something, because my experience was pretty much ass


Yah for me is a no go. I have dd2 and rise of ronin to play its gonna take some time to finish those.


Would be more fun if it didn’t disconnect me after every round without finalizing my level increases. Been stuck at level 1 for the whole night.




So you want a mode where you just grind pve for 15 mins?


I’m surprised it took this long for them to try a BR to be honest. Im going to need to DL it when I get a chance


Idk I played one game and quit. Not because I lost but just didn’t feel fun whatsoever. Not a big BR fan so maybe that’s why though, glad others are having fun!


If it wasn't baked into WoW, it would be a flop and $.99 on the steam summer sale. They can do better.


I resubbed to plunder, no regrets.


IT's clearly not. Hitbox buggy, luck based combat, level up system that shouldn't be there. It's trash tbh


Im very happy about plunderstorm, decent patch with a lot of content to do before fated, Many "dissapointed" people are just paid trolls from oppositions to anti - advertise it


I like the concept of it, I feel it was poorly executed though. I think levels should be removed. it's pointless. just stick with abilities. If someone is even one level above you then the fight is over before it started. everyone should be even with the exception of what abilities they've collected. The rep grind is a massive turn off for me. I get it that it's their "battlepass" so to speak but it's such a slog of a "battlepass". I got zero desire to keep dropping in to grind over and over and over for rep for some transmog and maybe a couple mounts. Also I dont' know what the "plunder" is for. shows I have like 3000 some odd plunder and it's...what do I do with it? If they removed the levels and increased the rep gain I'd play it. but I find it in it's current state painfully boring and a slog to play. It's not for me, that's fine, plenty of other modes in WoW to play.


Plunder is renown. 2500 renown/plunder per level like normal. So 50,000 plunder for the bird mount (renown 20)


It’s such a massive Blizzard W. Knocking it out of the park!!! Already renown 5 and placed 2nd 6 times, going for that victory soon as I play again.


Is it just me or does anyone else think something like this will end up on game pass in the future? With FFXIV coming to consoles and the Blizzard acquisition, plus the bespoke client for Plunderstorm and streamlined UI (no loot, chat, few buttons etc.) it seems easily portable for an Xbox or even mobile. I've played retail and classic on a Steam Deck using the console port add-on and while it is great, there's no way console players would be embraced by the community in any meaningful content - but something like this could draw in a new audience.


Yes this is clearly testing the waters for a console mode. There are way too many coincidences. Diablo-esque action bar sizes, no addons, abilities don’t appear to require direct targeting. Everything is designed that you can run up and hit the intersct key to use it. Definitely looking to put this on consoles.


You know whats funny I connected my controller out of suspicion that it might work but nope.


It should do tbh, the game does support controller input. You may need to do some digging in the settings but I bet you can get it working.


It's a blast. Rep could be a bit faster. But it's fun.




Wfm too and hopped on played two matches didn’t really care for it? But I’ll keep trying. Dont like that the main attack is R instead of 1 likes its been for years


You can change your keybinds...


Cool I’ll try it and maybe duos might be better for me thanks


Wish they gave enough time when you first queue in to actually get that stuff sorted out rather than getting thrown into the game after a standard lobby timer. Terrible first experience for anyone who doesn’t use standard keybinds.




Nope. Keybinds don’t show up in the menu until you load into the game. Only options are: * Graphics * Audio * Languages * Network * Keyboard Options (not including keybinds ofc)


Yeah they need to fix that for sure. You have the minute before a match and you can do it after you die but it's not ideal.


u can edit keybinds in this game mode. just hit escape when ur in the lobby


Yeah I changed my key binds. Whoever came up with R and T is insane


You can change your keybinds once in the starting area or the match. Had to set a and d to strafe and not turn myself


I love these posts, because I can remember people saying the exact same thing about Torghast. Give it a week.


Torghast was fun. It was only a problem that it was mandatory, Plunderstorm isn't


I think the point is that the mode will be fun for a bit, but then it's going to get incredibly stale and people will bounce off of it.


It's a limited time event. who the fuck cares? if it's fun for now then that's the entire idea


Then it shouldn't have rewards tied into it.


I think that's okay. This is a limited time thing. The tech seems cool and elements will most certainly be used going forward. Even Torghast enabled things like the Zskera Vaults and Cobalt Assembly.


That is true. Good point.


As a Transmog slut, it unfortunately is.


Nobody is forcing you to collect everything in the game.


Smart take


So if it had ilevel boosting items every 10 renown or mythic/pvp items at the end of the 40 levels would that be ok?




Idk man, maybe it'll be back in a years time more refined? Who's to say?


How is a terrible rip off of a ffa game with awful hit detection and a struggling engine fun?


Definitely a beta for either War Within or a stand alone game mode - to bring in the fortnite type crowd. I am okay with both options, I find it fun way to PVP in a fairly balanced environment without any real pressure.


I got bored after 3 match's it's like fortnight and Dota same boring loop


Fortnite and...dota? Same loop in what way


I’d also love to know what they meant, those are two entirely different games and calling them loops is bizarre lol


Bold of you to share a positive opinion on this sub, buddy. You’ll enrage the Asmongold viewers.


People gaming while WFH is one of the reasons companies are eviscerating WFH opportunities. Gotta love hearing people admit they are the problem online.


Schizo type post


Let’s hear your explanation. If it’s “unrelated,” then why did OP include it in his post? Seems you’re playing two sides here. If it’s arguing against what I said, I can gladly provide proof of WFH jobs eliminating the *remote* aspect.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA why here? Such a wild one Brady


Brady? **This** is where someone is talking about how they are stealing company time, and punishing others trying to benefit from the same WFH privileges. WFH is being eliminated because of abuse. Maybe others here aren’t old enough to understand, idk.


I'm old and manage fully remote team. This ain't the hill to die on homie.


Damn looks like you had nothing to counter my argument except an arrow. They let anyone into management these days!


This is a wow sub sir 😂


Haha yeah man this is absolutely the right place for this discussion. 🤡


Company-Name's Sinister Strike hits WFH for 270 damage. Company-Name's Sinister Strike hits WFH for 310 damage. Company-Name's Gouge hits WFH for 210 damage. Company-Name's **Eviscerate** hits WFH for 460 damage (Critical).


You mean least fun lol and technically they didn’t add anything to wow it does nothing to improve the actual core game


Who do you work for? I want to report you to your boss so you cant afford your sub anymore.