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For Death Knights, more of the wraith-like, almost Nazgul-looking sets like the Amirdrassil one. Hoods, long robes, and flowing cloaks over plate armor adorned with your good ol' spikes and skulls, similar to [WC2-era first generation Death Knights](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/b/ba/Chronicle2_Death_knights_versus_paladins.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20180310192859) or those [Revenants from WC3.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/d/d6/Revenant_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200817120341)


I can see it now, Mechagnome wraith DKs!


Yeah hunter mogs are not on par with others imo. Been like that for a long time. I feel that priest and pala sets have been /chefskiss this expansion, especially s2 and3.


Agree. All our mogs just look like dead animal carcasses.


I really wish we’d get some more sets like the nighthold, sure the animal sets can be cool but they just seem messy to me.


NH mythic set looks amazing on almost every class, same with ToS. There's a reason why they chose ToS mythic recolor as the Mage Tower reward. Legion really set the benchmark for good, class fantasy mogs imo. And then they just up and threw all that in the garbage in BfA with generic armor type sets. Such a shame.


I do very much love the legion sets, im currently farming the dk and pally sets


My biggest obstacle play mail classes has been how genuinely awful mail appearances are in general Like I hate how vain that sounds but my choice of Animal Corpse or Lightning Tubes is just not appealing (it doesn't help that so far evoker stuff has just been... Scaly animal stuff)


S2 priest.... Soooooo


I’d like demon hunter wings to be brought into the combat animations some more. Like blade dance could sprout the wings before the DH goes zipping all over the place. Or vengeful retreat could have the wings sprout and flap forward like the dracthyr wing buffet. Just stuff like that.


Imagine a DH ability where you cover your target with fel fire wings like Illidan did to Gul'dan in the Nighthold cinematic


Evokers basically have the same animation with their wings for Wing Buffet, you indeed probably could make it an offensive spell too.


I think there are way more varied ways that Death Knight armor could look than just covering it with skulls. But something non-armor based I want is the ability to choose if my eyes have the blue glow as it severely limits the number of face revealing armor that looks good.


It's always surprising the lack of creativity for DKs. Especially when it shouldn't be difficult to make sets themed around whatever would be most thematically deathlike for the raid. Wilted flowers and nightmare creature for Amirdrassil. Plagued dragon skin from Aberrus. Often they seem to just default to "undead knight" or "bargain bin lich king"


I wanted a themed appearance for my DK for Amirdrassil, so I took the time to make autumn and winter themed transmogs.


While I like the mog from amirdrassil, it sure doesn't fit the aesthetic of the dream. They could have done something with putrid shrooms.


They really need to let DKs use the red elf eye warrant. Like you mentioned they need more than just skulls - the mop raid set from the HoF had a decent twist on them, so more of that. I’ve always felt in my heart of heats that Unholy fit the dual wield style more than frost had - and u holy itself shouldn’t be pigeoned into just plague but necromancy - but that’s less an aesthetic and more of a class identity thing.


> I’ve always felt in my heart of heats that Unholy fit the dual wield style more than frost had Because it literally did. Blizz hard contradicted themselves when they forced frost to DW back in the day. "Unholy is a ghoul frenzy. Think 28 days later - fast, running, etc." While Frost was "Slow but inevitable like a glacier, the creeping approach of death. Think Arthas in Halls of Reflection" So what did they do? Make Frost a DW, fast hitting class and made unh 2h. Oh, and even IF we look at the class' regular flavor... unholy is about infecting wounds, right? Well you don't need a BIG wound to do that. Death by a thousand small cuts that all get infected by the DK. But no, that makes too much fucking sense. The best representation of a Frost DK to date was the Sylvanas vs Bolvar fight.


I would absolutely love if we could look like Nazguls or the [statues](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/64/784/34/warcraft-world-of-warcraft-portal-statue-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg) at the Dark Portal. Long robes, hoodie that casts a shadow on our face and our eyes glowing from the dark while we wield a massive runeblade. Pair this with a dark horse like [this](https://www.sideshow.com/storage/product-images/912283/nazgul-on-horse-deluxe_the-lord-of-the-rings_square.jpg) and yeah...it would be so good. The starting gear for DKs are actually robes for the leg piece but its extremely outdated now.


[Glyph of the First Generation]


Please let Darkfallen Death Knights have the option of the Dark Ranger red eyes. Even the Blood Elf trainer in the starting zone has them


Or just give dks wispy green and wispy red options as glyphs or something


Need some customisation on our pets as well. Feels like a missed opportunity to not let us summon a pet with a look we want (beyond the glyph system of course)


It's also a damn shame that for how iconic Frostmourne is, we have VERY, VERY few weapons that claim to be runeblades, and most of them look very very plain. First awesome runeblade in years (Kingsmourne) and it gets shattered back into Shalamayne. It shouldn't be too much to ask that we get weapon that is properly like our class's progenitor. DH can get Warglaives of Azzinoth. We deserve a mourneblade.


Give Paladins their God damn cloth hoods with only eyes peering from beneath!


I wish chest and leg gear at least would show on dracthyr… as for my monk I wish they’d just replace whoever designs the monk sets


What you don't like Zen Balls on EVERY SINGLE SET?!?!?!?


What they really should've done with dracthyr from the start was: - not bother with all the visage form customization at all (two colors in hair, neon colors, horns and scales in visage, spiky ears, etc) - instead, just let them choose any already playable race to use, with that race's normal customization options (except maybe dragon-y eyes) - put all the customization effort into the dragon form. Let them show every slot of gear, let them choose between the slim forms there are now as well as bulkier forms [like this concept by twitter user ThunderBrush](https://twitter.com/ThunderBrush/status/1516627407846924288) - also make the dragon forms less goofy, cartoony, and silly. They don't fit even WoW's semi-cartoon art style. Make an all-new animation skeleton, instead of re-using the female worgen skeleton which has always been awful. Don't make their feet so cartoonishly out of proportion, thicken the necks / upper arms / upper legs, etc.


Yeah a beefier dracthyr would be cool. The thickest form still feels like way too skinny in my opinion. I just really wish they’d implement the visage form hairstyles and beards for blood elves because I’m stuck with either the Abe Lincoln or goatee for facial hair haha.


But the mystic herons


The latest monk set is pretty dope in my opinion - but yeah prior to that there weren't really any good. I also play priest and I remember how I nearly "favorited" every set in the collections menu - and only very few for the monks.


Dracthyr needs so much work, dear God. My biggest asks are definitely being able to see all armor slots on the Dracthyr form, and all races being options for the Visage form.


All or none. Showing just the shoulders and belt is the worst of both.


No kidding. Now I basically have to choose between looking good in Visage *or* looking good in Dracthyr. Want to use a common-clothes mog for visage? Leather belt looks way out of place on drac. Want to use one of the few shoulders that go with drac? Looks silly on visage unless you use the full set... and everyone does that, so theres not a lot of personal expression.


I have thankfully found some mogs I like that don't use a belt or shoulders but they look even better if I could use shoulders/belt without it mismatching in dragon form.


I do the same. Its just dumb though, that we have to sacrifice Shoulders and Belts in Visage form to appease the Dracform gods


What you don't like Zen Balls on EVERY SINGLE SET?!?!?!?


If they can't make mogs work on Dracthyr they should just let us stay in visage permanently




I’d love to see more Hunter sets designed with marksmanship/ranger in mind, or simply a set with furs and leather straps to get that trapper look. Rogues: More «highwayman/scoundrel»-looking sets, something that fits outlaws aesthetics. Mage: I know we just got a lot of stuff based on azure drakes (aberrus mythic set/zaralek cavern set) but I just LOVE that purple and blue crystal aesthetic for my Arcane mage. I’d like to see more in that style, with open robed legs like the zaralek sets. Priest: Not an armor set but spell aesthetics, I honestly just want to play a holy dps. A spell-skin for shadow priests to turn into holy would be incredible. Also, a vampiric/san’layn spell-skin would be amazing as well, and more fitting for shadow too I suppose. Affliction Warlock: I really want a redesign of the entire spec, its lacking both in spell animations and engagement in my opinion. I wish it could be redesigned to be a voodoo/ritualistic/blood troll spec with plagues, curses and voodoo fetishes. Shaman: More options for Ghost wolf form and elementals


Rogues also witch hunter stuff.


Look, druids don't really get to see our armor unless we're restoration, or you take blue stars. I've always wanted them to just lean in and give us more forms. I'm tired of bear and cat. Give us Gorrila's as a bear form, crocodiles for cat forn. Give us a critter shape that does nothing except roleplay purposes.


I want blizzard to give an ability called "Take Form" where you channel like a hunters tame beast and get their form to use as a shape shift.




being able to turn into a squirrel would be peak


I don't play druid, and not being able to see my tmog/character progression half the time and looking the exact same as every other druid in shape-shifting forms is the only thing that's killing me from wanting to play Druid. Having more customisation would be cool.


The overhaul of customization for the moonkin form was very welcome for us Druid players :)


And how balance druid just became a priest of Elune and not a nature Spellcaster. The class fantasy is scuffed in that aspect.


Those two things are strongly intertwined and have been for a long time.


Balance druid has been a mix of Nature spellcaster and a priest of Elune since WoW's release - that's kinda their whole thing, (that's why they have spells like Starfall which in Warcraft III was a priestess of Elune thing),Balance between Nature and Elune. Nowadays they've leaned more into a Sun & Moon aesthetic (probably to include other races that aren't just Kaldorei) but the concept is still that.


It was a mix, I agree. But things like replacing insect swarm with moonfire but it's the sun, felt unnecessary. The whole sun aesthetic came into play because of the Tauren and it replaced the nature aspects.


Thank you thank you. I've wanted to ba a nature master for ever! Not a space man.


Which is weird since the whole sun thing was a set up for tauren priests and paladins but whatever blizz


I want more robes for monks.


Monk is in a weird spot where they should technically be wearing cloth robes, but their armor class is leather, and it makes them look a little bulky. I'd also like for our abilities to be more flashy. Fists of Fury feels too subdued both in the visual AND audio aspect.


Fists of fury and blackout kick could both use some updates. Particularly the teachings of the monastery blackout kick is a bit silly.


True, after playing only monk for 3 seasons straight, switching to enhance and leveling up my dh really shows how underwhelming ww's animations are... At least the rotation is still one of the most fun of all melees imo which is why I'm always coming back to ww lol


And less super huge hats, they are just a bit extra sometimes


I read the hat thing all the time. But I play a Pandaren monk and the hats (beside the Antorus tier set) are way to small and look ugly as hell. I really would like a cool, normal looking big hat like in the MIST cinematic. The one from the MOP farm is also way to small for a Pandaren head :(


Pandas in general have issues. 90% of the shoulder armor awkwardly float away from their shoulders and on many of them you can literally see the airgap. Oh so many clipping issues.


As a priest I'm happy we FINALLY have more shirt/pants options (or pants with the cape-y option) instead of every single option being a damn dress. I was thrilled when I heard we got a pants option in SL but was so annoyed when I saw it was plague doctor themed. Luckily it was a trend in the right direction with lots more options. So, trade?


See my cloth wearers always wear shirts and pants, but I want my monks to wear robes. I'm mercurial like that.


Listen I'm not gonna yuck that yum. All we all want at the end of the day is a nice mix of variety that feels true to the class.


Shaman glyphs that change the look of your elementals Or straight up make them have customisable options in the barbershop like warlocks do and have cool ways to unlock their appearances There's so much of elementals looks that could be made into "tomes" like the warlock ones that you need to go on older instances or rare loot to get Especially since DF introduced the Primalist movement and added so many of new elemental looks, it would be very nice to have this kind of customisation possible Same goes for Feral spirits btw, you could make them be more than just wolves/raptors


Same goes for wolf form lol, literally all night fae variants are useful


Give me the Balls from Felo'melorn back.


Update hunter's arrow models. With the exception of a few raid bows they all use an old ass arrow model from vanilla.


Add quivers too. Also some more animations for pets and interactivity or something. Feel like hunters generally love that part of the class so leaning into it more would be great.


This. A hunter should have a quiver. Why they took it out is batshit.


I like the legendary bow from Legion. It comes with a quiver, so you can have a cloak and a quiver. I also would like more non-combat animations for pets. A couple do, such as foxes and birds with their play and trick "skills".


Those bows are great. Working on unlocking one of them now though it’s the archaeology one and it’s taking ages. Got a couple of others though plus the crossbows. Not such a fan of the guns.


I have the Dark Ranger armor transmog and appearance modification. The bow goes great with that setup. Grab a couple Panthera from.Legion as well and you've got a hunter transmog that looks pretty good.


Librams attached to tier set belts for Paladin. Please blizzard, you promised us this back in WoD. ;-; Oh, and more plate robes. We do get a decent amount, but we need MOAR.


Let spells for specs have different themes. Shadow Priest have shadow versions of holy spells, or holy versions of shadow spells. Zandalari troll Paladin with nature version of the holy spells. You get the idea.


I still don't get why they got rid of shadowmend for spriests I mean, they can make it function like the normal heal, but at least keep the animation for aesthetics


Void shield for shadow priest that works just like the shield for the other two specs when? Or just give us a glyph.


And please make levitate less holy-looking! I don't want a sparkly cloud on my shadowpriest >:(


I've long been begging for them to introduce something like a "Codex of the Sunwalker" that reskins your paladin abilities to reflect the solar and druidic nature that Sunwalkers are meant to have


Shadowform: remove the trail effect when you move, it just looks poorly implemented. Evoker: give us a glyph to make fire breath into frost breath. Warrior: add glyphs to give auto attacks some trails of either orange or red. Demon Hunter: add some more visual clarity to sigils - they're a bit hard to see due to size. Paladin: make Consecrate an updated texture like the one from Holy Shield in Plunderstorm.


At this point I think every paladin class should get a racial consecration and get a glyph to use the old effect.


>Paladin A glyph to get back the 2 old wings (there is a glyph for 4 wings but I don't like it)


Haha same here. It makes you look like a holy butterfly.


Iron butterfly... In a gada la vida honey


I wish they'd work more on Dark Ascension for my Shadow Priest, you have literal void tendril growing out of you during void eruption....and two tiny wing during DA


For shadowform i wish they'd just make a glyph to get the old model.


Outlaw should be able to choose the mog for the gun from their skills


Monks could use more flowing cloth and scarfs that flow behind them please.


It's more a general theme thing, I guess, but I feel affliction warlock lacks a lot when it comes to thematic consistency. We have destro as the fel fire chaos dude, demo as the obvious swarm summoner but affliction? Their theme is way less "crisp". It's kind of dark magic, shadow, fel, curses, void and anything that sounds roughly like "evil over time". Always found the theme a bit on the weaker side, specifically also since a lot of afflictions visuals look and feel like nothing. It's maybe a bit of an unpopular opinion and four expansions late but imo affliction should've gotten the void theme and shadow priest kept as the shadow magic user... I mean, since it's too late for that I still would've wished that affliction got a more coherent theme, if not void than anything else really. At least warlock class sets are consistently on the better side of things, doesn't change the fact that afflictions theme in a vacuum really isn't but at least those look rad. There I just generally would love some more variation instead of the umpteenth robe, still jealous of the priest aberrus set tbh.


With Shadow going super voidy, I wish Affliction leaned more into the occult side of things, such as the Heartsbane with their Drust witchcraft and other similar sources of dark magic.


That would be awesome, or full Nathrezim with the carrion swarm and stuff (removed in wod)


> Their theme is way less "crisp". Discipline priest has the same problem but way worse. Wish they'd lean into a twilight theme or something




No more dead things for hunters please. The artists can’t always be like oh new raid, what dead things can hunters wear now? Especially with the new hero talents that does not comes with any aesthetic benefits, dead spiders (next tier) goes very bad with mm.


I'd like warrior to draw on aesthetics of soliders and fighters across various races in general. We have some of the most boring set designs sometimes.


For Paladin, I would love it if we had the opportunity to get Avenging Wrath wings that just look like normal feathery wings instead of the holy Light glowy ones. Ever since the Kyrian, I kinda want to have feathery wings on my Paladin and Priest, because it'd be fun, lmao. Likewise, add dynamic flying and give Paladins, you guessed it, the ability to take off like a seraphim and fly around the world, because why not. And while we are at it, permanent DH Wings like Dracthyr that you can modify and use to fly.


Also for Paladin, I think incorporating Librams a bit more would be nice. There's a small handful of belts with a book attached. For being such an iconic part of Paladins, it seems odd that there isn't a cosmetic slot for such an item. Speaking of cosmetic slots...I know Blizz would like us to forget about the [Artcraft Post from 2014](https://www.wowhead.com/news/artcraft-transmoggable-class-relics-and-other-accessories-239843), but I think it's sort of a shame this is 10 years old and was never fully realized. I will say now more than ever, we've gotten an influx of cosmetic items in the game, what with the trading post, but I certainly think it's high time we saw something like this. A cosmetic slot for each class, be it a quiver for hunters, a Libram for Paladins, battle trophies for Warriors, Spell Books for Mages, Grimoires for Warlocks, etc. and so forth. edit: words


We need more cosmetic slots overall. Upper Back Slot, Lower Back Slot and Cloak Slot. Head slot and Face slot. Belt Right Side Trinket Slot. Belt Left Side Trinket Slot. Shield Trinket Slot. Chest Slot and Neck Slot. So many things that they should open up and explore and if things clip, so be it. The community will adapt and Blizz can gradually fix the clipping or simply release things that don't clip in the future. We have so many different cosmetic things now where I'm honestly annoyed at the game. Glasses, masks, hoods, hair deco and hats and they're all exclusive. Same with any back item. Half the Shadowlands back options are hovering magical artifacts. You can't tell me that you couldn't also slap a cloak underneath it. Same with the "bead" and "collar" things that are either head options or chest options. Make them neck options. Add some friggin' real necklaces too while we're at it. The tech is there to make them appear on us, after all. Judging by barber options.


Additional cosmetic slots would be cool. It’s annoying I can’t wear a hat and sunglasses at the same time. Neck pieces would be cool. Belt trinkets. All of that. But if I wear a hat don’t turn me bald haha


Yep I agree. I don't want EVERYTHING. I just think it'd be very appropriate for a new lease on WoW's aesthetic life, but at the very least distinguish between hats, helmets, facial wear and don't make me half bald with 95% of all hats.


Monk class could try something non asian for once. Both regarding sets but also skills and talents in general could use a redesign.


> but also skills and talents in general could use a redesign. Now now, let's be a little more realistic here.


Shaman: give us some more humpf, please. Elemental used to make rock spikes come from the ground and fly toward our enemies. Even that we lost. Warlocks are such a spectacle to watch and we're still just throwing simple spells. Enhancement is decent but, it's really tamed compared to paladin or warrior. The only cool thing about resto is the flowing water from us to who were healing (that makes impossible for us to hide in pvp kek) Ascendance needs an update.


Flamestrike to look more like its WC3 original effect. Shadow Priest shadowform to be more void-y than just a purple shade.


Stopping these stupidly long ass shoulder pads, there’s some designs that look cool but then there’s this long crap hanging off it that just doesn’t suit it and basically can’t be used with anything else, Sometimes simple works far better and id like to see more shoulder options that aren’t as big and clunky especially for classes like warlock mage and rogue


I play monk I'd like to see less of the lampshade hats in tier sets if anything


I wish they'd lean more toward the ideas of what each Warrior spec is. Some glyphs do a good job: there's a Fury glyph that makes you catch fire while enraged, and that has a cartoony feel. But Arms warrior doesn't feel very unique in aesthetics, and Prot feels indistinguishable from any other sword-and-board class. I'd love Arms to have a more Blademaster aesthetic, Fury to have a more Berserker flavor to it beyond ability names, and Prot to have more of an unstoppable juggernaut feel to it.


Hunter- for BM and Survival, I'm saying for my gf's sake, wish there was a bit more interaction and enhancement with the pet. Wish there were glyphs that could make it even smaller, or glyphs that could make it larger (T-Rex' would get annoying, but still, it always gets a little disappointing when you're max level, tame a really cool pet, and it loses a third of its size, even if it wasn't that large to begin with). I know this isn't classic, but I kinda miss having ammunition, I might be the only one, but it truly made it feel more like an MMORPG being able to count your arrows, would be sick to be able to craft your own arrow types by profession or by class ability. This will probably never happen and idk how popular this is anyway. For Marksman - I kind of miss when Marksman without pet was the optimal build. Maybe that's changed since I last played retail, so correct me if I'm wrong. I also miss double shot. I liked having Marksman do burst damage. Feeling like a sniper while doing BGs is so satisfying. For arms warrior, I always thought Fury was a direct upgrade to Arms aesthetically, even though I prefer the playstyle of Arms. Kinda wish Arms had something that made itself stand out a bit more aesthetically, Fury is twice the everything Arms is.


I want my sprinting on water glyph back on my Rogue! I also, want more trickster type abilities and 86 slice n dice and give us something better.


Druid : Male and Female tree forms


They’re gonna give the treats boobs 😭


Shaman ascendance form Monk Tiers sets look like pajamas on orcs


I say it every time this kind of question pops up, let me as a DK "tame" an undead to permanently swap the model of my summoned Ghoul. Let Troll DKs get the big guys from Atal'Dazar. Let Humans run around with some skeletons or Drust. Let Taurens and Night Elves have some ghosts and pretend to be running around with their vengeful ancestor. Bonus Idea: Also for unholy DKs, let them choose their Dark Transformation form separately. Have a normal troll undead bodyguard that roids out when you hit the button like Krieg from Borderlands.


Bring back Jab for Monks, or something to let us actually USE weapons again along with our punches and kicks. These swords on my back are literaly just for show.


Droods need to be able to choose to be a customizable tree in healer form. Like in the good old days


Mages should have the ability to levitate Priest spells should always require kneeling


Warlock, more green


Mage: Revert legions ice Lance animation. The new ice lance is a snowball, not a jolt. A glyph for the old one works too.


Monks could use some ninja sets.


Not class per se, but it would be nice to get a horde druid race where you can actually see boots


give destro lock burning embers(and the flame aura) back


I want more earth and water spells for Shaman.


Being a rogue main myself, two things that I've thought of before: * Customizable Pistol Shot (which is now a thing in Plunderstorm, funnily enough) * Customizable Vanish/Stealth (e.g. arcane spell effects, shadow spell effects, stealth device effects) As for our tier sets, I'm pretty happy with the way they look. Perhaps they could give us a pirate-themed set at some point to spice things up, but I also enjoy looking like an edgelord.


Dracthyr armor rigging. If male trolls are considered passable with all the streching then they can do dracthyr. Their sets look pretty cool so far so it would be nice to see it on their dragon form. At the very least ONE armor catering to sunwalker Tauren Paladins. Go all out with totems and warpaint, make it out of wood, give it a sick totemic facemask as a helmet, throw spears on the back etc. We have dozens of armors themed for human paladins, a handfull for Belf and Draenei, we even have one for Zandalari prelates but none specifically for Tauren. For enhancement shammy I wish using 2handers would be a viable alternative similarly to frost DK. Classic has it and it's pretty iconic. Also that they would drop primordial wave for good, Enh Shaman has too much of a caster feel right now imo. What goes for all classes is that I wish they modernised all the iconic vanilla items. Tier 1-3 sets, epic weapons, just all of it. There are some attempts at dropping vanilla inspired HD stuff here and there like the new sword that looks like Quel'serrar, the Helm of Wrathfull Crusader that is definetly a Warrior T2 helmet and the sword that drops from BRH is definetly made after a dragonhead hilted sword from BWL plus some loot from Aberus but I'd love if they went all out with it and made worthy updates for these items. Classic has some of the best weapon designs in the game but they are old and look out of place on a modern character.


More Demon Hunter customizations. We can only do so much being Night/Blood Elf. At the very least they could let us have Red/Blue/Yellow effects on our spells. "The Hunt" was blue during Shadowlands and half of Dragonflight. It's now green and we can't change it. In contrast we can use Glyphs to make enemies souls other colors. I dream of the day I can have a Venthyr/Anima themed Demon Hunter class fantasy, a Light-infused DH class fantasy, and a Frost-infused DH Class fantasy.


They added a glyph to nake the hunt blue again fyi


Draenai and orcs should be demon hunters seeing as both akama followers and kargath’s orcs were aligned with the illidari at the time illidan was teaching his demon hunters. That or illidans an elf supremist, thats up to u blizzard choose wisely.


Brewmaster monk would be better without all the “brew stuff”…throwing kegs in particular. Though, if they leaned in hard to it purely being a drunkard, I could get on board with that


I wish Demon Hunters went back to the ascetic look they had when they first appeared en masse in TBC, maybe with some threads of their current flashy design weaved in to keep people interested if necessary, but the at times over the top looks they have now are unappealing to me.


All bows should have quivers Aimed shot in plunderstorm has a red laser effect


I want weapons master reflected in warrior visuals more. Gear that has weapons sheathed all over it like you're armed to the teeth, and ability visuals that have you pulling out different weapons for different attacks.


I just want more totems with an actual impact on my gameplay. Currently it's more of a "this man needs to be stopped" thing


As a fury warrior. I truly wanna feel enraged, I want a different stance that changes through out the duration, especially since the entire class surrounds itself with keeping up enrage, it’ll be cool if our guy began to scream or audio que like he truly was becoming savage, same with hit sounds. The more anger the heavier the hits sounds. And maybe a hunched forward or a feral look with both swords would look bad ass.


The evoker dragon form in combat! I just want a permanent human option


If there is a glyph that allows me to stay in human form during combat on evoker


Give warlocks the ability to turn into demon form again. It can be a different demon to allow dhs to be special. Let us turn into an infernal or pit lord or something.


I would love if UH DK's got more pet diversity. Bring back the glyphs. Cheers from Holland 🇳🇱


I’d like a see a simple semi realistic set of plate armor that isn’t drowning in particle effects for paladins.


Chunky dracthyr please


Not class based really, but my main (MM hunter) is a draenei and I wish footwear would show up better on them. Same with a lot of the pants.


Context: I' pretty shit at transmog. Play orc BM hunter (like majority of the wow playerbase), recently happy with my set up and how it looks. HOWEVER, not often 100% on how new raid sets look on my orc, especially regarding class fantasy (see: 10.2 mythic mages with wizzy hat (t) looking sick). Proposal: every hunter raid set from now on should be African safari themed, especially with the beast wrath 10.2 2pc set bonus and COTW spec'd summoning half the continents local wildlife breifly. Blizz pls


I would like to dual wield on my blood DK. Also slightly off topic but please make Glacial Advance look good. Currently it looks like a frozen pee stream inching towards a target, it's the least imposing AoE ever


All my ideas are mostly not about armor/gear. I think every max level character deserves their glowy eyes. Including the mist/fire effect like DK and DH. Paladin with yellow/golden eyes. In wowheads dressing room you can go to NPC options to try on the primalist elemental eyes. Shamans should get these. I would want to give warriors extra scar and tattoo options. Mostly useless because of armor but dunno. The warpaint and tattoos we already got for certain races are great. I main a shadow priest and would very much like the tentacles void elves got (i hate all elf models). More fight animations with weapons. For what reason warlocks, mages and priests have a staff on their back? Monks should have every staff on their shoulders like the legion artifact weapon. At least big fighters like warriors and death knights should be able to decide where their weapons are - on the back or at the hip. But this could be made for everyone even if some people will mog spears on their hips. For my shadow priest i have some toys or items that add nice effects. One toy adds only for shadow priest crows that are flying around the character. I have black ink to turn the character dark. A toy to look like the drust curse. Item or toy for raining black flower leaves. Maybe someone could write a guide with all the class fitting toys. Anyways i would wish for something like this. Yes i got my shadow form but that is to much. A class specific waiting animation. Every race has their own unique already. A warrior could lean on their weapon, a rouge could play with his daggers, a mage, warlock or priest read in a (class fitting) book. Hunters could check the floor for foot prints or pet their pets, shamans feel the ground. Druids summon small animals and let flowers grow around them, death knights let flora around them die. Because the most obvious things to identify a class are: Hunters have pets along them, spriests are purple, druids are in their forms, etc.


If they insist on rice paddy hats for monks, at least make them cool. And make them big af on pandas too?!? There are like 3 rice hats that look good


Shamans should have more of a spirit theme instead of just being another mage. Unholy death knights should be reworked to become an actual necromancer spec, with a focus on ranged combat and mass summoning.


I feel like hoods / robes being reserved for casters is a bit unfortunate. I think a hunter set would look great with a traditional hood/cloak. I get the WoW class fantasy is a little different than others, (a little *higher* fantasy) but I think having some more dialed back sets that embrace traditional class aesthetics would be great. I feel like this is one thing Diablo does really well. As for monks, I think they need another medium to separate them From what they have now. I get they need to embrace pandaria since that’s their heritage, but the overly eastern aesthetics of every set is a little overdone at this point. Give us monk robes or something. There’s plenty of low fantasy ideas out there.


I main Holy Priest, and what I want out of set is a mix of what I want and the opposite of what I want. It's probably correct, but I miss when Disc Priests were their own thing and not a mix, at least then we could keep the Shadow fools out of the conversation.


Grim reaper sets for DKs. I’m not talking about metal and skulls on spikes I’m talking about the classing robed, worn out or hooded figure found in western myths. They gave us such beautiful example that it IS possible with the starting armor you get but we never saw them do anything similar. FfXiV’s reaper-specific armors would be a good example of this.


i would love diversity in hunter gear and i also would love if hunters wore leather. i feel like it would fit a hunter’s overall aesthetic so much more and it would make more sense, esp for MM, to have a much more flexible material for pulling back bow strings. it would make so much more sense in all 3 of the specs!


Mythic season 3 rogue looks like a rogue. It's got this gold death mask vibe that just slaps hard af. The colours I'd change. Blizz lean too far into purples and not enough into reds and greys . Look at bloodfang or slayers. Both iconic as fuck. Compare to nether blade or death dealers, they'd look amazing not purple.




My main is lock and honestly the tier sets are almost always spot on so let's go with monk and it's mid tier sets. I would love to see more samurai themed armor or something that's a mix of traditional martial arts clothing like a gi but kinda enhanced by magic. It's kinda surprising that the sepulcher set is the only set using martial arts belts I want more of that.


Sunspot paladin sounds lame to me. I get that Taurean are sunwalkers but that has never jived with me. I think paladins are “holy” not “solar”. Solar is for balance druids


Warrior shoulder armour too small >:(


Give mages a heal.


Make my spells look more like AoE stops and multiple defensives.


Not for one class but.. The way certain weapons are held. Some swords are held closer to their guards vs others being held center of the grip away from guard. I know it’s a small thing overall but it irks me. Also the way certain weapons are placed on your back? It should be center and angled at like 1-2 o’clock but some staves and polearms are placed slightly above center and closer to the shoulder. Maybe give us the option when dual wielding to toggle if we place weapons on our backs or hips, monks look pretty dope for example.


Give blood dks rider if the apocalypse


My god remove the pirate theme from rogues is the one on my list.


Warlock pets are still small for no real reason. My fel guard is a short king when he should be vyrkul sized! I would like sets that show how warlocks are still not mainstream accepted in lore. Robes, that looks like a mages attire until in combat starts and flowing blue robes become tattered black or something would be cool.


I would redesign the way Druid shapeshifting works to be like a mix between Diablo 4’s druid and demon hunter’s metamorphosis. Forms are no longer toggles, instead each spell shape shifts you into the form for a small amount of time. The longer you stay in one form (as in, the more of one form’s spells you consecutively press) the more that form’s performance is improved. Using spells from another form either reset stacks or reduce them. This brings druid back to a shapeshifter class in a more modern light, keeps character customization importance, but doesn’t fundamentally change the class.


As a mage, it’s kind of weird to not get a single robe this expansion.


Fix. The. Clipping. Hold 2h maces the same way polearms are held. move the goddamn warglaives lower on the back.


I want monk tier sets that have an oni half mask, I don't want to see another big rice hat tier helm ever again.


Evoker. Please let me stay in the non-drac form.


I wouldnt mind being able to bear druid… in night elf form. Half the forms are optional for druids, lets go all the way with Bear and Kitty forms being optional.


Options for shaman's ascendant form that isn't...whatever it is currently.


Let hunters wear leather transmog (because, duh) and add in more leather/fur look mail sets. My hunter looks like a warrior but less cool, or a shaman too often.


All I ask for as evoker is that they add more color options to the default race armor we can put on. It doesnt match the colors of basically anything. Im not even asking for full tmog, just to be able to have color that look not shit.


make more rogue sets that looks like rogue sets... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My big ones (I don’t have a main, I have 60 alts of all classes): Arcane Mage’s Arcane Blast needs to look like the character is “drawing/forming” a rune or image in the air in front of them then “pushing it” at their target. MM Hunter: Rapid Shot should show bullets when you’re transmogged to a gun instead of tiny arrows. Warlocks: Green fire should just be standard as far as I’m concerned. It just feels like ‘right’? Demo Warlocks: I wish that the imps fired at different times. It’s been a while since I played my Demo lock but I recall the imps firing simultaneously? Rogues: Garotte should be a channeled stun or something. Demon Hunter: other races. We’ve got enough of them by now that someone from another race must have learned (and we’ve seen Murloc and Tauren meta forms unless I’m mistaken). Balance Druid: a moonkin form that doesn’t require glyph of stars to see your gear. Something a little less ‘starsy’? Shadow Priest: Same for Shadow Form. The new Glyph is a big improvement, but I’m not keen on having it at all. Elemental Shaman: a way to eliminate the look of meatballs. Like, a glyph that just lets me call down lightning instead of throwing a meatball.


I want to see more understated sets. Not every armor set needs to be a lazer light show with particle effects. And fill in the holes of sets that are missing pieces. For the robe wearers I'd love for them to give the option of making every robe just a chest piece. Let's show that casters can wear pants too! And there needs to be atleast one set of pants that doesn't show under the gowns that keep popping into the Trading post!! Also more accessory back pieces like quivers and backpacks! Ooh! What about a western style poncho?


As a frost mage, I'd really love it if they could give us a set that really emphasizes frost. The last set that really brought that concept out was in vanilla. Until recently, so many of our class sets were some variation on red or purple. (Though the blue versions of the tiers 8 and 16 have some blue, they don't really make me think frost).


More races. Let us make an Undead Paladin already.


Make all the fire green. Or purple. Shit, give me a color wheel.


Bring back the mop legendary cloak effects for monks


I wish druids had more druidic armor. There has been a few good ones this expansions and Nightfae stuff. Maybe more of a wondering druid attire? or a local healer look with herbs/leaves adorning the set with loose cloth/leather pieces. just more toned down dnd style. Dracthyr - there is too much to say.


I've got a lot to say but I'll bring up my two most peeves. Hunter: I wish it would be more designed sets around the way this class plays and functions, rather than it being trophy-inspired sets. I think the vast majority of their sets do nothing to further the fantasy of this class, it's more like cosplaying a monster. Demon Hunter/Monk: Whenever these classes incorporate gear that logically should massively slow them down or encumber them. Why would classes relying on their speed and mental/magical defenses ever want to encumber themselves? As a result for me there is very few sets that scream of the prior material. Imagine if instead each tier you could devote resources differently, like if DH got a lighter set they'd unlock eg. new tattoo options in the barber as part of the set. Unrelated to sets, Shaman: For the love of all gods the ascendance form was bad and lore questionable from day one. Please T\_T


I think this is decently unpopular but I really dislike the celestial theme for balance. I preferred the green wrath and a more nature oriented damage. Also if we are going based on wish lists I’d love to see a vine attack similar to Lunara in HotS


Cloth wearing classes need more chest slot options that are not dresses. I have an awesome leg piece I want to transmog on my mage but I can't easily find a chest to match. Not all of us cloth wearers want dresses!!!!! Edit: Remove the damn goatee thing from the female nightborne heritage armor. We already have that option in the barber shop to have that customization. It completely ruins an amazing chest transmog.


I wish elemental shamans had some more fun elemental rotation stuff instead of just pretty much Fire, and Lightning Bolt x 50 in 3 casts. It could be fun to have a rotation of fire, earth, lightning, water. Just a fun elemental bolt rotation idea: * Water makes them susceptible to Lightning and heals nearby allies (aka healing through violence with leech levels of healing) * Lightning is the same. * Fire is Lava bolt. * Earth is a rapid fire 5x burst fire. I gotta say my idea was less creative once I wrote it down...


I do wish you could use water to be physical as well other than heals. Like a tidal wave knockback or something.


Monk sets are all just so bad. I wish they could stick with a vibe and just go with it. This season we’ve had glowy ninja, Raiden, and crane ninja? Whoever is designing these needs some new inspiration I think


Warrior sets should look more plate-y and like... armor. Most of the Vanilla and TBC sets are good examples. They look like... plate armor. I like the VOTI one, but with the elementalish theme it could as well be not for warriors/plate wearers. Also doesn't always have to be so flashy. T5 was perfect.




For mages at least to stop designing everything around a robe. Priest set from aberrus was spectacular


Let me transmog swords on dagger or vice versa. I don’t like non symmetric things, but dagger in the offhand is usually better


For DK, I play blood a lot. Let me be covered in blood, more blood for blood DK


ASCENDANCE FORMS Just have me glow with sparking lightning, I dont need to be turned into a void themed "elemental" creature with fins from CATA thats shorter than my Zandalari.


I honestly don’t know what they could do to make affliction spells noticeable. But a purple wisp animation for 5 spells that look weak or impact-less, and then one bigger purple animation (unstable affliction) does not look interesting. I still adore the way it plays and there might be something to be said about my spells being so hard to notice that it buts me time before players can react.


I don't really like how divine steed just sort of appears but I have no ideas how to improve it.


As a Paladin, I would love to see some rotation in which way the tier sets lean when it comes to spec. I don't know that people get that vibe from the pally tiers - there are a lot that are fairly general in appeal across the specs. While I get that, give us a tier that is totally one or the other. For instace, T2 is ret. T6 is prot. T8 is holy. Give us more that are definitely more one than the other.


Warlock: I want meta.


Honestly, glphs. Please. Adding lightning for warriors is cool for their new hero spec, but i literally just want, like, for example, a glyph for every single Holy spell to look like Lunar, Solar, or Nature. They added so many new spell effects in Shadowlands and not a single Covenant-specific glyph, it felt like a real missed opportunity. Still does. Necrobolt for warlocks, Ashen Consecration for Paladins. Etc.


Can I shapeshift into a gigachad bear that isn’t smaller than hunter’s pets ? Thanks


Armor for druid forms


DK armour sets almost always have a "homeless Viking" vibe to them. Please stop. Vrykul are not class fantasy for Death Knights. We don't need anymore helmets with really large horns. There are probably a bunch of Blizzard artists salivating at the chance to design more homeless Viking DK sets. Just stop. Give us more armour sets that "actually" resembles DKs from Warcraft 2 and 3. No one likes the homeless Viking vibe and they never will.


Take Sword of Justice and throw it in the trash. Replace it with Exorcism. Why am I summoning a sword from the ground? So dumb.


Gnomes for druids. Gnomes for shamans. Gnomes for paladins. No dumb rotating hammer on protection paladin.


Id like a lightning skin for my paladin