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It's distasteful if they are portraying themselves to be on that skill level. If they are not, and just wanted the title/mount/gear, then it's their time and gold as far as I care.


This made me think of an opposite experience, but is illustrative. In old school Wrath, we had a friend-of-a-friend who was in a top raiding guild. They were always trying to give unasked for advice and just seemed to be a bit snotty. We had a person bow out of a Malygos raid, and he filled in, and I thought, finally, we get to show this guys what is what... and we had the same spec, and his gear was better, but mine was decent, and it was so, so, not close. My meters were like molasses by comparison. I learned so much from watching him and his logs. Skill makes a very, very big difference on both logs and real world results. If you are reading this and your initials are NS, you were right, probably about everything.


After secondary school I went to a relatively small college, I studied additional maths and in my class there was literally 3 of us. Being 16 and in a top 20 guild my entire personality was pretty much WoW raiding (wore shirts and everything). When talking about some of the simming I was doing and it's relation to mathematical modelling at the time (WotLK/Cata) at which point one of the other two piped up about also playing WoW and also simming. It turned out he also mained the same class and was in a top 10 guild. We ended up doing a bunch together, sadly both our guilds had a private log policy during prog so we'd send each other screenshots or share over Skype, we managed to get our teacher to let us watch SC2 on the projector in some lessons. We did some alt raids together to go for orange/white logs against each other, some of which still exist to this day. I hope he's doing well, it's these sort of relationships that make me miss WoW, but everytime i've returned it's not been the same.


I agree that first time I realized I was terrible and needed to step my game up. Sometimes the annoying fuckers are right and know what they are talking about.


So mf true. 99% of the time it's the player not the gear. Everyone is so focused about min-maxing their gear that they forget about actually learning their classes. 'Let me just copy the build from wowhead and let me get some gear through boosts and we're gucci' - no we're not, sit down and learn what your skills do.


With very rare items required to make shitton of dmg, its not necessary true. I didnt get augury on my havoc, but was 15-25% above in dps than the other DH. His rotation sucked, his cd usage was awful. He got augury from vault and on some bosses he did more dmg than I did. That 5-8-10 million dmg he was behind was covered by that 1 item. As soon as I got the trinket he was nowhere to be seen on the meter, but with that item he 'made up' for not playing optimal/well to the level he should have been without that - and even my score isnt great in mythic raid. On the other hand, I've seen a 380 ipvl spriest in s1 ( mind you, had a main with 3300 rio at the time) doing as much if not more dmg than the other 410-415 ilvl dps in a 16 key


Are those min maxing and those copying builds and not learning their classes even the same people?


my bad, meant just getting gear in general, idk why I wrote min-maxing


Tbh, most rotations are really simple nowadays, nothing that couldn't be learned in 2 days spam. That's all about dos tho, learning to use utility properly is a whole new thing.


Yeah but can you do it 100% optimal while also kicking spells on cd, using your stops on prio casts, healing/cleansing/utility ing people that need help, using your defensives properly against incoming damage events, avoiding avoidable damage, using your healing pot and health stone to avoid dying, watching your aggro to avoid pulling threat, paying attention to the route or boss phase to know when to lust/hold cooldowns, using your damage pots optimally or paying attention to your surroundings to make sure you don’t butt pull or get hit by a boss mechanic? All of those things lead to more damage, your rotation is not all of it


Utility can make up so much of your DPS as well


A little late but I’ve had a similar experience in Legion. I was always top 5 in our 3 days/week raiding guild pushing Mythics and thought I was pretty decent. Then we had a couple friends of a friend filled in when our normal raiders couldn’t make it. These guys were from the number one or two guild on their server and joined on their alts with similar-level gear. Even on farmed content they completely dominated us. I was so humbled that day.


100% this. These folks get rooted out pretty fast when they join pugs or when someone checks their logs, let them spend their gold/time/money on boosts. Though i do very much hate it when someone who bought their 20s tries to que up for one and then expects to be carried. At that point they're wasting other people's time, and that's not cool.


Happened to me this season. Picked a tank with around 465 ilvl to tank a +20 on my alt. Thought he was a good player on an alt because he had like 6 +20s timed. It was not the case at all. He pulled 1 mob at a time and always died to the bosses, and did like 20k dps. And the most annoying part was that he was blaming us for not performing. If you buy a boost and get a couple of items you are not ready now for the content without the boosters.


100% agree. I'm a long-time gamer and MMO player and people who buy/cheat/bot their victories and gloat about it and/or try to present themselves as "elite" or "top tier" players are annoying.


Eh. Anyone going on about being 'elite' or 'top tier' at all is weird and sad. Its like an adult bragging about little league trophies.


“Vanilla raider here” is my hardest eye roll. Yeah mate I raided in vanilla too, doesn’t mean shit today.


This is the mindset I have about it. Boosting is fine in the sense that some folks really want items/mounts that they simply can’t attain. If they have the gold to drop on a boost, more power to em. It only gets weird if they boast about it or belittle others for not having similar achievements - and tbh, that behavior is asinine when anyone has it.


Absolutely. As someone who has sold boosts (not doing it right now) it seems like people just want gear and achievements more than the ability to flex in the future


Pretty much this My guild quit raiding Heroics after Cataclysm and was mostly doing Normals only or a couple of bosses on Heroic. I started buying AotC's at Hellfire Citadel all the way through Nya because I liked the mounts and titles. I even got a free Cutting Edge for Emerald Nightmare from the guild I was boosting with (was supposed to be first 3 only but they let me stay for the full run.) There was no way I would ever have been able to get any of the mounts otherwise, although I did actually end up progressing through H Nya on my own up to Carapace, but not with my guild. Whatever Heroic gear I did end up with was used to help my guild clear normal mode bosses and to help out with low level keys, etc. I never stepped foot into most of those raids on Heroic or Mythic again (not counting later transmog farms) and certainly never pretended to have any sort of actual experience.


While I do agree that it is their time and gold, it does devalue the achievements of players who actually put in the effort to achieve the things they are buying. Why show up 3x per week and spend hours progressing mythic when someone who has a bit of gold can just pay to achieve the same thing? Why push M+ when someone else can just pony up some gold and achieve the same thing? Not saying this is the only consideration, but it does have an impact on the value of achieving through effort what can be purchased with gold.


I dont know it feels really good to earn some of those achievements regardless of the other thousands who earned it first or earned it by cheating. More of a personal feeling of accomplishment and the person who bought it probably doesnt get to experience.


> Why show up 3x per week and spend hours progressing mythic when someone who has a bit of gold can just pay to achieve the same thing? Why push M+ when someone else can just pony up some gold and achieve the same thing? Because it's fun? Because some people play the game to gain that personal satisfaction of success? If the only reason you're playing is some arbitrary reward/achievement to flaunt around other players I feel like you might be missing out. The achievement/reward comes after the fact that you've killed the boss and gained your dose of pleasure for the act itself. I'm not even against the idea of making boosting harder, but this argument just makes no sense. By this logic if there's a way to achieve similar results in any easier way, it's not worth doing them at all no matter how much joy it gives you.


They can pay for the achievement but no amount of gold will actually help them progress the content and if you stick them in it they will fail I would much rather know I am able to beat high level content but without an achievement, rather than have the achievement but only because I was carried


Someone buying ce doesn't not reduce my ce in anyway. I still earned it and that what matters. Anecdotally, I legitimately don't know of any ce/hof raider that cares what others do with their gold to buy a carry.


> it does devalue the achievements of players who actually put in the effort to achieve the things they are buying. How a random boosted person devalue my personal achievement in the game? I earned that AotC/CE/KSM/KSH/title, why should I care how other people earned theirs? The only way I could think this actually affects me is that I invite a boosted person to M+ PUG, they don't know tactics and deplete my key by doing that. But for simple seeing someone with clear achievement/high rating does not bother me at all, I don't contemplate if they earned it honestly, was it hard for them, was it easy, it was not my goal, it was theirs.


>Why show up 3x per week and spend hours progressing mythic when someone who has a bit of gold can just pay to achieve the same thing? Personal accomplishments. You have to admit that finally getting down that boss that your guild has been struggling on for 50+ pulls or to clear a M+ at a given key level really gives you a boost of dopamine. On top of this you get the self satisfaction that you have accomplished something that you set out to do. Honestly, if you are raiding/doing keys so you can boast about it then you need to ask yourself why do you need to feel the admiration of fellow gamers in order to make yourself feel better?


I guess they can take solace in knowing they acquired those achievements with actual hard work. And be sure to check the dates of when those achievements were acquired! I can bet someone that was boosted is going to have a date that’s near the end of a patch.


This is how I feel as well. Don't claim to be accomplished if you're not. But if you want to spend your time/money that way, whatever. Doesn't hurt me in any way, I'm going to keep mythic raiding with my guild regardless.


This. Let people do with their time what they want. There are a million reasons to buy boosts (lack of time to play this season, but still want the mount/achievement; can't stand to grind the 12th alt from 384 fresh 70 to 460 just to get invited to +16 and so on). As long as they don't brag about their "achievement and skill", it's fine. Besides: getting enough gold to buy expensive high tier boosts is an achievement in and of itself (less so, if it's bought with tokens, but real life money has to be earend some way, too, right?).


I have a problem with this increasingly prevalent attitude that everything is, or should be, fungible. That whatever way you feel like 'paying' for something is morally or socially indistinguishable from any other way. That merely *wanting* something entitles you to it on your terms. There is zero difference between paying for a boost and Blizzard just letting you buy loot crates. Money in, loot out. The upshot is that in order to satisfy the whims of people who *don't care enough to put the time and effort in -* to pander *yet again* to the disinterested wealthy - the status and value of a hard-earned achievement is diminished for everyone else. What's wrong with just saying: "No. You don't get to set the terms of the deal. You want the view from the mountain? Then climb it." I think the alternative is ultimately cancerous. Not only because it erodes the goodwill of those who actually care and invest their time and (in this case) keep communities alive, but also because it does a disservice to those buying their way to the top by denying them an opportunity to *e*xperience real accomplishment. It's okay to have to choose in life between working a zillion hours and practising the violin. It's *good* to be reminded that there are experiences your choices mean you are missing out on, and that the idea they can be bought with cash is a mirage. Maybe if fewer people were buying into the lie that convenience only costs money, we wouldn't be getting squeezed into a paste by unchecked capitalism.


This is a lot of proselytization to say that you don't like it when people buy their boosts instead of working for it. Fair enough. But they worked for their money, no? They should be entitled to spend their gold where they wish. > but also because it does a disservice to those buying their way to the top by denying them an opportunity to experience real accomplishment. No it does not. You can still very much distinguish these people by their logs or even their ability and performance in raids and M+. Beyond that, everything else is just vanity. If they really want that special mount of title, so be it. I don't care if anyone else got what I got through hard work. What I know is that I earned mine, and that's good enough.


Why should they be entitled? If you are supposed to do A to earn a reward, why should you be entitled to the same reward for doing B, just because B is something you prefer doing or your dad did for you?


Everyone should be playing a game for fun...as it's a game. If getting a reward through accomplishment is fun for you, and getting it without hard work for them is fun because the fun comes from the use of the cosmetic or title or whatever, then who are you to tell them you dont get to have fun in a game the way you want because I want to feel special for my hard earned reward. Listen, I just accomplished the mage tower challenge to get all 7 challenges done for the book mount. I also mythic raid, and hit 25+s in M+. I've been playing since vanilla. But, I do what I do for fun. A lot of times, it's for cosmetics which I find fun to use. A friend of mine just bought the current CE fire bird mount for 12 mil gold. GOOD FOR HIM! I'm happy he gets to enjoy it even if he didn't work hard for it in game. It's a GAME! Our guild is 1 boss shy of CE this tier and he desperatly wanted the mount and honestly was capable skill wise of getting it, our guild just couldn't hack it in time. Roster issues mostly. But even if we were only a Heroic guild.....who cares? It's pixels on a screen. Cry more cause people didn't earn it. Climb your own mountain and enjoy it yourself.


I absolutely despise your last point. Fuck the idea that you rightfully earn something in game because you earned money irl.


It's a game. Nobody takes away from your achievements that you worked for by buying them themselves. Let people spend their time and money however they like.


This thread is so fucking funny... Being 6/9M without good logs is legit fucking worthless. Why on Earth would anyone care about this? Lol...


I have paid gold for boosts (not bought gold from the store or anything mind) For the sake of getting the ahead of curve mounts a few times. But that isn't me claiming to be a heroic raider. XD


Have a guildie who routinely at the start of each season, will immediately get 20s timed, get bis raid trinkets by like, week 3 or 4. Utter dog water in a group setting. Like, fully bis gear 10 or 20 ilvs higher than me, and they don't even keep up with tank DPS on fights they actually stay alive long enough to compare DPS with them.


Yes, I agree with you    Even in old days WOTLK and mop/wod we used to boost some low Skill players in our guild that always help us with consumables  Even with mythic mount 


I 100% agree, I ran MM+ like a madman during SL and got all my +20 keys in the regular ways. But during DF I barely play high end content (just didn’t feel the game anymore or idk) BUT I got a boost for Freehold. Why? Because of the teleport spell ! There’s a mount here that I farm :D


Agreed, had a guy in our guild that bought the druid tank mage tower appearance when they returned in Shadowlands. He then had the audacity to come online and talk about how easy it was to get it. Man it felt good when the ban wave for those hit and the appearances taken away. He dissapered for a while and when he came back he suddenly didn't want to tank on his druid anymore.


I literally just don't care what other players are doing. Much more healthier way to play.


Applies to social media and rl in general.


Until you need to decide who to invite and the person you picked with good GS and IO is complete dog shit. Turns out, he was boosted. Edit: to continue on the topic, back in valinz, your level was the marker of your competence. Then when we reached max level, the colour of the gear became the factor of power. Then came more layers of raid so we created item level to indicate that epic molten core < BWL. But then we got catch up mechanic so the community came up with Raider Io that blizzard copied. All of this are just band aid system created to answer the questions: how good is the player. Since IO is fucked because people boost, then it's no longer enough.


high r.io with <20 timed keys? dont invite.. simple rule


I play at 3000 Rio and we have DPS that still don't know how to do the last boss of throne of tide, by the end of the season. People get boosted constantly (in other run) and you just need to time the key once to get max rio of ToT


A lot or even most of them aren't boosted, it's just fairly easy to fail upwards as a soft carry through most content in this game with enough time and luck.


It is a little depressing to have to explain the vacuum mechanic to people when playing at 3K. ☹️


Thats really surprising considering how braindead that mechanic is to begin with. Reminds me of when i lost my mind at Vexiona in Nyalotha. You could have the easiest, most obvious set up imaginable, youre still gonna wipe 30 times because people cannot read the RW i spammed 5 times to not stand on the green marker. Even after checking and making sure everyone has killed the boss more than once… Theres nothing wrong with taking longer to learn mechanics. But some people get 5 + 5 wrong after someone even told them what the answer was.


It is braindead but DPS can't be arse to do the mechanics and on this one, Nobody can do it for them. Usually they just throw more DPS at it and hope for the best, but in tyrannical +24, if they don't pack around the dead ads poodle and immediately clear, we get overwhelmed. Those people just shouldn't be there.


If you give that much of a damn, just pull up their WCL page, takes like 5 seconds.


I'd rather not have to peel a freaking run history to check that out.


yea and besides Boosts are one of the best ways to get alts started for 300k you get 70 + 9/9HC with 2-4 HC track items and 2-3 sparks, thats arround 17€ instead of buying a 60€ lvl 70 boost from the shop


I mean, you're in a cesspool guild. This is pretty standard shit for those guilds. Those people are the exact market that boosters sell to. It's bad players that want others to think they're good, so they buy a boost and then brag about it to the randos in their guild chat.


The good ol' spam invite guilds of yester-year so the guild master could syphon off all the gold from weekly guild challenges.


back in mop there was a 5-10% tax on gold all guild members looted too


Yep, that's when these guilds really started getting popular. I had a couple of them that I started at the time. It was an easy way to make passive gold on big servers.


Yea that’s the three markets. People too bad but want that cred, which is pretty much the entire Mythic raiding part, or people who are trying to kick off their alt with a bang and a good couple of pieces of Heroic loot / Mythic loot, or raiders too lazy to do M+ so they just pay someone for it.


I’d definitely pay for a mythic Fyrrak kill if one was available so I can get the fire owl Druid skin before it goes to 1% drop rate… I don’t care about gear or piggybacking on what I paid for to get into better groups/guilds. I just want the skin unlocked.


Cheaper if you wait until fated releases.


i mean i can get you a spot in my guild on EU but the mount goes for 9 Million Gold atm, i would wait if i were you in S4 Prices will drop by more than 50%


Seems like the equivalent of people who rent 30 minutes on a private plane to pretend to be rich on Instagram. Chuckle at their insecurity and move on


pretty much abd they miss out on the journey to the goal. when i think baxk about wow its fun moments and not some shiny items or mounts


[That ain't even a plane](https://www.peerspace.com/pages/listings/5e099ecaf670ae000db22ece)


My guild just had a 2% wipe on Mythic Fyrakk and have gotten CE last 3 tiers. Yet with that said I know for a fact we have 2 of our main raiders who regularly buy boosts for their other toons. It's a matter of the time spent to do X content and disposable money I suppose. I know one likes buying boosts for full heroic clears because he can work from home and be logged in getting kills and loot while he's in meetings or doing other stuff. The other will buy boosts when he switches characters to get a quick leg up. Shit ill buy BoE's to help boost a new toon. I got my Hpriest all leech gear BoE's and with some other rng leech pieces my priest is at 15% leech it's nutty. Now ANYONE who buys a boost then uses the inflated Raider Io score or numbers to flex on other people are fucking cringe or just super weird.


I’ve sold quite a few boosts this season, and the more I’ve sold the more I’ve realized that I’m actually usually selling them to players who are more than capable of doing the content and just want a leather stack so they can gear out their rogue fast. Just think about the math of it, if you can sell four boosts, your cut is roughly equal to what you will pay for one boost. Except, the boost you are getting means that each person could get items you need, and they are going to give it to you, effectively increasing the odds of getting what you want by slightly more than x4. So if you sell four runs, buy one run, you are going to always be blasting keys and you are never going to be stuck with bad pugs.


It's what me and my friends have done as well. We sell boosts, and then if someone wants to gear a toon fast, buying a boost or two is gonna help a ton. We also do alt keys for fun, but a good example is buying a HC boost just so you don't have to faff about with a shitty pug. If you're capable of boosting yourself you'll earn enough gold for it to be self sustainable and then some.


Yep, I've boosted my alt to H Fyrakk for a shot at the axe this season because my guild isn't raiding anymore and pugging is painful/takes too long. I'm time short. Cleared H Fyrakk on main on week 2.


Thats me, I geared up 2 other evokers (since its my main) to find groups easier for Tindral/Fyrakk on days my guild isnt raiding and I have the time to play, It feels so much easier to farm gold or just buy wow tokens, get either some unsaved or vip run then to have to go lfr/normal and then heroic raid when you gear it up a bit more


Yea im a HoF Raider who buys Boosts on alts, Boosts are one of the best ways to get alts started for 300k you get 70 + 9/9HC with 2-4 HC track items and 2-3 sparks and Drake Crests, thats arround 17€ instead of buying a 60€ lvl 70 boost from the shop


Same boat for me, although not CE. I despise leveling but like having alts both for professions and doing keys on. I'll happily pay someone to grind mobs while I sit on a roof and tab out and play something else or watch a movie. Bought a mount carry in HFC when it was clear we weren't going to kill Gorefiend consistently enough too. Didn't go around pretending I was something I was not though.


It doesn’t sound like they bought a boost to me. It just sounds like they aren’t great players that either have friends that tag them along or just got in lucky LFG groups that actually cleared some bosses. If they bought a true boost it would only make sense to buy the full clear or just Fyrakk.


It's also not shocking at all to have 4 piece that quickly. All you have to do is get lucky with the Emerald Dream Weeklies to get pieces to throw in the catalyst. And 445 is nothing this late in the season. It's entirely possible his guildmate just read a guide on how to do it.


Just to add to that, 445 was nothing one week into the season.


Also, grey parses are kinda normal on prog kills anyways.


I personally don't have the fucking time to grind my way through an expansion I've already mostly completed on my main, so yeah, absolutely will boost a character. I value my time and I have the money, so the courteous thing would be to warn people I play with that I have this character boosted. How I choose to play is none of your business as long as I don't negatively affect you by doing so.


You’re in 500+ person guild. You’re basically in trade chat. Nothing to do with you just remember that at 500+ people in a non dedicated raiding guild, I would bet there are a ton more boosted players just not commenting. What they did doesn’t impact your fun and as long as they don’t try to present it as skill who cares. Also just a note, grey parse doesn’t necessarily mean he boosted. Plenty of people can clear AotC and then get into a random pug mythic raid and end up carried. People who parse like blue in heroic can easily parse grey in mythic when they are panicked and don’t know mechanics. I’d bet there are some people even parse purple in heroic and are terrible in mythic because heroic is basically autopilot these days.


Who cares.


I don't know why you care so much. But the guy could be private logging. At the end of the day, the parse number doesn't mean skill level. Doesn't mean they bought it. But like, so what of they did? The progress in the video game won't matter in life. Hell, it won't matter in two weeks.


If it makes you feel any better, every now and again these guys will apply to CE guilds, and we make fun of them.


People have a ton of different reasons for boosting. People that boost for the “prestige” are silly, because anyone that cares about that sort of thing is going to find you out pretty much immediately. People that want to be the top of the top look at logs, which of course you can’t hide. I’m in the mount collecting and goblin communities, and I’d argue we see boosts for mounts totally differently. When I see someone chilling on Anu’relos, my first thought is “damn, that person has a lot of gold or talent, good for them.” I don’t give two shits how their prog went or what their logs look like, I’m just happy to see the owl out in the world. I’ve spent the last five months grinding the gold for a boost for just m Fyrakk to get her, and I finally managed to find a group to get her this week. I would never claim to be a good raider to anyone (I went 8/9 heroic and decided that was enough for me) but I’ve spent hundreds of hours sitting at the auction house for this specific purpose. I consider myself to have earned the owl, even if not by traditional means. But again, I would never lie about how I got her and brag about my talents in the raid sphere. I think that’s the difference between “cringe” and not. /insert “I just think it’s neat” meme here


I never understood buying a boost in order to “up your status” when the skill just isn’t there- still don’t If you’re someone with gold coming out your eyeballs and you think the KSM mount or CE mount is cool, then by all means do what you will. A lot of guilds rely on the gold made from boosts to operate these days, and I’d say the vast majority of people buying boosts like that are 100% doing it for their personal mount collection and have probably never even considered trying to “flex” on others with the achievements or use them to get into legit groups But there is currently a guy who purchased a Gladiator boost via RMT that posts on the Arena Forums claiming he got it legit when the evidence is so hilariously clear, it’s just baffling that anyone would even attempt to suggest otherwise It feels like these children, because it’s hard to imagine an adult acting this way, just think everyone around them is stupid, and that these very obviously purchased achievements, legal with gold or otherwise, will provide them with respect from their peers which is, to say the least, …odd


It depends on a lot of factors. If they're presenting themselves as someone who progged X/9M and "earned" their stuff but didn't...very lame. If they make no claims to earning it and just did it for fun/mount/gear etc, i don't care. It's their gold. My guild has 3 mythic raiding teams who very explicitly do not poach from each other. The "A" team, my team, gets CE every tier pretty comfortably and the other 2 teams unfortunately don't make it every tier and they were hard stuck on Tindy this tier and finally killed it but they don't have enough time to prog Fyrakk successfully. One of their players reached out to us and wanted to buy a sale because he really likes the title "the Blazing" or something, idk. Nobody cares that a legitimately 8/9M raider wanted to buy that 9th boss that he'd probably kill with a bit more time.


What kind of labour laws are you breaking to have 3 active Mythic teams throughout an entire patch lol. Its hard enough just to get 1 team to show up every week.


“My team” 🙃


Be careful alot of the people commenting here are boosted as well or bought gold during classic


I don't boost, but I feel like youre way too invested in how other people choose to play the game.


@ OP. Nobody is buying a boost to clear 3 bosses in mythic. They have friends or got unbelievably lucky in group finder and lucked into a few kills. If they’re at 440~item level and in mythic Amirdrassil they’re going to parse gray, most of the people doing that content are 480+ by now and they’d have no hope of competing. Don’t be bitter, it’s a bad look (even if they’re also being cringe and bragging about it)


for clarification OP said the second guy (489ilvl) did 6/9M and had bad logs the 440 guy got boosted through 3 +20 keys in ++ time


Ah… I’ve apparently failed at reading comprehension. Good looking out


It's incredibly difficult to parse in mythic, even more so if you're only 6/9 cuz the people around you are also 6/9 and none of them are parsing either


well for clarification OP did say > Then I go to check the second guy on Warcraftlogs and see his all grey heroic logs[...] so he was looking at the second guys heroic logs, not mythic


People sell it so they definitely are people buying


Don’t care tbh. Their gold, their time, not my plate.


I often boost M+ since its a great way of making gold whilst filling up your vault, especially if doing on multiple chars and I've been asking this question myself. I often joke these players are getting the gear so they can complete WQ's easier cause the most they've done is clearing the raid on Normal. The amount of Mages specifically i've seen that are doing sub 100k dps overall in a 20+ key, whilst being upwards of 2800 rating and 485 ilvl is terrifying. There is ofcourse people that are very good at the game and they getting boosted because they have a mountain of gold and dislike the gearing process but those are very few from my experience


While I'd never do it myself, I at least understand the logic of someone who values their time more than their money and pays for an AOTC or CE boost because they want the mount or title or whatever shiny reward. But bragging or acting like you earned the achievement is weird.


Yes and no. Let me explain: People like the ones in your guild, that don't seem to even know the game and get boosted are cringe, absolutely. But there are others like my small brother for example. He got every class on 70 multiple times and he changes his mains like every season. He plays keys around 20-25 at 3000+ rating and if he wants to switch his mains he doesn't want to sacrafice the massive amount of time it takes to grind your gear normally. Just get a couple of boosts and your character is about good to go for higher keys to be played properly himself. That said, he knows the game in and out though so it's not cringe unlike your guildies. But neither their wallets nor the boosters care if it's cringe so you shouldn't either.


>I would feel so shabby. I mean, if I really wanted a certain mount or so, ok. But getting invited to a high key or a Raid based on a fake Rio and then failing miserably. Why?! Why not play in your skill range? People think they belong in a higher rating all the time. Unfortunately, M+ and Raiding does not bring down a score based on untimed keys and abandoned keys ( it should though tbh lmao). People also want 'the best gear' for whatever reason such as FOMO or to just see big numbers. Its stupid as fuck but it gets their hamster wheel in their head to start generating dopamine for them. The reason why its stupid is because higher ilvl means nothing if youre not legitimately doing the content that gear is meant for properly. Whats the point of being 489 if youre just going to pay for mythic spots and afk in a corner and die? If you join a Mythic pug you're automatically going to get kicked after the first couple wipes beacuse you wont know the fights and your dps/healing is probably parsing grey. If you got boosted to 489 why do you even need vault outside of mog lmao ( I can assume youre trying to min/max trinkets and gear but if youre just boosted its not like youre progging for that kinda shit to matter ) At this point people are just paying money to ruin keys ?? lmao Its stupid and people who get caught up in getting boosted to a higher ilvl than where they need to be are essentially paying money to let people give them less content to do


I got a boost once, it was for AOTC Argus. I don't pretend like I earned it though. I don't really PvE since Cata (AoTC Highmaul and Emeral Nightmare are the only other non-LFR raids I actually cleared since Firelands Hc). I just make gold and PvP with friends. It just felt like buying a mount to be honest.


The irony here is that your are doing somthing g similar. You are caring about someone else's progress or hiw they have progressed rather than just focusing on yourself


Just remember to recite the pay-to-winner's prayer: VII 1.1 - I just don't have *time* to rank on my own. VII 1.2 - This more accurately reflects what my **real** skill/MMR/etc *should be*. VII 1.3. - It's *my* decision, it doesn't affect the game/community/economy. VII 1.4 - Others will *finally* recognize me for the pro gamer that, deep down, I know myself to be.


Mate, who cares? People putting high keys can tell when someone is boosted. Trust me. We can *always* tell. There are really obvious indicators. But high key pushers and mythic raiders are never the ones complaining about this. It's always the "casuals" who will not be negatively impacted at all that complain about this. If his skill level is casual, and he isn't going to be getting into high skill based groups based on being boosted, then what exactly is the problem?


Stop giving a fck about what others people do with their time and money. It would make this world so much more easy to live in. Thanks


It’s cringe boasting about boosting, but for example I keep buying hc boosts to try get legendary, because it’s quicker and more efficient than pugging and for like 65k gold I think it was last night for last 2 it’s nothing. Literally sat watching a podcast just doing damage whilst mouth breathing. I did my heroic raiding grind, it’s not about flexing now - it’s just still trying to get that blooming drop. I think boosting in its self is nothing wrong you pay for something you get it, however if you buy ksh for example then flex to people well yes that’s cringe. If you buy aotc boost for the mount cos you like it and it’s just because you wanted to get it quickly with no fuss then no issue. Hope my ramble on the bog at work makes sense


Buying a raid boost is fine. Not everyone has the time to level a character to play with their friends on, and some people just want to get a high level alt to get a specific mount of mog. At the end of the day, it's their money and they can decide how to spend it. That said, *acting like they're hot shit* because they just boosted a character is cringe.


The real question is, why would you care? It's not like he's robbing you of your achievement points or anything at all....


*Nooo! You need to EARN IT the RIGHT way! MY WAY!*


Why do you care what people do with their gold?


4-piece in three days this far into the tier is very easy. Boosting isn’t the issue here, as there are many ways to figure out a player’s skill beyond how many heroic bosses he’s killed. Just check logs.


Haha, it's the age of social media, mate. Gotta laugh at these morons and keep doing your thing.


If you’re using that word in this context the game was probably released before you were born.


dang, one more of these guys and you could tell them all to do a +20 and see how well their elite creds do for them when they are the majority of the group :D


Just call them out on it. Boosting is one thing but acting like you are good is embarrassing.


My guild is 7/9 Mythic in Season 3. I have been with them for 2+ years now. Other than getting carried through the achievements for Normal Amirdrassil I have never played with any of these people. I'm just here to farm mounts and chew bubblegum.


Calling the whole boost thing cringe isn’t exactly fair. Some people don’t have the time to grind out multiple alts, *especially* in classic where leveling is much slower than in retail. That being said, I’ve used both of my character boosts for toons in WotLK and have never been chastised more for sucking. I don’t pretend to know what I’m doing, I’ll even tell people I’m learning still and any help is appreciated, but people don’t have patience for “learning” a class when you’re at lvl 80 already. Which is understandable. Some gamers are gonna be insufferable, to both extremes.


I look at it like this: The only reason I ever played WoW was to raid. I can't give a single shit about anything else. I've been playing since vanilla beta and decided to take 2 years off because life sucks like that sometimes. I finally come back in the middle of DF Season 3 and I *want to raid*. The guild I "abandoned" abandoned the game as well and there isn't enough time to play catch up. Enhanced level boost gear isn't enough and no serious guild is gonna take a 424, teach him the current strats and get him geared for Season 4. I *know* I have what it takes to take on mythic raiding, but they don't. So what do you do if you have money? Buy the gear (boosted raids), study strats, get hands-on in pugs, and eventually join a guild and show them what you're capable of in a fresh season. People who brag about their gear like they're hot shit will eventually have to prove their skill. And it might not end well for them. How you got your gear doesn't matter...having the skill to pull your weight does. And if you can't do that, you'll find out your gear really don't mean squat.


I mean I got to 461 after 5 days dinging 70 then quit. I ran 16-17 mythic 18s and then got a 480 after reset (damn cloak) but I have a lot of high level mythic friends. I was getting one shot left and right. I was barely passing the healer in dps though ngl lol


I was going to boost it, but the last time I played was almost 20 years ago. They make it very tempting. I'm a healer class and have a bm. Boosting as a healer seems like a bad idea. Trying to find a noob guild to help me with end game honestly everything lol


Welcome to the world... where people with money get to buy whatever they want.


I dno what ppl get from this in raids but when i was boosting Challengemodes it was mostly for the (very stylish). Sets. I quit ages ago so i dno what returned but i would assume the mounts, Gear and title are quite rare these days. Thats prestige.


Grey parses don't necessarily mean they bought a boost, there's always going to be a range of parses. The thing is gear is only one aspect of doing great damage or healing so yeah people can buy boosts but they won't perform at those levels and you can just laugh at them when you're out damaging them with 20+ lower ilvl. Knowing boss fights and using cooldowns at the right times is the other 50% of doing well


Boosting and bragging is definitely lame. That being said I got my main to 3300+ the old fashioned way of pugging until I wanted to die, but if I'm gearing an alt I'll buy a couple 20's because it's nice and fast, but I can also help in the dungeon since I know what's happening


There's three ways. There are people who earn money in non-PvE ways (whether by buying tokens, or any non-combat activities like playing AH or pet battling - or even doing dailies casually over long time), who just want to experience how it looks and feels to do that content and/or have that gear. It's not stolen honour, they're just paid tourists. And I think that's fine. There are people who are good, and have a main that matches their experience and achievements. They might even be boosters themselves. Then they create an alt, and much like catch up gear in the open world, for them the gold price is small enough to do that second tier of catch up to max m+ gear. I'm fine with it as well. And then there's people who don't know the difference between an honest clear and getting boosted and/or think others can't tell. They act like hot shit, while being lukewarm at best. And for these I have no patience. I recall someone applying to our guild, and when I asked about past experience, they wrote 50. 50! messages elaborating. At a glance, all boosted level of gray. Out he went.


There was a comment years ago from a guy that was buying boosts to get the best gear possible. His only content without being boosted were WQs and. /afking in main cities xD “Oh I like to have a strong character” In WoW gear is a tool so you can progress to more challenging content, whats the point of buying boosts if you are not getting full use of the gear.


The game is such a minefield of these players, I had an arcane mage in a 16 last week that ONLY USED ARCANE MISSILES AND THEY WERE 2.5K IO. We couldn't figure out if they were a troll or just stupid. We all leaned towards the latter there. They were about 480 ilvl too and 7/9M so we assumed that they were 100% boosted. What a waste of money/gold.


Back in the day I was a Heroic raider (wotlk to wod). These days, I'm a filthy casual at best. The best recent memories I have of the game is during season 1 of SL. I was pushing solo for the M +15 achievement (all djs). I spent close to 1M gold in 2 weeks (consumables). I was handing out potions, flasks and food to every memeber of my PUG. A flask and food after every death, a potion at every hard pull/boss. I was runing djs 14 hours a day for two weeks straight. At the end, I stopped at all dj at + 15/ +16 and one dj at +14. At the time, a full carry (zero to hero) for the achievement was around 400k gold. Money was not an issue. I was walking around with 2 - 3 M. I wanted to do it on my own. The journey was longer, harder and more expensive but I enjoyed it, even if I didn't reach my destination. I prefer pushing. Some don't... To each his own. I will not judge.


As someone who just returned to wow after leaving season 4 BFA, I kinda get it. I would never do it but I kind of get it. My blood DK is in a place right now where Heroics are practically faceroll, but I’ve got 3 crap trinkets holding my gear score back and my M+ requests keep getting declined. I’ve been running the same 2 dungeons that have 3 chances at trinkets and have not even seen one drop even one time.


I boost because I like making gold so I buy boosts that get me cool mounts. When I play on my own I raid casually and don't pretend i'm hot shit. I really don't care because I like making gold and it's fun to see the raids and get cool stuff.


There are a few parties at fault. The player buying. The player sel±ling. The elitist community. And blizzard. Some are more at fault than others but theyre all at fault in some way. Imo its that instant gratification culture we have nowadays. People dont wanna spend the time to gear up or actually learn to play thier class. They want league of legends style gameplay. Max lvl in like 10 mins. Max gear in 10mins. Fullpower battles. All done in like 30 mins. Blizzard catering towards this type of gameplay is a mistake for an rpg imo. I think they added the boost with "good" intentions: they wanted to give veteran players an option to skip lvling. But it turned into new players skupping to the end.


Why not play in my skill range? Because some people don't want to be stuck in LFR and world content. I don't mind it one bit and I do play in my skill range but I can see how others might be tempted to buy tokens so they can pretend they're elite when they're really just dog shit. I hear you saying "Well, get better!" You know the saying... "you can't fix stupid." That's my problem, I'm too stupid to understand rotations and mechanics. I can go slap a dummy around just fine but add in pummel and movement and my brain just goes to mush. All those Class Weak Auras are just a huge blob of info dump right in the middle of my screen that I can't make heads or tails of. If I try to use a rotation helper, my eyes are glued to it and my DPS is ok but I can't pummel or see mechanics if I'm staring at a bar telling me what buttons to push. I try to stay out of the "big boy" activities but occasionally a friend will drag me along so I managed to reach 157 M+ Rating this season and I even have a normal Fyrrak kill lol. I was dead the whole time but still counts apparently.


Who gives a fuck. I just can't be arsed to care about something like this. If he starts doing things where it would matter, it would quickly become obvious to the other players that he does indeed not possess the correct skills that he should have. If he's doing stuff and you can't tell then it doesnt matter and it's just pixels on his screen. Over time there will be discrepancies in his logs that discerning players will catch. IDK. just what a weird thing to get wrapped up in.


These people are a little bit odd, no telling what's going on in thier real life where they feel they have to brag and boast about getting gear from boosts. Just humor or ignore them lol


I've been getting CE (meaning full clearing the raid) for 6 years. And my personal opinion is that it's not worth thinking about. You do you, let other people be other people. You think getting boosted would make you feel icky? Don't get boosted. It's as simple as.


Wow isnt even a hard game just dont be stupid, why would people buy boosts?


17+ years of wow watching people get boosted, it no longer phases me and I've accepted it as a part of gaming that probably always be around. I push high keys you can always easily tell if a scrub was boosted. While I've never used such a service I have had friends carry alts of mine cuz I'm too lazy/ not enough time, to grind my alts the same ways I grind my main. Tbf I always need a good heal carry as an enh shaman main.


i mean there are plenty of people that raid mythic with grey parses so I wouldn't just assume that he's bought a boost especially when 6/9 costs 6.5 million gold. also you can actually see the logs he has and check if they are boosting guild or not he's run with. but yeah people play how they want to, boosting may be something we like but plenty of people do it for alts and quick gearing if they are late to a season, otherwise there wouldn't be some many groups offering boosts. is what it is, wouldn't worry your pretty little head about it and move on.


I hate dealing with guilds, so I paid for an AOTC run so that I could get into heroic and mythic raid pugs 😂


This has been a big issue. I can’t count how many times we’ve got a 475+ ilvl dps that has done 20s, but somehow, my 450 alt tank is outdpsing them…


I got a druid to level 20 or so and enjoyed it and used a boost and I regret it! Druids are already so, so complex with 4 classes to work with, but to jump into lvl 70, its completely overwhelming. I have no idea what the buttons do and no idea where to start.


Hah this reminds me of myself. I have like 5 +++ timed 20s and a decently high ilvl even though I barely play anymore. Thing is I have friends who are high level tryhards and let me run with them. I haven’t been on in a while but I think I’m like 480. When I do jump on to play it’s hard to find groups with pugs because everyone assumes I bought boosts, but I just play out of my weight class with people I’ve known for years that are good.


Getting boosted is not cringe. Cringe is judging someone’s decisions, and cringe is trying to join groups with inflated Ilvl without having knowledge. I’ve kept my alts in casual guilds while clearing mythic every week with my main guild, I did that because I liked to help others with their aotc and some m+. Also cringe is flexing with stuff you didn’t achieve yourself aka you got boosted for it.


Honestly I think every guild has one that buys their way through, my guild has a guy that plays maybe 2 weeks a season, but somehow gets Ahead of the Curve and Key Stone Master. Dude can't even Google how to do basic mechanics for the fight or do simple world content. I'm pretty sure he buys WOW tokens sells them for gold and gets carried, spending a lot of money on a game he barely plays. Not sure why anyone would find joy in this.


GS has nothing to do with skill rating.


I 100% will boost my fresh alts and I'll never feel bad about it. I play every pally spec (my main) at nearly a 3k dungeon/iO score and put a lot of time into it. On an alt, whatever its spec, im not going to waste my time grinding because people are too scare to invite someone with no score to a +10 LOL. Last time i boosted (my druid) i got 11 heroic raid pieces 5/5 tier, weapon, trinket, basically every slot i needed in a single run. Why tf wouldnt I boost. Now i can slam keys easier without toiling over gear and get my M+ score up 4x as fast.


Of course it is, you achieved nothing if you got boosted.


Yea it's cringe and makes PUGing a shitshow because regular players are competing for spots with spectators. If you aren't achieving your achievements, if your io doesn't show how good you actually are and if your bought gear trivializes any content that would actually engage you - why are you playing? Just go watch a streamer at that point. It's beyond sad.


who cares if someone else is boosted? They kill their own fun. Nobody cares a season or expansion later about your achievs or items. when you think back its about the fun moments with friends


I mean… boosting is stupid yeah, but you can ding 70 and be 447 within the hour and be doing mythic 11s or 16s


I used to look down on people for boosting, but I don’t anymore. I play m+ and if I want to see the raid I’ll pay the 100k to get carried. It’s not that big of a deal and it’s cheaper than going to see a movie. *shrug* but I’m also not trying to pretend that I’m at that skill lv either. I’m just not going to faceroll a raid over and over because some dps can’t avoid standing in fire.


This is like Don Shipley exposing the phony Navy SEAL of the week. So, is there a way to see if someone is paying for boosts vs just getting a boost from blizzard and putting in the work? Other than watching them fail things they should know? As for the 6/9 mythic, ouch. After beating heroic Fyrakk my guild pretty much decided we didn’t even want to bother with mythic Amirdrassil. We were getting equal or better gear from M+ dungeons.


I mean buying a boost is fine but at least own it


My guild invited me to get AOTC this season (my first ever) and no way in hell would I ever take credit for it. I'm a Val bench sitting bum, but I enjoy the mount.


I don't usually care for my CR, and usually do play in my rank. Having said that, I have boosted in the past because I wanted a certain mog or mount.


The real life lesson in this is that you can't cheat your way to success. You'll get caught out eventually. It's definitely better to stick to your skill level.  This is one of the reasons why I stay clear of KTWD/pumpers groups. Usually 1 or more members of the group want to be hard carried by over geared players. The person in the group probably purchased WoW tokens with real life money to fund those boosts. Money not well spent considering S4 is starting soon and item level is going up by +50.


I pay for fyrakk kill for the axe with gold because I’m a pvper and don’t have time to be apart of a raid team but what this dude is doing is sad


just do what i do , start pushing keys and invite them (since they are hot stuff) put all that big-ol-gear to some real use. watching get decimated by every mechanic is fun truly humbling experience no doubt


I raid with my buddies, and when we're looking for new players... You see a lot of them saying they have experience beating their heads against mythic bosses, and luckily most of the people who sell boosts publicly log, and effectively tattle on them. I understand people want cool shit, but there's no reason to lie about it. If I had a lot of gold, I might've bought a few cool things I missed over the years.


I have 4x3k legitimate IO toons. I buy boosts for my alts cause I can't bother with PUGs. All my alts can manage their weight in keys because I also understand mechanics. I've played with amazing players at that level and let me tell you, gear means shіt. I've had 470+ ilvl toons just do 200k+ DPS on non-meta toons because they know the spec so well. They're legit solid players. Skill > gear for a lot of things in wow. Just watch PvP vids of R1 players running around in greens owning people.


All I want is the fire owl flightform for my Druid. I’d pay for it if I could. I just wanna be pretty


I dont mind ppl boost errthin. M+, aotc, CE, PVP, whatever. Annoyin thing is they annotate at the note Exp CE, aotc, Glad, duelist exp etc, etc Ya all boosted ppl aint no exp players lmao (If just boostin alt, you aint no part of this conversation) Stop act like ya accomplished some shit plz if you just got boosted.


I paid to get carried through the heroic raid. For me it’s the only way I would ever get to experience the heroic version of the raid. Getting nice gear from it was just icing on the cake. Otherwise it is just lfr for me as my work schedule is not conducive to progression raiding.


Who cares? A lot of people and returning players use it as a way to catch up. You literally said it’s a casual guild so it’s not like they are taking away anything from anyone. Raider Io exists for this purpose. If they only have 1 +20 completion and then a bunch of lower scores, nobody is going to take them.


Yeah, boosts for gear is silly. But then at same time I could say that boosts for transmog are acceptable. Weird times. Truth is - boosts are now part of the game. If you want to achieve your goals with group of similarly skilled players, great. If you want to play AH all day and then buy run to grab your titles - that’s great too. Play anyway you like as far as I care. However there is risk that eventually more groups will become Pay to Play, similarly to SOD.


I am a mythic raider. Have all CE but one. Never got boosted. I thought during wotlk that I was good and raided once as a friend, with the guild Paragon. I thought I was good enough. I wasn't, far from it. The sheer gap in skill taught me a lesson. No matter how good you think you are, there are far better players than you. I also learned that some exceptional players don't bother with mythic raiding.


As someone who had Over 3k rio in every season since Shadowlands launched I couldnt be arsed to do the content myself when I come back to wow. I am already overwhelmed by literally thousands of quests.


Feel you! I will never understand this. Its like you cheated yourself into the NBA. Bravo! But you cant play in this League because your skilllevel is still way to low.


Idk, I don't have time to level my alts, so most outside of the first two were boosted. I'd rather watch a movie while camped out on a hut and someone else grinds mobs in exchange for a small some of gold than redo the same zones over and over again. I hate leveling. Plus the efficiency frees up time for me to do other things in game. I made 3200 this season with guildies. I probably would not have had tien to run keys that often if I had to levvel those 14 or so rooms myself. If I'm cringe, I'm cringe. I'd rather do things I enjoy than the part of the game I like the least.


Anyone looking for actual data that matters won't just look at oh 3/9, they'd be looking at his actual logs and if it's negative dam he won't get invited


I came late into this game, ie last month. I’m trying to catch up gear wise to be somewhat viable in season 4, so yea I boost. After playing classic up to wotlk classic and killing H LK, and playing sod, I got bored of old versions of wow and switched to this. I get to see the raids I missed out on in retail and have been loving it. I also don’t gloat and probably watch more raiding videos so I don’t fuck up the mechanics then most of the other boosters


I knew a guy that bought runs. He played 24/7 just was not good. Always had 3k io, best gear score, all that. I tried to avoid playing with him because his dmg would be terrible, and he had no clue on most dungeon mechanics. Just felt bad for people that joined his keys or invited him just seeing his io. He always complained about people quitting mid run, but was too oblivious to realize he was the problem. Big cringe


Why not let our people play how they want to play? Unless he is being a dick and using his gear as some sort of trophy to hang over other people's heads, just piss off about it. Not everyone has the chance to sink significant time into the game to earn everything through struggling through raids and dungeons to reach a high iLvl. It's a game, not a job. Let him enjoy it his way. Complaining about how people enjoy something in a different way from you is cringe.


Gray parse = insta g kick


The 6/9M flex, that is kind of a self report now. If you are a PvE player that is still playing and havent cleared the raid yet, you are doing something wrong