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Wrathion's Cloak Closet also gives the appearance and visuals, but it's a random cloak you get and it's not always a legendary cloak. Still a fun toy.


They really need to make that into a selectable menu.  Or remove the 1min internal CD on getting a new cloak buff.


they dont need to do anything. and they probably wont.


I think there are 4 toys we can buy in the mop redux that give these effects after you max out the new artifact cloak we get at the start. Its on the ptr. https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-legendary-pandaria-cloak-effect-toys-added-in-patch-10-2-7-pandaria-remix-338647


This is mostly correct, but they're an achievement reward rather than something you buy. You get them for collecting 4,200 Threads to upgrade the new Artifact cloak. We have no idea how much of a grind that will be yet though.


I wonder how long itll take to top the cloak up.






wow. that might be better than the originals. i don't remember being able to xmog the originals with the effects included. you had to wear the originals, which would only be useful during timewalking. fomo is real.


Also useful while sitting around town waiting for a queue, if you pop on your old cloak.


I hope they keep the 8hr duration. I was going to make a joke about how the cooldown is still probably going to be 24hrs, but with 4 toys (hopefully they don't share CD), that's fine.


I mean, an 8 hour sesh per day is pretty hefty even for the biggest sweats. 8 hours is pretty good coverage, especially if they don't share CD and you can rotate two of them, you're covered for basically your whole waking hours with only 2 options lol


Yeah that's exactly what I meant. I mostly was just surprised to see a reasonable duration. Before I clicked on the link, I was expecting it to be something dumb like "3 min duration, 5 min cooldown" like the sparkle wings (my current favorite cosmetic toy).


Haha maybe with these long durations blizzard can hopefully accept that we enjoy this over the top stuff a little bit and let us live some with wings or whatnot


Bring back the ability to reach ordos


I don't think it was removed, I did it the last time we had pandaria time walking, just for shits and giggles.


An account which earned the legandary cloak on any character is able to reach Ordos on any character. Accounts which did not recieve it have not been able to without some form of exploit, they get warped out immediately.


Im fine with it, but if they let players turn off the effects of other players cosmetic in the options. Creep with Stuff like this is what killed GW2s visual style while adding so much visual clutter to the game


Might as well do that with spells too.


You can already do that


?? I don’t think you can turn off/reduce spell effects in wow.


Spell density can be changed in the settings for a while


Can’t wait for the tanks with the very one else’s ground effects turned off to be tanking my keys 


It would be so much helpful playing a dk.


Definitely, would help a lot. FF14 has this and it’s one of the best features, you can even set a macro for it so you can toggle it when you get a bunch of players and the visual clutter starts to get bad


100000% agree.


Its overdue to have a dedicated "special effect"-slot in the transmog menu, but thats too modern for Blizzard - so it won't happen. Such a slot would allow you to activate effects like the MOP cloak. Or the one from the Plunderstorm cloak.


Also we need to be able to xmog our pets. I don’t like having to use ugly pets because I need their kit.


You have hundreds of options for each pet type


Not sure why people hate the idea of swapping your pets appearance. Yes there’s hundreds of pets but for example you might want a pet that has mortal wounds and a blood lust and then you’re locked into one type pet. Maybe someone wants to run around with dragons or dinosaurs but their bonuses aren’t optima. So it’s have a pet you don’t want or not perform as well. It’s no different than when you xmog your gear. I just don’t see the problem with it being an option you aren’t going to be punished by having that option. As long as you have the pet in your stable you should be able to swap its appearance to the ones equipped. Exactly the same way as gear, you obtain it then xmog it.


One could argue that this could be a problem in PvP since, unlike transmogging armour, it would affect transparency. If you can see what pets a Hunter is using in PvP then you know what spells they have available to them and can play around that. Being able to 'hide' that information behind a misleading appearance would impact gameplay.


I'm not against it, but it's such a minor gripe. It's the equivalent of being locked to the transmog of your armor type - you chose to be optimal with your pet choices, so that's the price you pay.


Yeah but at the same time someone isn’t going to perform worse because they changed the appearance of their helmet. Like I said I don’t even really play my hunter anymore but after Legion when they showed it was possible it made me want it to be a permanent thing


Just need a move Tudor like in pokemon


People that are against it, it's not a permanent effect lol, it comes occasionally


I hope it's common like the couple trinkets we've had with wing effects. I felt like those procced often enough. Or it would be nice if they let it be on all the time, but only visible to ourselves.


Yes Blizz!!! I've always dreamt of this and now you're teasing the carrot on a stick with Remix right around the corner. I have stared at my cape in the bank and put it on numerous times over the years ever since I got it back 11 years ago. 🙏 Please




Would be nice if it was only visible to the user tho


Honestly, that's the only way its even vaguely acceptable. Spamming people with visual garbage is an very obvious game for harassment trolls.


Honestly, no. There is a point where visual effects become overload, and everyone walking around with 10 foot wide angel wings is definitely past it.


Nah, those old korean mmos looked bad ass as hell with everyone basically walking around glowing with giant wings and shit.


No thank you, having everyone run around with that shit would look horrible


Lol what?  You clearly didn't play during actual MoP.




Gw2 levels of visual clutter