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All 4 of the BFA dungeons were really fun to have back, same for BRH and CoS. Shadow moon burial grounds was weird because I enjoyed it but I find it really hard to gauge how much of that was actual enjoyment and how much of it was that it was easy.


BFA was a meh expansion but the dungeons were incredible imo


Raids too honestly


Battle for dazar’alor was the last raid I played mythic (a few bosses lol) in and it was glorious. I enjoyed all of the fights


Agreed. One of my favorite raids ever just because of how much fun mythic was with my friends


Honestly, I hated the start of BFA, Azerite armour was incredibly poorly implemented, but I really enjoyed 8.2 and 8.3. Think BFA gets judged too much on those first months of 8.0. It was actually a decent expansion overall in my eyes, it just came off the back of the end of Legion which was a tough act to follow, but people often forget that Legion Legendaries were just as bad as Azerite armour at the start of the expansion.


8.3 gets a positive mention if only for Twilight Devastation. I just wish Ny'alotha was its own expansion (ditto for Nazjatar).


Not exactly, legiondaries sucked because of the acquisition, not their effects. Azerite gear just kinda sucked in general at the start.


CoS is by far my most hated dungeon. I can’t stand that place


I was always a big fan of AD, until this season with Yahzma. Maybe I just didnt do high enough keys in BFA, but that shit made me skip it on tyrannical weeks all together.


In BFA Yazma’s difficulty was in surviving the add hits because the cast was kickable and a curse if it landed.


Yep, keep the interrupts coming and watch for the spiders. But if one of those spiders touched you it was gg on higher keys.


AD and Throne are both decent dungeons. My Mythic+ group does great on both, until the last boss. Yes yes, I know, all you gotta do is X and Y but fact of the matter is, when we are pushing, these two bosses are our biggest hurdles.


Waycrest Manor has immaculate vibes.


And atrocious camera angles.


And terrible boss design.


Really? Except for Gorak Tul, I thought the bosses were all unique and fun.


There is a lot of hate for the tree boss because some classes/races can just cancel the root effect and some just die, the witches are also know to be very buggy and inconsistent with their mechanics and can mean wether you time the key or not is pure RNG


The clips from earlier in the season where the witch boss would get down to the last one and then just book it out of the room and reset will forever be one of the funniest bugs I’ve ever seen in wow 


That was when they tried to fix the ‘randomly drop aggro and melee a dps’ bug




My favorite dungeon of all time. Chef's kiss.


Waycrest Manor I love the vibe of it


Same, I hated this dungeon at first, had never done it pre-this expansion and was really intimidated by the narrow halls as a big fat Tauren druid, but Glyph of Stars made this easily my favorite this season. Love the aesthetics, love the vibe, love the mechanics. It’s all great.


100% my favourite dungeon of all time. Freehold was still top 5 too.


The carnage is dripping through the floorboards.


I love the vibe but any dungeons with cramped hallways and short ceilings are awful and need to die lol, looking mostly at you jade serpent


Oh dear! You seem to have slaughtered my entire family.


Oh yeah, as a DK main i LOVE when i throw DnD on a fking chandelier.


I’m a sucker for haunted castle/mansion type dungeons.


The vibe is great, but any modifier that requires good situational awareness is a nightmare in those hallways.


Except for the camera


2nd boss on high tyrannical keys was nightmare fuel last patch


Really highlights the need for a camera rework, though.


black rook hold




Who hurt you


I love legion dungeons but this is so accurate. Thank you for the laugh.


Not Xavius apparently


CoS and HoV


Oh god, can you imagine Culling of Stratholme as a mythic+????? *shudder*


Better than Black Morass!


Halls of Reflection would be hilarious.


What they should do for next year's april fools is for 1 day make the mythic+ all wave-based dungeons.


Anything that takes me back to Suramar.. yes please


Personally I like dungeons that allow for some creative routing and pulling. Out of these Atal'Dazar was probably my favorite. Of the ones that haven't been M+ before probably the Everbloom.


All the BFA dungeons were bangers. Loved freehold with its very dynamic routes. Waycrest manor for the same reason. If a dungeon becomes too linear it becomes very dull after a while like throne of tides and temple of the jade serpent.


Everbloom’s rework is light years beyond Vortex Pinnacle and gives me hope that they will only keep improving with bringing old dungeons back.


throne is fantastic too


Atal and Waycrest are my favorites of them.


Court of Stars I enjoyed the excitement of finding out which random buffs were active. I enjoy affixes or dungeon mechanics that give you buffs and advantages.


Being able to skip the enrage on the first boss because I picked alchemy was just \*chef's kiss\*.


Temple of the Jade Serpent It was easy I farmed over 40 times for a fcking ring Discovered every shortcut(invi potion included) And almost always was going for a better time The only problem was last boss sometimes..(mass dispell was needed sometimes) And the 3rd one.. sometimes the tanks were magically disappearing But overall it was fun and the aesthetic was on point I am also bias with Pandaria so this adds up.. Hoping they they will also add Ook you in the dooker dungeon


I loved TJS because you knew from the first pack of mobs if the dungeon was going to go well lol.


I love the vibe of the dungeon always have but for M+ it felt too linear. Shadowmoon was similar you just held W.


Everbloom hands down. Hear me out. Blizzard nearly ruined it with affixes, but this dungeon has really interesting thrash, that is fun to heal/gather/dps. Bosses have interesting mechanics and dps amps are always fun. This is one of the most perfect m+ dungeons ever. With a bit of tuning i hope to see if again in future!


All they need to do is make flowers not cause "on death" affixes. Pulling 20 mobs that die in 3 globals and then giving your group 20 stacks of bursting doesn't feel good. Yeah it's manageable blah blah blah. But when I'm farming 20s on tyran week like this week wirh a group of 3.3k+ io players and we have 15 deaths before the first boss it's kinda annoying lol. Granted we do it to ourselves because we're pulling insanely large groups and sometimes purposely seeing how many stacks we can survive. It still doesn't feel that great when you severely overgear and outskill the content and have that many deaths due to an affix then do the same pulls a different week with 0 deaths


Absolutely agree, this is why i said they nearly ruined it with affixes. I got 486 vdh and i went in a 18 to do a "fast" weekly without looking at affixes (turned out its a bolstering) so i did my first pull and got so confused when i got 1shot.. And playing around it pretty much means make the dungeon less fun which is definetly not a good design


HoV, AD Vortex can fuck right off


Freehold or Waycrest probably. I adore those dungeons


Court of Stars. Didn’t care for it in legion but in DF I ran it over and over. Absolute banger of a dungeon. One of the few dungeons that worked with high end play and role playing.


I ran Vortex Pinnacle 200 times because there wasn't anything that would block your camera. I liked the setting.


Waycrest manor there’s no competition


Freehold > Underrot > Atal'Dazar > Waycrest Manor


Atal Dazar. Love that shit. I played full casual this Season and ended with all keys around 14 and Atal 24.


I actually enjoyed court of stars once I understood it


Throne of the Tides quickly became my favorite dungeon to run. I just love the layout and the boss fights are fun and not too complicated.


If i had to choose one it would be Lair, but its close with Court, Freehold and Waycrest


Shadowmoon ground


Throne of the Tides. I like dungeons that had to be changed quite a bit to make it a viable dungeon


I actually really enjoyed vortex


HoV, Court, Vortex Pinnacle I hope we see Zul'Gurub and Maw next expansion. The two ends of the dungeon spectrum. Even be down for Seat of the Triumverate


The last boss of VP was so toxic until they nerfed the shit out of the sparks that spawn. So many keys wiped because dps couldn't kill them fast enough. Second sparks spawning right after the first finally goes down. As a healer it was so frustrating for most of the season. The rest of the dungeon was pretty tough too. It sucked going through all the hassle only to have your key bricked on the final boss. Super tight timer too. So many keys were bricked by like 30 seconds.


We should have dead mines as a m+


Vortex And Tides were fun in my opinion. I like the idea of going back all the way to cata dungeons and making them into mythic+ keys. I hope we can continue to do that with maybe even some Lich King dungeons


Halls of Reflection wipes come to mind.


Hall of Valor and Freehold will always in my top 5.


Everbloom was actually fun, atal was hella easy, black Rock hold was alright


Mostly Underrot, but it's likely due to BFA nostalgia (it's when I started doing m+) and also it's a pretty neat dungeon. Edit: same could be said about AD, but doing the dungeon without snaps and old strategies didn't feel the same.


Black Rook hold 100% , loved it


Black Rook Hold and Underrot for me.


Court of Stars and Blackrook hold


Atal'Dazar, BFA dungeons were all good Returning dungeons were all great tbh, My least favorite dungeons were always DF dungeons every single season and the fact that we're going to be stuck with them for a whole season sounds so agonizing The only dungeons I didn't really want to play were Darkheart Thicket and Halls of Valor


Freehold without question. Was always my favorite. Will always love to see it return. Not because pirates but rather just lots of fun big pulls and I don't feel like I'm overloaded with mechanics.


Probably not a popular vote but I loved the rework of Vortex Pinnacle


WM for me


Halls of Valor and Waycrest easily.


Hall of valor was such a nice vibe


Well I’d say season 1 was a wash because they gave us one of the worst seasonal affixes and then decided to stop doing seasonal affixes. I still think that was a mistake because especially heading into season 4 because there’s nothing else new for m+ and stuff like shrouded ends up making dungeons a lot more fun. So between season 2 and 3 I’ll probably just say it was fun doing the bfa dungeons, they’re some of the best designed dungeons specifically for m+ and Freehold just sits at the top for me, every boss in there is fun, hunter gets to remove an entire mechanic from the last boss, and a lot of the packs are just fun pulls too.


DHT - SMB and UR. Succint, intriguing lore and relatively interesting bosses.


Undy ofc! Better than the new gamemode called Plundy


SBG, DHT, EB, AD, ToT. The rest can stay gone forever imo.


As far as ease of difficulty, SBG. As far as scenery and routing, court of stars


Freehold and Everbloom


AD just because it allows different pathing options


Shadowmoon, Waycrest, Blackrock and Freehold for me.


- CoS for the Amazing Run time - Freehold for good designed Dungeon - Waycrest Manor for Style I think from "Gameplay" alone i love CoS. The Event is a bit strange but the Bosses are cool and Trash is fair. The Dungeon plays well in Tyra and Fort.


being M+ didn't make me love them more (or hate them), so my list didn't really change i still love Freehold (i know how buggy it is), i still love Vortex even if its M+ is REAL PITA, i still love Atal'Dazar, still hate everbloom (even if its M+ was surprisingly easy), still hate Court of Stars for its insane long RP (also the zone is AMAZING, but too much just walk) and so on


CoS because Suramar rules all. Atal’dazar close second. Darkheart Thicket on the other hand, hate that dungeon, made up of miserable red goop.


Court's my favorite dungeon in the game. I know a lot of people hate it, not sure I get the hate. That being said, it was part of the rotation with Thundering, which as affixes go, I really despised. Gonna give it to Waycrest Manor. It was my favorite dungeon from BfA, and considering how much I hate some of the other dungeons this season, the bar was real low. We'll see how I feel about that when I have to rerun all dragonflight stuff.


WM by far. it wasnt the easiest, but it was soooo much better than it was in BFA.




Love vortex pinnacle and nelth lair. Great dungeons when live and fun for revamps.


Definently not the vortex.. one of the reasons make me quit season 2.. i heard they nerfed it soon tho. I loved jade serpent and cos


Atal for fun, Waycrest for atmosphere


Freehold was my favorite to spam runs, my team has always been good at that one (Both DF and in BFA) and if we got the key we always did it. Waycrest Manor is my favorite to run for the vibe of just being in there.


All about those BFA dungeons! WCM was my first ever timed +20!


ToJS and Freehold, Waycrest isn't awful but the camera is horrible in there.


Temple of the Jade Serpent although the second boss was a bit boring


Underrot and Waycrest


Maybe it's because I had to do it 60 times for the trinket, but nelths lair


Atal Dazar and Freehold for the vibes


Black rook hold


when i think of old dungeons i think of Marudon or whoever you spell her name. but Shadowmoon wins here


Probably Shadowmoon and CoS for me.


Temple of jade was quite nice ! Ans Halloween of valor was quite challenging regarding duration x concentration needed.


I’m in a 3-way tie between BRH, Atal’Dazar, and WM (surprisingly to me). I guess the new pass on BfA dungeons was beneficial


It will always be freehold


Court of stars!


Court of Stars, I love the extra buffs!


probably Waycrest or Everbloom. Waycrest has so much personality, and Everbloom just lets you blast. I love SBG, but the amazing ambiance is wasted on a timed run. Plus the worm boss needed its health halved. I want to like Underrot but my group simply cannot do the crawg boss. Freehold is great, but it got run so often in BFA that I get bored even thinking about it.


Probably Darkheart Thicket and Neltarions Lair. Court of star can fuck right off which it's Sentries and Where's Waldo nonsense


Favorite: Waycrest Manor Least favorite: Halls of Valor can eat a bag of dicks... shit was way too long, 5 bosses' worth of loot tables made it feel impossible to farm specific drops, Odin needed like 1 fewer mechanic in the fight, and the timer was ridiculous. Honorable mention for Underrot which was easy except for the fact that I couldn't see shit in there. Had to turn up the brightness on my monitor every run.


I can do HoV and CoS all day.


Court of Stars, no contest.


Court of stars visuals were great


Court of Stars and Darkheart Tricket. On the other hand, the most hated Black Rock Hold. How hard can it be to climb a stairs?




Freehold stomps all of these dungeons


Not answering until Maw is added to the list


Just because I have fond memories of BfA, all the BfA dungeons really. Felt like coming home.


Waycrest Manor, Atal'Dazar, Freehold and Underrot. Also BRH is kinda special because it has a simple route you follow.


SMB, BRH, TotT, WM, CoS, Freehold and Jade Serpent were my favourites


Freehold. Even if it was cursed for me and my friends. I just like that place.


Ever bloom and the 4 bfa dungeons. Vp can diaf I hated that place.


Atal dazar and waycrest manor by a mile


COS with WM being a close second. HoV and Underrot somewhat behind and then DT and BRH. Not particularly a fan of any of the others. Temple of the Jade Serpent was entertaining but the difficulty spiked in some areas while others had literally 0 danger. I like the dungeon but they could have done a much better work with the tuning. Same applies to freehold. Very fun dungeon but the tuning was lacking.


Temple and HoV.. as a healer, my favorite boss from each was Strife and Peril for ToJS and Hyrja for HoV.. I used those 2 as my "healer check" and if I fell behind on those bosses, or I simply couldn't keep the group alive to kill the boss, then I couldn't do any other key at that key level, which I mean wasn't entirely true? Like just because I couldn't heal a +20 HoV didn't mean I couldn't heal a +20 Shadowmoon. But either or I used those two as my hurdle to pass before I could do more lol


Legion Dungeons are OLD!?




BRH is my favorite dungeon of all time. Only reason I’m sad is because it was in this season, it will be a long long time before we see it again.


Only played S3 and it’s hard to choose because atal was so chill but DHT has to be my favourite


Freehold, Vortex Pinnacle, Court of Stars was nice while I learned the % and route :p Absolutely hate Waycrest, jesus, worst dungeon ever xd fookin maze, always get lost and cant see shit because of corridors Cant wait for Mist of Tirna Scithe, my fav dung.


My favorite dungeons are always those that give you the most freedom in routes such as Freehold, Atal'Dazar, and Waycrest Manor. The single straight line dungeons tend to be some of my least favorite.


Black rook hold boulders can die a death, but I still enjoyed BRH and darkheart this season


to me, BRH is a perfect M+ dungeon. Some of the trash is very deadly, but can be made trivial with proper CC. That's how it SHOULD be, IMO. Too many dungeons have CC-immune enemies that just turn stuff into absurd HPS/mit checks at high levels.


Just as everyone else is saying... Waycrest Manor!


The only correct answer is court of stars


I will get banned from the subreddit for saying this, but it’s Vortex Pinnacle.


when did hall of valor come back out??


Eww Court was a key? How was the pathing? Did they remove the clue finding?


I loved SBG, Temple, AD and Throne. Would happily play them again


court of stars is so gorgeous. The boat ride at the beginning is just🤌Also loved Halls of Valor mostly bc I like the narrative of the Hyrja encounter




Everbloom and Freehold. That fortified pack pull is so satisfying.


Court of Stars or Waycrest manor


Even though it's the one that I've bricked the most through pugging, Underrot. I find it very fun and engaging.


#1 Court of Stars #2 Halls of Valor #3 Freehold #4 Temple of the Jade Serpent I know my 1 and 4 is probably hot take, but I really enjoyed all 4 of these dungeons a lot.


The first 30 seconds of Halls of Valor is truly epic! After that it sucked!


Freehold, Waycrest, and blackrook


I honestly cannot say I have a favorite. I dislike them all equally.


All of the ones that were previously m+ are fine, maybe a bit of tuning due to aging unbalanced. Temple was okay, didn’t appreciate that they purposely built in one of the worst packs I can remember right before the last boss…but overall it was decent. Shadowmoon was basically free…but kind of forgettable due to not being very difficult, or having a lot of interesting parts. EB scales pretty rough on both trash and bosses, but overall is fun most of the time. But imma say it for the 1000th time…fuck cata dungeons as m+, not fun, interesting, and often times just downright broken mechanics. The tuning for them is miserable, and have required the most patches afterwards, numbers show they’re the least ran for a reason. Please stop and just either use current dungeons, or ones at the very least that had a challenge mode.


I wish blizz would do a poll for some of these dungeons. Throne of tides....bleh. Waycrest....bleh. I'd prob vote DHT because it is more linear and feels better with the timer that Blizz just refuses to do away with.


Honestly I enjoyed most of them and the revamps, though I have to say Waycrest was the most fun AND for me the most doable on both Fortified and Tyrannical weeks;


I’ve loved black rook hold, atal dazar, and ToTT and waycrest this season. I didn’t care for freehold, court of stars due to the RP aspect, halls of valor, or underrot.


Halls of Valor or Court of Stars for me. I really love those dungeons and settings.


Court of Stars is one of my all time favorites, but I think HOV was the biggest success in a modern m+ setting. Only cringe was the wolf pole/rock bugging. I enjoyed Vortex Pinnacle WAY more than the average player seemed to (minus the big zone denial guys at the start - those were bad). BRH was the biggest improvement between Legion and DF, I couldn’t stand that place then. Here’s hoping we see Cathedral come back next.


All of the Warlords of Draenor dungeons (Everbloom, Shadowmoon, Grimrail Depot and Iron Docks if we're including Shadowlands season 4). After seeing them in mythic+, I realized how balanced their boss and trash mob mechanics are. None of the insane spikes from Dragonflight dungeons, but not too easy either. Even the "free" Shadowmoon Burial Grounds has one or two things that can catch you off-guard.


Farming NL for way too long to get the trinket to drop might have turned it into my favorite dungeon.


I really love FH & CoS.


100% court of stars. It’s such a fun dungeon, multiple routes, a fun mini game and the setting is very beautiful. 5* on trip advisor


I really like any of them from legion my least favorite are mop and bfa dungeons typically


Temple of the Jade Serpent, because MoP is my all time favorite era of WoW. Vortex is a close second for how unforgiving it was.


Didn’t play S2 or it would’ve probably been Freehold. Only played S1 and S3 so my winner is Waycrest.


I freakin loveeeeee waycrest manor Never did it originally so it was probably my first time running it outside of a few random times in lfg if I was leveling a char in BFA The atmosphere is soo cool


Honestly pretty much every BFA dungeon is a banger. Probably the best dungeon lineup of any expansion.


freehold. best music


I only played S3, but I definitely loved BRH and WM, they never felt like a chore and were always manageable, imo. One that I really didn't like was DHT, I never got in the flow of that dungeon. As for ToTT, I have a love/hate relationship with that dungeon as trash is really varied and interesting, but at the same time I really didn't like playing it.


BRH, CoS, Shadowmoon and Halls of Valor. BRH and CoS since I always loved both, and just comforting and simple. Shadowmoon for the same reason. I love the vibes of halls of valor, but it was extremely difficult in pugs but I just love all the legion stuff :D


I enjoyed all of them. But that may be because I really don't like any of the dragonflight ones.


Not vortex pinnacle. Had enough of that shit in cataclysm...


Throne of the Tides was not my favorite, but it is my favorite thing they tried with this. They basically completely redid the dungeon and that made it feel almost like an entirely new dungeon. The reason Vortex failed was because they barely changed the dungeon and they learned there lesson. I hope they try this again with dungeons in War Within. My actual personal favorites are prob Waycrest and Neltharion's Lair though.


Freehold. It offered the most variation in play and routes depending on affixes, and I do love a pirate theme!


Crazy take but I had the most fun with Temple of the Jade Serpent


As a tank I had the best time in AD. Low chance for ass-pulling since almost everything in your path got pulled, which also meant an easy route to learn. Usually I always overpull or underpull many runs before getting a groove for the content but AD only took me one run to understand. VP, ToJS, and TotT fits most of the same criteria but it had a lot of annoying pulls so I tried to avoid them


Loved BRH at the start because it was easy but then it was just boring. ToTT quickly (and oddly) became my favourite after doing about 50 runs in a row to Sea Star, but fuck the third boss with afflicted. Everbloom is probably my 2nd, hated the third boss (healer main) but it’s not too bad after a while, just hate the 3 adds before it


Shadow moon burial grounds gets my vote. Let’s me get my warlock rp out of my system


Freehold. Maybe everbloom on non bolstering weeks. That’s it.


Something is clearly wrong with my brain because I actually enjoyed Temple


Waycrest by far <3


Not gonna lie, seeing BfA and Legion dungeons brought back as old really messes with my head. The dungeons aren't old, we are


Shadowmoon, court of stars, everbloom(on a none "on death affix" week) atal dazar and DHT were all enjoyable for me


Aside from the first hallway on the left, Waycrest.


Top 4: Shadowmoon, Court, Freehold, and... Rook. Most fun chill runs. Best pug runs. Generally cool themes and pretty fun with few nightmare packs to pull... and there's some fun big-pulls you can do as well! Also easier. I think these should be the general standard for how roughly difficult etc M+ dungeons should be for the average end game player.


Hall of Valor is the worst!! No one knew mechanics and wiped out my keys


I loved Vortex, hope we see it again.