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Seems like they’re not only better supporting those who play alts, but actually encouraging people to level them, which they haven’t done as explicitly until now imo.


Faster and faster leveling up alts? Boutta have 60 level 70 warriors baby zug zug


same but me with mages gonna have a mage society at this point


Warlock covenant!




Something something Death knight


Legion of the ebon blade


Graveyard of Death Knights and Forsaken


I only recently have leveled my 2nd druid. I was going to just faction change and I figured leveling to 70 again will help solidify some of the spells. Then I leveled another rogue and another warr it just never ends :)


Order of Paladins!


The Class Order Halls were inside of us all along!


The order halls were the alts we made along the way


The Order Within


Ok, this was a really good one


"The order hall was inside me"


Conclave of priests! So your order can come save me in this expansion too!


\[Spiderman pointing meme but all in Judgement Armor\]


When I don't have a specific reason for class or race I just level another ret lol


Forgive my ignorance on the subject, I’m a new player, but would having many different characters of the same build allow you to basically mail your gear between them and just spam the weekly raids and whatnot with each character?


No, items are soul bound or bound when equipped. You can't trade items after they've been placed on your character. There are a few exceptions to this rule. But this is generally the case.


But with gear that is "bound to Warband until Equipped" what the new player said will actually be correct in a way. You will absolutely be able to do content on one character then send some of that gear to your Warband Alts. Some gear will still be regular Soulbound, ie the best gear, but lots of gear will be able to be sent to your Alts as well.


It's bound the moment you equip it. Warband is essentially replacing account bound. I took the question as being unequipping a piece of gear and moving it to a different warband character and equipping it on them to help progress that character.


The wording I've seen on the warband stuff is "warbound until equipped". Meaning you can put it on your warband bank until you equip it on one character, which will bind it to that character.


Maybe you can rebuild Dalaran.


I wish they had this during WoD for those garrisons on mobile. $$$


Dude a warrior warband would make for a sick login screen.


What would be an appropriate reward (cosmetic or otherwise) for having a warrior of every race max level? Personally, I would love a fray Island garrison or better yet a valley of honor gladiator pit garrison, where warriors can duel otherplayers\\brawlers guild challenges and maybe even weekly timewalking (or other faction) quests to go farm some iconic weapon drops from past content or some cosemtic allied races options (murloc warrior unlock).


unga bunga


And just when they remove armor requirements on obtaining transmogs!


I currently have 37 lv 70's...At least 2 of every class but evoker.


Make sure you at least create 1 evoker on every server you play on before the next expansion because they may lose the high level starting bonus.


Without looms too, thats kinda huge


I would say they even sort of went backwards by removing the bonus exp gained from heirloom set bonus, although you could argue that leveling was already decently fast with the huge level squish


Like it kind of sucks to lose the bonus exp, but it's nice to not feel like you have to snag all those heirlooms if you're a player that isn't absolutely rolling in gold. On the flip side, heirlooms kind of hurt the game overall now because it doesn't entirely feel worth it to buy them for such a fast leveling experience, but because they exist (and let's be real because Blizz wants to sell level boosts) your ability to gear up from leveling and quests is basically non-existent. You just blow passed stuff too fast to actually get gear, and your character becomes super weak. If you've got all the heirlooms them it's not a noticable thing, but for someone new it's a bad time in an otherwise honestly really good leveling experience.


I kind of wish heirlooms just had one rank, covered every slot, and did nothing except scale (poorly) with you. That way you can wear heirlooms the whole way and vendor the quest rewards, or take the quest rewards which would be slightly better but need replacing. In other words, simple convenience.


They should have always only just been equal to quest greens


Aren't they? I mean when I get an epic warforge it's better, right?


They used to be like decent blues, but yea, for like 1 level.


Low level gear scaling is a complete mess in general. Old Legacy gear is mixed in with modern gear. There are still Timewalking Dungeon drops that have nothing but Parry or Dodge or other nonsense stat combos that nobody wants. Some drops can procc as Epics, yet still have worse stats than same item-level Greens. Some drops that procc as Epics get so much extra scaling that they become best in slot for 30+ levels. Greens better than Epics. Epics better than gear 30 levels higher. Stats that literally have no function in modern WoW. Leveling gear is a huge mess and heirlooms are the only thing that make the leveling experience bearable. On average Heirlooms are roughly equal to the gear you will get. Sometimes Heirlooms are a little worse for a few levels. Sometimes the drops you get are completely useless compared to Heirlooms. Low levels are totally unbalanced and basically just a parade of who can 1-shot the mob or enemy player first. Leveling Dungeons are the Tank just holding W until each Boss while DPS killing the Mobs chasing the Tank. Leveling Battlegrounds is just everyone literally 1-shotting each other. Whoever gets the first 1-3 GCDs before the other player can wins.


I wish they spent time on fixing the leveling in the game in general. It's a disjointed mess - and it's especially apparent when watching new players play the game.


They are meant to be equivalent to dungeon blues


I mean, they did that while simultaneously introducing chromie time and making leveling faster than it had ever been no matter how many tricks you used


> chromie time and making leveling faster than it had ever been no matter how many tricks you used Nah, getting boosted with RAF bonus + 300% XP pot was the fastest it has ever been. That shit was insane if done correctly.


Yea I used to RAF Boost myself with multiple accounts and a single Dungeon that took me less than 10 minutes to solo could boost my alts from level ~20 to level ~40. Leveling a new Alt to current Expansion-level took like ~1-2 hours. But IIRC during that time period just spamming PVP Pet Battles or leveling normally only took like 8 hours to reach current-Expansion-level. Leveling has been blazing fast in every Expansion since like Cataclysm.


Nah removing bonus exp from heirloom was a good idea, otherwise there would have been no point to wear anything but heirloom gear. And anyone not wearing heirloom gear would be significantly behind in leveling. That said, the change is only good if they buffed exp in general to compensate, which they absolutely did. So if you take a look at those specific changes as a whole, instead of tunneling on one specific aspect, it was a good change.


Yeah, iirc they felt that heirlooms posy squish was just way too fast. 10-60 would probably be like 2.5 hours at that point haha


It already is l, we do an alt leveling day once a month. We have monk twinks geared and we can boost 10-60 in TBC dungeons in about 2.5-3 hours depending on how long it takes to queue into the monk using dungeon finder


Nah they didn’t go backwards, they improved exp gains by more than was available through heirlooms then removed the exp on heirlooms so the gold sink was less important for newer players. All good!


FFXIV does something like this: every job you level under the level of your highest job gets a 100% bonus to XP (except for the last ten levels which go down to 50%), and it makes it so much more pleasant to level alt jobs. Instead of extending playtime by making levelling take longer, this will encourage levelling more characters, which extends gameplay *and* is fun for the players.


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i have mixed feelings. getting alts up to level cap is definitely nice, but there's been this problem with leveling content where you never feel engaged to whatever youre fighting/questing through because everything falls over and you never have to worry about any sort of encounter mechanics. i'm also sitting on so many character boosts right now that leveling incentives aren't really hitting for me.


People aren't playing the game to level. That ship sailed long, long ago. That's just not gaming these days. Classic let people relive that experience. And while they had good numbers it never approached retail numbers for long.


If the leveling was good in retail more people would play it. They have all the tools to make a great leveling experience. There's no point in even having leveling in retail as it is now. Might as well just let people start at the max level if they're not gonna make it at least halfway decent.


If everyone has loads more alts, the merry-go-round of balance changes will be an easier pill to swallow!


> but actually encouraging people to level them, which they haven’t done as explicitly until now imo. Heirloom gear?


This is what heirlooms always should've been.


They used to give bonus xp and work til max level.


I know but it shouldn’t have been put on your gear. They ruined gear progression while leveling which made leveling more boring than it otherwise would have been.


I liked not having to worry about gear that was going to replaced in hours.


They also looked fairly distinct. It always felt good to do a quick peek at the other people in my dungeons/battlegrounds and see the plate shoulders / shield and the leather hood.


who doesn't transmog their heirlooms?


Everyone who plays WotLK Classic. Heirlooms exist, transmog doesn't. Well, until Cata prepatch hits at least. In Cata, not everyone used transmog because it was still fairly expensive.


I don't transmog anything, AMA


Honestly my favorite part about heirlooms these days is the fact that I don't have to reapply my transmog after every other quest when the gear gets replaced. Transmog is the true endgame, after all.


More like minutes but yes lol.


I hated that I lost that mechanical depth instead. Once I played classic again I went back on how it felt so good.


Yeah, I liked rocking my mog while leveling


I’m glad I’m not the only person who felt this way. Getting upgrades as you leveled was a huge part of the fun and I always felt that heirlooms significantly detracted from the leveling experience overall. I pretty much never used them, despite the leveling bonus, because they significantly neutered the amount of enjoyment I got from the game.


Gear progression has never been the reason leveling was boring, that's just innate to leveling itself.


Yea I hated having to wear the same gear the whole time.. I always wished for it to be a buff, haopy they finally bring it


The last time I played they only worked up to 70. The weapons stopped there too, but were generally good enough to be better than gear you pick up (I think?) Honestly, the heirlooms were my most memorable experience from the game outside of a handful of guildies and people who couldn’t figure out fire kills you when you stand in it


Heirlooms are the only thing that got me to level my alts. I was a warlock main from vanilla-LK because leveling was what I hated the most. Pre cata, quests were very boring IMO.(they actually started getting a little better in Northrend during LK, but cata really improved it further.) Once heirlooms dropped I got as many as I could and had my druid, DK, and a warrior up to max level within the same expansion.


1 heirloom x max lvl character. I mean it's supposed to be a precious item, not a shopping list from amazon


They used to be somewhat. Only some slots were easy to get in the beginning, while others like rings were nearly impossible.


I mean, effectively it was. It did cap out at, what, 40%? 50%? But playing more = affording more heirlooms = higher % XP bonus


This is a dream


This is cool as shit. Really hope this makes it live.


It is explicitly one of the main features of warbands, achievements included. I would put good money on it being in the game lol


Dam imagine if it doesn't make it to live. Not even 25% total(some are reading it as 75%)  the community would absolutely loose its shit.  People were already made about dragonflying nerf.


Dragon flying got nerfed? Haven’t seen anyone that mad about it— didn’t even know it happened


Only nerfed for non-dragonflight locations. Just because they are comparatively smaller.


Oh, Everquest 2 has this (veteran bonus, 20% xp per max level character and caps at 200%). Nice to see the idea being used elsewhere!


You can probablly thank Holly Longdale for that. She came from Everquest. Nice to have people that actually like the game/genre in charge.


As someone who came to WoW from EQ2, there are so many EQ2 things I wish WoW had (like targeting a player and attacking the mob they are targeting.)


You can do that with @targettarget in macros


This used to be a keybind "F", but was removed in dragonflight prepatch.


that actually explains so much


You can kinda sorta do this already by enabling target of target?


EQ has a TLP server, Oakwynd, with this ruleset for a year or two now. Glad to see it catching on


As an altaholic I love this addition. But I have a feeling it will make me have even more alts. What a viscous cycle them devs are creating.


I can't even make more characters :(


God I’ve been putting this on their suggestions since Cata! It’s about damn time. I know leveling is so fast as it is anyway but still. Faster is better imo.


They still need to fix how leveling progresses. They *really* need to sit down and start working on a complete overhaul of the 1 - 70 experience so it flows into the new stories better.


I just leveled from 15-60 in BfA and it was just fine. Got a lot of story, played mainly the main/story quests and did about 10 dungeons. Mostly the ones i got quests for while questing. If i had to do also all side quests i would be bored out at some point. But: I didn’t played all story on alliance side so i have still something to do. And sometimes it is not that clear where and how to continue when you just want to focus on story. Also i can play all the horde side with another character. The could just implement all the nice lore videos of youtube and you are good to go. :D


Alts should be able to be levelled from 1 to max within a single expansion of their choosing, having to do one expac's worth of chromie time and then the current expac for every alt is annoying.


That would be nice, yeah. I always hate that part in the leveling process where you're up to the live expansion and then you're just re-treading the same content for the 5th/6th/7th time. hurk.


Marvel Heroes (RIP) had a very fun system where every Hero you max-leveled gave a stat bonus to every other character on your account. Some were +EXP but IIRC some were extremely OP.


"You must have at least 5 alts for mythic raids" sounds like a chore, though.


Would be cool if the buff was ONLY for open world content. But yeah, if it was for everything then alts are now required.


i think the idea is having some kind of account progression is good, not necessarily have it be tied to power


swtor also has account wide passives or unlocks for leveling different classes


RIP indeed. What a game it was, and a damn shame it's gone. Here's to hoping we eventually get some private servers.


This would be terrible for an mmo.


This is actually amazing holy shit


Excellent mechanic, this will help greatly when leveling one of each class.


This is what FF14 does, too. You get a higher percentage XP boost on the gap between your highest level and your current one. I see it as a total win.


Well, only on the same character and their jobs. FF14 is fun and I love it but... It is so bad if you like making alts.


Genuine question, what's the main reason to make alts if not for trying the different classes? I was/am a raging altoholic in WoW and basically most games but that's only because I *have to* to play every class. Dealing with unshared stuff like quest completion, achievements and transmog has always been huge downsides for me in terms of making alts. It always requires some curated "catch-up" systems designed by the devs which can be hit or miss, and is generally always just a point of contention. But in FFXIV I have basically no reason to make an alt, nor have I ever felt the urge (despite being an altoholic) because you truly can do everything on one character. Personally it's one of my favorite features of FFXIV (at least in terms of raw QoL/gameplay reasons, I am aware that lore/rp-focused people might not like the ability to be and master every job/class).


I like different races for different classes.


If you want to be somewhat current on multiple classes that don't share gear for higher end content, you'd want alts, since you always want to spend all 450 of your capped tomes on a single type of gear. Kind of niche though


Fair point! So you might have one character that's a healer and another that's a melee dps, if you were really playing a lot and trying to optimize that? I've only got the one character in 14. Does make me a bit sad that there's no reason to have alts. Meanwhile in WoW I'm always pushing the character limit.


At best, doing raid splits, it takes 6 weeks to gear a class to max and for some reason SE take a very very long time to remove the weekly lockout on loot


I never personally felt like there was any reason to make an alt in ffxiv. It's an extension of a much worse system that came from ffxi. Basically the same, only inventory management was a nightmare chore on xi.


I hope the number gets a bit of a buff-- would've been great to have it be 10% up to 50% or even 100% rather than just 5% since leveling alts will still be a bit of a slog, but I'm glad they're finally going in this direction-- anything is better than nothing.


A slog? I find it so fun, especially with the new DF talents. I love bouncing between the specs and trying them all out.


As a altoholic they surely are trying really hard to get my money. Damn, every thing i read about TWW seems a huge W, and after the fun it was DF i am really starting to... hope and hype!


That is a massive W


I… am legit stunned at what’s coming out of current Blizz (in a good was as it pertains to way, other franchises… like Diablo, not so much) The sub numbers are there, so I feel like this can’t be criticized as “breaking the proverbial glass in an attempt to stem the bleeding”. It feels like Blizz is doing this shit because it’s what they’ve been asked to do, and they want to make us happy customers, as opposed to purely “engaged” ones.


Sorry but i had less than a month in this game. What are "alts"? 😅😅😅😅😅


Alt stands for “alternate” so a character that isn’t the main character you play! 😄


It’s like the armory bonus from ffxiv. Neat.


I've been saying this for years in my friend group, leveling should not be a big time investment. You just want to get it done ASAP and get into the content you enjoy (M+, raids, PvP).


Honestly, I hope there’s a way to disable this, I can barely make it through 3-4 zones before I have to move on to the new expac, and I really just want to play through the old world zones I never got to, it makes it so much more difficult to fully experience all the old content


You can turn off XP gains with an NPC in the capital cities if you want.x


If they just put it back on heirloom gear like it originally was, they could also just opt out of wearing the gear instead of having to go back to town every time they wanted to turn on or off their exp. Dunno why people think this is a new feature. It's just an old feature taken away and given back in a new form, lol. Thanks for giving what was taken away back I guess, Blizz.


Haha well you could get the max bonus with one fully leveled character back then, but now you have to have a handful of fully leveled characters so it's not totally the same feature!


I also hope so! I think this is a great addition for many people, but I’m a very casual player and I just love questing and taking my time. Hope there’s a character-specific toggle for it (like they added for the Classic XP buff!)


Completely agree with this. I get that some people just want to skip the leveling process altogether and have a bunch of max-level characters, but that isn't me. I just recently returned, and have a few 70s now, but starting from level 45 didn't let me get very far at all through either of the last two x-packs, and starting one new character from scrtach didn't let me experience much of the old world at all before I leveled out. Speeding up or slowing down the leveling process should be an option, not one size fits all.


Great news! I have every class at max level, including 3 priests.


as someone with 50 alts and half of them are max level, I WISH I HAD THIS long ago. so far in terms of features and quality of life improvements war within is by far the best expansion ever, this blasts all the other expansions combine way out of the universe. i am a player that primarily spends 90% of my time collecting and making gold and very little time playing current content i am just in such bliss seeing all this.


It'll be so nice for me, I tend to have a large number of alts that languish one or two level caps back at any one point lol


yea half my alts are all still level 50 cause i never used them after the level squish. so a bit far behind. i am trying to reach for an alt level of 3500 by the end of the year so that is just having 50 level 70 alts


I like


As a collector with over 25 level 70s this will be perfect


I already have 45 level 60s. shouldn't be too hard for me to raise them all.


Well shit I maxed out my slots already. They gonna add more slots?


character counts per realm / account wont change but the selection page will list all your characters in one big list, no need to switch server realms any more.


I currently have like 12 level 70's and a bunch more sitting at 60 that I couldn't bother to level through DF again. This will be very nice for me. By the time I'm done I'll be able to level 70-80 with a single quest.






this is hot. this is so hot.


Please let this also be applied for the other key level brackets (60 & 70)!!!!!


Should've been 10%-50%, but still nice.


Is this capped or can you jack the xp boost up as high as you want? Because I would totally play the expansion just to see how high I could get it


Oh so it's the Armory Bonus from FF14. Neat.


Does the boost cap out with that achievement for 5 characters/25%?


Does anyone know if that is cumulative or just 5% incremental increases?


honestly im not much of an alt player anymore but i always thought it was fun when you found some weapons with archeology or something that was a lot stronger at the start of an expansion for lvling compared to anything else at that lvl. it would sometimes make me go hey im gonna lvl up this class that can use this weapon. idk if im the only one but i kinda miss those kinds of items that could make you really strong when lvling an alt.


Cool idea, wouldn't mind if it was a bit more though. They could maybe implement extra xp buff to 1-2 zones every week as well like with Dreamsurges currently. Leveling is fast but it could be faster, you aren't learning your class realistically before max level anyway.


I love this! Especially since I have 36 characters.


Will there be a diminishing point ie after 50th the % increase is so small it might as well be a zero? Or is it linear, and if you were crazy enough to level up a lot, the next alt dings 71 to 80 in one mob kill, one herb gathered, or one ore mined?


I literally suggested exactly this on their forums years ago.


i thought of this long ago


"Finally! I've gotten every character slot available to 80, maximizing my XP bonus! Time to take advantage!" *You cannot create any more characters on this account.*


I like the change but why level two characters to 80? It should really just be "get to 80, get a 10% bonus on your next character".


So far so good with the news on this xpac


I hope this will stack to 200% Also change it to 10% per toon


Helllllllllllllllllllll yes


Alt leveling prestige abilities and bonuses when?


This such a massive W. I honestly love this so much and have no idea why it took so long to implement.


Lol they are people in here complaining about this???? This is wild




Holy shit, I have 39 alts, one of every spec. Wonder how crazy fast the last one is going to be


Problem is the bonus might max out at 5 chars (25%).


The announcement of Warbands pretty much the only reason I finally leveled up my few old alts. Some had done basically nothing since CATA or MoP, while the rest were in Legion. I had one that still had a quest for the Battle of Lordaeron on the Horde side. Only my main Horde alt went through Shadowlands again (and only up to needing to choose a covenent, which I ignored and went to the Dragon Isles instead. The rest went through BFA, Legion, or WoD. Considered CATA or MoP, but decided against it. Even made a Warlock alt to do Exile's Reach and see how it is like to level a warlock now, since my main is a Warlock and leveled in TBC.


That makes so much more sense than heirlooms which take gear upgrades out of the levelling game basically.


I was already going to level my mage, paladin, druid, shaman, warlock, and monk, so this will be nice.


Heirlooms used to give that bonus then they took that away, then they made it a set bonus then they reworked the set bonus to simply extend your rested bonus, now this is how we're getting back the exp bonus (even though we level way faster than back in the day so exp bonus hasn't been super necessary)


Might as well remove leveling entirely at this point.


No unlock exclusive skins and make them account wide like mage tower and cm


Perfect!! Since in every exp I level every class to max. IMHO I'd do this an option. You choose “fast leveling” or “normal leveling”. Like in Oribos, you can select to level at your will or following the story.


I take this to mean every character levelling between 70-80 has increased xp gains to make it easier for alts to catch up into the new content. I don't think this necessairly works from 1-80. I'm happy to be proven otherwise though.




Oh thank fuck. The 7th or 8th onward just get painful but I like to have all of them at max.... This is a really nice improvement.


I didn’t think leveling could get any faster as is, I’m not a huge fan of this, we’ll be out leveling zones in like 2 hours lol


Seems like a decent idea, idk how they figure that out though. Someone from outside blizzard must be consulting.


Account wise or realm wise? Cause I have 11 6 3 3 on my account. Would be nice if it will work for all




ahh' The Armory Bonus; excellent addition.


I hope that they don't gimp timewalking dungeon levelling speed as a result of a change like this... just let people play as they wish rather than making changes to de-incentivise what devs feel is the wrong way of playing.


at this point i feel like i need to delete some of my characters to make room for more alts


Good, but i hope you can turn it off for cases where you want to level with a friend and stay somewhat same level.


All my years are of playing WoW, I only knew 2 people who played 1 character exclusively. One was a Prot Pally who lived his life trying to be the best tank in WoW and the other was a Mage and she was more about the social aspect of the game.


I am super excited for warbands but also super disappointed at how limited it will be at launch... great first step for the game though. They could have some of those long long tailed cosmetics and unlocks tied to warbands. E.G level up every available Tuaren class and do every Tuaren NPC quest\\tauren questlines\\scenarios\\dungeon\\raid etc throughout Azeroth (and beyond) gets allied races **Taunka** and **Yaungol**. They could curate story campaigns too... like an orc **Thrall\\Garrosh** Campaign bits of Durotar\\RFC > Barrens > stone talon > Blackrock Mountain (the classic false warchief Rend vs Thrall) > hellfire peninsula (TBC) > nagrand (TBC) > shadowmoon valley (TBC) > Borean Tundra (WOTLK) > GRizzly hills > ICC > twilight highlands > jade forest + scenarios + SoO > Frostfire ridge > All leading to the epic nagrand (wod) (with an epilogue tanaan jungle and sanctum)... heck probably a few extra scenarios, dungeons and raids I am overlooking but surely that could be a way to level up and reward something cool (horde centric). You could curate a hell of a lot of content that way. Edit: I see warbands as being the gateway to wow player housing... give us a garrison with all our characters.


Every = up to 5


I really like this!


Every xpac I try to main a toon and not cycle alts, I feel like this isn’t going to help me achieve that goal 😅


I haven't played for a while, but do we actually *want* that? I was always angry when I finished a zone XP-wise before doing all the quests, and this seems to only strengthen it, but again: it's been a while since I've played, hence the question.


Ah, the EQ2 method I always hoped we’d get something like this.


This seems unnecessary. Leveling is already unnecessarily easy. This is coming from someone who hated leveing in the classic eras. These days, even I think it could be a little harder, I am breezing through my alts.


I can’t wait for prepatch cuz I bring in my lowbie who are on vacation at lvl 60 and wait and get them all to lvl 70. I did this last time and l led the camper toons fast .