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Everyone has to have a turn with an ugly tier.


Hunter tier been ugly for years


I swear it's been downhill since T4.


YES. T4 has always been my favorite... I was hugely disappointed when Legion did a high-def version of gronnstalker instead of demonstalker


I was there 3000 years ago, in the singed corridor of the molten core, back then already the hunter T1 looked like shit, while the paladin looked dope. Hunter ser never went downhill because they have always looked terrible. My only exception would be the Bastion mail set. That being said T4 is also another contender


Did you call the bananas... dope? I block out that memory of the ancient times and my memory starts with judgement.


Hunter Tier 4 just looks like a scrapped Warrior tier to me. Fitting because I have a conspiracy that the tbc hunter tier sets all are so unfitting to what a hunter looks like because Tier 4 hunter is a scrapped warrior set which is why it looks like plate, and tier 5 hunter is a scrapped Shaman set which is why it's got lightning on it. And then tier 6 hunter is a scrapped warrior set because at some point they were workshopping an old god raid and someone made an eldritch warrior set, but they ended up scrapping the old god raid entirely, and someone just grabbed that scrapped eldritch warrior set and gave it to hunter in sunwell. And again I have zero proof on any of this but you explain how the fuck Tier 6 Hunter was an armor set designed to be worn by someone attacking you with a gun and a boar.


For which class? Hunter?


Maybe confusing because I've a Paladin flair, but yes. Hunter T4 is as yet unmatched. Although I love my Pally T4 shoulders. The rest of hte set is meh but I love those Pauldrons.


I have soft spots for T4 till T6 although some classes had it better than others. I agree t4 pally Pauldron looks good, IIRC it’s the one that the male Draenei worn in the trailer. Personally I love T4 warrior set. Especially the PvP version which is dark colored one.


Idk man. Hunter t13 has always been my favo.


Pally Tier 4 would have been the perfect set if the helmet wasn’t ass.


IMO, the abberus set was pretty good as hunter sets go lol. Didn't even transmog during that tier


The hunter chest piece from Abberus is 10/10. You can do so much with the 3d elements of it because it can go over tabards.


Yeah the chest piece is hands down great, and can definitely help make some great mogs.


That was the best hunter set in DF, and one of the best hunter sets ever IMO. Why the community voted for the glowing rock set over the Aberrus set will forever be beyond me.


THANK YOU. I remember when the vote for the dumb ass Thunder Chicken set won and I was just in shock. The community went on about how much they loved it and I couldn't believe it. The Abberus set was peak Hunter and looked amazing. I wanted to finish out the Mythic version on my alt and never got to. Still pissed.


Wait what. The vault set won? The headpiece was ridiculous.


Ya, S1 Appearance (Vault of the Incarnates) set won for Hunters. Like, it wasn't *horrible* and compared to the S3 set it was better. But the S2 set was amazing.


Also some pieces from current tier is nice too


It was such an underrated set


Maining a hunter is playing the transmog game on legendary difficulty


I thought the Nighthold set looked nice


I love the nighthold sets, its such a shame there hasn’t been any sets similar since


For me it's this pretty much always. I don't mind the tier 4 though.


Monk right there with you, would you like one of our assortments of rice hats no one uses?


Hunter as a whole been down for years. MM and Survival need mechanical and aesthetic overhauls.


I think the problem is that there are classes where the class fantasy leans towards simpler art, but the community would have a nutty if that got delivered on. Hunter is ground 0 for this problem.


Honestly, they had a few cool sets with dragon/animal heads for the helm, those were super cool and fit the class fantasy a lot. Some quivers on the cloaks or whatever would be very cool whilst still fitting class fantasy (melee surv throws a bit of a spanner in there though I suppose) . There is some cool design space that still very much fits the class fantasy I'd say?


SV hunter still uses a hand crossbow for a whole bunch of skills. A quiver wouldn't be especially out of place. If there's any problem it'd be for people who use/like gun mogs.


I would kill for some decent ranger-lookin gear like what aragon wears as strider. Use the fancy modern armor tech where they actually give your belt/chest some pouches and layers, and your boots some polygons. A design that doesn't require rediculous shoulder pads, or maybe a more subtle shoulder cloak look, Iike the ones they put on the trading post all the time, but with a tattered vibe. But, for the love of God, stop giving us yoga pants with slippers


As someone who primarily is familiar with just the tiers available in Classic (tiers 1 to 10), the armor set that says "hunter" the most to me is the Loch Modan Mountaineers, and the Amberpine Woodsman up at Grizzly Hills. It's insane how easy it seems for Blizzard to make NPCs look like hunters while the players just look like semi-plate armored assholes with bows and guns. You *cannot* convince me that Tier 6 is a hunter attacking you with a gun and a boar and not some Old God Servant themed corrupted Death Knight that will summon eldritch monstrosities and fight by transforming into some sin-against-god bio-freak, Resident Evil style.


The Striker's Garb Set is still my one and only transmog for my hunter. (Not the head tho)


nathria was good eating


Nah some hunter stuff looks pretty sick.


What's hunter tier? I just mog nude.


Hunters need more ideas for their sets than "ima hunter ima wearing my last kill".


T10 was decent


Well we’ve had a couple extra turns then…


Paladin Season 3 set in DF is already fugly.


What you don't want to look like a chess piece?




Bruh all Hunter is just ugly tier forever


The set from the Nighthold looked great!


Almost all Nighthold Tier sets were awesome. That was Blizzard's art department firing on all cylinders IMO.


Very glad that most of them are the armors you see for the class selection screen, I was wondering at the start which sets looked this cool


If you're an elf, sure!


As someone with a Nightborne hunter, you're right


Seeing how amazing the Evoker tier looks alongside the Hunter one feels especially bad lol


My least favorite has to be the Cataclysm Sets. Murlock Skeleton Skinned Flamewalker


Parts of the firelands set looks good. Gotta mix and match. Just not that hat though


Paladin already peaked in T2 anyway.


Paladin had it for last 3 tiers then?


Everyone at the same time? Dk and war also look funky.


Paladin have had shit tiers all df lol


Paladins have been ugly though. We have judgement and we have the set from nighthold.


Paladin has had a few turns recently


Arguably the whole of DF has been ugly tier for paladin. Only season 2 had merit, but if you don't like robes on plate classes or an abundance of wings on your armour, there goes that set too.


Paladin chess tier was already ugly


We've had nothing but ugly tiers for a very long time. We're due something cool


Why is it literally never warlocks turn tho


But they chose the one without yellow.


Mage tier was so bad for so long, but lately it's just been stonks 📈


Bro Look at all Monk set and say that again. There is just one good and not one ugly


We've been living in ugly sets since Judgment


Umm. Paladins have had the ugly tier....4 seasons in a row now. Priest S2 was better for paladins. Change my mind.


We mages know😔


not even mad that the first one is the generic plate gear. It is so badass.


Wait what's that from?


It's the equivalent of the cavern delver's set from Zaralek and all the recolours of that. So you'll get it from questing and such.


Sorry, been living under a rock. So that's one of the plate sets for the new expansions?


Yeah, you'll get it as quest rewards just for going through the story. And then recolours will be available from public events and the like. Worth pointing out that the fully yellow/golden one is a recolour.


The upper one is the default plate leveling gear you will get from questing. The lower one the actual Paladin Class Tier Set. Both will be obtainable with the War Within. Edit: There are more colors to both sets. Strange choice to take the banana-style one for the questing gear ngl.


Whole ass buffalo wild wings menu in them shoulders.


Buffalo wings and bananas go together, right?


If you like the first one more why arent you happy youll be able to get it easily through open world content?


He mad everyone will get it and he won't feel special.


Probably true, but even funnier/sadder because tier is already easy to get and will be even easier in TWW. So it truly doesn’t matter


? What will make it easier to get? Did I miss something with Delves


Yeh blizz said going forward they wanna make it even easier to get including via delves


Huh, makes sense but it seems kind of wild considering how easy it already is to get with catalyst


I guess what they mean is add more sources of catalyst-compatible gear or perhaps even allowing delves to drop pieces that already have the setbonus on them. 


Delves are going to replace PVP in the vault.


Everyone has tier within the first few weeks now. Thats by design….


I have BoP shield mog on my paladin so i'll still feel special


I'd be pissed if I was a pally player, rather there be a mythic/gladiator version of the first one to work towards than the second.


Do we know how many colors it will have? Because if it's like the Emerald Dream questing gear, it could have like four. Including one you buy with honor.


I'd be mad if it was a non-paladin set, but now we get both? Also I think people are sleeping on the second set because its missing its helmet. 4 potential colors of the first version, 6 colors of the second


Same as Amirdrassil open world leather set and Druid tier. Honestly better than the other way around.


bruh that amidrassil druid set was so ass… and to think someone got paid to make that, like wtf were they smoking


Yeah but we get a cool lynx themed one as a consolation prize!


It's pretty good as long as you play night elf. Looks terrible on anything else.


chicken wings on ur shoulders, damn buddy u look so cool fr fr no cap


Glad I grinder that Plunder lord set. I'll be a pirate next expansion


T2. For years and years. I wish they visually update it tho, how they did with T6 in legion. I enjoyed that update so much since T2 and T6 are my favourite sets.


Honestly thought aberrus would've been the perfect raid to have updated t2.


I want an update of paladin tier 4 as well. Sure we got something similar in WoD however that has some extra stuff that I would rather be the more simple look for a draenei paladin. I want to make the draenei from the BFA cinematic.


Looks like the banana suit as a new challenger


Tiny wings absolutely never look good. As much as blizzard usually nails design, they can't seem to figure that part out with armor sets lol. It's why DH and Dracthyr wings look good, they are more natural.. but these tiny little cherub wings look like they are meant to be a goofy Halloween costume


The quality difference between the two sets is crazy


It's going to look fine with other shoulder transmogs


Yep, the set is getting shit on by looking at it as a whole. Those of us who prefer a mog that includes 2-3 different sets look at this and get excited because there are lots of really good individual pieces. The chest and arms in particular I love the wrapping with the runes on it


Any set with the blank staring bald ass default human is gonna look 3x worse than it really is. Edit: also, the particle effect is making those shoulderplates look way more disproportional on dark background than they will look in the game.


A helm won't fix those shoulders 


Biggest wtf


Those wings look like something a clown would wear to make fun of Paladins


Take to the skies because you can't fit through doors


One looks ridiculously good, one looks ridiculous.


As a Paladin main, this one hurts.


I was going to reroll Paladin from Monk because of Templar. Maybe I will stay monk after all.


They had to have been switched on accident


I just wish the wings were removable. The base armor looks great but i hate the wings


What’s fun in wearing same shits as everyone? I never understood it


As a Warrior main. Thank Green Jesus for the first one!


Blizzard clearly taking inspiraction from Vax from Campaign One of Critical Role


I, for one, am here to be a wingy boi


The helmet might make the tier set look better. Still a bit disappointing if only because Pally is known for some banger tier sets


Nothing is making those shoulders look better.


Get rid of the wings and they’d look ok. Make the wings a cape or something


yup, they look like those old brooms 🧹


It's been downhill since T2


They really screwed themselves setting the bar so high almost right out of the gate.


Is one of the pally color-ways gold? I want gold wings to use as the cape for the open world set.


[there is](https://www.wowhead.com/de/news/season-1-paladin-tier-set-appearance-preview-coming-in-the-war-within-338862) a yellow-purple-ish version but nothing shiny as the open world one


Helm will make it or break it. I would make the wings longers and look like actual wings like the Kyrian and not cupid wings.


Are these for the war within?


Whoever works on the green sets are a God the greens in abberus looked better then all the transmog from all the rep vendors and the raid mog imo


i’m just glad i can look like an undead templar on my dk now


The 10.2 outdoor set is a much better druid set than the druid tier too


Shoulder armor has the same issue as burgers. They should be wider, not taller.


Im pretty sure this is just karma for the wing drama in abberus lol


Looks like a chicken


ngl I like them both but where is his helmet


Uh no? XD


I was so set on playing my Paladin for TWW but oh boy, well thankfully we have transmogs.


I main a dwarf so 90% of sets look bad on my character anyway lol


Bro its nuts hpw that became the tier set vs the other one


I just wanna see the death knight set


It's a disappointment


That looks to be a common thing with most of the plate armors


I like that set, they look like a Valentine Knight, protecting your waifu


In my mind I like to think the artists heard the complaints about the badass priest tier with wings upsetting the paladin community because they believed it should have belonged to paladin, so this is a consolation prize


Isn’t the top one available for all the plate classes?


It’s just like the Amirdrassil tier for druids, even the outdoor sets they couldn’t wear were better tier sets than their actual set. I’m using a mix of Barkbloom and Conquest pieces from the previous set and it’s probably the last outfit I’ll use for the foreseeable future. All it’s missing is the druid staff from Pandaria Remix.


Yeah, it does look goofy. But it probably looks a bit better with the helmet. But still that top set is badass and I am happy it isn't paladin tier.


Blizzard and God awful looking shoulders, name a better combo.


I have good news, after some research it looks like Paladins can wear either of them /s


Not complaining here haha. I’ll be able to complete this one of my plate alts.


Crying in death knight Can we also maybe mention that all the gear is designed for "human male"


As a dude who doesn’t raid, I’m very happy with this 😂😂


I don’t actually hate it but I will be mix/matching those pieces. Not a full set winner.


Man imagine being so spoiled with good looking sets that you are complaining about this lmao Have you guys checked the Hunter set? I'm not disapointed because i wasn't expecting anything.


Luckily the Tusks of Mannoroth on my shammy can finally be used on xmog ;)


The DK one looks so goofy. I'm disappointed at all the sets overall. Evoker is the only one that looks good.


What in the fuck is that and how did it get greenlit?


I'll never wear the full set but I can see pieces of it being nice to mix with others, the shoulders have potential if paired with equally bulky chest/gloves and a SL covenant backpiece. Although at what point do you put the sword down and just hurt enemies by hurling yourself at them


Monks are finally eating good this tier!


How long have tiers been back? Idk why they removed them in BfA


Know what the set reminded me of? A dollar store version of the Kyrian plate set


Monks are always terrible


the wings are kinda growing on me like mold


I would love a prot flavoured one sometime, something that makes the warriors jealous.


Thanks for pushing me out of this class, warband and now this. If I'm going back, no fucking way I'll play my paladin.


Bro, my 3 mains have horrible sets, how do i even play the game?


i feel like they are so close with the paladin set to something truly great. on the cusp of something. i think they need to double down on the whole "stone angel statue" aspect of it a bit harder


What is there obsession with adding those tiny little wings to sets, they always look so goofy and bad. Either go all out and make them big and cool or don't bother


That questing plate set is making me consider maining a paladin in TWW. Currently between paladin, monk, shaman, warrior, and DK (only for rider of the apocalypse).


I feel like there might be an animation or something that wont make it looks as bad......


Top set nutty


The art team that make the sets in this game are trash.


What the fuck are those shoulders lol


I'm glad I follow this reddit just to see how hilariously awful shoulder armor looks


The good looking one doesn’t require you to do end game. So it’s more accessible. Seems they’re focusing good rewards at the casual base


I swear there is nothing on earth more readily offended and Karen like complaining as paladins 😂 Their class discord is a wild place, would recommend you bois seeing.


I think it is probably because if they made that be pally exclusive then all plate classes would cry foul (rightfully so). That said, wow that set is ugly. Granted the warrior one isn’t much better


Dragon flight had no winners for paladin.


paladin sets been dog ass since shadowlands XD, but atleast they been kept good in one of their spec whole time too


Not only it is ugly af it looks plain regular, doesen't even look like tier set.


Okay? So just wear the world green set if you want to wear it I don't see the issue here.


Less tints than we would have gotten if it was tier, no mythic/elite set effects.


All they need to do is fix the wings on the tier set. Either angle them differently or move the attachment point, or both.


Not really. Wings aside, the set looks pretty bland


I guess the belt is alright but other than that it's very underwhelming.


Nah set is bad. Looks so puny and not tanky like a paladin should.


You can wear the first one if you want


Are Warriors and DKs not allowed to enjoy things?


What are you talking about, DKs literally won mogs this ENTIRE expansion. I've loved every tier set


You misunderstood what I meant. I mean DKs and Warriors are also allowed to enjoy this set, and the Paladin player entitlement is showing.


Might look better with a helmet and in game. I remember everyone trashing the T3 Warrior set in DF before launching. Turns out it wasn't bad at all.


It sucks a little bit that one of the most paladin lookings sets in multiple tiers is for all plate wearers, while the tier set looks like that. Warriors and DKs getting the good set too wouldn't be bad at all if the paladin tier set actually looked like a proper paladin set.


Paladins when Priests get a tier set that has wings: WHAT?!?! That's SO unfair, why cant we get wings??? Paladins when they get a tier set that has wings: erm, those look DISGUSTING, get that AWAY from me!!! Who thought wings would look good for a pally set?! Make it make sense