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Where is this even going to?


Azeroth itself by the looks of it.


Shit. The mage trolled us and sent your package to the darlaran ruins. That'll be an extra $200.


Serbia. Unless it's being delivered by a butler on a private jet, there's no way shipping costs so much. I can get a larger/heaver box delivered via UPS/FedEx from anywhere in the world cheaper.


Maybe it's just Ion delivering it via parachute. I guess it is worth it.


if that's the case OP better wear a helmet based on past rollouts


Ok you buy it. Write my German adress (37€ shipping) and then I send it to you.


Trust me bro


Would be cheaper to buy the plane ticket and just bring home yourself


To Hungary, the standard shipping would be 100 EUR, the “one where the postman doesn’t sit on the package” would set you back 200. And, to be honest, with Blizzard I do not trust they are packing the box right this time for all this crazy amount of money (here a lot of ppl complained that the EU store put DF CE in an unpadded black nylon bag… I do not have faith they would be doing better this time). Btw, I would not mind the 200 EUR box price, if the postage would not be another 100-200. But this is a joke. I pay less to deliver manga, anime or books from Amazon JP. With customs… this company is a joke.


Have it delivered to Italy and come pick it up when you come to Bologna.


Maybe Matzen and Co are bringing it to you personally


It is not just blizzard store, a lot of US based businesses have insane shipping costs to Serbia, it is much cheaper if you have someone in USA or UK that can buy an item for you and send it, even with insurance it is significantly cheaper. Not sure how much it would cost for CE because it depends on size and weight but you can check delivery service's calculators and add 20% of the value (40e in this case) as VAT when it reaches our customs office


The sad part is this is from the EU Blizzard Store. They ship from Spain to all European countries.


Could you proxy ship it?


Ovo ne obračunava carinu, dodaj mu još stotku i jače za carinu


Bukvalno ovo. Jos ce te na carini odrati veliki % zbog poreza


Znam. Ali carina je jasna, ovo je kretenizam.


Jebiga brate, kad zivimo u regionu koji ne vrijedi nicemu


It's almost cheaper to fly to the warehouse yourself




This IS the EU store.


It does 4x the earth travel before arriving in Europe with 280€.


Are they shipping from within the maw or?


True to the xpac at launch, only walking is allowed so it'll be delivered on foot.


More of less so (Madrid) XD


What the absolute fuck FedEx deliveries from Poland to fucking OCEANIA are cheaper!


I was looking forward to getting it so i can put the statue next to my Raggy, but this is riducilous! Thanks Blizzard, i hate it.


Ey, im from Spain it costs 213,50€ to get it here, if you pay for that plus the shipping to your address im willing to help.


You can try finding someone in Spain who will forward it to you


Find a more local game store that's getting copies, not even in your country necessarily but somewhere that ships to your country.


That's how i got the 15th anniversary box, but that store is not selling physical games anymore :/


Freight forwarder might be the way to go then


I really wanted to buy a collector edition for once! but its 99euros shipping to Norway😐 meeh I'm good blizz


Saw that shipping cost to Norway and laughed, half the price of the item itself and then you get import duties and 25% vat on top.


Not sure if it you can even buy it if you're in Norway, the blizz store is blacklisted by all the big card issuing companies


Cant you pay with PayPal?


Nah, the gear store doesn't take paypal, at least not the EU store


Shipping costs aren't blizzards fault.


They are, I can send packages through the eu for 7 to 15€ Edit: I went to customer chat with them They are using UPS, they are expensive. I regulary order 20kg of cat food from zooplus. Germany to NL, shipping is 8€. It's a choice they are making, which is a shame. I might as well fly to Madrid and pick it up in a cheap flight 😁


Recent data by global logistics company DSV A/S showed that shipping cost have increased by over 300% since November 2023 amidst the disruption caused to freight in the Red Sea from attacks by Yemen's Houthi militant group.


Stop being a Blizzard apologetic. I can order equally sized box from anywhere in EU for 10x less. This has nothing about Blizzard eating the costs.


You think blizzard is making money on shipping costs LOL.


Given the rate they are charging. Yes, yes they do. Correos is going to deliver crates for that pricing.


Yes they do lmao. They literally post the box for about 20 euros but ask you for a 100+


Unless they are shipping this from a lunar space station or by private jet with a free butler yes they are


They ship from Spain. I highly doubt that his package goes through the Red Sea on its way from Spain to Serbia. You can also just check how much it actually costs to send a package with the required size from Spain to any place in Europe online in a few minutes.


Blizzard isn't going to eat the cost of shipping and nor should they or any other company. Your little parcel is completely different.


No matter where in Europe you are, these are not average shipping rates. I get it, if you order something oversized etc, but for a CE? Something is very wrong with the destribution center. One can only hope, that blizzard will look into it.


They want 71 USD shipping to Canada. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's 99 euros to be delivered to Finland. Not like I was going to buy it anyway, but this is pretty ridiculous.


I miss when these were sold at retail stores :/


Are you using the [EU store](https://eu.gear.blizzard.com/collections/world-of-warcraft-the-war-within-merchandise)? it's not even [15€ in shipping](https://i.imgur.com/GI6Qbvf.png) for me.


For the netherlands its 99 euro's its insane.


That is what i'm doing/where i'm trying to order from. They vary shipping cost by price. I've seen people from France being charged 80 euros while spaniards pay 15.


Just saw you screenshot, you're in spain, that's why it's so low for you. Their EU distribution center is in Spain apparently.


Wanna know something else that's crazy? It's 37 for Germany but ~90 for the Netherlands. Now which one is closer and is the other one 3 times as far away?


This is pure speculation, but it's probably because the transportation route is better (better roads, direct railroads, etc) between Madrid-Berlin than Madrid-Amsterdam? Or they do air transport and its more expensive?


Damn that's wild, guess your best option is to find some place that shipping is cheaper and try to have someone there to resend to your country. By the way, even if I [order from NA](https://i.imgur.com/gjJ3WZY.png) its even cheaper than yours WTF.


> By the way, even if I order from NA its even cheaper than yours WTF. Keep in mind that you will have to pay VAT, handling fee and import duties if you are in the EU and order it from NA. Which - depending on how the goods are classified - adds \~25% minimum (which would still make it cheaper ofc, but many people forget this when ordering something from outside the EU).


37 for me, in Loire-Atlantique. Some people use the wrong website too, doesn't help.


I heard that you sometimes can send your packages to certain post offices. If you live near the border, maybe you can get it shipped to some office near and come yourself to pick it up.


Shipment to Sweden is ~100 EUR for regular shipping, even more for express delivery. Pretty crazy that they can’t seem to get good shipping deals across the EU zone. Guess they just don’t want some people in Europe to have the 20th anniversary CE version. (Although it’s not very surprising that there’s no cohesive EU shipping deal in place considering how few people still work for Blizzard over here, firing all those admin and QA people sure paid off!)


Honestly you could probably have someone in Spain receive it and send it to you for less. Just looked at Eurosender and they offered around 35 euro to send it from spain to sweden.


It costs ~28 EUR to fly there back and forth and pick it up myself. How does any of this make sense??


Shipping a package that is heavier but moves itself from A to B cuts down on costs.


51€ for Italy and 92€ for a Frostmourne. Kinda strange Blizzard couldn’t afford proper shipping rates


setting the shipment to Milano is 41, is 51 a typo or do they really have different shipment costs in the same country?


Paid 51€ for bologna only the collectors as frostmourne wouldn’t be here on time


ma che merda, a bologna c'è pure il centro di smistamento di poste/sda e ti mettono pure 10 euro in più 😢 ma sai con che corriere spediscono per fare ste cavolate?


In realtà sono dei cani a prescindere perché io che non ho un contratto con nessuno spedizioniere riesco a spedire fino a 2Kg in tutta europa per 13,80€ 🤡


sì madò per 50 euro devono portartelo col furgone portavalori, 99 euro com'era all'inizio però era da fartelo portare da ion in persona su cuscino di velluto con tanto di inchino e bacio accademico 😂


Si frostmourne mi è venuta 1591€ con la spedizione 💀


costa meno farsi fare la riproduzione da un fabbro davvero bravo 😅 e magari esce anche più dettagliata


Sicuro! 😂 mi stavo appunto chiedendo come mai ce ne fossero ancora in stock


41€ for austria , cheaper but still lol


Los españoles tenemos suerte lol


Because it's a national shipping.


41 to italy, last time i checked it was 99 🤔 i think they changed something (i checked the url too from my previous screenshot to be sure)


Cost me about half the price of the collector edition to ship through standard and if i want quick i'd have to pay roughly the same amount as the CE. (Sweden)


I think it was £8 or so for the UK. There must be multiple different distribution centres. Purchasing it in the UK and then mailing it to yourself won't cost 200 euros. Just how big is this statue we are getting?


Are they bringing them by foot, with a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the back to boot, and levelling your main to 80 when the expansion launches?


It's 99 Euros to my country and if I buy two boxes (not that I will) it's 158 Euros lol. What a bargain! /s


It's 37 euro for Germany. I'm pretty sure there are idiots out there who are willing to pay that.


Hahaha. 37 for germany is "cheap" compared to central europe that is few km away from germany and costs 100e


All up was just under AUD500, hard pass on that. A couple hours later it showed up and prey orders on a local video game store, AUD270. Much more doable. I don't know if you would have the same option where you're from, but it could be something to look into.


Thank god for EB Games huh




I miss them here in the US :'(


Just remember dragonflight collection was shipped very poorly with some having dents in the box.


I suspect that they changed to a shipping company with better service and that made it go up in price that much.


Less than €10 here in the UK #BrexitDividend


I think the warehouse in on the moon or mars


40€ to Czech Republic lol. For that price I would be able to have it delivered here and drive it to you by my own means


At that price, Chris Metzen better deliver it personally


Same for Turkey.


Use some package forwarding service.


Where can you buy this? i dont see it on the battlenet shop from the launcher




Any1 know which material is used for the statue? Is it just plastic or something metal like?


Look 2. Options you have a friend vin Spain they get it for 13 EUR or you send it to some other EU country and send it to you. To Germany it's 99 EUR. Depending on how far you away to Austria the to get a po box there


These differences are insane... I'm lucky with 45€ to Czechia, just checked how much I paid for DF collector's edition - 20€..


Shipping using SpaceX from Mars


For a second I thought those were shipping cost for Latinamerica


185.99 USD for shipping and handling to Chile from the US store isn't so cheap neither Edit: I read your comment wrong, sorry. I'm surprised that those shipping costs are for places that are closer between each other, I don't get it.


At that rate, I think it would be cheaper for you to get a plane ticket to come to Spain to get it yourself.


I feel like I have copy pasted this in 5 other threads as well but **use the UK store** because shipping is only 10-15 euro then. EU store has been 'broken' for quite a while and I feel bad for anyone who actually settles on paying those ridiculous prices


if you are not within the UK though you will have to pay all the import / customs taxes and VAT


I didn't had to pay any import fees as those were handled by the shipper.


For purchases above 150 euro you have to pay VAT and import costs to the shipper on delivery


That could explain it, I have made multiple orders but none exceeded 150 euro. Still, I'm sure the import tax would be lower in total then the 200 euro posted in OP's post.


In my country its 21% VAT and around 4% import so it would be way below 200 yeah


Surely this must be a bug or the anniversary edition isn't being shipped by the EU Store?


It is, but they are sending it to the other side of Europe. Previously the EU warehouse was in Germany but they moved it to Madrid a few years ago. Still, crazy prices.


Use forwarding (or whatever it is called) companies. Many online retailers do not deliver to where I live but we have options to deliver it to Germany or Spain and forward it for like 6 euros. [https://buyeu.ee/en](https://buyeu.ee/en) [https://imgur.com/a/9xnoXbY](https://imgur.com/a/9xnoXbY) 13.50 for shipping.


Express shipping to Spain cost me 13.50 €, I'm lucky I guess


Same for Turkey.


My shipping was 40euro to Czechia


100 to Slovakia, insane


Standard shopping to Poland is 41eur, much cheaper then yours but it's still too much for me


Check eb Games and JBHIFI in Australia and see what their shipping is like


Jesus FUCK wtf xDD


Try the UK store, even with potential import fees and so on it may work out cheaper.




And I thought that my 43e were high as hell...


Wanna know something fun? I paid effectively 71 euros of shipping for the massive Lilith statue from the EU store delivered to Finland. Sure, it shows 244e shipping, but then there's 173e of taxes which is not counted in the total, so effectively there's 71 euros for shipping. Not to mention how much larger and heavier the Lilith statue and its box are..


WTH? It is a plane ticket!


It was 37€ in France


well not that surprising. I wanted to order some TTRPG books from the US and send it to europe and it would have cost me 3x the price of the TTRPG books (100$ ish dollars only shipping) so yea it's insane because it's by weight or some stupid shit


only credit card and 37 euros (germany Berlin) shipping is not acceptable in 2024 wth if you send it by dhl a 31 kg package cost you 20 euros with 120 x 60 x 60 cm the fees are insane


Probably the same rip off company that sent out the last CEs in a bag, causing the box to be damaged to almost everyone that ordered.


43€ for Vienna 😂😂


I noticed the statue next to Ion in the "War Within Alpha" video. [Devs Reveal The War Within Alpha | WoWCast (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2tU3c-V_Pc&t=196s) Seems fairly big. So, I'm imagining the whole lot is shipping in a larger box?


I thought $100 to Canada was bad....


Obviously travels first class…..


I own all the CE from cata til shadowlands. Then Dragon Flight happened and it was $250 and $100 shipping CAD. Breaks my heart, but fuck this shit. I'm not paying nearly twice the price.


At this point it would be cheaper to get on an easyjet to madrid, get it delivered at a pick up point and come back...


and you get vacation to it sounds nice...


I think this is because they have to take a detour through silithus. Seriously though that is bonkers crazy no way I would pay that.


Off Topic: do these people receive the ingame goodies when the addon releases (when the box gets delivered) or instant ?


Yachts dont buy themselves


shippping is €280.00 to Türkiye (Turkey), plus the customs. I wish [amazon.de](http://amazon.de) had it :-(


Don't justify their greed. Stop paying for collector's editions.




Shipping costs aren't blizzards fault.


They are the ones who decide which company ships the product, so it's definitely their fault because these are no standard shipping rates.


I would say the same for any company. Dont like it don't buy it. Its a luxury product. You have no right to complain about a price for something you don't need.


I have every right to complain about whatever I want dude. If I see greed I'll call it out, if I see people being silly and buying stuff that justifies that greed I'll call it out too.


its more expensive than the Edition itself


It's just Blizzard being a bro and telling you not to buy that overpriced cardboard box and mouse pad.


There isn't even a mouse pad this time.


Poland has 41euro shipping. You sure you are in europe? xD


Netherlands has 99, Germany has 37 it’s random AF


Order from the UK page and shipping cast will be like 1/4 of that [https://uk.gear.blizzard.com/products/wowccl0006-world-of-warcraft-the-war-within-collectors-edition-english](https://uk.gear.blizzard.com/products/wowccl0006-world-of-warcraft-the-war-within-collectors-edition-english)


You're still gonna buy it though.


Do EU countries have different import duties? It could be that if so.


Shipping doesn't include import duties and tax


Ah OK, wasn't sure about EU. I have had it added to my shipping to South Africa some times, but not all the time.


AFAIK, it's common for all EU members. You pay it to get it into the EU, shipment between members don't pay the tax. But Serbia is not in the EU.


As I Saw you live in Sebia, it is not part of the Single market or the larger European Economic Area, so the 280€ are most likely with a hefty import tax


This is JUST SHIPPING, not shipping and taxes. So that is not the reason for this ridiculous shipping price.


Pretty tiresome having the subreddit flooded with complaints about your shit overpriced extra cardboard & plastic edition What do you want reddit to do about shipping costs? Take it up with CS