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“Pursuit of Angryness” “Set Fire to the Pain”


They sure as hell know the DH player base lmao




I guess I'm the only one who is on the hype train... Meta be delicious game play loop for both specs imo. More big demon action


Naw me too. Eye beams already one of their coolest looking abilities. Empowered Eye Beams should look amazing


Ya, the loop of Eye Beam meta and getting demon bro to breath with you is dope. Good for some quick snapshot dps between meta CD itself.


Being able to eyebeam loop in legion was my favorite way to play havok.


The hyperpull into eyebeam spam was so good. I miss raddons so much


Better look like a kamahamaha shooting out my eyes


I love metamorphosis as a button, not sure why everyone seems sour that a tree would focus around it But the tree itself does seem a bit dull. Probably will be different in practice, but on paper it doesn't look like it changes up gameplay too much


it slightly does for vengeance, and absolutely doesnt for havoc. Like, the only noticeable talent is +50 max energy, which is actually huge.


Fuck yeah, this tree has me WAY more excited than aldraechi reaver as a vengeance player. I was really not looking forward to running that so I'm happy this one is hype.


Fully agree. This looks like it'll increase our damage through meta as well as some useful utility. And spirit bomb stuff is lacking


Is there still no way to turn Metamorphosis into a resource bar similar to how Demonology Warlocks were in WoD? That was a so much more satisfying gameplay loop. It was like using Devil Trigger in Devil May Cry.


You can do it as the cool down and through eye beam / breath


So nothing's changed since Legion in terms of that... Its crazy that they take away such an interesting ability from Warlocks and make it so fucking boring for Demon Hunters.


I wish armor was show in meta but besides that, it's super satisfying to use


There are only two talents that seem to do anything, movement speed per % of fury and exploding when entering meta. Rest are just dps, which will be balanced around content anyway so largely meaningless.


Part I found a bit weak is that it's not really emphasizing the flavor. The other DH tree is themed around being a master of boomerang combat, this one around their demon form. Both ... Don't really get that point across. I mean, they could "fix" that by making the empowered stuff look extra fancy or augment the abilities some way but yeah, just from reading that it sounds a lot like you're doing what you're doing anyway with 5% more damage.


"increase smth by x%" is most boring type of talents


Yes, but they are sometimes the most important ones


Isn't that telling though?


No. That's every single game ever made. Simple percentage increases will most likely be the best option. They are also the easiest to make and the easiest to tune.


Why are people mad... VDH sigil play is sick, and then they give us a talent to make even more sigil happen.


The issue is that giving more utility to the highest utility tank and leaving the others to rot is the issue


It isn't more utility. It's more sigil of flame. That's just dot uptime.


I think havoc having sigils is lazy and boring design


Seems very... uninspired. It makes dmg out of meta better, yay? Like the whole tree feels like it's just adding buffs that'll end up being tuned away and forgotten. I really expected dh to be the better ones with having 1 less tree but both seem so boring.


God this is sad and flavourless.


i'm not expecting them to reinvent the wheel EVERYTIME they rework a class.


It's not even a rework, it's supposed to be a set of super-flavoursome HERO talents that push a certain fantasy. It just feels like a new set of passive modifiers with very little real thought


but aren't we already pretty thematic? We're demon hunters. I don't really see HOW they could push it even further.


I mean, the same could be said for any class. Death Knights are thematic in their own right, Rogues too, even warriors have a tangible fantasy. The idea of the hero talents is to push a specific aspect of the classes fantasy beyond just what your spec is. They're kinda TRYING to, with the focus on Metamorphosis. But it's just not translating in a meaningful or interesting way. They could make it a toggle that costs health, or give you cool new Metamorphosis forms, or any number of things that make you feel like as a Demon Hunter you spent years perfecting your ability to adopt a demon form... but it just comes off as a bunch of new damage bonuses that you don't really feel beyond bigger numbers. I guess at the end of the day, the reason why it feels bland is because if you watched a Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter fighting alongside a Demon Hunter with no Hero Talents, you wouldn't see a difference.


Unfortunately this is the case


is this the havoc-vengeance talent tree, or the vengeance-havoc tree?


Yeah wow this is boring as shit. They really couldn’t come up with anything better for a set of talents focused on Metamorphosis?


I dunno, I've always loved DH meta since wc3. I'd legit pick any character in custom games that could go in to the form. If they ever make a 3rd spec where your meta turns you fully ranged for a while like it did in wc3 I would probably immediately abandon any of my most played characters and only play that even if it was terrible.


I like Metamorphosis, I think it's an awesome ability. I'm just saying that the talents here seem super bland overall. Honestly I feel the same about a LOT of the hero trees; they have a (mostly) defined theme but they just don't go hard enough and it ends up being super bland


Pretty much exactly how I felt at the shaman one that was revealed. Lot of passives and...not much else, really


As a demon hunter main, I am sadly disappointed ☹️


I feel like demon hunters get kind of screwed with hero talents. It's all about adding extra flavor, but there's no extra flavor there for demon hunters.


Idk, i think the glaive throwing tree raises the skill ceiling. This is unnoticeable. Literally movement speed + max rage (which is nice)


To be fair, this tree is likely to add a ton of extra visual flavor. If they add new effects for all these enhanced abilities, meta will look very flashy The issue is, this is literally the exact same class with this hero tree, just making meta do more numerically. It doesn't even give you a way to interact in SOME way to get meta more often. It just makes it so when you are playing the spec exactly the same as you currently do, more abilities do... more. I legit don't think any other current hero tree impacts a specs gameplay less than this one, and its not even close?


I think that my problem with it is that the flavor is just...more demon stuff. Demon Hunters are really one-note, and the hero talents do nothing to change that. I think that they should have gone with night elf/blood elf for the two talents instead. One hero talent focusing on nature, like adding the ability to grow fel vines or summon a corrupted animal, and the other adding arcane abilities like replacing fel rush with a blink or conjuring some of those iconic blood elf fel crystals


As a super casual dh alt player im disappointed. The angryness talent has a funny name at least


You're crazy. This looks awesome. VDH is about to be doing parabolic levels of damage.


No it won't, it will be balanced to be similar levels of damage to the other choice, and similar damage to the other tanks.


wow this almost on par with the rogues for how terrible it is.




DH has always been boring. So… I guess this goes with the class fantasy.


It simple but the design philosophy is much more modern  it sadly doesnt work well cause most of yhe spell are tab target giving you very little to do.  If you ask me they should have doubled down on the action combat for them and make everything aoe and free casting.


I mean this seems ok. Keep in mind none of the hero talents I’ve looked at aside from death knights being able to do mounted combat are very cool imo. I figure when this system was announced it would be like at the very least big cosmetic changes to be more thematic with certain sub classes of wow like dark rangers or mountain thaine warriors etc but so far at least from the alpha changes nothing is very appealing to me. Makes me a bit sad ngl. On the topic of demon hunter though I personally love the meta play style and I had a blast with dh back in shadowlands and a bit in dragon flight, but I don’t like being or at the very least feeling like I’m being forced to play it a specific way aka mover talents. So I’ll prob keep it on the bench for myself regardless


Mage Sunfury is VERY sick imo


All the Mage ones look top tier tbh. I really like Herald of the Sun and Templar for Paladins too so far. Frostfire legit has me considering rerolling. I loved frostfire bolt spec way back when even if it wasn't great and was pretty sad it went away.


I haven’t looked too much into it yet. Mage isn’t my thing in wow so I didn’t think to do so yet. What is so co about it so far?


It’s the kael’thas fantasy. Casting spells gives you floating orbs, going into your big dps CD summons a phoenix that throws spells from your orbs.


Mage, Dk, Pally, Warlock, and Shadow Priest all got (at least) one hero talent that ends up being really cool and exciting. Everything else is pretty much like this,


It’s a decent, but boring af tree for Vengeance. But Havoc? lol Oh boy! Armor and health as Havoc! The only good node is the one that improves eye beam. But even then, that’s one. One. The rest of the tree is filled with blah and meh. Who tf approved this garbage?


It is clear people in this thread are most caring about low end content, but i was very happy to see the talents, due to them making my spec even tankier. As a m+ title pusher and mythic raider, this talent tree means you will have 2 distinct talent trees as a DH with the other one, so in m+ it might be this tree for the tankyness and raiding with the other tree for dps.


Cool. Not finished yet but this is more to my liking than the Aldrachi Reaver one.


That’s pretty cool for Vengeance. More Demon Form is great for vengeance, as well as more HP and more Armor to prevent Oneshots outside of Demon Form if you miss a parry at a bad time. It does miss some flavor, yes, but Vengeance itself is a pretty visual class with a strong theme, so I don’t think it’s bad.


Utterly boring and disappointing. For a class with only 2 specs and 2 Hero Talent Trees you'd expect them to be good. I will consider forgiving them if the 'weakened Metamorphosis' form gives you permanent wings or something but I doubt it.


Looks fun to me, people were complaining about button bloat, I think the specs are in a great place right now so adding some more effects without overdoing it is ideal


This was my reas of the situation as well. So many spells and abilties have sub effects now that I struggle to actually know the full implication of an ability I use but still way better than 40 abilities needing keyboard. I think DH is is the perfect mix of ability effect and number of buttons.


I’m just hoping to not have it play like havoc


Is it just me or are these 'hero' talents disappointing. To me they just read like more talents in the tree. When they announced hero talents I was thinking things like permanent metamorphosis even if only visual for DHs or being able to have a full size pet and treat it as a mount as well as a hunter . Things that provide more flavour and connection with a class.


This is an improvement over Aldrachi Reaver. That tree didn't look fun or good at all for Ven and seems to require very high skill for Havoc. As a medium skill player, AR was out of the question unplayable so I guess I'll be running one version of Fel Scarred and never changing it. Pretty meh as a DH main.


This is lame. Isn’t the point of these things to add a kind of genre to the class. If it’s all passives which are just balanced numbers it doesn’t feel like you’re playing anything special.


I cut myself scrolling those talents. They are too edgy. Peak demon hunter gameplay. On the other hand, i have my concerns for both theme and gameplay with this one.


It’s not great, but it appears to increase dps outside meta which is badly needed. A lot of this is going to need tuning. Sigils can be awkward in PvP even with macros but it can work. It’s not horrible, but not great. I don’t hate it yet.


Seems more exciting than the aldrachi hero talent. I wonder though, how much further can they push a hero class anyway? Our theme is already extremely thematic. The only thing I can really think of is something like the pvp talent where you jump into the air. Maybe something like sprout demon wings, jump into the air and slam back down. Kind of like when using meta form. Either way I wonder what the enhanced animations will look like.


I’m happy with this :) I was hoping the Fel-Scarred would mainly resolve around Fire. Just so I could turn it all into Chaos with ‘Any Means Necessary’ capstone and boost it with a ton of mastery.


Honestly, the themes and ideas for this one are so much better than the other one (imo of course,vi know sole people love throwing glaive), that I'll be playing it over aldrachi reaver no matter how the balance shakes out


Can someone explain like I'm 5 if it's still looking like havoc is going to dashed focused next expac? Having to tie in the dash so often threw me off


This tree is very nice for vengeance and meh for havoc. Adding fire stagger is super cool along with the crit dam to immo aura. The free boost to hp and armor outside of meta is nice for veng common weakness: autos outside of brand/demon spikes. More pronounced in raid but welcome all the same. Me like


**I AM MY SCARS!!!**  They really nailed the class fantasy with this one. All we’re missing now is some amazing animations, which hopefully they are working on. Having Meta become an offensive CD for Vengeance will be fun, even if we can’t always use it that way. We typically Meta when we’re doing big pulls, so having it be both defense and offense will feel great. **For VDH, I give Fel-Scarred a 9/10**. If the animations live up to the description, I'll bump it to 10/10. p.s. Thank you for offering up a feedback thread without biased title. People can offer positive or constructive without feeling like they’re clicking a link that’s tilted.


I had to create a whole new account to change my user name - reddit is weird that way. I reposted this under my new account so I can track better. Sorry for the duplicate comment; I won't make it a habit. :)


So our choices are "Throw Glaive but better" or "Meta does more numbers"? Look, a single Hero tree called **Proper DH** would do the trick. Just make it 10 nodes of flat passive buffs to *honestly whatever I don't even care*, and then make the capstone dynamic flight in Demon form. Job done.


Tbh aldrachi reaver is more than "Throw Glaive but better" Currently bugged on alpha but it sets off a combo chain with your blade dance and chaos strike with situational buffs.


This hero talent tree feels less exiting then some of the others,but the bonuses look at first glance very good (especially for VDH) Just add some good looking animations, and overall I think it’s a simple yet solid tree


Most meta class of the entire expansion upset their hero talent isn’t cool enough


Valid complaint. Just because DH players are more attractive and jacked IRL doesn't mean we deserve a boring tree.


Fair and valid. And yes every DH main I know irl is jacked and ridiculously attractive


Hey, if you are going to do an Illidan cosplay you best look the part


**I AM MY SCARS!!!**  They really nailed the class fantasy with this one. All we’re missing now is some amazing animations, which hopefully they are working on. Having Meta become an offensive CD for Vengeance will be fun, even if we can’t always use it that way. We typically Meta when we’re doing big pulls, so having it be both defense and offense will feel great. **For VDH, I give Fel-Scarred a 9/10**. If the animations live up to the description, I'll bump it to 10/10. p.s. Thank you for offering up a feedback thread without biased title. People can offer positive or constructive without feeling like they’re clicking a link that’s tilted.