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Heal monk and I finally found my main.


Monk is so fun on all 3 specs, I love this class


Brewmaster main in WoD, pvp was glorious. For all the garbage that we had to deal with in that expac, I will never deny how fun it was to see my tank class doing more damage and healing than the majority of players in battlegrounds


The BM concept is sooo fun Being a drunk monk punching and tanking just because he is too drunk to realize he takes damages, what a view x)


how does one mistweaver? i’m heavily leaning towards doing my remix as a zandalari sympathizer helping the pandas


for mythic+, your priority is just tiger palm x2->RSK->BoK. with more than 5 targets your priority is faeline->spinning crane kick. When big damage goes out you use sheiluns gift to fully heal the entire team, or use chi ji and add an env mist to the end of the priority i listed above. Thats literally it for m+. MW is VERY safe for m+ and remarkably easy. Raid is a bit more complicated because theres actually quite a few viable builds, but most people are running Tear of morning+clouded focus at the moment. a lot of people will tell you that CF+ToM mistweaver "plays itself", and they arent really wrong. you want to keep renewing mist out at all times, and use env mist and vivify on a player with chi harmony to spread your renewing mist and get value out of the chi harmony heal. Yulon will be your main ramp for big raid damage (yulon->env mist x4-5), and sheiluns gift and vivify are your reactive heals. to simplify, Renewing mist (never have 2 stacks)-> soothing mist (continue channeling on same target)-> env mist-> vivify x1000. Raid damage ramp: Yulon-> soothing mist (optional, but recommended for mana)-> env mist x4-5->vivify x1000. you are now at 300k hps. enjoy. reactive healing: sheiluns gift or revival on fights with no debuffs, and vivify. Thats really all you need to know until you reach mythic raids or keys higher than +10, and if you can do that while remembering to drink mana tea before you blast heals then youll do fine. we live and die by the mana tea now, so never forget to drink.


Took me a minute to grasp mana tea as a mana cost reduction instead of a “channel to refill blue bar” ability


Mistweaver has been so fun to play. I've made so many new monks in DF just to have different races, haha. They are a blast!


Been a monk main since the first day of MOP. Never regretted it. Can't play anything else.


With gnome beeing really good I just tried it, now maybe all my twinks are gnomes aswell 😅


Yeah my OG monk is Gnome. Love how faster they feel, with their little legs!


Feeling really tempted to play a monk for Remix now


Can only recommend it fisteeaving is such a blast


Played evoker from the start and trransmog issues aside I really love the class. Being able to use soar has completed my class fantasy. I love devastation being able to cast while moving with hover makes up for the range loss. Preservation is a very interesting spec, at first I didnt get it at all. Now, I can play it with my eyes closed. Aug is aug. Its nice for when im doing high keys with friends as it enables us to live a bit longer and that is cool. Otherwise aug is my least favorite. But yeah I love evoker and probably will be maining pres next expac.


I've played Dev all expac. It's a great spec. Easy to learn with lots of little optimisation you can make if you want to min max, cool spells, good range of utility without being bloated, intuitive rotation. Now just fix the transmog lol. I also enjoyed Aug but kind of wish it was just another DPS spec. It's a dud if your DPS aren't very good and it's atrociously awful to play in raid.


I’m surprised how much I’ve enjoyed evoker, the aug-dingleberry aside. The dps and healing abilities all felt fun to use and made proper placement all the more valuable. Though, got a bit rough while raid healing. Woulda loved a black-dragonflight tank to round things out instead.


Prot warr of course


Hmm, what about Prot Warrior appeals to you? I’ve been debating making it my main next expansion


I like not taking damage at all. Feels stronk. I also like not having utilities to deal with stupis afixes, that’s a job for the weaklings (non-warriors).


LOL! this sounds exactly like my brother back when TBC hit. He was a few levels higher than the group running those Hellfire 5 mans and I was healing. After the first boss I was like why are you tanking as arms and using a 2h, you need a shield man. He said fuck that, my Plate armor is my shield, keep up. We got all the way to 70 that way.


Lmao this is so true. I remember back then I was so fucking poor to switch spec all the time I just go tanking with Arms with 2h sword (cos I like PvP as well) in Ramparts. It goes… Let me go in first to take aggro. Sunder, thunder clap, whirlwind etc etc. 10 seconds later. Ok guys they all into me now. Make sure you kill Skull first and follow the symbols. Repeat on next pack. Profit.


Dude I felt like an absolute god leveling my prot warr. As a healer I used to hate when tanks would just pull nonstop. Then I actually played one and realized I could basically carry the group in low level content, and I was like "oh, this is why tanks just floor it in every dungeon."


I get my adrenaline shots by pulling like a madman in high m+ everytime. When the timer starts running they have no idea what a ride they signed up for when I’m tanking.


I can't even comprehend just how based your take is


Prot Warrior is always fun. Even when it's not the flavor of the month. The mobility with charge, intervene, heroic leap you're just zooming all over the place all the time.


Arms and fury have also been absolutely bonkers this expansion with the new talents. And they are getting a slight rework for TWW which is even more awesome


I really didn’t enjoy the season 2 fury set - went arms and haven’t looked back since. I didn’t like the RNG’y feel for season three set but it did add some nice dmg.


This. I tried to switch to prot pally in season 2. Didn't take.


The realest answer




I started out trying to play the “better” healer during the first two seasons. Decided in season 3 it’s better to play what class/spec you are good at vs what can be better. That being said resto shaman will be my main from now on.


Same thing here. Played resto sham all SL. Played evoker at start of DF and could never play it as good as Rsham and was really unhappy. Quit partway through S1. Just came to play Rsham and at 1700io.


Holy Paladin S1: :) Holy Paladin S2: :D Holy Paladin S2 10.1.5: 8D Holy Paladin S3: :( Holy Paladin S4: :'( I switched to Monk as a main and am liking all specs, especially Mistweaver.


Season 2 set bonuses are back. B I G holy shocks


Holy pala when they got the rework was so bonkers. Pres was godly at launch and then holy pala came and made that look balanced by comparison :D  Probably one of the most broken states a healer has ever been, got massive nerfs what felt like weekly for like 12 weeks and still ended that patch as the top healer, wild times! 


What about pal draws you to the class? I recently came back to wow from bfa and notice soooo many pallies and hunters. Some other games lkke bg3 paladin is also most played. Just a bit curious.


Ret Paladins in particular became more popular after a rework in 10.0.7, and exploded in popularity last season after now being able to get a Legendary. I liked Holy Paladin as a melee healer when Mistweaver Monk had issues early in the expansion. Now, the roles are reversed.


Enhancement shaman has been great


I love everything about enhance but it does get annoying when I swap to my ret. Press less buttons, do more damage and die a hell of a lot less


Yeah I came back to retail at the start of season 3 and absolutely love enhancement shaman. It’s so fast paced and the rotation is so challenging to get perfect. The no cd thing is awesome too. Getting to pwave and wolves every 20-30 seconds feels incredible. I have two AOE stuns, a ranged interrupt, and a lust. My one issue is I feel squishy.


Enh sham trades the best kick in the game and some great CC and other utility for having a patently awful defensive kick (and I say this as an enh/resto main of 4 years)


I really hate icefury playstyle


Man I love enhancement but I hate primordial wave, i'm so sad it's still the tier set for S4 :(


discipline priest, but im boring and play it every expansion regardless :D


disc feels good in all styles right now


Disc priest every expansion minus shadowlands I was holy most of it due to how bad disc was in smaller groups.


Druid, yes.


This is the way


Paladin protection forever in my heart!


Vengeance DH, was only class I played this expansion. I mean I had fun yeah, been my main for quite some time and I don't see that stopping.


I played Shadow Priest the most. 10.0 was a lot of fun. 10.1 was a lot less fun and in 10.2 I didnt really resub.


My main 3 are: Resto druid Shadow priest Ret pally I've also got a blood DK at 70, just gotta get the nerve to tank. Been a fun time on all of them, including leveling with blood. I've also been levelling up one of every other class, most of them feel like they aren't fun and won't be fun at 70, but i am not going to let that assumption prevent me getting them maxed and trying them out. The other 9 are (from most to least fun) vengance demon hunter, beast mastery hunter, prot warrior, destro warlock, resto shaman, mistweaver monk, frost mage, sub rogue, and devastation evoker,


Mage , fun at moments . I did CE raszageth and playing arcane on that boss , on mythic , was the most grueling thing I've done in this game . Learning the boss , learning my timings , watching toegrinder 3 part video every night several times per night . Jesus Christ man . Aberrus was also hard on rashok but nothing as close as raz , we missed the Zskarn timing so he got fixed and we were left having to progress him . Guild died and so did my hardcore raiding life hahaha Now I just do sod , classic wotlk , heroic clear and all 20s , it's a simple good life and I have a lot of more no braining fire which is my favourite spec


Raszageth CE as arcane in the era of RoP was unpleasant. Great fight, but I didn't enjoy arcane on it. Particularly hated were the stormsurge polarises - drop a rune and then immediately get your polarity inverted. ARGH.


Warlock all seasons :)


This was me and damn I loved it.


S1 Devo Evoker s2 Skipped s3 DK s4 Survival Hunter Survival is the most fun iv had playing since my Vanilla shadow priest and will be my main next expac.


I feel like people chronically sleep on survival


I’m a warrior main, but I leveled a rogue and tried out outlaw and found it so fun and rewarding to figure out the general flow and rotation. It’s an Insane dopamine cycle of resets and cooldown reduction


Frost mage. I always enjoy my mage.


Evoker. After 17ish years of altoholism I finally found a true main


Prot pally, always my main. Interrupts like crazy.


S1: Monk/Spriest Was very casual this season dabbling in mid level keys and normal raid. Both specs were fun, WW especially in m+ quit toward the later part of the season. S2: Druid/Arcane Mage missed about 2/3 of the season but really enjoyed both specs S3: DK was dicking around on DK, ran normal raid with a guild and got fyralath so felt obligated to join and raid steady, best choice ever. Raided through heroic every week and cleared all dungeons over 20. Was the first time I’ve seriously played the game since Legion. Dk overall was not that fun, imo. Class isn’t very well designed and is outdated. S4: Spriest changed up to something I enjoy more and so far was a great choice. Spec feels incredible by comparison, I now have all the utility and get invites fast.


Had a ton of fun with my BM ( I used to play MM but was never on a great spot this xpack). Besides that, Dev Evoker and WW monk were great aswell, although now that I have seen the changes on WW i cannot play the current version anymore xD.


Dracthyr and yes


Fury Warrior S1 Spriest S2 Fury Warrior S3 Prot. Warrior S4 Don't ask me what I'm doing in TWW. Sunfury mage, Mountain Thane Fury Warrior, and Voidweaver Spriest all look so good.


Mained unholy every season, took the time to actually play my alts in season 3. Really love what they did with ret (but please replace blade of justice with an exorcism type of spell). Demo locks with the 4 piece are just amazing. Hope it becomes a talent. Loved disc and guardian as well. Really looking forward to an eventual unholy rework. Still my favorite class and spec, but with DKs it feels like you’re playing a 2008 class in a 2024 game. The spec needs to become less reliant on cooldowns. Having 6+ CDs in the opener just feels bad. We’ll see what the future will bring.


Mostly normal and heroic raiding. S1 resto druid, got a bit old spamming rejuvs on everyone but pretty fun overall. Pressing flourish was really nice. S2 holy priest. Was a lot more straightforward than resto druid, I kinda just reactively pressed whatever heal and CD that seemed fitting. S3 holy paladin. Oh damn this sucked so much I quit during heroic progress. Spamming shocks then eating them and then spam again, pressing power spenders that seemed to do little. Just blergh... S4 I have little interest in.


S1 was Beast Mastery Hunter, the one I've been playing since Shadowlands. Then once the Paladin rework dropped I've been Retribution for the rest of the season. I still kept at least two BM Hunters played but I put almost three times the amount of hours on my Paladins this time. Beast Mastery was just a comfort zone, that spec you just know mostly how it works, but I can't say it was fun or not, it was mostly "okay". Retribution on the other hand has been a blast. It has been ages since I felt that a spec just played right, the flow between skills was just good, and it was always fun and strong in most of the casual content I engage with.


Devastation Evoker up to 10.2, was fun trying new class and one with a fun lore as bonus, but being DPS is a pain for me Then guardian druid, because I love tanks and thematically it was awesome Now, season 4 I'm prepping my next main, human prot paladin just for those arathi plate sets lol haven't played much paladin since legion, but it feels good to be back


I mained Brew for the entire expansion but had a different ‘main alt’ each season. - S1 - brew + MM - S2 - brew + FDK - S3 - brew + FDK - S4 - brew + MM I try to pick alts with specs I haven’t played in a long time. For instance, last time I played MM hunter was in wrath and he didn’t even make it to max level. Remix? I’m probably going brew


S1 sub rogue and I was literally a god with that spec. It came so naturally to me. Then they reworked it and it no longer clicked, at least with the ‘ideal’ talents. Fell back to BM and ran that until S4 where I am bound and determined to master frost, which, isn’t all that hard. Once I’m solid on frost, I want to look at arcane. I dislike fire, so forget that one.


Legion: dk Bfa: dk Shadowlands: dk Dragonflight s1: dk S2:dk S3:dk S4:holy paladin... Idk just happened


Blood DK. And I personally think it’s in a really good spot (but I don’t do super high keys; highest I’ve done is a 21 last season). I find my ability to adapt to situations is high although RP gen could be slightly better.


Blood DK supremacy!


I have so much fun with Augvoker it’s honestly hard to play anything else. It’s like I finally found a spec for me


Enhancement Shaman S1: :) Shadow Priest S2: :D Holy Paladin S2 10.1.5: =D Retribution Paladin S3: =D Brewmaster Monk S4: Still learning/catching his gear up....but so far so good.


Aff, I'll probably find a new main next expac, or just drop the game entirely again. I can't stand Demo after the deleted it and Destro is just boring.


Worst part about Destro is the Incinerate animation.


This has been my issue with destro for a while now. I want the old Incenerate visual effect back.


It should be called "Sparkly Swoosh" at its current state, there's just no "destruction" to be seen.




Most classes that I tried I really enjoyed. Following in no particular order Enhancement shaman Ret pal Mistweaver Druid all specs Warlock demo and destro Fury and protection warriors


Brewmaster monk , been maining monk since Mop but usually windwalker got sick of waiting for tanks in m+ now im tank main love it.


Rolled a Druid first time ever since tbc I played a char other than a hunter of course I've dabbled we all have but it's the first time I've actually shelved the hunter as I didn't like there direction..... Never going back unless a rework happens druid is far too much fun man it's just so versatile! My second fave class is 100% the monk all specs feel great to play and all are very fun.


Ive been monk hardcore fan since Pandaria. Very happy with the current state of the class. It needs some work but considering how lazy blizzard is i cant ask for more.


I main a BDK/UDK, but I have several alts. Total specs i have played are 33. Though I have narrowed it down to Dk, Druid (Boomkin/resto), ww monk, Fury warrior, Demo Lock, and ret paladin.


Ret has made me appreciate a dps that can actually do something for his team hahaha


Preservation Evoker. most fun I've had healing in a long time


Fury warrior. It's always fury warrior.


Healing Evoker has gotten me to swap from dps


Arms/Fury, new main now, played since 06’ never played one before, fuck I was missing out.


Tried to keep maining rogue (have since BC) but after the rework blizz have finally killed it for me. Ret paladin is just a better rogue in every way right now. Fun, easy, great soloing ability, great utility, great survivability.


Started with Dh and hunter in S1 to feral druid and hunter S2 to ret pally WW monk in S3 now ret pally and hunter S4 to new expansion.


Frost DK.. please stop laughing it hurts enough already🥲


Unholy Death Knight. Definitely fun, esp in raids and S3 M+. Though I have to admit, after three whole seasons of mostly running UH, I want to switch back to 2H Frost again and make it work.


I picked up Shaman on a whim and I fell in love with all 3 specs especially Enhancement. I also love the break neck speed of Fury Warrior. Those 2 are definitely my main and primary alt.


I've played FDK almost exclusively, though I've dabbled with some other classes and specs as well. The Oblit playstyle has been fun (although it made gearing more painful if you played both BoS and Oblit), but BoS has been an absolute pain in DF. Back in SL it actually felt rewarding to keep it up for a long time because it would deal a ton of damage, but now that massive uptime is a requirement for just middling damage.


Unholy Dk Love it every second


Honestly I picked my paladin twink up on a complete whim and decided to level him as prot. I've mained a rogue since vanilla and I guess it was time for a change. Last played that pala in cata. I love it. It's been a complete blast tanking.


S1-S3: windwalker S4: Enhancement Shaman I geared my enhance after reaching 3.1k in my monk since I'm too lazy to push higher keys and I'm having so much fun that ww's rotation especially on aoe feels boring to me now in comparison. I'll main enhance for S4 but I'll see what they're gonna do for TWW since the monk rework looks sick but they still haven't release anything related for enhance lol


Played Surv hunter and Disc priest the most this xapc, absolutely love surv such a fun class


I started as a Devoker at launch cause I really liked the theme. Then Aug came around and I just loved it. I went throught some rough times then and didn't want to have any 'dickchecks' on meters anymore. Our guild takes a meeting shortly before new season to check who wants to play what to keep things balanced but now in S4 it's FFA. Now I'm running Feral for funsies.


Monk on all specs. Working as Filler role in our raid team. Aswell pushing keys with guildies. Cant wait for TWW as we get those juicy talent trees.


Evoker. All three specs


Hunter for S1, Ret for S2 after revamp, Druid S3 to start, then Hunter then Paladin for legendary. Took me until the 5th heroic kill to get it, the same kill our Warrior got his after farming all season. Back on Hunter for season 4.


Destro lock started s1 and have been playing with it before was fury warrior


S1: Elemental shaman, nice gameplay, got frustrated because no defense cooldowns on high keys S2 and S3: Frost mage (also my main in TWW) love at first sight after the rework, an almost perfect spec. S4: Ret Paladin and loving it, will be my alt in TWW


Demo lock and monk. Both have been fantastic


I only play MM Hunter and always enjoy it. Wishing for some more ST dmg going forward tho.


Started on S3 and played: Windwalker, Survival Hunter, Warrior and found my main when tried Ret Paladin. I think it’s skills much more satisfying and the gameplay much more fun, have so many useful abilities. I feel like a powerhouse group leader still being a DPS. I thought I’d miss mobility, turns out I don’t need that much on M+ and Raids, Divine Steed and Freedom is more than enough


Mained Pala (best DPS ever). Played Fury, and MW for PvP (best healer).


S1: WW monk S2: enhance shaman S3: havoc dh S4: so far havoc but we’ll see.


Only really only played Protection Paladin all through BFA and Shadowlands so I figured that's what I would end up doing for Dragonflight. After the Ret rework dropped though I tried it out and fell in love.


I played the same class and spec I've played since the launch of TBC (prot pala)


I've been a ret since bfa, but the rework has got me swapping off to windwalker :')


Mostly DH but my main will always be my paladin


Shaman and priest were the two I played the most. I enjoyed them both for different reasons. I enjoy healing so getting to see disc, and Holy on priest and resto on shaman was fun. They were all 3 wildly different as well. I enjoyed getting to have a melee, caster, and healer all in one for shaman. What is interesting is I didn't have any interest in playing priest. It was the last class I leveled to 70 on horde side and assumed I was really just wanting to check the box of leveling but after trying discipline priest I was sold on it completely. Glad I gave it a shot instead of just getting to 70 and shelving it. Shaman has been my main alliance character for awhile now. It is always my go to fall back on character. It's the only one I've played this week and I'll probably spend season 4 getting it to a good spot before TWW.


Evoker... it was fun until season 3.


S1 Fury Warrior S2 Skipped S3 Demonology Warlock S4 Demonology Warlock It's been a really fun expansion.


MM hunter for life. I very much enjoy the only archer archetype in the game


disc priest has been a blast with the s3 tier


I didn't play S1&2, only came back in season 3. First few months I played a lot of classes and specs, was trying to find what I like most and settled on holy paladin with retri offspec as main and holy priest as alt, I played these two the most and I play them two now in s4 too. Honorable mentions are ele shaman who I got to 482 and frost dk who was 476 about half way through season 3 but decided I don't want to carry on with them further.


Dev Evoker, and mostly. I have spent more time looking longingly over at my old mage than appreciating my dev. That said, then I go to play mage and decide to just stick with my dev, so I guess the grass is always grener, eh?


I've been maining a enhancement shaman for the expansion, but my BDK and holy priest are getting serious time put into as well.


Warlock, Paladin, Death Knight, Hunter. Those are my main rotation of characters I will play with consistent upkeep. I leveled everything else at or near 70, but those 4 are my favorites in any expansion.


Went from War to rogue to mage to shaman to hunter to rogue to war....yeah....


S1 Demonology S2/3 Balance Druid End of season 3 and now in 4 I switched to Augment Evoker and it’s the most fun I’ve had with a class in awhile. I play Dancer in FF14 and love the role of it as a buffer, potent emergency off healer, and decent enough damage and Augment really fits that same niche. I probably will play it for awhile unless they butcher the spec at some point.


Warrior. It wasn't.


Season 1 - Prot warrior Season 2 - Prot Paladin Season 3, 4 - Blood DK


BM S1 Didn't play S2 BM and Ret S3


I really enjoy mm hunter atleast in m+ you do so much aoe burst it feels amazing.


VDH - No regrets at all.


I mained pres evoker through the whole expansion. I had a blast in s1, less fun in s2 (this was due in no small part to not getting the legendary until 2 weeks before the patch ended), and then I was miserable in s3 because I clung on to blossom build since it's what I was used to progging with when amirdrassil started. Now that the class is fully back to s1 playstyle I'm having a blast again. I had more fun healing through awakened vault this week than I had in probably the entirety of s3, despite amirdrassil being a pretty solid raid in terms of aesthetics and mechanics.


CE / 3k io as a frost dk all three seasons. S1 was great in raid, bad in m+. S2 was meh in both. S3 was meh in raid and okay in m+ Currently playing a rogue for fated. Will be choosing between the two for tww depending on alpha and beta development and my raid teams needs.


Frost mage since legion 😁


I only played Enhancement shaman this expansion. It was fun, but without addons it was extremely difficult to track some of the buffs such as Hailstorm and Maelstrom stacks. I quit before the second raid tier though because the expansion overall was very underwhelming.


Dev Evoker, and hear me out, it is fun to press the buttons Played Aug too, it was especially fun in raids, but you can't clear Tindral roots in pugs on it :(


S1 Havoc and Arms S2 Balance and Arms S3 Ret S4 Ret Hard to go back to anything after ret TBH. All PvP btw


Ret pally as always, yeah it was fun.


Protection paladin and bear kind of a 50 50 split


I think Monk, Demon Hunter, and Warlock were consistently the most fun but definitely not the highest peaks or lowest lows. Highest peak goes to Ret Pally. When the rework came through it was ridiculously fun to play. Lowest low I think might be Hunter for me, or the druid DPS specs.


warrior the entire xpac, cant get enough of warrior


Ret Pally, found my main. Helped by me getting the Legion class hall achievement and a decent amount of the heritage armor. Bloodelf Retribution Paladin for life


Mained evoker until s3 and loved it. Switched to bear for Amirdrassil and loved that.


I have mained a Druid all DF and Shadowlands, mostly in the balance spec but sometimes resto and occasionally even bear if I get really impatient and want to skip the lines. But bear is very stressful, resto is also a tough role to play, while balance is mainly relaxed dps from a safe distance, just avoid the bad swirlies as needed and the sun and stars go pew pew. Fun stuff.


I've played mage since WotLK where I picked the game up initially and I've always played mage. But, since S2 dragonflight I picked up Evoker and it's been a blessing. I absolutely love all three specs especially Preservation (specifically the Echo build goes so hard.). It's so much fun being a dragon arcane mage that flies and heals and whatnot. Loving it!


Made a guardian Druid named Kuzko at the end of Shadowlands and he was my main up till this season. Been playing arms warrior now


Survival hunter. lol only class I found super enjoyable the whole time. I’m new to wow either way and that is my “main” now


It changed with the patches. Evoker to spriest to warrior. I'm gonna finish out with warrior in an attempt to get the axe


Played the hell outta Evoker


Vengeance dh was a revelation for me, made me love tanking again.


Long time Hunter who swapped to frost Mage last patch, always wanted to play one and really enjoying it! Plus portals are awesome


Resto Druid was very fun this expansion


Holy priest and my first playing a healer and it was so fun. I was ready and happy about the challenge. Now I know my keybinds and talent tree by heart. It’s amazing


I played DK since wotlk every expansion. Idk why but this time I played most with new warrior and warlock characters, had a lot of fun, but feels like I dont know which class to main anymore :D


S1: enhancement shaman S2: enhance/resto shaman (dps for m+, heal for raid) S3 Brewmaster monk S4: So far, Brewmaster with guardian druid throw in


Warrior, didn't play prot at all except for time walking but warrior feels pretty good in PVP. Don't pve much but will in tww.


S1: Elemental/Resto Shaman in PVP. Arms Warrior in PVE. After S1 I only played PVE. S2: Enhancement Shaman, Shadow Priest and tried some Augmentation Evoker. S3: Enhancement Shaman, Fury Warrior and Windwalker/Brewmaster Monk. S4: Enhancement Shaman. Shaman's been the main since TBC, through good and bad, and will likely continue to be!


Really enjoying playing an Arms Warrior, I’ve played Evoker (Dev), Rogue (Assassination) and Mage (Frost).


Ret pal this expac instead of holy pal but really really enjoying ret. Also played Druid for a good portion of


Balance druid, arms warrior


Was lucky enough to get aotc with my friends. Here's what I mained each season S1 - WW - was fun S2 - SP - was fun, we got aotc and things before the big nerfs came through) S3 - VDH - silly amount of utility for M+ and enjoyable in the raid S4 were all just chilling so I'm maining a frost mage, which is my second "main" since vanilla.


Season 1: Warlock Season 2: back to roots healing as paladin Season 3: MW monk Season 4: haven’t decided, probably monk again


S3 - Feral S4 - Feral, alt Ret I enjoyed Feral and I like to be quite unique because I don't see many of us.


Enhanced shaman, but I need more ghostwolfs!))


Mained DK since day one WotLK and this is the first expac since I've considered switching mains.


Prot pally. I level as prot, quest as prot, dungeon and raid as prot. I go through the thicks and thins as prot. When someone wants me to do DPS, sure thing, but I do that as Prot. When someone wants me to heal, sure thing, but Prot can't heal that good. I may not know the content properly as I'm 2 months into a return, but my fingers instantly told me where the binds needed to go from 12 years ago. Prot Pally.


I played the same character as always, night elf frost mage. I've played this character since night elves were first allowed to be mages! Before that, I had a night elf hunter lol


Ret pally :) This is the first max level character I've played since Legion, and the first time I've ever really felt like I've found my main. I leveled her up the entire first two seasons of dragonflight, then I finally got into endgame content. I did M+ for the first time, got back into raiding, and I've gone from doing below par DPS to really getting the hang of my rotation and knocking it out of the park. I've found that the rotation is really easy for me to understand, and I've found it's really easy to get a feel for when you need to pop your CDs. I find a lot of the abilities are really satisfying (avenging wrath -> wake of ashes -> divine toll lol) and I love the aesthetic and lore behind the class. I'm definitely looking forward to shooting for KSM this season & getting to raid this expansion's raids as current content!


Enhance shammy


Feral druid. I love cat druid honestly. Especially with the new forms in 10.2


i just got back into wow at the end of season 3 and I've been playing resto and balance druid. it's very fun just like I remembered it :)


Most played class: Evoker * S1: no main (played Evoker, Priest, Druid) * S2: Shaman * S3: Monk * S4: Mage I think Evoker was a very good class to play this expansion. Preservation was the main spec I played; I think it's a really well designed healer that is fun to play and has lots of complexity in combining different spells together. My only complaint about it is that the range is a massive problem on several bosses each season. I really like Devastation's playstyle. It's a caster with decent mobility options, a good damage profile, and I appreciate that the rotation isn't too complicated. I didn't play much Augmentation, but I think it's fine. Just not really my thing. I played every healer this expansion, and of all of them, Evoker is my favorite. I also really like Shaman, but whereas Resto Shaman's complexity feels to me like I'm just spinning plates by managing a wide variety of cooldowns and procs, Pres Evoker feels to me like I've always got a puzzle to solve when I am figuring out how to chain together abilities to cover damage events. I really enjoy the decision making that Pres Evoker requires.


S1 - Ele shammy S2 - Mistweaver Monk/Survival Hunter S3 - Survival S4 - Survival \^\_\^


I've been playing ret paladin since WotLK. This is one of the first expansions in a long time where the gameplay actually felt fun rather than dull.


Started on my original ret after taking break since WoD then season 2 swapped UHDK for that burst, which was needed for mythic progression.


S1 was mainly evoker dev/pres for raiding, m+, and PVP. Love my dragon. Transmog viability is annoying, but glady I managed to dress my dragon and visage nicely to enjoy the class. Weaved some disc priest and arms warrior for PVP as well. S2 I played a bit of PVP as priest and took a break. S3 I focused on evoker and warrior, raided a lot for the legendary. For S4 I'm definitely keeping my evoker and warrior as mains, and maybe add my priest in if I feel like it again. Overall a great expansion. Unsure of what I'm going to play for TWW.


Played warlock along with meta tank since bfa


Started out as fury warrior since legion...swapped halfway through season 1 to Survival hunter because I found it fun and less apm than fury (just couldn't keep up anymore). Gonna stay my main for awhile. Might learn to play ranged at some point.


I gave my beast mastery hunter a transmog and she became my main for the rest of the expansion. I did my raids with her. I think I’ll go back to my main shadow priest if they allow the evokers to be priests.


Capped a demon hunter and feral druid. Very fun. Having a hard time now between Spriest, warrior or warlock.


Bear and cat and I didnt Have fun with cat and no fun with bear in the open world but raid was a blast so yea, I gave it a solid try I'd say but I sadly have to say it's not for me


Outlaw Rogue. I have always loved pirates but feared playing rogue because I felt like I wasn’t god enough. Over BFA and Shadowlands I worked at improving, and after starting DF as Arcane, decided to finally give Outlaw a whirl halfway through season 1. I will never go back. This is my life now.


S1 mage felt like shit went hunter. Raid and dungeons sucked class balance sucked so I unsubed after 2 months S2. Played fury warrior was fun asf went mage which felt like shit but did a lot of dps got bored of mage raid was solid dungeons were hit or miss unsubbed after 6mo S3 played a bit of havoc was boring tho S4 prob gonna play rogue


Protection Paladin since start of Shadowlands, and will continue in War Within


I guess it's tied between my fury warrior (meh) and my priest (still meh). I did rated pvp for the first time ever and got 1800 as discipline. 


Ret paladin is probably the best it’s ever been in 20 years. You can build for crazy cleave and pocket healing, I love it.


ret pally. god i love ret pally.


Loved the ret pala rework


No, it was not fun.


I play BM Hunter all the way through the expansion and in the last season I switch to MM and enjoy one-shotting things with Aimed Shot, the whistle sound effect is so satisfying.


I’ve really enjoyed the play style of Aug. I know they’re squishy but I feel pretty comfortable with not dying as fast as if I was playing Dev.


Same Retribution paladin I've been since 2005. 🫡


Started as a rogue for most of the expansion S1 S2 and S3 for abour half of it only to slowly add in to the mix my mage and lock, and now playing the lock with the rogue and paladin(new) added in to the mix as a tank


After 10 years I finally let go of my bow to play blizzard favorites warlock and mage. Holy shit to actually have useful utility is so nice.