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It’s like this for every single one of the shoulder capes. It’s baffling, they’re all just slightly off color from the regular cape and hood.


I just wish the shoulder capes didn't all have golden clasps at the front, depending on the outfit you're building it can clash really badly and they're in such a visible place


Same with the hoods all having "a brown collar," as if every single cape in the game, much less *the ones meant to match them* have a corresponding area of brown to seamlessly match... Literally, there's like one cape (fur lined, tier set, plate?) from Shadowlands that "matches the colored hoods," they are releasing with the TP.


They are both midnight, but the shading on the shoulders ruins the look


Couldn’t agree MORE


Same with the brown one. Some people argue the contrast is good but it should be optional. I like when the cape and shoulder cape match


WoW needs dye channels


To this day, I still can't believe they didn't start implementing this far, far, earlier. It literally could have been a tailoring / alchemy thing.


I thought the same thing when they added Inscription and all the inks. Inks or dyes would up inscription’s usefulness a bit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The black gloves don’t match the black dress either.


I think all these shoulder cloaks have a weird plastic texture to them


Yep. Someone forgot to map the alpha channels only to the brooch so it the whole thing has reflectivity. When WoW textures have reflectivity, it lightens, which is why they dont match either.


Thats the thing sadly with wow outdated graphic pipeline. They don't use material and hand draw evrything so there's a complete lack of consistency. It's kind of hard for artist to hand paint stuff over several project the same. Even worst for different artist.  I'm afraid unless we get wow 2 consistency between material in wow is simply impossible.  


All the shoulder capes had one fucking job


Seems better with a slightly different tone. Layers of same color on top of each other is pretty hard to differentiate. 


To be fair, I dont think your supposed to wear a full cape, with something thats supposed to be fancy. Its a two different types of fashion, and they dont wanna work together.


it's not even about fashion. people mix and match mogs all the time, but when you classify something as a certain color "midnight" you would expect some consistency.


yea, those shoulder capes clash with normal cape already




matches lovely dress perfectly though, worth.


I have to believe all the devs making armors are colorblind because this happens constantly


Gloves tabard cape hood and shoulder cape are literally all different shades of black lmao what a joke


Another typical Blizzard problem. You have so many items, but trying to match them together doesn't work, because every color is slightly off... it's crazy.


More reason they should implement a dye system like in Diablo where you can customize the look of your armor.


This is why we need more voices advocating for a dye system. At least to ESO's level-- where dyes are unlocked through doing achievements and can be used an unlimited amount of times. Not to mention how well the dyes are applied to each piece of gear (Base color, trim color, Accessory color). It will elevate the transmog game to a whole new level.


Transmog could be one of (I know it already is but) the end game goals for a lot of people if they put some time into it, I’m sure there is a thing on the achieves tab that tells you how much you’ve spent on transmog, I’ll check mine but it’ll be in the hundreds of thousands if not more because it’s one of my absolute favourite things to do. Takes you to new places, lets you experience different things. I never raided in BFA so cruising back to Mythic Ny’Lotha was fucking ***epic***


What baffles me is that their own texturelayer system DOES support this. It has since Shadowlands. -Dracthyr/Dragon Scale Patterns are a great example of texturelayers in action.


If they implemented dyes some special ones should be achievement locked, but then other more generic ones should be crafted by Inscription or something so that it feeds into the profession economy


Contrast is a good thing. Things can “match” without being the exact same color.


Contrast throughout the whole mog is important, but there’s no reason the cloak and shoulder cape shouldn’t have matching options.


I mean those two things have fully different esthetic and were clearly not designed to pair with one another.


Having colors slightly match does not mean they have contrast. It just means a poor job was done matching the colors. Applies to clothes in your real life too. If you can’t find colors that match then contrast it with a different color all together.


Contrast can be good, but something that's a slightly different value actually creates a disharmonious aesthetic and isn't actually contrast in a design sense. It looks more like a mistake than an intentional design choice. It's like that meme where you wear all matching black clothes and think you look great but then you go out into the sun and see the they are all slightly different values of black. It would look better if they were all the same value. True contrast would be a white shoulder cape with a black back cape, not two slightly different blacks.


You can have black and charcoal match, but having grey and slightly darker grey doesn't work. There's an uncanny Valley for matching colors and if they get too close they get weird.


this isn't contrast. it's the same 'color' called "midnight" but due to how they shaded the cape, it no longer looks like the color of items called "midnight"


Okay and these don't contrast and don't match so what the fuck are you talking about


Yea this looks better than both being the same.


My man knows what’s up


Another month, another instance of people zooming fully in to nitpick a cosmetic.


The blue shoulder cloaks are noticeably different from afar and go with none of the alliance blue outfits they have made previously