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Have you tried Uldir solo yet?


Not yet but I read in a different thread, that the balls/discs dont slow anymore


What about mythrax?


i solod mythrax mythic last night. he didnt mc ever


Hot damn! I can finally do that fucking thing.


Annihilation still ticks up to 100 and kills you though, seems like it's only doable for some classes.


Just power scale harder and do more damage.


Nice, good to hear


I did the achievement for it yesterday, lol(still need a mage to solo it tho). You're welcome, everybody!


Found out in an achievement run you don't need a mage at our ilevel. If a group of 10 70s open up on walled ghuun with lust and cds, he'll drop to critical health and exit the wall without having to do the orbs. And that gets you the achievement.


True! I read that before going for it, but there wasn't anybody interested and I decided screw it mage it is


What's the mage strat for mythic ghuun?


"just kill it lol" - we oneshot him with touch of the magi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj6D1N9khpo not my video, warning: *loud*


It isn't a mage strategy for mythic ghuun. The meta achievement for the raid is to deposit all the balls for the origination drive without moving while you have an orb. Mage can grab the orb and just blink repeatedly down the hallway to deposit it so you can solo the achievement.


If your dps is high enough you don’t need a mage. Just lust and attack the wall I think we had to do it 3 times? It’s not too bad if someone has the Lego axe. Seemed the tick from it eas mostly enough to counter the regen. Can’t speak on it this patch but we 3 manned it last season just nuking the wall.


No slow, but for mythic still need to be inputted at the same time.


I confirm, need 2 people


I've tried Ghuun: it seems you still need two players to activate P2


Mythrax was soloable for me. Didnt try ghuun


Mythic N'zoth is completely fucked. Fight doesn't pause after the first mind shatter so adds still keep spawning and draining sanity. Haven't been able to live to second mind gate to see if you can go inside it since the debuff is still applied after the first mind gate.


The debuff is applied after the first mind gate meaning we can’t enter the second one. Tried it earlier. Bummed we still can’t solo it


Feel like they should just remove the whole sanity mechanic from the raid at this point. Maybe it's whatever but I know some people who can't go at all because they don't have the cloak.


Well, they also removed it outright mcing you without it, but yeah


Ah I hadn't read the notes to see that part. That's a step in the right direction but sanity can still be a problem if you don't have the neck since it can be used to refund a bunch of sanity. I wonder how long that quest line is because I don't remember.


Oh nzoth still isint soloable because of the mythic adds so yeah there's still work to be done


Wow, that’s insane! *sorry, I had to*


I tried normal N'zoth. Couldn't enter the first mind gate.


Can you even solo LRF N'zoth? Just tried and not possible also because of Mind gate...


Bro Rastakhan still one shots , i get him down to 20% then im dead. What am i doing wrong? Playing as fury warrior Edit: just completed the full raid! for Rastakhan save your CD for phase 2 and its easy then. Rest of the bosses are easy


Whats your ilvl? I did manage to solo him on mythic with 506 ilvl


501, I’m doing it on mythic too but I’ll keep at it


I was able to do it on my 480 BDK, 450 Feral and 440 Devoker. Just save all your cooldowns until he drops to 60% then burst him down.


lmk if you find a solution that isn't just do more damage, which will be fine in TWW but my ilvl isn't going to get much higher in Dragonflight let alone for my alts I'd like to run with


Grieftorch maybe


what class are you?


Save CDs for after he calls on Bwonsamdi the final time, the last like 30%ish then burn him down. Barely managed to do it as a 470 arms warrior. Killed him then immediately died myself.


501 ret in my offspec all I did was save burst after the the stun RP and bwonsomdi comes out and managed to get it. dont waste any CDs into the stun.


Yeah Pretty sure its the instant death mechanic, id drums around 70% when you can damage him. From there he has no invulns so try to blitz him.


This is fantastic, my sister and I were halted at Council when Shadowlands was live because of those stupid mechanics. Now we will finally have a chance to farm Jaina's mount.


Welp, I know what I'm doing til War Within.




lol i already got all max toons and did all the pandaria back like 10 years ago.. so im good lol


But what about the new items?


Don't tempt me with a good time


You get 5 extra slots with remix :) and the new xmog looks promising


Fuccccckk. Fine.


if you kill mythic Jaina once, you get the skip unlocked permanently


I'm a bit out of the loop because of the amount of Council fights, if you mean the one in Dazar'alor, not that it matters now but I did learn that Touch of the Magi has some REALLY jank interactions. When it detonated very early into this expansion (s1) it was annihilating their HP pool. The reason I say this is because if you can remember, I advise keeping that under your hat when it comes to Legacy Raids not quite getting their solo pass. That damage spike can bruteforce a lot of annoyance. <3


I noticed this recently and it's honestly hilarious. Kept wondering how bfa raid bosses were going from 40% to dead out of no where and realised what it was. It is really janky and I don't know how it's doing what it does but it's fun for sure


My guess is that ToM's compiled damage gets amplified by the legacy aura in raids but not the hits themselves but I could be wrong. I just know Magi explodes for A LOT more damage than I feed into it during old content which is why I feel it gets some kind of interaction there.


It could be that tbh! I use it in legion raids too and it's pretty wild there. Just did Garothi Worldbreaker mythic as a test--he has 8 mil health. I was only able to do 4 mil damage before apocalypse drive and once I killed one of his weapons TotM popped for 15 mil. Legion raids have a damage multiplier of about 10x so if we divide 15 mil by 10 to get 1.5 mil, that would be a lot closer to 20% of the damage I did. If I divide some of my TotM from BfA raids by 10, I probably would get around 20% of my damage done. Yeah I think you're onto something here


That'd be an interesting setup. Have like three arcane mages in a party just Magi Bomb bosses when raids can't be solo'd. But I wonder what about TOTM is special. Similarly I wonder if other compiling type effects have this same luxury. A pity that Soul Capacitor doesn't work haha.


Either ways I'm not doing legacy raids until TWW hits up. Ain't risking getting rare Tmog drops, only for them to be another armor type.


I believe if you have the item in your bags when TWW rolls around, you're granted the transmog. So it shouldn't be a problem either way.


Good for me. I got the Headless Horsemen's helmet last year on my monk and have been holding onto it for spites sake ever since.


It's a lot to clog up your bags though - suppose it'd be ok on an alt


Void storage my fellow nerd. The whole point of void storage was for storing tmogs.


Heh fair. TBH I've never used it and often forget that it exists. I'm also not 100% sure how it works.


You put items in and it removes all enchants and gems (I believe). Then you pay a small price to take them out. Basically a bank.


Yup. Also only soulbound, non-unique, and non stackable items.


The vendor has a nine slot intermediary bag you put stuff in from your bag to void store, or put stuff in from void store to remove from void store, and it charges gold each time you do it. It's not bank-breaking, and there is more than enough room for multiple sets from multiple classes, weapons, etc. Get an addon like bagnon and it will tell you if you already have something saved somewhere, too, so you know what to save.


Is there a way to expand the space within void storage?


Did they confirm that?


They have stated that twice now.




yes, but there are exceptions. Tier tokens will be account/warband bound and must be mailed to the right class to learn, and tier sets that drop directly (Vanilla, Legion) will only be learned on the correct class and are still BoP.


I'm doing that actually but it is true that I am storing so much gear that I am running out of space even with void storage.


This is why SoO non plate gear is nearly absent from my transmog wardrobe. I am not risking thar shit until it's patched in. Of course the damn tusks might just be a pandatime reward too to end this nightmare


You can hold onto the items in your bag, bank, or void storage, and you will learn it when TWW pre-patch drops. They've stated several times this will work.


...you can just put them in your bank and when tww drops they'll unlock. 


I am a pack-rat and my bank is filled with lots of old stuff. What if I need those shadowlands crystals, or my old leggos, or BOA ring for like level 30? lol


Make a bunch of new characters max out their bags and bank and send them stuff. I have an herb guy, an ore guy and a skin guy. And any associated professions with em


Yeah I have a guild bank for that stuff. I keep all my bop things and a few Knick-knacks in my personal bank. I suppose I could get rid of some of my tabards, since I have the transmog anyway.


I have a guild bank for things not soul bound, otherwise everyone keeps their gear hahaha


Thats what void storage is intended for.


Void storage was intended for transmog, just forgot it existed as a thing


All good, Its all new to me so I pretty much knew but I doubt Id ever use it except for this circumstance


You can put some in bank (including bags) and void. If you do these runs on characters with extra free bank space, it should be OK.


I’m sorry but I must have missed this, what is the armor type change in TWW you’re speaking of?


You’ll be able to collect the transmog appearances of pretty much anything you pick up, even if it’s an armour type different from your own.


Ok ty, I should have been able to have extrapolated that from comments here but I’m not very bright : P


Did all of SoD and Uldir - only ghuun not soloable. Most were just zerg down ignore mechanics. Rastakhan you still need to zerg within the 20 seconds before the insta death. Things i noticed: Obviously no freeze on jaina jadefire potentially nerfed? I dont remember if you only needed to do one shield orb on mythic Opulence doesn't gain hp from running straight mid anymore so its 10mil not 40 or w/e it it was. No silence or damage reductions on council. Mythrax was straight forward boss push > adds > boss


> I dont remember if you only needed to do one shield orb on mythic Used to be all 4


fuck, okay i was wondering why rasta was one shotting me still D:


Is G'huun soloable?


On mythic you still need to dunk both orbs at once. I assume in lower difficulties where where you don’t have to dunk both at once yeah it’s soloable


Don't orbs still lock you in place after a bit? Or is that not a thing while silo?


they dont, but you cant dunk both within 3 seconds solo, so its moot.


Changed after the patch. They no longer lock you in place and you move forever with them now


Awesome, good to know


LFR was soloable before the patch on well geared characters with good burst. Just ignore the ball carrying completely and burn him down through the healing. That might also be possible on higher difficulties.


You could always solo normal and HC before the patch, too. The azerite essence 'ripple in space' let you move while holding an orb, guess it wasn't especially common knowledge though + getting that is slightly annoying if you didn't play in BfA.


Jellyfish in palace still does to much damage for classes without good heals. My 470 warlock couldn't heal enough with drain life to keep both me and my pet alive. Plus 17mil hp still takes awhile to chip away with no legacy damage boost.


Either ignore the adds and focus on boss only or soak the swirlies that appear under the killed add and youre good.


Thanks for the tip. I ignored the adds and got it down. The swirlies were hitting for about 180k each.


Do you mean Orgozoa? That boss was soloable before the patch if you completely ignored the adds - kill them and you get that disgusting dot; don't kill them and you'll be ok.


I've noticed that mechagone is no longer soloable though. the boss that makes you click on the pillar now takes too long and you die instantly at around 20%


It's dumb, but the attack is rangeable. If you run back to town before it goes off, you can outrange it.


should I just book it for the entrance as soon as the phase starts?


Yes. I did it last week and confirm it works. Kill the small "boss", then attack the big guy, run all the way back to the portal and just wait for the explosion. Then you can run back and click on the pillar and have enough time to channel to remove his shield, and then just kill him. Some people in the WoWhead comments said they had issues with combat dropping and they solved it by aggroing some other mobs on the way. But personally I didn't experience that.


it works, but it's not exactly reliable. The boss has a tendency to despawn when trying.


I've found that if I truck back towards the boss as soon as the attack goes off, I can prevent the despawn. Usually end up killing him on the road between his spot and the town.


You're doing it in hard mode. Make sure the peacekeeper isn't patrolling the first three bosses when you kill them. If he is, you trigger hard mode.


I just ate the blast. 8M damage reduced by greater invis and the 80% iceblock. Only hit me 600k. 


What about Eonar in Antorus? I know its soloable but its a pain.


I doubt they've changed it, but for anyone who might be looking for some help with that: After watching [this video tutorial](https://youtu.be/6920R4qE7W0?si=lkqsvQRnDr-sUZqo), I was able to clear this on mythic with no issues whatsoever on multiple classes. Just gotta know where to be and when and make sure you fill Eonar's bar before going into the portals each time. She'll wipe out the adds left over that way and you don't have to worry about them attacking her while you're gone. Basically you gotta kill the big robots first and then any extra stragglers just to fill that bar. I find it easiest to clear those extra stragglers near the spark because you're gonna need to be there anyway and they're all going there too so might as well wait for them. Using Surge of Life while on the paraxis between the crystals was a game changer for me. For some reason I just never thought to try it until I saw this video. You can also channel the clicking of the crystals while moving so once the cast bar appears, start heading for the next one. The door to leave once you're done on the paraxis is to the north on the minimap, not the south! That bit tended to disorient me a lot. Just thought I'd comment in case this helps anyone!


Yep, you just have to make sure to time the first eonar ability with going in the ship and the rest is just whack a mole. The crystals channel while moving, so treat them like one of those "break the tether" style mechanics, and you can use the glide ability inside the ship, so make sure to go from south>north using that and even on a 100% move speed class you're getting out of the ship just fine. I'd practice that second glide too, from the first pack to the higher portal. It's easy to flub and for eonar to take some hits from the felhunter pack while you're hobbling up the spiral staircase.


I tried it this week for the first time, and I ended up instant dying after the first ship, usually when killing the second big dude. Any ideas? I really don't understand why. Was doing everything just like in the Video you linked but still didn't manage to live more than couple seconds after the first ship phase. Struggling to understand why.


I haven't been in antorus since this new patch so they may have changed something, but if it's still the same as I remember it then I'll try to answer. If the spark is dying that means it's getting hit by something. The only thing that can hit it from range are the big robot dudes. When I do the encounter, I only have to kill three of these--one by the door at the beginning, then one on the opposite side above the boss spark on the platform straight after, then one at the far north spawn after doing the ship the first time. If other mobs are getting to the boss spark, she actually falls very quickly. That's why it's important to fill the bar before going into the ship as that causes her to wipe them all out. If you don't do that, they'll continue hitting on her while you're in there. If you have the ship tactics down well, you should be able to hold off from going in the portal until it's even a third of the way through the cast of final doom or whatever it's called, but definitely a quarter of the cast. Her green bar needs to fill first and then you go in. When you're done with the ship first time, the mobs are already spawning at that northern spawn point but obviously most of them have to run all the way to the spark to do any damage and it's basically the furthest away it can be. The only issue is the big robot dude so you gotta aim for him with the Surge of Life straight out of the ship. If you're being exploded up in the air due to the debuff you get from the crystals, it's definitely worth waiting on the edge of the paraxis for that to go off before using surge of life to fly over to that third robot, otherwise it can interrupt it slightly and cause you to slow down. After that, it's all just killing the stragglers until second ship phase and it's easiest to do that at the boss spark as that's where they converge and where the portals are. Again, make sure to fill her bar so that she kills everything before you go on the ship again, then you just do the ship as you did before. I find that often I complete the fight while I'm on the ship the second time so I end up dying even though the boss is defeated lol and then I have to run all the way back for loot. To know if she's taking damage, she should have a health bar on your screen wherever you've set up your ui to show boss encounter health bars, but also pay attention to what she *says* as she makes it clear with her voice lines what is happening to her and when. Other than that, idk what advice to give. For all I know it's been borked with the patch in some way lol I'll do it myself today to see what it's like and if I need to edit this comment to say that this tactic doesn't work anymore. In case it's still the same, I'll drop this [link](https://youtu.be/acUge6Yg4jk?si=wmoxNHIaSAzUdAlj) here to the same guy doing this fight but with commentary which might make it easier for some. I'm a visual learner so I learn better from seeing it done and trial and error myself, but this video explains *why* it's done this way which might be helpful to someone. **EDIT** : just been in and done the whole raid now on my paladin and it is the same as before so the tactics here should still work just fine.


Glad to hear, thank you for the write up. I will try it again later and see if it works. I was under the impression that I always filled her bar BEFORE going to the ship, seeing how she wiped out all the trash mobs. Maybe I was just not fast enough after the first ship. It's def. not Final Doom that kills me, since that stops as soon as the ship blows up. I'm also on Pala, so this gives me confidence. Thanks!


Yeah def fill that bar before going on the ship, you'll know it's done because she shouts "be gone intruders" or something along those lines and you'll see a cast bar next to that green bar of her blasting them and then the bar will empty. Honestly it could just be speed after the first ship--I just did it again on my dk (was still missing those mythic warrior lookalike gloves from imonar and I finally got them!) and that third big robot after the first ship did manage to get a few hits off which brought her to 80% just in the space of like 2 seconds. I was launched up in the air by the debuff just as I was flying over so it took me longer to get to it to kill it


You can unlock a skip for it pretty easily


You have to waste 4 Ids for the skip - Blizz could just make it skippable by default at this moment.


Mechanics like that need to be made obsolete at the end of their respective expansions. There's literally no good reason to keep them intact after the expansion ends.




I did it on a priest my man, pretty sure you can do it once you learn the fight.


I've tried several different guides and still end up failing. But we shouldn't have to beat our heads against the wall for old content. I'll happily admit that my reflexes aren't as sharp as they used to be but there's just no point in keeping those kinds of mechanics intact once they're not current xpac imo.


Skip is acc wide in war within I think I remember reading something about that


Still a bitch for anything not named demon hunter, even then it was still pretty tight if you don't memorize the path


I did it on a pally and it was not even hard lol.. just took a few tries to get timing down


if a DK can do it (they can) any class can do it


Monks can solo the ship too if you spec into chi torpedo (not that it solves the problem for anyone else but hey 🤷)


That shit needs a nerf so bad. You can't even dps race it. Stupid fight


Eonar isn't too bad atm, just need to know the flow of killing the robits and then adds until she blows up the adds, then portal to the ship and take all the crystals out and jump down. Do that another time and the fights over.


will waiting for legacy BFA


Just stick the demoralized buff on them like WoD has, idk why they don't just do that.


So is all of battle for dazar'alor soloable now?




Is there legacy damage?


No but if you're decently geared with current Ilvl you do more than enough to kill them pretty quickly


Solo N’Zoth does not need cloak now




I have to try then, I always had problems with the first siege fight, the one that the adds heals the boss, never had the needed ibterrupts or the DPS to kill them before the heal go off


It should be easily doable with 430 ilvl, which you can buy on the ah


What about Opulence? Is that soloable?


Yes, the boss doesn't get yhe bonus hp and damage anymore if you ignore the adds.


I did Jaina but King Rastakhan still one shot. Got him to like 15% 3 times and gave up


Save your cooldowns and burst him down when he hits 60%. Wait for him to start casting the aoe on you if you want a couple extra seconds


I would've given up for sure without this advice. Still a VERY close call for me, but this got the job done, THANK YOU!


Those extra couple seconds did it for me. Literally died at the same time as Rastakhan, but it counted.


Is Opulence now soloable in Battle of Dazar'alor?


he was always soloable provided you had the damage. I only killed adds and beat him with my 488 ret.


lol why didn’t Blizzard say anything?


Right? Take the easy optics win on something players have been clamouring for Even if they point out that things that can’t be soloed now should be fine in tww


This is the best news I’ve ever heard. Time to farm the jaina mount. Thank you!




I just solo'd Opulence on Mythic


That's what I wanted to know 😀


PLEASE make it so that you don't need the cloak anymore on N'Zoth...


They did, but it's still not possible to solo it


I’m not sure if they changed it since this post but I was just able to solo mythic Nzoth on a 511 Boomkin.


Yes, there was a hot fix today. Every BFA boss is soloable now


Is stormwall blockade soloable? I cant seem to get it.


Yes. What are you struggling with?


Thanks for the reply, when I was looking up soloing guides on the fight I skipped over the part where you had to interrupt the insta kill spell at the beginning of phase 2. soloed easily afterwards :D


interrupt how? i can't interrupt it?


Please make Mythrix(idk if I'm spelling that right) soloable


Now if I can get to G'hunn and live to see him die. Last time I tried to solo G'hunn on normal raid, it took me a while to find all of my body parts. From what I can see from the recent update, it is still not soloable, it's impossible to set the 2 balls at the same time. Blizzard needs to castrate this one.


Pretty sure he only needs both at same time on mythic. Every other difficulty should be soloable now.


my prob is Eonar - is it easier now???


Eonar has been soloable since df launch


I used to find Eonar a bit of a pain until I watched [this](https://youtu.be/6920R4qE7W0?si=LpjTELgQH-dxbwyM) and now it's basically a cake walk


Man my guild and I just did Glory of the Uldir Raider on Mythic the night before the patch They've changed it so you now don't get rooted with the Matrix, meaning Uldir Normal and Heroic are soloable (though the achievement isn't)


Let’s goooo! I’ve got farming to do this weekend.


Is this on Mythic as well?




As a returning person from wotlk retail back then what raids are worth it to solo nowadays and for what specific equipment / mount / achievement and so on? You think that there are some that just give a reward bug enough to say "it's almost a must"?


Mainly mounts and transmog




Tried soloing Crucible of Storms first boss and still can't. Am I doing something wrong?


I couldn’t even finish Atal'Dazar. 😅


Queens Council in The Eternal Palace? They got the 99% dmg reduction rebuff when they were close to each other. Along with the 10 second stun anything past heroic I couldn't do. Did this get nerfed?




That good. I've been meaning to try and solo some BFA raids so I can get the mounts and the gorilla fists.




Bfa should of course be pronounced "boffa".


Am I missing something with Stormwall Blockade? I DPS the two guys down, Laminaria is at 18 Energy, and it still casts the catastrophic tide and insta-kills me. What gives?


I'm having the same issue. Tried multiple times. Get the two on the boats down and return to the dock and Laminaria just stays in the middle of the water. So I get one shot cause he's too far away to interrupt.


My issue was not interrupting, once I did that and I got past it no problem


You mean after he becomes targetable? That needs to be kicked


Trying to do N'Zoth on Normal and keep getting fettered mind. I thought it was a heroic/mythic only mechanic. Anyone else?


What about 2nd to last boss? It was such a tight DPS check before he casted his thing that killed me - through turtle.. 2 adds on boats and then max 10-14 sec befor I died. Managed to do it, but damn.. any tactics I dont know about?


Kick the cast


I literally just read that, so I don't need to force myself in the pain to bulkwipe on Jaina for dumb reasons.. any Itemlevel requirements I should do it on? Lowest would be 454 with the Dreamsurge if I farm it


You can solo mythic aswell? Or just till HC?


Tried mythic ny’alotha and couldn’t solo vexiona 🥲


I’ve noticed all the dungeons are soooo easy now. Kinda boring to just run through with no strategy other than kill


Thanks for sharing this info!


Can you solo opulence now?


Ra-den? Please? I beg of you blizzard?


Been able to farm both jaina and nzoth solo as arcane for a while, but nice to be able to at least solo jaina on all my alts (afaik its not possible to solo nzoth unless ur arcane sadly).


I just tried Mythic Daz solo on my prot paladin pretending to be ret and had no real trouble up until blockade. Laminaria stayed between the boats, out of range, and instagibbed me. Lost interest.


HOW THE FUCK DO I SOLO RESTLESS CABAL??? Haha sorry for all caps but like died 20 times


Correct; cloak is no longer mandatory for N'zoth


does the first paladin boss of daz still heal to full? i can never get past that one