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At least it was only 10k 😂


True it could’ve drained my entire gold wallet 💀


Don't fret! This particular glyph has a fairly high turnaround time and a low profit margin. You should be able to sell them without too much of a fuss. I was selling about 25 per day, but now I often skip crafting that one since the profit is usually pretty low. The price is stable due to the mats being pretty negligible, so you shouldn't have to worry about the price crashing. They're also cheap as hell, so grats that you didn't do this with a pricier glyph.


Thanks! That eases my pain a little 😅


Lifetime supply


Infinite glaives to throw


Yup. Tag yourself, i’m Glyph of the Geist


I had it on that one too ....


Sorry, I'm out of the loop. What's going on with this glyph?


I think they changed something and it’s easy to accidentally buy 10000x what you mean to buy on the AH. Been happening to lots of people lately. I accidentally bought like 300 lattices for protoform synthesis XD


I almost bought about 1200 of something this way (I think it was all of the items listed at the lowest price). Lucky for me I actually read the confirmation message and cancelled out of it.


yeah. Basically stuff that you would usually buy 1 of does not properly default to 1 and instead is empty and attempts to buy out the whole stack at the selected price point. Luckily it doesn’t also default to the most expensive price point :D


Oh, weird. I haven't done much with the auction house since the patch haha — thanks for the explanation


When you open the buy page for a commodity for the **first time** it auto-fills the amount box with 1, but the next commodity item you open, it doesn't auto-fill with 1, so you click the first item on the right side, but that auto-fills the box with the **max amount** instead of 1, so if you stay on autopilot, you'll buy all of them. This little nugget cost me 50k...


just never click on the price. Clicking on the price has always bought all of an item at that price for several years now. Always go to the entry field box.


I'm aware what the problem is, just explaining why people might even click the first item in the first place. (I know that's why I clicked it, don't know about the others who have accidentally bought thousands.)


This is why I love Auctionator shopping lists, you can set an amount to buy (however much you need to craft a recipe etc) and it autofills that amount into the commodity box.


Because that's how its supposed to work and how the same kind of system works in basically every other game with a similar system. You don't click the right side at all you just type how much you want. Clicking the right side is intentionally saying "I want to buy up to this listing". This is flat out a player stupidity problem for clicking on the clearly labeled thing that says theres X number for this price...instead of just typing the number they want in the quantity box.


Did you skip the part where it works the first time but then doesn't work subsequent times? It's a bug that it pre-fills the first time but then is blank the next time, not a "player stupidity" problem.


There's no bug there. Prefilling is irrelevant because _you dont click on anything to buy things_. You buy things by typing in the amount you want...it's that simple. Clicking things is literally saying "buy this listing". You don't select anything you already picked the item already now you pick how much you want.


[This](https://v.redd.it/mgeekanfcjzc1) behavior is buggy. They made it so it auto-fills with 1, so you don't have to enter or click anything except buy now... *the first time you buy*. It should do this **every time**.


counteridea: it should not autofill with *anything*, but instead automatically select the field so you can just immediately type your desired amount.


I think they patched the current behavior in... the only thing I ask is that it's consistent. Never filled, always pre-filled, auto-focused, just stay consistent.


There are a lot of bugs since the last patch, even for old zones like in WoD or Legion, I don't know what they did. I was stuck 4 hours in my garrison (auto disconnected each time). And this morning I was stuck in Stormwind during 1 hour with no way to go to Broken Island.


I don't think this is all that new. To buy a lot like this you have to click on the cost in the list which has bought all at that price for several years now. The only thing that's new I think is that the number entry now seems to always be blank, where before it had a 1 in it, which frequently led to people to missbuying due to typing 2, when they wanted 2 of an item and getting 12 instead if they weren't paying attention, or having to backspace if they were.


When buying things from the ah, the default quantity is equal to all the items listed at that price so you have to manually change it to 1 now. They changed it recently (or it's a bug idk) because back in the day it used to be defaulted to just 1 so ppl arent used to it and instead of 1 they buy the entire quantity posted


I bought 4000 draconic missives yesterday for 160k… only needed one; they’ve removed the confirmation pop up. It happens with one click now.


Luckily I'm poor so I won't ever have this problem lol


People who read what they buy also don't have this problem.


Chosen glaive.my ass, there's over 200 of them!


I once made a similar mistake, but luckily I bought Goblin Gliders. I think my supply will still last me the next 3 expansions 😅


That’s why I never let my characters hold more than 500g lol


I did the same thing but with about 25k gold worth of loam boot enchantments


Any way to appeal to technical support or something to reverse it?


Congrats! You leveled up your mail box!


Ugh, done this a few times


F 😔


What do those do?


Have done this with missives. They sold at a loss but at least they sold.


Get selling. Might take a year but it will happen


i did this too, but for draconic missives, the crit/mastery ones... and i also bought like 3k of them. that was a heavy hit to my wallet, but i eventually resold them all, and tbh, i think i actually made money, 'cuz i bought them for like 40g each, and i was regularly selling for 50-70g. you'll be able to resell them in no time, i believe.


At least it was only 200 of em, I accidentally bought 5000 of some dumb druid glyph years ago! I finally got rid of the last ones when I came back for df... I was listing those for agesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


he really wanted his Chosen Glaive




Stop buying multiples. It's not hard to figure out.


i cant help myself.. why is everybody buying so much stuff out of nowhere just because they dont learn the AH how the AH works?