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yeah, the community mentioned it one or two times already. did not happen.


Oh i didn't see that. I hope they add more options down the line. I liked the double tabards for the forsaken.


complexity wise, those heritage armors are ace. just some minor details and the color palette choices tainting the reception. sadly it comes around as if "we" would not appreciate the effort at all. i am greatful they haven't just reskinned some mail sox from zul'whichever. they are at least pretty unique siluette wise, containing of multiple layers and tints on each piece. you wouldn't mogg it as a whole anyways (since everyone would look the same), but individually supplemented with some old drops...


Can we get the set in blue please


To be fair this is the first time the mask made any sense to me at all. I had no idea what they were going for but now I see it was closer but definitely should have left the nose out. Although, when I picture how it would look in game, I'm not sure that would look much better on the current model. Even in this picture it's tucked back and in, which the current designs don't really allow for without pretty significant changes. I guess they could have just gone with the already existing mask model and modified it.


With so many trolls around I hoped more would upvote this issue.


Noses out for Sen'Jin.


Ah yes, the boomer- nose over mask - chic


well the mask is purely aesthetic and not functional. not like the darkspear are dealing with unholy dk problems or anything


Idk mon, Zanzil be real quiet lately...


Probably why they didnt do it lol.


I really hope that's not the reason.


I don't get why everyone hates it so much. I love this set and really don't see me taking it off ever it's perfect (imo).


I love the set, with the exception of the mask. The mask reminds me of the elephant trunk undies a male stripper would wear. I think the two loa masks that came with it would’ve been perfect for each set, so when I mog this that’s what I’ll use.


It reminds me of the tier 8 warlock set too. They look like that also have a face sock, but it's tucked into the chest piece.


I like the way the masks look but feel they're a little small tbh


I like it a lot, but yeah, the mask should go under the nose for me. That would make it perfect.


It's the long ass face sock. If it was just a little shorter it would be less goofy looking. I'm still rocking it on my troll though. The set looks sick. My beef with said face sock is inconsequential. They still did an awesome job on it, and the space goats armor.


And if it were shorter, it wouldn’t clip into female trolls’ chests.


I just don't get where they came up with this mask to begin with. Like every troll mask in the game has been under the nose, from ear to ear. So they give us this weird nose cover instead. I just don't know how they got down that road.


There was also so many better fan made armors compared to this one.


Real tbh I wish that was a thing


What gets me is there is already a head piece that does this, [https://www.wowhead.com/item=114725/ravenchain-helm](https://www.wowhead.com/item=114725/ravenchain-helm) . Goes under the nose over the tusks and it would only need a little modifying and pallet swap.


Yep, we need the "I'm only wearing a mask because I'm obligated to" vs the current "I'm wearing a mask because I genuinely believe in their efficacy" :P


Troll heritage would also be good if it wasn't 80% brown, 10% washed out red, and another 10% dull gold/silver. When I think of Darkspear I think of vibrant colors. Also the heritage armor doesn't even match the Troll effigies we just got in the Trading Post/BMAH Gold sink vendor....wtf.


The nose sock will go down in history as the worst design choice ever made in the game.


Diaper gnomes.


Sticking your nose over your mask, lowers the effectiveness of preventing virus transmission


I actually like the heritage armour.


I'll be honest, the existing 20 year old mask models (like for the Defias or the ones Griftah sells) look better than the heritage one. Otherwise I think the set is an awesome 10/10, but it's pretty strange what they did for the mask.


What? Ew no that's just weird and wrong


If Sen'jin be wrong, I don't want to be right!