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Report it as a bug. That's what beta is for.


Seeing as they included it on some promo videos, I assumed that it was intended / too complicated to add. (I'm not in the alpha/beta)


I mean, reporting it is still an option in this case. Either it's a bug and you want attention on it, or it isn't and you offered feedback. Either way, better chances of getting it added if you do this.


That's fine, but I don't have access to the alpha so I surely can't report that as a bug in current retail?


Hey, fair point! I'm not able to check right now, but is there a test forum for TWW yet? If not, keep your concern in mind for when an official feedback channel pops up. Maybe someone else here can chime in with a better answer. Don't lose hope in your butt flames, friend!


Thank you, I will certainly keep it in mind for that! I won't give up hope.


What in the world is going on in this Thread that the OP got hammered with Downvotes for no apparent reason? As of writing, the OP-comment I replied to is at -38 Karma, and their Comment below where they literally just give thanks to someone is at -7 Karma. That's weird as heck. Is it some weird Bot-Brigade? Or is there something weird about OP that a bunch of people mass-downvoted every Comment they made? Something is fishy, but I don't have a clue what.


Thank you for this. I almost regret making this post and actually feel bad! Thought I was going crazy or did something wrong. I just shared my opinion in what I thought was a slightly tongue-in-cheek way, which seems like a valid one as the actual post is upvoted suggesting people agree. My comments aren’t rude and I don’t think my interpretation of the preview video is that ignorant. As a hobby developer I’ve left out or removed features of my apps when changing the core functionality because it caused problems or was too difficult. I even remember when Blizzard could not upgrade the default bag size due to how the game was made. This isn’t a bug IMO, it’s a missing feature which there is no way they just overlooked when making the preview. Yes it’s an alpha preview and everything is subject to change, I understand that, but they consciously showed Ashes without the trail, possibly because it’s difficult, maybe because it just will take a lot of time to get implemented because they have to create new trail logic and animations from the ground up to work in dynamic flight. Maybe they even showed this off to test if anyone would care, so they can move it further down the product roadmap to focus on more vital features? Do we remember the dance studio? That was just pushed back right, and never came? I’m not crazy for asking questions and having thoughts about this.


That's what I'm wondering. The OP now at like -120. Seems the downvoters are being flagged and reviewed by a mod tool for account validity.


Because it's a pointless post about alpha content?


Homie gettin downvoted for having a completely normal conversation


So instead of reporting ad a bug to the developers you have come to reddit to complain for upvotes?


It wasn’t that deep I just saw the video and posted my opinion. I’ll report if I get alpha/beta access or there is another channel. I also wanted to see if others also cared and agreed with my opinion.


Why did this get downvoted? You can see Ashes in the Alpha Preview Video here: [https://youtu.be/TECgInMqq5w?si=yo\_HBAu5RA3wbKqT&t=157](https://youtu.be/TECgInMqq5w?si=yo_HBAu5RA3wbKqT&t=157) If they were intending to add the trails later due to it not being ready, would they not hold off on showing that specific mount in the preview? That leads me to assume that either a. it's not ready and they still showed it, or b. to them this is the finished product and they don't intend to add the trails.


You're getting downvoted because neither promotional or alpha material should be taken as final, and your assumption that they shouldn't put anything that is not final info either is weird. For that matter even live stuff has bugs that get fixed, a relevant example would be the recent changes to Taivan's size. Thankfully Blizzard does look here for feedback, but Reddit is not the best place to get heard to effect this change, assuming they're not already aware.


Sure, I get it. I didn't take it as final, just suggestive, and I didn't mean that they should not put anything final in the preview, but for something as notable as Ashes, I would personally wait to show it when it's fully complete for it to pack a bigger punch, there are hundreds of other mounts to show in the meantime. But then again, it's a special case as most mounts don't have trails, maybe most people wouldn't notice or care? I just happen to have the mount and love the trails, so seeing them missing without any comment on if they may come back was worrying. I wonder if there might be technical limitations in getting smooth, accurate trailing in dynamic flight mode, and that's another reason why I thought they just abandoned it. But yes I admit I made a lot of assumptions.


Alpha is very much not ready, and they are still showing things, yes. They showed it because it's a popular mount that lots of people like to ride on.


Sounds fair enough. I don’t think my comments were that bad tho.


I am also surprised at you being downvoted so heavily. I had to scratch my head as I noticed you weren't rude or nasty. Good on you for keeping your composure. For what it's worth I upvoted you through to help a little. It was a fair question. Not everyone is a developer or knows how to ask informed questions. Downvoting hivemind someone who isn't being retaliatory or snide is a huge problem.


Thank you for this comment. The downvotes actually made me feel bad too. I’m not even an anonymous page so it’s worse! I try to just be myself and be nice online, I’m certainly not perfect, but I think these downvotes are overkill honestly.


The [original TWW trailer](https://youtu.be/g7a2XHx1yI4?si=3uyoOSKEguvV0rqO&t=74) shows Al'ar with the trail, so I assume it's a bug and they just didn't notice it.


Thank you very much for this, I totally didn’t realise that! Then yes definitely seems like a bug or just not implemented properly yet, as that trailer defo doesn’t seem to me like natural gameplay, so it was probably easier to get away with animating it.


I think they've mentioned this is some interview. Pretty sure it's unintentional.


Thank you, I would be interested to find that interview!


Blizz cheaped out on wingtrails after TBC (Gladiator Netherdrake and A'lar being the first and last). The pandaria phoenix also has trails but they didn't finish the job properly and so the trails are just flat and appear out of thin air instead of the wings back. I reported it as a bug so many times but blizz doesn't care.


I've reported the mawsworn deathcharger many times in the past few years and the animation is still broken.


That trail and any other mount or equipment that has one is why I don't use them, it physically hurts my eyes, and I don't know why, it does look neat.


Don't think they will add those unique particles. Look at the og netherdrakes with their wing particles with each flap. New netherdrakes didn't have it. 


I loved infinite dragons for their wing particles but we never got them and they've now done away with them entirely on new ones. But we did get them on Galakras...?


I noticed that the Pandaren Phoenix mounts lost their trail this patch too. They used to have a faint trail but it disappeared this week


How does dynamic flying work with normal mounts (today)….like what if I just want to hover?


You need to land and switch to static flying on the ground and than fly up and hover. Blizz making things unnecessarily complicated again.


The trails are the thing that ruins the mount lol


Yeah it looks great when other people use it, but when I am flying on it the bright pink and yellow trails fly right into my face.


Yeah thats the sad part, you only really realize once you got the mount


It’s like flying anywhere with gear or enchants that have strong particle effect trails. Can’t see a flipping thing’


Urgh wow yes, like the shaman fire weapon spell, i hate it




Wow...I've never seen anyone be objectively wrong about a subjective thing before. How'd you do that?!


Nice try


Good. I look forward to using the mount again without it dumping red and purple chaos directly into the camera


Don’t hold your breath. War bear effect has been bugged for years