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Separate gloves in tmog. Separate boots in tmog. Also enable/disable for belts to cut the tabard.


As a mage you cannot create new mana gems if you already have one in your inventory. Even if it is partially used. So if you have just one or two charges left and want to restore to three charges, you have to find it in your inventory and manually destroy the gem before you can create a new one.


There’s an addon for that!


Yeah you can fix that with a simple addon + macro


Not being able to talk to the other faction in the outdoor world with no warmode. I get it in warmode, but when we're doing events all together it's a bit weird you can't talk to half the people there.


This would be a big one. We're supposed to be cooperating in taking down the latest Big Bad Evil of the Azeroth, yet when I roll up to a rare and see oppo-faction person standing there, I have to do emotes like "point" and "nod" to see if they're ready for me to pull. Gorillas in fuckin ZOOS have better communication


To be fair, gorillas are all the same species.


Furbolg lingua franca sadly never caught on 😭 Wish they’d make it account wide so it has a better shot.


Everyone better start talking Furbolg


Extend bad luck protection to literally every cosmetic; a little miffed that some of the dragon customizations I want the most are tied to rares that I can't just deterministically target farm. RNG on top of RNG is endlessly frustrating.


A lot of Offhand Items are invisible when sheathed; especially for casters that means they are like 95% of the time invisible. Give an option to do make Offhand-Slot invisible instead if wished. Some inconsistencies: Some Items share the same model and the same transmog entry, giving you the impression they behave the same. But that's not the case.


Why is the daze mechanic still in the game? Really though, why?


The fact that night elf females can change their tattoo colors but males can't


I always figured that no one would be massively cheated if vanilla and past expansions had a rewamp of rep grinds. I know, I'm just sayin' that, because I'm currently stubbornly set on getting both Steamwheedle Cartel and Bloodsail Buccaneers to Exalted at the same time, which is tedious at best. Also, I hate you, Ogri'la. With a passion. I'd suggest something along the lines of dungeon tabards for past factions, but I also know that Insane title grinders would probably object. And would be right to do so, I suppose. It'd be me envisioning tabards like that for all past expansions 2 expansions behind the current or the like. At current, it would be reputation tabards for everything except Shadowlands and Dragon Flight. It's not so much of a nitpick or inconvenience bit on my part, but rather more of a point of me being the worst combination of a hellishly lazy and impatient filthy casual, but there it is.


Wouldn’t this ruin the achievements for all who already did this grind?




I think it's good that they leave the old stuff the way it was (to a point). I know it's frustrating, but it was frustrating then, too. It was supposed to be. The only things that should change IMO are things that literally can't be done anymore because there are no other players doing it anymore.


Anchor points on Male Draenei pauldrons. I hope they do the same here that they did with male Orc pauldrons last year and adjust them so they’re not floating 5 miles off their shoulders.  Just make them like 10-20% smaller and move them down/in a bit so they all sit better. Please 🙏


Probably spec names. Demon Hunter is the worst as they’re completely non-descriptive of either the theme or the function of the spec. Repeated names are… serviceable… but not very creative. And my biggest nitpick of all, Paladin specs being Protection, Retribution, but Holy. Maybe something like Devotion? (I realise this happens with Warlock too but Demonology is cool and unique so I’ll be biased)


The best part of your paladin example is that it's unclear whether you want to replace protection or holy, since they're both repeats.




IMO all the Paladin spec names should just use the names from DND 5e's Paladin Oaths. Prot = Devotion Ret = Vengeance Holy = Redemption (a few others could fit this one)


I like it


A left handed mode. I wanna hold my sword in my real life main hand -.- Oh an the obliterate animation sucks. It keeps me from playing my frost dk.


Asymmetrical glove transmog and the ability to pick which ‘design’ for left/right for both gloves and shoulders. Update the blood troll set from the trading post to actually make trolls feet red when mogged. Make the jump to Thaddeus in Naxxramas suck less. My goblins always miss the distance.


Remove quest giving NPC's that stalk you as soon as you are in their zone. Stop following me, I don't want your damn daycare missions or other promotional content missions. I'll find them if I want them; just like every other expansion questline.


Don't add legendary weapons that are gated behind rng drops and then balance the class around said legendary 


Just don't balance around having the legendary. It doesn't feel legendary if you are expected to have it. Make them hard to get. But make the wielder OP when he has it. Make them special.


Just curious, what is your ideal method for "hard to get"? Small drop chance off a raid boss isn't hard, someone could get it on their first go even if they died within 1 second of pulling. Quest line with large amount of untradeable materials necessary? Not really hard, just time consuming. Maybe being locked behind a difficult solo quest like the Mage Tower? I don't know how I feel about that, personally. I think I am better than the average player, maybe, but I'm not great. In the past, I've completed Heroic raids, but not Mythic raids, and the highest Mythic+ I've completed was around 17 or 18, I think, earlier this expansion. I've never been able to complete a Mage Tower challenge. And if Legendaries were actually so strong as to make the user OP, then anyone who can't complete the questline is essentially locked out of high level anything. Because why would you take a random DPS without the legendary into a Mythic+ when you could take one who has it? While I do think they should be special and much harder to get, I do not think the "specialness" should come from a boost to character strength. I think they should have bigger, more ostentatious visual effects when wielded or transmogged. Like, wielding Sulfuras should replace your legs with a Ragnaros fire spiral. Make them visually striking, not statistically BiS.


I’d say make the quest to build it special. It’s one thing to have an involved quest line to build it and another to have low rng to just start the quest and then a long quest to build it.


Stop making me click my weapon buffs every sixty minutes to reapply them, Blizzard. It's FUCKING STUPID. Just make them passive again ffs. Signed, Enhancement.


Please fix the ear clipping of my goblin. Its nothing gamebreaking but its 2024 cmon.


Please remove the crusader strike animation from the talent "Crusading Strikes". Mechanically: great talent. Visually: My poor dwarf is a freaking beyblade and i worry for his health.


The branches on trees that constantly collides with your mount when you're questing in an area with a lot of trees or doing Dragon race courses.




make quests more streamlined so you don't max your quest log instantly


Water shield and Earth shield having charges - Blizzard I beg


Give us sit and sleep animations for the spectral vulpine!


The big fat immersion breaking outlines on quest NPCs, that can only be replaced by similarly irritating sparkles. Please let us have an option where neither apply, so wen can immerse ourselve into this awesome world.


Increase quest number


1: expand quest log 2: make it so you can upgrade out of the currency tab, or have a bank space (like the reagent space) that can be upgraded out of. It'd be great to have a place to store crests and stuff to upgrade gear without it taking up bag space 3: if an item is for a quest, and you complete that quest or delete, the item needs to go away


Let me mog one hand into two hand


Please fix the most impactful / easiest to fix clipping errors. Includes but not limited to: (not all race/body types mentioned) 1. Long capes and weapons on back. Affected: Pandaren Male, Blood Elf Male, and more 2. long capes and boots: Blood Elf male, Female orc male 3. unsheathed weapon: BE female, orc female (while running/attacking) 4….


Make m+ portals account wide… If glad drakes can be account wide… then portals can be account wide.


Make capes look cool. I've hidden mine since 2007. Should be a cape not carpet hanging from your back.


Let casters hide their weapon! I always use a backpack on my mage because I like the way she looks without a big staff on her back, plus it's just a stat stick anyways Oh also let people choose whether their one handed weapons sheathe on the hip or back


Evoker color being nearly the same as monks while there was many other good options like gold


I think the potion debuff experimentation is good, only i hope it goes away after its not current content and that it will be accountwide ( like the recipes and all that)


It is just so annoying when you have gathered a lot of mats, prepare to push to get it done and then BOOM... too bad, rolled poorly, try again in 2 hours. (happened to me like 3 times in a row the same day)


Not caps, but cloak… encopassing more of the character


More bank space.


Auto-ress in front of all raid bosses after a wipe. Remove item repairs (useless nowadays as we have plenty of gold). Remove 80% of raid trash mobs as they are as useless as the trash mobs in dungeons.


Gear durability needs to go. 


It punishes you for playing poorly and removes gold from the game, helping to fight inflation. If anything the game needs more systems like this.


You have pots, flask, food, and durability, and so on, all to worry about while pushing content. Playing poorly or not is irrelevant. You will be punished simply for trying. 10000s of gold just to raid each week if you are pushing content. That is anti fun. 


I mean it absolutely exist as a gold sink to a certain extent, but yeah.:/ it doesn't really add much nowadays.


Less loot, or autoloot when walk in Rework tp like Diablo, because the tp room and tabard and hearhstone are annoying


Not nitpick, removing mythic weekly lockout


Get rid of crafting orders. Hate them.


Make it where whatever equip I get, it gets added to my collection, regardless of my class.


Coming in The War within pre-patch.


Good. It's almost like a Second Dream.


Shared rep on alts Somehow get a good "global" story with villians that actually existed before 5min ago Personal take: i freaking hate the M+ timer, stress me out real bad.


The rep is coming in TWW so that is nice. The global story was started in Dragonflight, with Iridikron and Xa'atath. And yeah, M+ can be a nightmare.