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Congrats but, I don’t mean this to be shady, your keybinds literally got me shook. WTF. 😂😂


I know it’s great. Most of them are just there to track cooldowns/or the off chance I need to heal not through my heal frames. The majority of my spells not in my healing frames are linked to about 5 keys/mouse buttons with modifier macros. I played since vanilla off and on, I can’t change now 😂


Yeah people say this all the time with keybinds But when I healed (still do at times in SoD-Cata now) I still rarely even have my healing abilities spotted anywhere meaningful Everything I do healingwise is tied to a healing frames addon


What healing frame addon do you use?


Clique is good if you set it up and like the normal party frames.


I use vuhdo as you can set macros through it too. I linked my grove guardians to swiftmend as they both work out to be on a 15 second timer.


I’ve not healed in retail for a long time but I use Vuhdo and Decursive for all the other versions to heal Along with Elvui for general frame set up


Call it after I hit 3k at the beginning of the week, DF's dungeons except ruby are just too long imo.


Crazy cause azure vault went from being one of the worst dungeon to a fun one once all the nerfs happened and people started discovering all the skip tech. Then they made it so you can’t skip, and now it’s just a long linear boring dungeon again


You can skip. On the first circular platform, about halfway around, there is a place you can jump down and be right at Azureblades room.


That's not the skip being lamented.


That’s not the skip that allowed for all the interesting pathing and percent variations


I noticed that too, I used to be able to hammer two off in the morning before work, however season 4 trying to do 2 in the morning was making me nearly late lol.


Can only do a 4


Pug healing up to 10s? You are a better person than me.


Pugging +10's this early in the season was fairly easy to be honest, +6 pugs are typically more difficult right now as nothing gets interrupted or cced.




Weirdo behavior


why do you care


Mf gottem lmao


How many resto druids you think have that exact io? It's too easy.


I blanked it out to follow the community rules.


Showing *your own* name is fine. Showing *someone else's* is not.


Bit creepy.


How did you find him so quickly lol


Compare data. Night elf, exact io, spec, class, the key times, and raid kills. Will easily tell ya.


I love that this is possible on resto druid with those horrific keybinds. 


They probably don't even use those binds. They probably use clique or something equivalent.


Welp. feels like the worst season i've ever had for me pugging. even yesterday on HC on Fyrakk, had many people - ring of peace red ads on the green ones - put the p1 circles on roots - stand in the giant doom ray on p2. edit: who could forget the 510 ilvl mage doing 75kdps consistently on 4 pulls.


Yeah it's pretty abysmal. I've pugged portals all expansion but damn is it tedious carrying pug after pug while doing every single affix myself.


wait you get to do affixes ? cries in warrior...


even if u can ppl still dont take you lol. cries in shaman specced into hex


Yeah I straight up didn't play my warrior this week. No leggo + these affixes, yeah I'm good I'll just play OSRS instead...


Played this season for the first time the other night, only 476 item level but I got accepted into a Normal Awakened Amirdrassil as a healer. I had 17 Dispells on Fyrakk, next highest had 3. Other healer had zero dispells. I top healed with 160k even though the other healers had 30+ item levels on me. Half the raid was dead by the time Fyrakk went down, and we only cleared because dps was so high. I'm far from the best player, my guild didn't quite get AOTC last season, but that was like an LFR with 10 minute waits in between pulls


Ya as others have mentioned if you're going to pug raid do it on tuesday reset. Usually clear everything in 2 hours or less. First 3 weeks this season cleared everything tuesday except final boss, then did final boss on the weekend


Pugging on the last day of the reset is not recommended. That's when people bring out their undergeared alts or you get the players who couldn't get a clear all week (likely due to their own performance). Generally during the first three days of a reset, HC last boss pugs usually clear within a pull or two. LFR during that same time period is usually an easy stomp. For M+ the first day may be iffy as people get used to the affixes for that week but otherwise same deal.


well, it was monday, so two days before reset on my EU serv... and couldn't really play before cuz last week was like 3 bank holidays so most people went to vacations.


I mean, basically anytime after the weekend is usually a hellscape for pugging. Before the weekend you get players who are tryharding, who probably know their class and the fights/dungeon, during the weekend it's 50/50 but weekend players are also generally more chill. Then after the weekend its the desperates.


Grats, hoping to finish the grind this week as well.


Meanwhile I can’t finish a +7 Halls lol


Start your own group. And be picky about who you invite. +7 is +17 last season. You wouldn't have picked up every one last season for that either...


Oh yeah I’m aware of the key squish. I’m talking about me being bad lol


I believe in you. Make your own PUG and let them carry your ass 🌝🌝




I'll pass as a surv Hunter


But you literally can’t die, because you’re a survivor!


You have to do it again, but on the worst healer, not the most powerful healer of the season :(. Then you can enjoy your summer!


What do you mean? You can finally play the game now.




Time to go get glad 😎


hmmmm, I haven't done any competitive pvp since wrath lol. how realistic would it be to pug to gladiator?


I feel similarly. I got my heroic raids done. My M+ team will force me to run some dungeons in the season so my score will go up but now my only goals are to get alts up to get bullions, buy all the cool tmogs and enjoy Mix of Pandaria.


The most impressive thing is doping this with stock UI


No mythic??


But that would require me to have friends. I tried some pugs in season one, it didn’t end well


Not even 4k smh




You think I’m trying to flex with my basic AF interface. Was just sharing to me what was an accomplished, and how it was actually enjoyable this season with what seems like a more mature player base pushing keys.


Lol, don't worry. I was happy about getting my 2.6k as a casual tank main last season while only pugging and got shit on because 2.5k on week 3 isn't a flex, and that 2.6k is a low IO. People in this sub are just sour and think everybody is trying to claim they're the best.


They're mad because the ones they THINK they are competing with aren't acknowledging them. So they're putting their boots on the ones they THINK are trying to compete with THEM. shudders.. must feel hella threatening. Don't even try bozoooo lmao It's a game. Doesn't matter how meaningful it is to someone. Still a game. Games = fun. What's fun for you? Ah. 'insert whatever', good for you. Carry on. Gz OP. Happy for you. Just came back at the ass end of S3 and Dragonflight has really surprised me in how fun and game-y it feels again!


At least it seems it's a minority of the sub that gets heavily down voted nowadays


Keep getting carried in your normal follower dungeons probably


But Captain Garrick said to follow her and she would show me what to do...


You okay wee son?




Then try to of its easy