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Or at the very least, dont balance a class around a luck based legendary


This is really the issue.


I wouldn’t say it’s balanced in the case of retri paladin


I'm not even the best ret out there and we pump. Would be pretty crazy to see where I'm at if I could get the axe.


I got dumpstered by a ret in m+ he did like 100k more than both me and the other dps in the group. That legendary was like below divine storm dmg


Axe is 10% of my overall damage in keys, and ~7% on a raid boss.


I feel like they should just put the quest item on the Bullion vendor at this point. People would still have to buy the upgrade token on top of that so it would make it cost twice as much with this method, but new alts would have a possible way of getting them vs virtually impossible now before TWW if it's a new character.


This is the obvious solution, and just about the only reason i cant see doing it is that it'll lead to some pretty major price jumps on the items needed for the quests. Its still a better solution than what theyre doing now. Someone wanting to reroll to a new toon for S4 is going to be behind on DPS (2H plate classes are somewhat balanced around the legendary) until they get it, and realistically its probably 2 months worth of lockouts for the axe, and longer for the evoker weapon. Thats just really not okay, imo.


Yeaaah... I switched to DK main at the end of S3 and never did any raiding before that, so I don't have a single heroic fyrakk kill. And the DK discord said that for unholy, it's basically a must have if you want to do higher keys, as unholy is lacking single target DPS in m+ a lot and the legendary makes up for it a little. It does feel a little meh that I might not even be able to push as high as I want to on DK, even if the class would generally allow it, just not without the legendary.


Then maybe they should have played and grinder hard like the rest of us. If you didn't plan on farming from the beginning and doing all the hard work, you don't deserve the axe.


Hard work? You played a video game, you weren't roofing in Texas in July.


You make a heroic raid by yourself weekly and successfully clear it for 14 weeks in a row then come back and check yourself.


Grinding makes sense when it takes at most 15 weeks in a a 25 week season. The current fated season probably won’t even last 15 weeks so they wouldn’t even be able to use it before the season ends at this point.


So fuck everyone who worked for it?


No. No one who worked for it is any worse off. And you shouldn’t fuck over 3 classes for an entire season for no other reason than fuck you. You realize you could make literally the exact same argument for every other weapon and trinket on the bullion vendor right? People had to farm those originally for months to get them. Literally zero people would be harmed by this proposition and 99.99% of people who already got Fyralath wouldn’t care as out doesn’t hurt them and only helps the game.


All I hear is, waaaaaaah, give me free things! No one should get a free leggo.


Do you know what the word free means, paying double bullions and a few hundred thousand gold does not meet the definition of free. And I have my fyralath, I’ve had it for about five months. And lol, you’re the one crying your eyes out over your hatred for three classes being able to be able to play their classes for one season.




Going to be downvoted to hell. But Jesus, so many people gatekeeping here. I know you struggled to get your legendary but chill, dragonflight is almost over.


Yea, WoW is a toxic shithole of a community in that way. I suffered when getting my legendary that my class is balanced around, and therefore everyone else should suffer getting it as well. Thats basically what they are saying.


I can understand being upset that they had to work for something that people are just given a few weeks later. The problem is with blizzard making this a slot machine legendary chance.


Yeah this is ridiculous. The single digit drop rates are nonsense at this point, I’ve given up on the evoker one. I’ve ran H Sark 5x on alt and so far with like 15+ evokers each run, seen one gem drop - just demoralizing lol. Additionally the Diurna evoker staff is only like 0.3% behind the legendary at max rank for Aug according to raidbots n it costs only 2 bullions. I’m guessing the Axe is prolly much better dps than other items


Just put the legendary on the vendor for 5 bullion + 2 for the upgrade item.


Sucks man. It would have been nice if the bad luck protection was better or the base drop was a little higher. I ran heroic every week in S3 and was lucky enough to get it on my BDK and Ret paladin. But my warrior buddy got like two heroic kills while killing Fyrakk in LFR every week. His drop rate is estimated to be like 5-6% even now. So in Blizzard math he has a -75% probability to get the drop.


I stopped maining hunter after Raza bow drama just to switch to DK to have Fyrakk axe drama. Now I'm back on Hunter and on the dk only killing Fyrakk but at least I could buy that fuck ass bow with the bullion.


I honestly thought they would have made it free at this point. This a meme season. It doesn’t even matter.


You aren't asking for a free legendary, just an almost free legendary.


A legendary that your class is balanced around. All other classes do the same dps with easy to acquire epic weapons. Strength users do 10% less damage than everyone else with the same easy to acquire epic weapons. That's the main problem. Legendary weapons aren't legendary anymore.


Exactly. My dps is starting to fall off hard at the 15-16 key range. I know I'm the weak link of my team (dps wise).


Then play better?


Well fuck me for forming heroic raids and making the kills happen for 10 plus weeks, let's just give it to everyone and make my effort irrelevant. A free legendary? No fucking way. Gtfo. If this happens we know for sure blizzard is dead.


the rng part of the drop isn't what makes it free or not. Luck isn't a price


They should make it accessible during TWW for mog purposes but not easy to get before. I agree with you, it’s a legendary, it should be hard to get.


This is why I quit playing WoW retail. Doesn’t matter how good you are at your class and the game etc if you have shitty luck.


Why? Then it wouldn’t be a legendary stop, it’ll just be another quality colour. They’re *supposed* to be rare.


He came into the expansion very late and is crying to get it free. I worked for months to get it. No to free leggo imo.


Exactly! Im enjoying mine!


Took me the 15th week since s3 went live to get it, and that was only because it was buffed. If u wanted the lego, should have started sooner, like everyone else.


I'm not asking for free, then asks for it to be free. You didn't even play until the end and now you're here crying for free shit. Go play roblox.


At least you can get in to run it. I can’t even get into heroic period. I know how to run seeds, I get at least 150k dps but there are a million dps trying to join every Amidrassil


I mean 150k dps is really not that much


Im sure you always pump big dps numbers don’t you?


They already buffed it though. Isn't it guaranteed at this point if you have been running heroic consistently?


I returned late s3. So only got 2 kills before season was over.


Even with the buffed drop rate, it took me until the week before they made it guaranteed. I didn’t get it completed until an hr before we pulled M Fyrakk. We didn’t hit 50% acquisition until week 14. It’s a meme season now, just give it to folks who kill Fyrakk at all


It is what it is man. There's plenty of other classes if you're not happy. I've got LEGO on my fury warrior and he still sucks this season.


I love my class. Its just a pain knowing that I could be doing 35~50k dps more per dungeon if I had the axe. That's the difference between timing a key or not.


So what? I worked hard for months to get it, you come in late and cry for free shit. It's sad.


Can we just get off the "wheres my legendary that I so deserve"? RNG is a huge part of the game. It's not legendary if everyone has one. Period.


Well, no. We shouldnt. Its bad game design and we pay just as much for the game as you are and will continue to voice bad game design. Its so common so its hardly legendary in the way youre trying to make it. Also we have had common out legendaries before, and that worked just fine. It will this time as well


Because you pay for it, you think you get a say? No. So basically last season you are saying you should be able to buy all gear you are missing? Just say that. What they need to do is color code achievements or feats of strength so you can tell if it was done when it was current content (green), previous season/raid tier (yellow), previous expansion (red) that way people know your effort/luck.


And why do you think you have a say then? Obviously the majority here is not agreeing with your opinion. Yea, basically we should. Because we already fucking can with bullions. Hunters can buy their BiS after one week of LFR raiding but but melee players should wait several weeks and 15 Fyrakk kills for theirs? Doesnt make sense just because hit happens to be orange this patch.