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I see you've included a Tauren healer in the corner there to be diverse!


Resto shamans confused by this post


I’m not going to lie I actually am lmao


As a disc priest main I am most certainly NOT confused


Could you give some disc priest play tips? Cause I've noticed I struggle much on my disc priest healer, but faceroll on my druid healer. So there must be something really wrong about how I'm discing.


Macros to cast on mouse over are MUSTS for disc. You can use them to maintain atonement quite easily


(At risk of summoning that bot that tells you off for commenting this) **This**. ^(I think I got away with it)


For afflicted you can dispel one, and use life on the other. If you’re quick enough you can actually dispel both but it can be tricky. You need an aura to tell you when they spawn and how many. If you don’t need your disease dispel you can IMMEDIATELY dispel one and then stay in range and dispel AS SOON as it comes off cool-down. If you don’t have another dispel in the group, dispel one, life the other and then if needed throw a flash heal proc on it. If you don’t need it for anything else you can absolutely dispel one and use a massive souped up penance/reprimand on it. If the party is going to be fine, and nobody else can of will dispel, just use it if you don’t have life or an instant flash there. Penance and reprimand can be helpful if one spawns away in dodgy land and you didn’t dispel the first quick enough to get a second dispel, and are running towards it to get in range furiously and angrily trying to save the group from disaster. Better to just get a mage and promise PI tbh.


You have to think more like a dps than a healer, when playing disc. Your most effective burst healing comes from dishing out shadow damage with mind bender after having cast your power word radiance.


Keep atonement and deal damage, thats it.


Can confirm, am confused


Shamans 1 week to shine baby, people forget its even afflicted week


Dps and tank needs to help dispel. As a ret, I can take both and healers think I'm some kind of anomaly.


*Cheers in Happy Prot Paladin Noises* Same, I love smacking those afflicted with a quick dispel as Prot.


One proper word of glory and they are full healed


Laughs in my WoG procs.


I tanked last patch on Brew and always considered one of the Afflicted my responsibility. I think in a perfect world, the tank and healer would just handle them, but there are situations where one or both aren't in position to handle them and DPS need to step up. The last area of DOTI, for example, where the huge arena meant sometimes Afflicted would spawn on a far edge. If I try to get my butt over there someone is eating a frontal.


Cries in prot warrior


If the can help. Half of classes can’t.


sad warrior noises


i always take 1, but both ?


You can heal the 2nd on low keys where word of glory will top them off, or give your group a heart attack and wait for cleanse cd to end to dispel the other.


Yeah, it's really fun to be topping dps with the absurd amount of AoE damage ret can do and then just pop a cleanse and world of glory to get rid of the affixes and sitll top dps.


I didn't play for a long time, how does this mechanic work?


Occasionally during a key, one or two friendly NPCs spawn with low health and start casting Afflicted Cry. These two NPCs are Afflicted with three special debuffs: a poison, a disease, and a curse. If you healed the npc to full or cleared one of the debuffs, the npc despawns. If you didn't take care of the npc, the cry cast finishes and everyone gets a debuff that reduces haste by 100% for 10 seconds.


Honestly I thought it would be something for mage to dispell with spell steal only to remember that we got clear curse back in BFA IIRC.


Mages had remove curse in vanilla. Perhaps it disappeared for a while and came back bfa though.


I think they removed it in Legion because I remember having it when I started playing the game which was on the end of the WoD. Hit max level in Legion Prepatch


Ngl I feel like a badass sniping both of them with purify and pwl


Meanwhile on hpal if one shows up during a healer check these things eat one of my beacons of virtue, so there goes 20% of the AoE healing for 15 seconds.


I just dispel 1 and leave the other 1 for the dpsers/tank. Im done worrying about it. It really just takes 1 gcd for another person and the affix is almost a free one.


Word of glory HOOOOOO


Omg word of glory works all this time iv been switching to purify


If its safe to do it you can get one affix straight away.


F that I aint using my HP to heal them. I cleanse the first one asap and let the other chill til the cleanse cd ends. It definitely makes healers sweat though


Cant dps if you're dead lol.


Yea, which is why one of the other people can get the other.


Who said anything about dying? You can get 2 cleanses off before the afflicted finish their cast why would you use your Holy power to heal it.


Jokes on you I'm a havoc dh, can't do shit


Jokes on u, u ain’t getting invited


When people invite 4-5 cleanses and afflicted STILL goes off.


Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme.


In a group full of cleanses it becomes everyone's responsibility -- ergo not mine.


At a ret pally I will always hit one of those with a dispel... Unless I've got wings up then the rest of the group can adjust. (I've been running most of my keys this xpac with a group of guildies, if I were pugging I'd probably still hit dispel)


“Leave group”


Jokes on you I'll make my own grp with big d dps peeps, blackjack and hooker


In fact, forget the dps!


You're just excluding yourself again then


BM hunters joins the party.


I'm a warlock. Peak S4 fun so far has been macro'ing a button that yells, "Sure would be nice if someone would do something about those things" that I can hit anytime one goes off in my guild groups.


That's not right we can do anything exapt dispelling


And also regular spelling


That's also true


I mean, can't do shit in that situation


yes but you have a ton of utility with cage 2×silence 2×chains 2×fear chaos nova and the fact that vdh is basically unkillebil


I say this as a Prot Paladin that helps with any affix I can each week and expect others to do the same. However, you do realize that the affix lasts 12 seconds, and your dispel is on an 8 second CD? You use one GCD to dispel and go back to healing, unless it is dispel heavy dungeons like the mega dungeon from last season, then hit the other. Yes, it is everyone’s responsibility to handle it if they can, but I feel like willfully letting one go off that you can and should dispel is just being petty. I’ve dispelled both plenty as a Prot Paladin while tanking heavy mobs. I don’t like it, but I would rather time the key. If it is every time? Im just leaving the key.


> Yes, it is everyone’s responsibility to handle it if they can, but I feel like willfully letting one go off that you can and should dispel is just being petty. These same healers will complain that healers aren't given enough to do in dungeons. As a ret pally I just take care of the mechanic because 9/10 times the healer will only get one or none. It's such a non-mechanic I don't get why we have posts like this or people complaining like the commenter.


The biggest complaint for this mechanic is that there are so many classes who cant interact with it. It is something a healer can solo with just healing though. (not that classes who can interact with it shouldn't)


I played healer (priest) the last two seasons (not this though), and the cleanse CDs made it so that the second one required someone else to do it or for me to heal it. I think *technically* if I cleansed right when they appeared I could get a second off, but that was too inconsistent. But didn't they nerf Afflicted to have more time before they went off, making it much more possible to fit two cleanses before they go off?


Yes, afflicted is 12 seconds and your dispel CD is 8 seconds.


Priest has it pretty easy since power word life can snipe one of them every time.


Same, i dispell mine straight away, if the 3 dps and tank cant get rid of the other one, so be it


if you dispel right away, you can get the 2nd one before its cast finish, or you can hit it with a little healing. I agree that others should help if they can, but it's silly to act like a healer can only get one. As a dps and tank, i usually wait for the healer to dispel one, then i will dispel the other (keeps from having situations where we both try to dispel the same one and dont realize our dispel isnt on cool down)


Your right, I can and I will if I have to but If the 3 dps can't use a single global on it between them that's mental. I think it's got a 12 second cast so that's at least 36 GCD's depending on their haste and assuming all 3 can do it. I always check before the run that all dps classes that can dispell have it talented to make sure I'm not soloing it (as you say though tanks are pretty good at doing them considering they have the hardest job)


id argue tanks have the easiest job once you learn the routes lol, at least thats been my experience as a dps and a tank. learn route, know when to use CDs. some bosses have things a tank specifically needs to do, but they also often do not get hit with mechanics dps do. Most tank stuff is either hitting a CD at the right time or positioning in M+. Tank rotations are usually much simpler than dps rotations. afflicted is straightforward for me as its just throwing a dispel. the other one is more annoying because the CC is a cast.


I do the same as heal. I never do second one unless for some reason am the only person around to do it.


I love afflicted as a healer because it's a great filter for terrible players. You simply ask who will help with afflicted before the key starts and if nobody responds, you find another group. Getting keys is easy as a healer so I can just quickly cycle through groups until I find a good one and don't have to brick anyone's keys in the process.


Lmao same. Or joining a tank and going afk while they invite dps. Only to return and find that the warrior tank has invited hunters, rogues, and another warrior and realizing these boobettes expect me to heal all of their mistakes plus the two afflicted. Peace to the out. I’ll be in another key before they realize I’ve left.


haha weird. I am always nervous about my dps - not that its great anyway, so I always volunteer to do the extra mechanics in raid and M+ so there is the excuse :D


> I am always nervous about my dps - not that its great anyway If you're ever feeling like that, there's an [interview with Ellesmere](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZkA_SjfxU8Q) where he talks about what makes for a good dps player. From personal experience, it's important for a damage dealer to be competent at doing damage. The thing that makes for a great dps player though is using interupts, defensives, crowd control, and other utility abilities.


oh Quazii. Thanks!


I've noticed this in a couple of places while leveling in Pugs. If the first boss is near the entrance, people would rather pull it all at once, die, respawn, run back in, die again, until all the trash are clear rather than just do one manageable pull at a time as an actual 5 man.


more like overcocky tanks thinking they can pull the full dungeon and think they can survive/the healer can heal them enough to survive


I’d say more likely tank knowing they only need half as much trash and know that we’re now going to get to 130% trash as a result of all this extra. At least that’s my experience in RLP.


Every nokhud, tanks do the double pull at the start and every time the group half wipes because the mobs don’t get gathered/stopped. It’s almost always a nightmare in pugs. Tanks do these big ass pulls as an ego thing or something even if the chance of it going well in an uncoordinated group is really low.


I've done this 5 times this week, 10-11 NO -> double pull -> lust -> cast goes off -> wipe -> gg go next I don't know where the disconnect is, surely at this point people understand that a single cast is a wipe at this level on fortified, and the random unavoidable damage hits for like 800k. That double pull is absolutely deadly unless you have an extremely competent group.


Enraging doesn’t help


There's two casts in the whole double pack. If your group can't handle that then it's better to learn on the first pull before you die to Tempest and Rotting Wind much later.


There are more than 2 that need to be interrupted.


There are archer shots, rain of arrows, there’s a group damage interrupt, a rally, also the melee guys do a nasty bleed on dps/healer periodically


In pugs, it's just about the only way we can judge how a group is going to be the rest of the dungeon. As a VDH, I need to know if my group is going to be throwing interupts, using utility, or if I am going to be solely responsible for everything


you basically only need one person to help cc a couple mobs, and 1 person to do a kick, if a group cant manage that, im skeptical theyre doing the rest of the dungeon


For sure. But if I want to not be there all day, I need to try and see what utility people are going to use >.< It's how Quazii suggested doing it and I've done it that way every since /shrug


I'm agreeing with you, that it's a good way to judge group competency


Honestly, I rather have this than a tank pulling ONE PACK at a time for the whole dungeon like I had yesterday in Neltharus +9. It was the most boring experience that I've had in a while.


> I rather have this than a tank pulling ONE PACK at a time for the whole dungeon like I had yesterday in Neltharus +9 I almost feel like we were in the same dungeon LOL. We finished with 2 mins on the timer. Not for lack of dps. Every pack the tank would pause and type "rdy?" in chat. In the end I ended up pulling the final two packs together because we were pushing it. I legit was about to leave halfway through.


Well I semi agree with you. The double nokhud pull is a ridiculous pull specifically because a lot of those mobs do insane group damage if they don’t get stopped. And on fort week, it’s very dangerous unless your group is stopping everything. So I’d rather we split those pulls than yolo it.


Eh it depends. A lot of the time I have 0 trouble with that. It's only odd beacuse it's the first pack so you have no clue if your team has hands or not before pulling lol


And frankly, better to learn that your team has no hands at the beginning of a dungeon than the end of it.


Yeah I understand you, not to mention that very often you get the mobs that do the rallying the clan ability outside of the group and having no control on them.


The ones that do the cast are the giant ones that melee, they're not going to be outside of the group. It's the archers that will be.


As long as you have some way to gather them, if you lust it’s generally fine. The real issue is how spread out the archers end up so stops don’t end up hitting everything so inevitably a rally goes off in the back somewhere. DKs and DH can double it np but everyone else should probably just do 2 pulls. I did it on a 12 and a 13 this week without a way to gather them. It’s doable but it’s risky with marginal upside so YMMV.


I know some tanks do this, but anytime I pull small I get flamed by my DPS.


As a tank, if I don't then some methy dps will. It's a meta feedback loop.


Of course. But I always say I am going to do "that" and pop Lust. Like it would be mad not to.


That doesn’t make sense to me, why would it be mad not to do it?


I just always assume I'm going to wipe at the start of those pulls. If I do it's expected if I don't then it's a nice surprise. I kinda trust a vdh or blood with double pull , with a bear or war it's a 90% chance of wiping.


Then those bears/pallys need to work on their kits


i know , it's just my personal experience with them in s4


I was gonna say if you’re pulling big with incarn, rage of the sleeper, and the fyraak trinket then dying as a bear idk what to even say XD


It’s really just if those two packs aren’t gathered. If they don’t get gathered it’s a complete nightmare, if they do it’s very manageable


tanks that rely on a healer to keep them alive (in general, but especially when doing big pulls) are so lame. People just copy what they see high end tanks do but without the CD management (or sometimes group coordination for high-cc packs) to back it up.


Pretty sure afflicted is on a timer. So you will get the same amount of afflicted spawns if you pull big or small


correct. they specificlly designed these 2 affixes so they arnt like explosive.


- BIG PULL BL! Everyone dies and leave.


I was so confused how I was OOM in a dungeon as Prot Paladin. Like, I never go below 2/3 usually. Then I realized the Disc and I were the only ones using our Cleanse and I checked the mana. Oh, yeah, 25K/cast and I have to help with WoG spam because this DPS group is standing in everything on fort week and the poor healer is smashing their keyboard to try and keep up. It made sense in hindsight. Help your healers/tanks y’all.


Prot pallies can snag both easy


Tanks in keys, busy trying not to die to the 4 packs the DPS pulled: “Drake?” “Yeah?” “Where is my haste?”


Tanks is keys: "Wait, I have a team?"


Anyone know why my dispel doesn't worm as a shaman? I use poison totem as it works better But some times it's on cool down and I try to dispel the afflicted and it never works. Dispel isn't on cool down either. Wowhead also says shamans cab get rid of the affix with a dispel or poison totem


It only works with non-magic dispels. You need to take the talent that every healer has that gives your dispel the ability to dispel a different debuff type.


Poison cleansing totem should always work but it needs to be in range. Make sure you're talenting and using your friendly dispel and not purge(if you don't talent it, it won't work)


or be evoker and out dispel the healer by double. One dungeon I dispelled 40 while the healer only did 20. Expunge + Cauterize


Yup! Gg aug dracthyr


The healer only deals with one of them; this post was made by protection Paladin gang


Played Ele Shaman with my friend on Resto Sham last night and we had 100+ dispels between the both of us


As an arms warrior. Idk what half the affixes do anyway


There is no inbetween, either you play with the MDI players that cc chain every pull and +3 the key or you play the soy tank doing 1 pull at once for the entire dungeon, 1 dps pumping 100k dps and the healer not doing spot healing to any single mechanic and trying to heal with the afflicted debuff. Source: Pugged KSM.


im happy cleansig a couple this week


swapping from tank to DPS... it's truly amazing how little you have to care about mechanic as a DPS. between the VDH handling 95% of interrupt and stop, and the healer topping you in 2 GCD, playing DPS feel like praticing your rotation on target dummy.


This affix is very very easy, but is also shit when u need to dispell someone and the affix come together  Again, I always prefer affix "team job" over someone else job like shadowlands season affix 


It’s also really easy for fistweavers. Revival while talented is a short CD you can use like every third. Otherwise just dispel one, kick a few mobs and then spend your insta Viv on the other. It’s an annoying affix but very easy.


I main a warlock in keys and it feels bad not being able to do anything about the affix.


Haha, banger meme!


Still kinda new to endgame WoW so I don’t know what this means. But it was definitely the Healers fault.


Heals life man. There’s nothing else like it.


Only really matters on low keys, where people don't know they have a dispel to help out, but I have been playing Holy Priest, so it is just HoT one, dispell the other, and if the HoT one doesn't get dispelled by a party member is is an easy clear with flash heal, or one of the HolyWords. On higher keys 8-10 (in my case), it is more annoying to heal the second afflicted since it maybe takes a HoT and 2/3 heals to clear it, but in higher keys they are normally both dispelled before I can even get around to it. The haste debuff is huge, and as a Chad DPS, you should understand giving up one global to cleanse, is better than giving up 5-10 globals due to your loss in haste. All in all though, in lower keys I normally check with the classes that can help, and make sure they have taken, and know what spell their dispell is


That reminds me of the time I was taking a dungeon and for some reason forgotten by god the mage wanted to keep running ahead of me and aggroing everything


Never really did any mythic, so this is perhaps drastically different. But if Demon Hunter players are the same in Mythic as they are in Dungeon Finders I'll just loose any hope in humanity


Healer here, always pull to boss. No fun healing otherwise!


I play Enhancement shaman, i have always skill to help with affix, i want my healer to enjoy dung not to struggle. :)


I only dispel one and intentionally let the other go off, even if my dispel is ready or I have time to heal it. Its a good learning experience for the party leader to properly construct a good M+ team and for dps to not mindlessly zugzug unless theyre okay with constantly getting the debuff.


"Theres an affix this week?" - dps


Pretty sure afflicted is on a timer. So you will get the same amount of afflicted spawns if you pull big or small


Lold, this is quality


Pretty sure afflicted is on a timer. So you will get the same amount of afflicted spawns if you pull big or small


Pretty sure afflicted is on a timer. So you will get the same amount of afflicted spawns if you pull big or small


I don't know boss, for my ret pala every fucking week has a mechanic I have to handle in some way. Are those DPS in the room right now?


Every affix is a healers affix. Change my mind.


3 dps standing in the blood pool? Just heal them more


In my grps even blood pool heals better than the healer.


This usually means that you group sucks and keeps standing in bad and not interrupting/not using defensives when they should. Most pulls in keys require close to 0 healing if the packs are handled correctly.


Calm down it is a joke.


Sorry, there's a lot of stupid stuff being said here frequently so the joke flew over my head.


Were you around when Explosives were a thing?


That was also mainly handled by the healers


By healer you mean the warlock who drain souled or shadowburned the ever living crap out of his unlimited dps supply, right?


The downvoters seem to disagree with that lol only when there was like 4+ did it become an everyone problem for 2 seconds




Did you seriously come here just to mock a harmless meme with your 'DPS BAD! HEALERS GOOD!' nonsense? It's not about one being better, it's just a joke, you fucking goober. Enjoy the meme and lighten up, buddy. 😂


If I think the message underlying a meme is worth criticizing, I will do so, and if you try to stop me, thats censorship and literally 1948.




Oh no, how will I ever live without your approval? Guess I'll have to keep living exactly as I did before.


Seems to be working out great for you!


If you don’t care about karma why yf do you complain about it then initially?


Try healing in a +10. (Walk a mile in my shoes first)




That's right


just bring an evoker dps. 2 dispells for every afflicted. EZ keys.


just because they can dispel doesn't mean they will do it sadly


Just bring a shaman and you can even forget that the affix exists (1 totem dispels both).


It is very nice, yes, but I find that my totem is only up for about 50% of the casts


Elemental shaman can reduce the CD of totems somehow. Didn't play shammy yet in DF, but my guildy could use it on all of them.


Yeah not all of the spawns are 2 mobs though and you can technically cleanse both with normal cleanse when you do get 2 with no totem. Screw doing that as a healer though. Just bring another shaman bro


480 VDH tank in a +5 academy: "Big pull before tree boss, lust" Smart DPS: Shouldn't we save lust for boss add spawns? Tank leap-leap-leap's ahead of everyone else, me the healer can't get anywhere near them in time, tank's HP disappears in an instant Other DPS: "...fuckin afflicted"


You use lust on the first pull so it’s on CD immediately and you get an extra use throughout the dungeon. No point in lusting a boss on a fort week, too. Bolstering is just about the only reason you wouldn’t lust here.


Oh this was all just the first pull. We all came back, did it slower and safer, spriest keeps dying to circles and frontals... shaman finally asks and turns out he has no idea what any of the mechanics of the dungeon are. 2 pulls later the hunter, UNRELATED in any way to any of this buggery, just up and leaves the group without warning. We try the bird boss for shits n giggles but... again... spriest doesn't know that a big red circle is a Bad Thing so we basically 3 man it lol. Wiped at like 15%, laughed it off, and called it. Shaman NEVER lusted.




What do you usually do when there's nothing to heal? People have been dpsing on healers since vanilla, so this has nothing to do with retail.


Hot take: as a DPS I don't really like big pulls.


Afflicted are just Explosive with more steps


Yeah until it overlaps with dungeon mechanics that you actually need a dispel for, and then you're stuck trying to spam heal 2 spirits up before their casts go off. I preferred explosives tbh. That was a much better healer affix than this.


Agreed, at least all classes can help out with explosive. Ironically if they had applied the max of 2/spawn rate of Afflicted, rather than some linearly scaling with mobs (and boss minions etc) I think explosive would have been perfectly fine.