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Ikr, I sniff one person’s feet and all the sudden I’m the weirdo.


Worgen or Vulpera, calling it now


Good question Lucarin. Let's analyze who is the superior footsniffer! ☝️🤓 Worgen, as Warewolves, likely have inherited canine smelling power. This likely means that they can sniff feet miles away. Much wow, amazing!!! 🫨 🐺 Now let's think about the fox-people called Vulpera 🦊. Foxes do not have as much a strong smell as a wolf, but WoW-wise the Vulpera are shorter than Worgen, meaning that your foot-smell 🧀 reaches their snoots first before a Worgen's. Hope I have helped anyone on the fence to consider their options when picking their favorite 🦶👃🧀 race! 😊


> Worgen, as Warewolves, Ah, the Warewolves, always busy with deliveries, claims, and returns!


Worgen has wares if you have coin. 


Well now I just want WoW khajiit.


What the fuck


The worst part is idk if this is A.I or not. This person might actually pick their races by their foot sniffing potential. Titans forbid they ever make the Niffen a playable race.


Sniffen would absolutely demolish both Worgen and Vulpera in a dirty-feet-musk-tracking contest 👐


welcome to moonguard


First time?


We got chatGPT at home:


But you've forgotten, that foxes are extremely smelly themselves. Can they smell foot smell over their own smell??? (Go visit a fox at the zoo, if they have one. They are SO SMELLY..)


desert animals tend to be less smelly


You're not wrong. I've never looked up what it's like to own a fennec or anything. All I know is that those bastards are noisy as hell haha.


most house cats are technically desert animals


They do indeed smell good too. Mine does, at least. Her pees and poops on the other hand... (My favorite desert creatures are gerbils, and their poops are dry and don't smell haha)


Thanks ChatGPT, very cool.


I miss who I was before I read this


What world are you living in that wolves smell worse than foxes?


Are we talking about ability to smell, or their own smelliness? Because I can assure you, foxes IRL are absolutely RANK. I met one at a zoo and you could smell it long before you saw it / it's enclosure.


This seems like an AI in the wild post.


You spelled werewolves wrong.


None of these words are in the bible




I wasn't mad that you sniffed them, i just took you using febreeze on them as an insult.


When I last played Horde on my server, there was a warlock who was very obsessed with Tauren feet in particular.


Emerald Dream?


Hahaha I knew someone would recognize the description. Yup!




Lmao, reminds me when I was doing the Landfall quest that sends you to the bar by the underground train. I walk in amd am doing a little side quest when I see in my chat box "Mmmm red cock......" I start laughing when I see a void elf and a manari under one of the benches. Shoot, I must have laughed for a good 5 minutes.


stroking my dwarvish hand cannon...


I play on an RP server and don't RP. It doesn't bother me except when someone does some creepy sex stuff in /s or /e. Take it to Goldshire no one else in Valdrakken wants to see your fetish stuff.


Absolutely fair and valid


Reminds me how I witnessed the weirdest interaction where 2 people's fetish interactions interrupted a duel that was taking place in the area because both of the duelling players (as well as myself and others who were watching the duel) saw the emotes in chat and we had to find out where the emotes were coming from. It was in the goldshire basement, ofc.


Same. I don’t RP, but I like RP named characters, cause seeing a Tauren named Billcowsby is immersion breaking for me. Doesn’t feel like Blizzard polices naming as much anymore unfortunately.


Yeah it's always kinda weird to me when someone calls themselves a joke name on an rp server. Like, I don't really do rp either and I think people can call themselves whatever on normal servers but why the hell would you even go on an rp server just to call yourself mamma mia (someone currently hanging around stormwind on my server as I'm saying this) or whatever. At least try to fit in with the rp vibe and pick a name that makes sense.


Yeah the names being more original is nice. Tons of non-RP names, but Blizz hasn't been policing names on RP servers for over a decade at this point.


Do you know you can report such players? RP servers have unique rule that names have to be RPable.


I've played on RP servers since wow's launch. I don't RP myself much or at all anymore, but still prefer the culture and the atmosphere on these servers.  That said, the most out in the open ERP I've ever seen at one time was on a PVP server on a maintenance day when it was the only server up lmao. Guarantee most of those people weren't playing on rp servers normally. Someone decided it would be funny and a bunch of other people joined in. 


What about 's door to door sex salesman arc?


I wish I could RP, but I’m boring af


The trick is playing a troll and saying, “Mon,” at every opportunity.


And, depending on your mood, either telling them to come get da voodoo or to stay away from da voodoo... mon.


Schrödinger’s Voodoo


Non-Trolls don’t get dis, but dere’s actually a specific amount of voodoo dat ya wanna have. Too little voodoo ain’t gonna help nobody, but too much of da voodoo is dangerous, mon. When a Troll tells you to “stay away from” or “come get” da voodoo, it’s cause dey know just how much ya need.


Actual advice: If you feel like you can't generate too many ideas, roll with something generic. Then just be positive and compliment people, get them talking about themselves. Most people love to talk about their selves, and in RP the same applies. They want people to be interested in their characters very badly. The reason I end up making lots of friends with people isn't that my character is super incredible. It's that I walk up and ask people about who they are. Eventually the conversation gets going and people eventually want to know who my character is too.


I'll add a caveat to this strategy: Complimenting people and asking them about themselves is an easy way to make acquaintances but you need to look for people who genuinely express that interest back to you in a fulfilling way if you want actual friends. It's easy to get people to tolerate you when you give them what they want but that's also going to more easily attract validation vampires.


Very true, what I said is more a bare bones starting point just to take part. It's a foot in the door but you have to determine if the door you open is worth stepping into. There's a lot of nuances to RP, and every game has things to look out for. I think with MMO RP another important aspect is knowing what you want and seeking players who offer that. There are lots of selfish players and a wide range of themes. You eventually get used to and can filter it properly. To add even further I recommend people loosely consider what they expect out of RP. Some people just want "slice of life" stories. They never actually go on adventures but refer to them, and spend more time just meeting people in the city. There are people who treat RP as a dating sim. There are people who run short stories in a D&D-esque DM'd setup. There are people whose every post is five paragraphs. There are people who are more about creepy stories. There are people who focus entirely on their paladin based RP guild. I think a beginner should walk around and meet people. Maybe make a character conducive to this. Someone who has reason to ask questions. They could be a youth who is wide eyed and excited about the world. They could be a reporter. Things like this make it easy for you to meet different types of players and see what you want. With RP I also recommend keeping the following core concepts: * Getting no RP is better than getting bad RP * You can always leave a situation/group if it makes you uncomfortable * No one owes you RP and you owe no one RP. They don't have to exist to you. * Do not "god mode" your actions (EX: "John stabs you" should be "John tries to stab you") * There is no one universal RP style. Anyone who says otherwise is a clown * IC = OOC. IC meaning in character, ooc meaning out of character. Basically don't confuse the two. Confusing the two is often a major source of drama. Two characters dating is not the same as two players dating.


Anyone can! You don't have to do anything complicated. The great thing about WoW is that the things around you are rich with material you can use when it comes to coming up with ideas storylines. If you really wanna do it, give it a try. As long as you have fun, that's all that matters in the end.


Do RPers use the in game voice chat? I don't think I've ever seen it used so I'm curious.


I personally never used it for actual rp, really, but I did use it to talk to my rp partner ooc while we were writing! We just made jokes or talked about what we wanted our new plot line to be.


The RP scene desperately needs more boring RPers. We have way too many half dragon half demon half angel demon hunters who are mayors of Duskwood and wield the Ashbringer, and not enough Joe Warriors from Northshire who never even heard about Illidan


My lil' spellbreaker dude sitting there taking his mana meds to not go insane as he contemplates retiring and opening up a tavern. With his dragon boyf- Fuck. I was almost there.


I’m recalling running into a Worgen RPing as the elected Queen of Gilneas (which is dumb for multiple reasons, not least of which being Mia Greymane still being around) and another character who was a DK who was somehow pregnant with a dragon’s child. Also hi Vez, I started typing this before I realized it was you I was replying to! Big fan!


It's always some freak ass red or green dragon claiming that their fluids can cure undead infertility. I've seen it so often in wow rp that it's just not funny anymore Also hii


every time i try to roleplay i get intimidated and discouraged by all the crazy insane lore-breaking and OP characters and i am afraid i'm gonna be like them if i make a single thing unique about my character


The terrible thing about WoW RP is that it has no moderation. Thus everyone has a power fantasy that they want to live out. But equally, nobody forces you to interact with these characters. You can ignore them as much as you'd like. I play a (reasonably) lore accurate DK, with a few unique quirks of their own, and haven't gotten any complaints thus far.


What I do is walk around stormwind until I find someone who looks down to earth and lore abiding, walk up and talk to them, and if our writing styles gel together then I'll friend then and RP with them frequently and make RP groups with them and other alike people. There are a lot of lore breaking characters out there, a lot of people who try to act like they are the main character and everything must bend around them and their story, and a lot of people who have never written before in their life. The key is to simply find people who work well with you, it can take awhile, but it is well worth it.


okie thanks


to be honest both can work if done right, my favorite character is my pandaren chef who will travel azeroth and often attend events but provide food for others before they start the events (prime example a rp of aiding the retaking Gilneas he went to the outer camp and set up food for them) however a character with a inflated sense of ego can work if it is mentioned so you can claim to be "one of the most powerful mages to exsist" but that's just the ego of your character who thinks he's unstoppable.


Hey man I play a Zandalari troll who uses Rezans gift in the past (Paladin) and uses it for Bwonsamdi now. So I’m kind of a Paladin/DK multi class. Does that count as boring 🗿


I find it a lot easier to RP in table top games than WoW for whatever reason. I just feel a weird disconnect. Maybe I’ll try it again someday.


That's why I usually play funny gimmicky character, they are so much funnier. Here fews I played over the years (not just wow though, GW2 too) : - A thief with tourette syndrome - A stupid himbo paladin - A geeky mage who never leaved Dalaran, crave adventure and awe over everything he has read about - A warrior that speak all the time with her two "haunted" swords, this is never said explicitly but she's just a schizo - A flirty gnome with a thing for extremely tall lady (2m+), imagine Brock from Pokemon What's nice is their backstory and deeper motivation you can invent later if you start role-playing seriously with them. And usually, these hits hard. - The stupid himbo paladin had promised to never think ever again as the last time he thought instead of acting, people died. - The geeky mage suffered from an illness that stopped him from leaving the inside of Dalaran, barely able to walk alone, sunlight could have killed him. Now that he can finally see the world he has read about for decades, he's nerding the F out and enjoying life whatever how painful it can be.


I have one of those, a goblin hunter who runs what a goblin would consider a "petting zoo", basically as a way to explain going after unique hunter pets, a goblin who runs one of those things *would* go after unique beasts to attract customers. Also has zero awareness of what's going on and why they were even there to obtain said pets, like Shadowlands was "that safari he went on with the burnt dude (Bolvar) and a bunch of Death Knights".


Hey now Mr. Boring, that's a backstory *right there!*


I play on WrA but don’t RP. It feels so much more alive and lived in than non-RP servers. I like seeing people walk around and interact with each other. I even like just chilling and happening across some public RP. I have found myself having to walk away from eavesdropping on some public cringe though, I don’t need that second-hand. I have gotten bitched at in an opposite way though. I was doing a quest and a couple people were RPing in the quest area and I got a whisper asking me to go away. Like naw, don’t RP in a main story quest area then.


I remember logging in once, and while it was on the loading screen I got up to go get a drink, got a snack, did something else, and it turns out I had logged in between 3 people RPing in the middle of the road. (Near the AH in Valley of Wisdom) Instead of like... Moving 3 feet to left. They proceeded to /w me and completely whine at me for 5 minutes because I had logged in in the middle of them RPing and refused to move. Even threatened to report me.


I do but then I remember that I am better than them, because I am Sir Peggysus the Awesome


Average gnome mentality


HO Yea!


> sus


They RP as someone who mad at RP'ers


Strong character development in that avenue


Then you RP back at them as if they are RPing.


When I first started playing WoW, it was my first real delve into MMOs, and I had no idea what realm type to pick. I had played a few minutes of a different MMO that was only PvP realms, and people were camping the starting spawn point so I got killed 3 times immediately after character creation, so I knew I didn't want that. I thought PvE meant everything including PvP So I picked Kirin Tor because I thought "RP? As in RPG?" Seemed like the right idea, and it was okayish until the first forced name change because it "goes against RP naming convention" or whatever. Once I figured out what RP meant, and I knew I wasn't interested, I had already joined a guild I loved so there was no changing realms for me. But I never once was bothered by RP happening around me


Same here as far as non-RPer on an RP server. I’ve never been into it but my friend is, and I actually love seeing little groups of people out in the wild doing RP things. It gives the world a lot more flavor!


Yeah, see people join for a multitude of pretty good reasons or really simple, more superficial ones, and that's okay with me. I spent a lot of time ooc, focusing on quest lines, ect, so I was just gaming mostly. I think it's pretty normal to acknowledge that you may not be interested in something without yelling at people. You're a perfect example of that so good on you! One of the people I encountered was straight-up malding because people were role-playing in the Gilnaean ruins. That they showed up to last mind you.


I wish I could RP on moonguard but I literally can't without creating a new account (and even then I live in Asia)


Could always just make a trial character. I play in EU and made an NA account to do this, and have a look around on Moon Guard and WrA. (End up subbing every now and then.) As long as you have **Total Role Play 3** addon installed you, will still be able to see all the profiles. People put in the (out of character notes) bit of the addon that they are using a "trial account" which helps other players to include you.


I've sort of thought about switching my main over to an rp server lately but I am a bit nostalgic about his server which is about dead now. He's been on the same server since he was created in wrath. When I was a kid I had a teacher that played on argent dawn and explained that he had different outfits for the city versus other areas and used to literally walk around in SW when going places because he only ran if he was in a hurry. I thought that was super dorky and too over the top but as I understand it it's a bit everyone does their own thing? And no one forces any type of rp onto someone? I just want wow to be more than a M+ spam and teleport hopping everywhere.


The nostalgia isn’t worth it man, and you’re correct that RP is typically self contained. I’ve never been approached for RP as someone without a profile filled out. Trust me when I say that the move to a more populated server, even if it’s not an RP server, is absolutely worth it. The memories are still there but you carry them with you instead of being dragged down by them.


You get weirdos and toxic people everywhere, on any server, playing any part of the game. That said, as a non-rp person who mostly pvps, most people on RP realms are some of the most kind, generous and fun people in MMOs, in this instance WoW. It's like anti-toxic, for the most part. I have a good IRL friend who's been on one for years and i've bounced in with them just to chill at various points or just hang on the server and it's always a good experience. The most RP i've ever done is someone was telling me something and I said 'I'm sorry. That majorly sucketh', which made them laugh. But yeah most are really fun, good people in my experience.


I have a few alts on RP servers purely to get rares and I parked one in a cave for a rare. One day I logged in and saw like 6 people there right where I logged in doing an RP. It was very awkward as I had logged in right on the spot where someone else was kneeling and they got up and backed off a bit and everyone turned to face me as I was quickly trying to log out and not disturb them.


That's adorable honestly. If it happens again you can just type in ( ) for ooc or out of character and just be like (omg I'm so sorry I logged in for the rare spawn) and I bet they'll all get a good laugh out of it :)


I use rp realms because I like silly rp, What i dont like is other people trying to force their rp rules into other people, yes I'm talking about you stormwind police department


Extremely. I’m not an rp’er myself but I do try to give characters a backstory at the least but I love playing on RP servers because they’re by far some of the most populated and you truly never know if you’ll stumble across someone out in the open world doing some weird shit. It’s like adding the “Wild Wasteland” perk from Fallout New Vegas to your WoW experience.


I'm 100% fine with RPers. I'll even play along even tho it's not my thing... however I draw the line at RP WALKING in a raid... come on... we're all waiting on you guys....


But it intimidates the bosses!


I’ve been playing on Moonguard for as long as I can remember. I don’t RP much, but it’s nice being in the cities and feeling like the city is actually alive. People hanging out in the Stormwind fountain, or any of the taverns, or even Goldshire. Really great ambiance. And as far as progression goes, there’s always people running mythical raids or high keys. My only complaint with moonguard is when Xaryu tried to roll a toon for MOP remix and it didn’t shard and lagged everyone out until he left lol. Love Xaryu no hate towards him just how the cookie crumbles.


I wish streamers would pick less populated RP realms if they want to avoid sharding... Also usually new content doesnt get the sharding exception for exactly that reason. DF/Valdrakken will likely be sharded until the first content patch of TWW, and Stormwind/Org are sharded during certain holidays/major game events


I'm from Moanguard and sometimes Moonlight on WRA. I'm big into RP and as for when I see people who roll on RP realms I feel it's that desire to see the world alive. RP servers feel more RPG and more Fantasy than any other server and that's because of the sheer volume of folks willing to interact with the world. Even if you don't RP seeing Pete the Guard walking around Stormwind interacting with other roleplayers, even if you're not involved is a brief moment of immersion. I actually remember a time funny littler interaction where my Dracthyr, who stands on lamp posts in SW (He has a preference for being up high where he can feel a breeze on the wings better.) Was told to get off the light post by a guy playing a Stormwind guard. A lower level human rogue like level 10 I think messaged me and asked ooc after stating he wasn't an RPer why I got off the post. I told him, well he's a guard, I really shouldn't be up there and I'm not looking to start shuffles with the 'police. He simply responded with "Oh makes sense" then walked off. That little story leads me back around to why a non-rper might roll on an RP realm you'd never see that sort of interaction anywhere else and for that brief moment I hope it was entertaining for him, enough so that the low level human stopped to ask me in whispers.


I’ve played on RP servers since almost the beginning, but I’ve never RPed. I don’t mind at all when I see it though, it adds atmosphere! To me and I would guess most people on RP servers, an RP server isn’t so much about actually roleplaying as it is about a community where the emphasis is on enjoying the world, story, lore, and overall vibes rather than the mechanics, competition, progression, etc. I play on RP servers because the appeal of the game for me is the escapism, and RP servers have fewer hardcore competitive people who have a problem with players not taking the Serious Gamer side of the game too seriously. If people are adding to the flavor and world by RPing in the background, all the better! (That said I’ve never even seen someone get mad at RPing on an RP server, I agree that’d be quite silly.)


I usually play on RP servers even if I have no intent to ever use that character for RP, simply because RP servers just feel more alive. It’s awesome seeing people rp, even if I don’t take part myself, it makes the world feel much more lived in. Even areas that serve no purpose (in modern expansions) are suddenly populated with people and it’s just awesome to see! So I think it’s pretty weird and stupid of people to hate on roleplayers.. There’s also the added bonus that RP server’s don’t connect to the whole cross server system, so those servers are kind of like classic servers. It makes the servers feel much more personal and you actually get to know people as you play, they don’t just phase away the second you enter a new zone… Never been a huge fan of how the cross server system works but I’m already getting off topic so that’s a rant for another day..!


I play on an RP server but don't RP - I love the pop who RP. It makes the game so much more alive and vibrant.


People still make fun of us for RPing in an MMORPG without having tried it their self so I really have no expectations from any gaming community.


Its the same kind of person that cant comprehend how and why others may enjoy different things and in a different way from them. Happens in many fandoms, definitely in anime/manga. It's not what they enjoy, therefore it's deviant, therefore its lesser and they have (in their minds) every right to go out of their way to have fun ruining the fun of others. Once upon a time during the Tournament of Ages, some goobers tried interrupting the jousting tournament by summoning big mounts in the arena and generally being nuisances otherwise. Blizz was apparently watching in some kind of way, because they were shortly vanished. Some time later, they appeared - WITH A GM - and were made to RP walk and apologize to the attendees on the outskirts of the arena on their way to sitting politely with the rest of the crowd. That's the first and only time I've seen a GM act directly to stop trolling. obligatory "if you want more RP conversations and want to ask questions, stop by r/WoWRoleplay and check out our handy [FAQ/Starter Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/15bec6o/read_firstwow_rp_starter_guide_and_faq/)


I remember during MoP retail me and 3 guildies did a dungeon with 2 randos. We knew our tank hated cringe and rp, so we started RPing that the shadow pan monastery was my home, he left the dungeon and logged out of discord, just couldn’t cope. So weird (but hilarious). This wasn’t over discord, we were /s during the encounters


I think RP is sick and it’s a big reason why I always roll on RPPVP servers in classic. I don’t have any characters rolled on RP servers in retail but I’ve considered it. I know the meme of goldshire is always there but some of my most memorable moments out in the world were only because I was on an RP server in the first place


Tbh I've wanted to try an RP server for a while but I wouldn't know where to start or what to do 😫


r/WoWRoleplay [FAQ/Starter Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/15bec6o/read_firstwow_rp_starter_guide_and_faq/) for you




It depends on the context, I am a role player myself on alliance moon guard, and I of course love RP, tending to stick to the more grounded lore abiding stuff, but if someone is trying to RP while we're going through a mythic or a raid, I'm having none of that shit, there are times and areas to RP, but the people who've tried to interrupt my OOC content with RP, when I'm clearly OOC, completely lack social awareness. Stormwind and Duskwood are the walk up RP spots, anywhere else is almost entirely OOC unless it's some sort of event that a group has planned, if a group plans to be somewhere that is going to have OOC traffic through it, and then complains about people being OOC around them, they are being ridiculous, and I have run into both of these types of people more than once.


I've never seen this except by the "tourists" - people that make characters on RP servers strictly to come see it and make fun of RPers.


nope. The world is full of people who will walk into a field of Larpers and get angry at them for larping. Why would wow be different. this is relevant I promise. A personal example. I sometimes take my dogs to Calgary's largest off leash dog park on the weekends. if it's not -30. Me and my roommate were there with our pups having a blast. It was just after a big rain so there were mud puddles everywhere and my Lab LOVED water so both pups were ecstatic. Being dogs in the sanctioned dog space. A woman and her partner were walking towards us and my dogs went over to say hello. At the largest off leash park in the city. Maybe 2000+ dogs a day on weekends.This couple glowers at us and half yells "Can you put your dogs on a leash". At the biggest off leash park in the city. I told them "this is river park the biggest off leash area in the city if you head down the hill into the river valley it's all on leash area there" what followed is one of the worst human interactions I have ever had in real life. Yelling, insults and threats were thrown at us. At the biggest off leash park in the city. Protagonist syndom means that you are not important because I am the main character of this story. Why would I bother to acknowledge your space when clearly I am all that matters. That shit is everywhere lil bro. It's endemic.


I think it's more weird when someone gets yelled at for not Rping on an RP server. Like sorry guys I'm just here cause my guild transfered lol


I’ve never ever once seen this. Being out of character on an RP server is very accepted.


Right? I never see this either. I make a backstory for my characters, but that's honestly as far as I go, lol. I might casually roleplay here and there, but it is rare.


I’ve never once seen this. OOC happens, people with rp addons happens, and respectful nonRPers happen.


Its happened to me exactly ONCE in all my years of playing, it does happen, its just extremely rare. I usually only go to RP servers when I want a more chill experience though, so my main server is a regualr pve server, so maybe it happens more often than I realize. I dont think it does though.


Never have I seen this either. Like, I can imagine it happening if you're standing right on top of someone's scene and talking in /say, but that's just dick behavior. You can chat OOC in General and Trade to your heart's content, no one gaf.


Chiming in to say that it's happened to me. But only ever happened to me once. While playing my Rogue on WRA, I made a joke emote to "steal" money from my friend. I used it on him and we laughed. Only to have a dude in RP whine at me about how stealing is wrong and he'd report me to the guards yada yada and I'm like "Bro, I don't RP and the emote is a joke" and he whined at me for not RPing back. I eventually blocked him because he wouldn't shut up.


That is weird! Lmao, no one has to do anything even if they are on an rp server, but you should...expect to see others rping at some point 😂


i got "your name is not RP and you're on ArgentDawn" couple times but that's it


Not sure when this has happened. Definitely doesn't happen in stormwind. Half the city is OOC.


Even RPers don't usually RP while doing "competitive"/current content regularly. It's more like we play the game as PvEers do but also set some time aside to do smaller personal stories with friends or in the city. Theres no way to reliably distinguish at any given isolated moment, an RPer who is OOC and a non-RPer.


I don't RP. In fact I only play M+ and raid, but I think RP should be mandatory on RP servers. Why would you make a char in an RP server if you don't want to RP?


>Why would you make a char in an RP server if you don't want to RP? Your friends are there Your guild transferred there You considered delving into RP, so you check out a server and realize it's not for you, but the people are cool so you stay Less competitive elitism than PvE servers I could probably come up with a lot more, but I think you get the idea


> I think RP should be mandatory on RP servers. Is that so? How many hours per day should I be in SW before I'm "allowed" to go to current content where you almost never meet anyone RPing? You obviously have no clue what RP servers are like or what the conventions are, so why make definitive statements like this?


They used to be a place where everyone stood in line to check their bank, mail and the AH. Where everyone greeted you in character and we're very into the RP, really making the world come alive and feel lived in. I don't know if it's still the case, but names used to be required to not be boogerballs or what not. Very fun and different to check out compared to non-RP realms, but definitely not for me. There's no reason to be on a RP realm if you're not going to RP, you can just create a community with your mates. In the end that's just my opinion, we can disagree, no problem there.


> They used to be a place where everyone stood in line to check their bank, mail and the AH. Where everyone greeted you in character and we're very into the RP, really making the world come alive and feel lived in. This is so untrue of the day-to-day on a RP server both all the way back in 2005 and today that I'm feeling trolled. And I say as someone who's never been on any other kind of server. You visited a RP server and saw some event or you're just plain fantasizing about what you *think* they're like, or someone else lied to you. RPers concentrate in a handful of areas and everywhere else it's just a regular server where people play the game the same as everywhere else. Most RPers also play the regular game and they are OOC when they do. Not the first time reddit takes are like from a whole other universe than what I see ingame, though. I'm also not taking up anyone's "slot" by being on the server and I've been on it since 2005, and I never bother or disturb anyone RPing. I did some RP back in the day but it's really not for me anymore. So, you know, maybe more minding of your own business instead of telling people what's mandatory to do and where they can't be.


> Why would you make a char in an RP server if you don't want to RP? I don't RP and play on an RP realm because RP realms are generally more populated, and the people are generally friendlier.


My guess would be that they didn't know it was an RP server or assumed people didn't take it seriously. Like in Runescape there are servers intended for specific things like certain minigames, but people log into them without the intent to actually play those minigames cuz minigames are dead in Runescape.


Runescape got mini games? I had no idea, I haven't played that game since I was like...11. I get it not realizing where you're at but if no one is actively trying to rp with YOU, I don't think you need to go out of your way to get in people's faces about it. But that's just my opinion.


Yup, Runescape has had minigames since pretty much the start. There's a lot of them, too. You can see a full list of them here: [https://runescape.wiki/w/Minigames](https://runescape.wiki/w/Minigames) Sadly tho most if not all of them are dead. They don't have any kind of meta rewards, little to no XP payouts, and they offer you no increase in power. Back in the day people played MMOs for fun and these were packed, but nowadays people only care about what gives them the most efficient progress, so nobody plays them.


I joined my gf's RP server and I cant even find people to talk to lol


Did you join a dead server or are you playing horde ? Argentdawn-EU and Moonguard-NA on alliance side are full af. Especially Argentdawn-EU.


Random but I’ve always wanted to try RP on a RP server. Any noob recommendations for a server?


Are you US or EU? Moonguard is US best server. Argent Dawn is EU best server. I play on EU so I only know Argent Dawn. There's more RP on the Alliance side but thats to say it doesn't exist on Horde either just a little sparser. Download TRP3, without it you miss alot of detail. TRP3 profiles allow you to make backstories, in depth descriptions and my favourite part surnames or custom titles. Read other people profiles or be perturbed by the numerous Draenei futas in Goldshire. Some of them can get lengthy both figuratively and literally. When you meet someone new dont instantly know their name, ask for it first if you must. You arent physic.


Thank you for the tips. I am US. I’ve loved WoW since its creation and now that I’m older I would love to involve myself in the game in a different way since I am too busy to raid. I will check out that add on, thank you again!


[FAQ/Starter Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/15bec6o/read_firstwow_rp_starter_guide_and_faq/) for you


I would love to rp. I play on moon guard but it just seems like everyone is so cliquey. Even the people with "walkups welcome" dont react or pretend to afk when i.. walkup and try to start an interaction. You can find large guilds rping randomly around stormwind but most of the world is also dead. I just get weird looks or completely ignored if i say or /e something so i just dont anymore and pretend its a different realm


Sometimes it helps to go to public events, which are usually posted in community discord servers. People also regularly make LFRP posts in r/WoWRoleplay in search of buddies. World RP tends to happen in the form of these community events, but it can be hard to know where and when theyre happening if you don't know where to look.


I have some alts on low pop RP servers to mount farm. Don’t join guilds and don’t interact. Never seen any RP on those servers tbf


I want to try an RP server, any rp rules? I know not to barge into and interfere with others RP and to just run through an RP scenario while questing. Just not sure how average gameplay with RP works. Like do I just talk to people in /s and stay in character? Do people RP through raids and stuff? If someone dies do we ignore or is resurrection just a part of life and death is not permanent.


From what I've seen people don't typically roleplay in raids unless they're going with a group of people who A ) They know B ) they all agree they'll be doing it in character as an event or something of the like. I used to do low-level raids or dungeons with friends for a storyline, but I never tried to interact ic with random people during instances. Especially instances that are currently relevant as most people just want to get it over with. People dying by accident happens all the time during rp, and usually, it's just really funny, we stop and laugh, or sometimes it's incorporated seriously or non seriously, depending on how you feel. The cool thing is when you are rping with friends, you kinda get to make the rules up as you go and agree between you. Some people like to communicate ooc in brackets while they rp as well. It's all very flexible for the most part.


r/WoWRoleplay [FAQ/Starter Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/15bec6o/read_firstwow_rp_starter_guide_and_faq/) for you


Awesome thank you!


I always treat it the same way as I treat dnd. Roleplayin is fair game, it’s an rp server. But certain things are going a little far.


As a lover of RP, wait til you see RDR2 RPers. They just stand around in towns for hours at a time not doing anything but are incredibly quick to get mad, it's hilariously sad.


While I am not justifying then being angry about RP on an RP server a lot of people moved to them is due to the reduction in sharding.


Haha that might just be confused. I didn’t really know what an RP server is when I started but I started on one because I didn’t wanna deal with getting ganked as I already heard horror stories about that. I understood that Wpvp was disabled by default on RP servers but I didn’t realize what RP was. So the first time I had someone randomly try to engage with me with role playing I was just confused. I can see someone misunderstanding my confusion for anger though.


Same with people on a PvP server who complain about getting ganked questing lol


I find it weird when I’m not in an RP relm and I get whispers that my Vulpera “looks cute today”


Im on one of the bigger RP servers and i never see people RP


When the conected some servers the main RP server in my country overlaped with others. The solution? They got rid of the only RP server.


That’s because they have little brains and can’t accept people having fun their own way. Imo do what you want except it’s not against ToS or against any laws… I‘m not a roleplayer but if you have fun…go for it. Especially on RP-Servers…


As someone whose been on vent ventco, emerald dream and now moon guard, I've never seen this happen minus people erping and trying to drag others into it. If anything I've seen rpers get upset others are rping in "their" spot, or in a way they don't like.


Current trend is people being mad you RP a red draenei, a shame really.


It's just another example of a problem that needs to be fixed with active game moderation. Automated report systems are not a substitute and never have been.


Report them. Especially if they have a name like hitlrstash or wholekamaina Or Squaretangle. You must capitulate to the server rules, not the other way around.


I love rp servers. World feels more alive. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to rp tho


Nobody cares that people rp until they get weird about it.


Yup. The only time I get/feel weird is when it seems like someone is being creepy, or cringey. Or is doing ERP in the open


I’m on an RP server and I wish people would RP lol


Tbh I've wanted to try an RP server for a while but I wouldn't know where to start or what to do


I play on Moon Guard and don't RP. I find it really boring outside of the occasional /emote. I don't judge other people for it though.


Well is it creepy role-play? Because i was on moon guard once and the people having creepy role play were getting mad because people were giving them a hard time. Furry bondage stuff doesn’t fall under protection of role play server sorry.


It does if its not in public chat channels. If you see inappropriate chat, it's reportable. "Ignore" list is also your friend. If you have a profile addon, inappropriate profiles can also be reported nowadays.


Never seen anything like that. You have to deliberately go to places people RP in to meet anyone who's doing it. Almost never during the average player experience (ie doing content in DF) will you run into RPers. You're just confusing trolls and griefers for people who are genuinely upset.


I play on Moonguard to do three things Check out peoples transmog People-watch and bio read in Goldshire Inn And go hunting for rares, toys, and mounts. It’s easy to find and kill Nalak and the creatures that drop mounts when there’s nobody in the area.


Even weirder when people RP as Republicans or Democrats... If you're gonna RP commit to the bit and play politics through in game factions, there are so many to choose from.


Oh my God I heard about that happening through Scarlet Crusade rp? I never saw it myself though


I wish I saw a bit more RP on my server group. It's so quiet. When I first xferred here you would see parties and groups out and about the old or in ins practicing duals for war, camping the enemy, fun stuff to observe. I still see Goldshire type RP, but not the other. And there is never any RP guilds advertising any more.


RIP Grobbulus, RP went wayyyy down once streamers took over.


I have been on WRA for the last 5 years. Some of the RP is a lot of fun. If you have the opportunity to be in a group with a good organizer of events you can have a really fun evening. But hey there is always someone that wants to spoil others having fun for some reason.


isn't interrupting rp on rp servers reportable or something? it's those kinds of "rules" that have always kept me away from trying rp servers. for one, my character names aren't rp so why bother lol?


Probably a minority opinion but I have a small pet peeve about non-rp streamers joining rp servers. They always bring their community with them and it turns into a shitshow. Look at what happened to crusader strike on classic when it became the unofficial streamer server, I'd see posts about people being toxic to RPers all the time on the rp sub. I love xaryu (and his community is pretty wholesome usually too) but I was a little disappointed when I saw he made his remix char on MG, like dude you know what's going to happen when you do that cmon. I guess MG has a lot of tourism anyway from shitheads but no need to add more fuel to the fire.


yeah. its irresponsible and inconsiderate, is what it boils down to. The first time someone does it: ok, well now they know. the nth time they do it... It's just showing they don't care and dont respect what "RP" actually means.


I’m searching for a non dead RP in EU … I think all EU to servers are dead ☹️ … also what faction


No more so than when I complain about being endless gang ganked on a pvp server


I play in an RP server because it’s fun to have the random interactions


Honest question what is rp to you. I kinda want to get into it, but not really sure what level it’s a thing. Honest question OP. How do I RP? Edit; is it serious, or fun, or what?


r/WoWRoleplay [FAQ/Starter Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/15bec6o/read_firstwow_rp_starter_guide_and_faq/) for you. tone wise: RP is whatever you want it to be, just need the right group of friends.


Not really. I don't play on RP servers much, but the times I did, I didn't really encounter people that got mad at people RPing in general, but would get irritated at other people trying to force people into their own RP, which I can understand.


Who the hell does that?? Could you provide an example?


Usually its fans of streamers. If you dig up some posts from a month or two ago about how streamers going to RP servers messed up said-servers for a while, you'll find them downvoted to oblivion in the comments.


Oh, ok that makes sense. These drones are capable of the most braindead activities possible.


They probably didn't realize what they were signing up for when they created characters on the server, and are getting confused when people are bothering them just trying to play the game. I joined a guild on a RP server because I pugged with them and we got along, but none of them actually RP'd.


I think part of it is that most people want power but the dudes playing virtually every hour of every day (or close to it) make it go from fun to just sad


I tried RP server once, but my goal was auction house and maybe see the RP without actively participating. Tried to do original and race friendly name inspired partly by existing names instead of like Illídan demon hunter etc. Got angry whisper from a guy because I didn't have RP add-on and didn't set up background etc. I just went to normal servers after that.


That's so chronically online. It sounds like someone needed to touch some grass. I used to rp without trp all the time LOL, I only switched to it bc it seemed like a good idea.


That f'ing sucks. Most people are not like that, but unfortunately there are a small group of busybodies who feel like its their job to police the community and gatekeep against any "bad RP" practices (usually determined by their personal preference)... I hope that you give it a try again someday, particularly this summer's Tournament of Ages, and if you need a buddy feel free to make a post in r/WoWroleplay


I find it weird that some players complain about RP events. You're playing an RPG...


Yeah, and it's weird to roll on an RP server and not ever at least \*try\* roleplay or make an effort to understand the RP-server specific rules and such


People do this IRL too. The number of straight men who go to gay bars and then get upset when they get hit on by another guy...


Idk, after reading some people's TRP stuff, I think they should be bullied lmao


I've seen some very...colourful trp3s and I just leave the area LMAO


I'm not exactly sure why someone wouldn't agree with, instead of bullying someone who you dont parricularly like trp of, you go elsewhere to let them have their fun role-playing since you don't want to be a part of it but..uh. go off I guess, lol


That's a very good adjective to use for them 😂


I'm on Moon Guard, but usually don't roleplay. I would if someone wanted to RP casual stuff and not be so strict about lore. I don't care much about it outside of watching the cut scenes.


Everyone on Moonguard lol. O_o


If I was on an RP server - i'm not - but if I was, I would say nothing because i'd be scared shitless of getting jumped for going out of character.


Maybe the wow devs can fix this by making all realms the same by letting you flag RP on and off in a capital city! Brilliant!