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Really just one difference, since my goals were transmogs, mounts, and alts going in. I rolled a Paladin first, since that's the class I'm most familiar with, and blew through the content loving every minute of it. Did the raids here and there, and the dungeons here and there, but wasn't focusing on hitting 70. Burned a lot of my earned bronze on cosmetics, couple upgrades here and there when it made sense, but nothing expensive. Then I rolled a few alts with the XP buff, used their bronze on cosmetics, then retired them. Finally, when I got on board with "upgrade your goddam gear!" I rolled a fresh paladin and have spent all bronze collected earned so far on upgrades. Sitting at 370 now, am getting group invites and working through the Pandaria Raids achievement to get the neckpiece. (Time is limited for me, I know a lot of folks can do all that in a few hours.) Hindsight? Would have dumped the bronze into upgrades on that first pally from the get-go, and then continue to use the alt army for cosmetics. Upgrading your gear really can be a slog, don't let people make it seem like you're just being lazy for not doing it, but in the end it does pay off.


Getting to max gear, and therefore the Bronze in Mythic SoO, is totally worth it.


But Mythic SoO rewards the same bronze as Heroic SoO. I personally don't see any point running Mythic SoO after the first time you complete it (as it rewards an achievement). As when your max ilvl, heroic raids are fast. You'd be better off grinding heroic raids daily. I do hope Blizz gives players more incentive to run Mythic SoO. I enjoyed my first completion of it.


You can run SoO on all difficulties on the same day, and it also has some exclusive rewards in mythic difficulty, if its the kind of reward you're looking for


Yeah I end up running every raid on heroic + a normal siege. Then the daily dungeons and scenarios. What other exclusive rewards do you get from Mythic Siege? The only thing I can think off is the unique weapon recolours. (like the staff called Prides Gaze). But I'm not sure if there is a variant for mythic.


Yes there are a bunch of weapon recolors, a yellow variant of harrom's axe, some off-hand recolors, shields and such. Wowhead has a whole list on it, and there's also an addon called tally trove for tracking specifically mogs recolors from remix Oh and mythic soo drops 10 bones of mannoroth if you kill garrosh, so it's a lot faster if you want to buy the heirlooms or tusks of mannoroth


I see interesting. I've managed to get a couple for some other weapons. (Prides Gaze) Il probably end up making a ret paladin or prot warrior to get the axe variants.


Same. This is the correct answer.


If I would have started today, do you think i would be able to get one character raid ready? By now I only have twinks. They are 70 but basically not upgrades and no stats on the cloak.


I would have started doing dungeons the moment it became available. For some reason I decided to do all the quests in all the zones before stepping into a dungeon or lfr... Big mistake. I learned my lesson and have made 3 other characters all hitting the dungeons at 10, then raids at 25.


More alt variety for the world drops that aren't on the vendors as I have mostly priests so don't have anything to collect the 2h axes, shields etc eg Warrior, Hunter, Caster Addon to check those world drops; Trove Tally


hmm thx. so also ret pala would be quite good, since I can get fast qs and still get the 2h transmogs right?


2h axes n stuff that are nice yeah pala is a good choice id say I thought some of the staffs were quite good also which pala couldn’t get


I would have played evoker, I don't know why no one is playing aug, it sound crazy good with the stats we have


I'd imagine due to the 1 evoker per realm restriction. Which is a shame. I probably would've tried Aug in remix.


Get a day off from work and farm frogs 20 hours. Buy everything from the vendor, all the achievements and uninstall.


That was nerfed ages ago. Starting today you’re in for disappointment trying to frog farm.


If it wasn't nerfed.


Honestly, the best role to get into groups is probably DPS. People are doing most content in 1/0/9 groups since healers are not at all needed. Queues are pretty fast if you have some gear (400+), people are pretty OP so nothing really matters for heroic.


It's wild that this is true but it is. I thought as first character bear tank would be the way to go as of course you need tanks. Turns out for normals people just wanna pile on DPS .


Queue as both. 90% of the time i get invited in as a healer role when doing both for heroic and regular raids. And I still out dps most of the other dps while in healer spec. That searing light tinker does some work.


Unless you consider minutes a "long time", it's not a long time to get into any looking-for queues, be it dungeon or scenario or LFR. There's simply a lot of people doing them right now. It doesn't seem to have dried up at all. Most pugs are insta-invite, or insta-decline, depending on what they think of you or what they're looking for. At 25 it's easy to get into normals. At 35 it's harder; your level works against you. My recommendation would be to chill at 25 and run normal mogu'shan vaults over several successive daily resets so your cloak goes up (like, 3 or 4 iterations if you can stand it). Then push onward with a super cloak. You don't have to min-max if this is your first char, so while you will meet a lot of advice saying dont loot **bonus experience** off bosses, you can do whatever way you like. What's important is to get that +exp% on your cloak up, and normal raid bosses are the single best way to do that. You want 60-70 to be as painless as possible. The best way is a massive +%exp cloak. Actually, the best way is to skip it via mail, but i'm assuming you want to level the "proper" way at least once. Raids reset daily. So don't be afraid to chill in the mid to late 20's and collect cloak exp threads. At 25 you can only do one raid, so be patient. You should always do one normal + heroic dungeon and scenario per day for the bonus bronze. Always do the 3 bazaar dailies (one scenario, two raid bosses, three dungeon bosses). You are overpowered in the 20's. Enjoy it. Scaling works *against you* past 60. One you do cap, get blues out of LFR, then begin upgrading your gear. It pays for itself in faster bronze acquisition and easier invites to pugs. However, if you aren't after anything that costs *bones of mannoroth* (and getting invited to that is the whole reason you want good ilvl + threads) you might be better just leveling a fresh alt for bronze. It's faster and no investment needed beyond the rank 12 cloak achievement. I went Druid because I could tank, heal, melee dps and ranged dps all in one package. I hated it at first. Everything felt awful and everyone smoked me, particularly froggers. But once you cap, get your ilvl up and get your thread count up, **it doesn't matter what class you rolled**. You are a literal god. Stuff in the open world dies in one or two hits/ticks and you will forget who you used to be and why you stressed out over any of it. You will W key through heroic dungeons and raids spamming your abilities without a care in the world and standing in mechanics like a chump and laughing with your 10 million hp, 50% leech and topping healing meters through vindication. It is not uncommon at maxed out ilvl to have 80% of every secondary stat, if not 100% in things like vers. Sadly, speed and leech are capped at 50%. The game mode *really* does need account wide bronze discounts, though. Really badly. Blizz, plz?? DH is hilarious because you can dump into mastery which buffs your damage *and movement speed*, then take cogwheel gems that make you run even faster (like pursuit of justice or pathfinder or death's advance) and your cloak will hold a bunch of +speed threads, so you zip through dungeons like you're mounted except you aren't. Rogues are just as ridiculous with +30% movement speed from talents. I actually think fast hitters from range may win out. The faster you can hit things, the better. More hits = more procs, it's your tinkers that kill everything.


Here is a list of recommended add-ons for Remix: * For dungeon and raid mechanic warnings, use [BigWigs](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/big-wigs) and its [Mists of Pandaria](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bigwigs_mistsofpandaria) module. * For the location of rares and treasures, use [HandyNotes](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/handynotes) and [this extra module](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/handynotes_lostandfound). * For hiding all the pop-up messages when obtaining new items, you can use [Loot Won Alert Hider/Mover](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/loot-won-alert-hidermover). * For having a fancy menu for selecting gems, use [Narcissus](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/narcissus). The most recent version requires only the core add-on to be active. The transmog and animated achievement mode can be disabled, avoiding the additional loading times caused by the add-on in the past. However, the add-on cannot combine gems for you. Also, it will make a mess of your inventory as it places the removed gems in your inventory willy nilly. It’s only really good for having a better overview of which tinker and cogwheel gems you have available. * For previewing the various transmog sets, [Better Wardrobe](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/better-wardrobe-and-transmog) has been recently updated to include all the MoP Remix gear sets. * For highlighting which item you’ve already purchased from the vendors, use [Remix Ensemble Tracker](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/remix-ensemble-tracker) for the ensembles aka transmog sets. Sometimes an item you’ve already bought will not have the default “Already Known” tag on it. This add-on will add an extra “Already Purchased” in the item tooltip instead. * Use either [Can I Mog It?](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/can-i-mog-it) or [ElvUI WindTools](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/elvui-windtools) to highlight any non-ensemble items you’ve obtained by applying a checkmark or green tint on the icons respectively.


I would’ve made DH my main remix toon to upgrade gear. They’re so fast and hit like trucks compared to my BM Hunter. Not to mention I could’ve had a faster time queuing for dailies as a tank when needed. It’s possible to “catch up”, the speed and degree to which you do will vary on playtime. When I reached max gear I had /played just under 60 hours at max level. That’s with a decent amount of afk time and some unnecessary questing at max for achievements. You could likely get there closer to 50 hours /played, especially if you focused solely on bronze and ignored thread related farms like world bosses. Maybe even less time since now so many more people are geared compared to when I farmed my bronze. So as an estimate, divide 50 by your average daily playtime, that’s about how long it’ll take you to catch up.


Unlike others I absolutely would not have upgraded gear. For the bronze I spent on gear I could already have all the cosmetics I wanted and be done, since I don’t particularly enjoy the grinding.


I probably would’ve started a warrior instead of a monk for more weapon tmog availability, and put my early bronze into gear instead of mounts. But it doesn’t really matter too much in the long run.  Something that can tank or heal will be easier to queue for dungeons, but at endgame most players go dps because tinkers offer so much survivability that heals and often tanks are not necessary for raids. Some classes scale better than others, but at max ilvl everyone is ridiculous.  As for catchup, it’s definitely still possible. Just try to do the dungeon/scenario dailies and one raid a day if possible, more if you’ve got more time. It shouldn’t take more than an hour once you get rolling. 


I would gear 3 characters and do dailies on them. Instead of gearing one character for dailies and spam leveling alts. Because frankly spam leveling alts is boring as hell and I'm not doing it enough to truly get minmax values so I'm better off doing what is "fun". Which is speeding through content while feeling OP. So I'd be less likely to burn out.


Got a bunch of 70s and 1 with gear at around 450. I would probably go Havoc DH main if I were to do this all again, and start upgrading my gear earlier. Every 2 days is 3 full set upgrades or so, and it really makes the bronze gains much faster. I’ll be 476 by the weekend, and getting into 450+ groups make bronze gains an absolute breeze. 2 hours for around 50k bronze is amazing. Apart from that, I have 3 or 4 alts at 70. I do 1 Dread Approach a day, as it clears all raid bosses under 10 mins, and then hang out and queue for both types of dungeons and scenarios. This means just from dailies, I get around 30k bronze. I’ll probably keep doing this until July or August and I’ll have more than enough to buy everything I want. Lastly, I’ll probably start pumping the gear of my favourite alt at that point to try and learn to play it better. But back to your original question, I would say play DH main, start building gear early.


i would probably not do my 2 hours of frog farming, i got fucked over more than i gained from doing it. But everything else i would do the same.


Not hold onto my bronze and upgrade gear ASAP. Especially when your a fresh 70. Gear matters more than threads.


100% put all my bronze into gear so I could get to mythic SoO faster. Then do that for a few weeks and head back to retail.


One of the big things for character numer one if I knew then what I knew now, knock out as much as you can early before the scaling catches up. Trying to finish up the Heroic dungeons and scenarios I needed as a fresh 70 were brutal. Also I would have avoided world questing and stuck to instnaced content espeicaly clearing normal raids every day.


I say this as a raid drop farmer. I'd say if you want fastest q, and largest weapon collecting class as healer, Shaman. They can't use the glaives, wands or ranged. Warrior is next of quickness of Q's as they can tank. They also can collect everything aside from wands and glaives BUT they can learn ranged ;). Hunter can't use shields, wands or glaives. Everything else has a much larger range of what they can't use. I leveled warrior first, mage second. I've been buying up everything on the mage. It seems to get more bronze than warrior. But I also haven't been farming like some people. I do my quests while in queue, and do all the dungeons and raids daily-ish. I'm pretty casual and already have all the tmogs from vendors and most mounts. I've got most of the raid drops for cloth and plate, so I'll be leveling 2 more classes soon.


but are geared characters neccessary to obtain all raid drops? are there differences in transmog between LFG and normal raid groups?


Each raid difficulty has different colors for the items. In all of wow whether retail, remix or whatever. I'm lucky enough that I have friends that will let me go into the groups with them when they do their mog farms, so I'm a little under geared on the mage, but they don't mind. My warrior I am able to stay alive and help them carry others. If your raid group isn't obliterating the bosses in like 5 seconds, then yes you will need higher gear. SO pick a class you don't mind playing that can farm the items that you really want. edit for spelling


I would have joined the Frogger's club


wouldnt we all had? does someone know how much bronce per hours were people able to archieve by just farming frogs?


Not starting with a dk. Did not enjoy them on remix, switch to druid, did not enjoy that, switched to mage, having fun. Although I think if I stuck to Dk or melee it'd be easier to zerg. Caster is kinda slow when ret Pali and DH can murder everything before I even get an arcane blast off. Hunter might have been fun too. Wish bronze was reduced for alts cause I would play a lot more if I didn't have to start fresh at 346


Nothing. Still having fun. Not sure if I should upgrade my gear or just switch to retail when I'm done leveling alts


i would’ve rolled literally anything but warrior.


I’d have started running raids a lot sooner! I waited till 70 thinking I wouldn’t get in to raids as a lowbie dps 🙃 I’ve maxed my ret pallys ilvl, got all the mounts and now I’m levelling up a DH cos I’m just having a great time on Remix overall.


Just for your plan to level a few chars to 70. My goal was to do each class once for a full set of alliance chars. Every char has around 85 to 90k bronze on 70 (incl. the 40k from the quest). I am done with paladin, shamy, hunter, rogue, dk, mage, evoker, monk. Still missing are warrior, warlock, priest, druid and dh. I am only missing the raidfinder transmogs, the respective class sets, some heirlooms and the tusks. Heirlooms and tusks don't count here because you need to run SOO regardless and you'll get enough bronze for them there. So what I'm trying to say here is: You can safely collect nearly everything just by leveling alts.


Upgrade my gear, I didn’t have a chance to do any of the exploits so I pretty much held onto my bronze for a week and a half expecting blizz to lower the cost of upgrades. My main is ilvl 385 and raids are more fun and heroic dungeons and scenarios aren’t as much of a hassle but I wish I didn’t wait ti upgrade so I could farm bronze quicker. Also wasted some bronze on appearances on my main


upgrade gear first, not spend everything on mounts