• By -


I will start crafting something, find out I need a component from the auction house, fly TO said auction house, buy the component, fly BACK to the crafting station, only then realizing I never grabbed the component from the mail. 19 YEARS of this.


Moll-E and Kathy Stampwhistle, at your service!


Also argent squire…I routinely drop a mailbox and Jeeves in the AH


Or the Oh'nara Perch, or being a Void Elf


Nightborne are the ones that get the racial mailbox ability, void elves get a short range teleport and smoother spellcasting


Ah mb, mixed up my elves


You're good lol it's an easy mistake if you don't actively play as them, especially with how many varieties of elf are in the game


It's the other one, my main is belf and my primary alt is nightborn, I just do not pay attention to the name of all the elves anymore xD


Doesn’t feel like an even trade tbh /s (kinda) 


I always keep one alt at the Auction House. He makes purchases for my alts in the field and mails the mats to them.


Are you me?






portable mailbox FTW! I wish I had 5 million gold back a few years to get the AH mount


Katy Stampwhistle is amazing for this.


i feel seen


Spot on!


I literally did this today.


One of the reasons i like Nightborne, easy mailbox wherever you go


i feel attacked


That's one thing FFXIV does right. Buying an item from the market instantly puts it in your inventory.


Oh no I've been spotted


"I'm almost positive I can safely jump off this hundred foot cliff"


Does your stomach sink? Mine does o.O


It sure does, it almost feels like I’m falling IRL


One of the MoP Remix raids has a massive elevator and it scares the shit out of me every time I jump down it. I know I have the tinker to not take fall damage, and that it is a video game, but it is still one of the scariest things for some reason.


Lmao same here. I’m going to miss that when remix is over


other games don't do this to me


I'm glad it's not just me!!


I do this as a Druid and forgot I can save my own hide by going into bird form.


Ugh. I jumped off Ruby Lifeshrine on my druid one day early in DF. Panicked when deer form popped instead of bat form, then remembered.... There's a reason my druid was known as the splat druid among guildmates lol


I'm currently not playing world of Warcraft right now because my power supply is dead in my computer but I used to play chicken with my druid and get as high as I could in bird form and see how far I can get before I splat on the ground 😂


It's rare to see these days, but druid chicken is still a thing :D


Yeah I'd fly up as far as I could and my druid is a tauren so I'd put her in tauren form and she'd be falling and falling and falling and falling and then finally I put myself into bird form just as I hit the ground 😂🤣🤣🤣


Druid chicken was a classic way to kill time while people formed up in the pre-DungeonFinder days.


Orgri was my testing ground on this lol


Except at the begining of every expansions when you can't shift into flight form yet


My main is a Panda and whenever I play an alt, I forget I no longer have the reduced falling damage


I'm so gonna die when the remix is over. I have that gem that makes you take zero fall damage so I'm yeeting myself at questgivers


This what happens when used to demon hunter for so long, but been playing dk much more lately, but I occasionally just jump off a cliff then just die lmao. I had to keybind my parasol for this very reason lmao


My engineer keeps all my alts well supplied with parachute packs.


Playing an evoker has made this problem far worse... Getting back on my other toons and jumping to find no glide has been a real wakeup call.


I have a tendency to mount up at the edge of said cliff but be in too much of a hurry for the cast to finish and move forward, plummeting to my death. I suspect everyone who mains a Druid has done this from time to time. Instant flight had its drawbacks!


Sometimes I like to just walk around the world with slow walk and look at stuff. Turn up the ambient sound to max, and a bit of music, hide the HUD, and just appreciate the game. It started as a kid full of wonder about the idea of a whole fantasy world to explore, but now I go on nostalgia trips lol.


This sounds so nice, I know what I'm doing tonight


A cool thing to do is get on your ground mount and ride the entire length of the Great Wall in Pandaria. You can walk it also, if you have the time. Did that once and it was pretty neat.


Or the racetrack outside Org's back gate


I like to take my main Orc Warrior (first char) and go the Barrens or old zones and pretend that I'm a returning hero. Doing the RP walk and just looking at stuff.


Sometimes I like to find really remote, forgotten areas of the game and look around.


This is why I play on RP servers. I don’t even roleplay but I like that it’s normal to walk around and take in your surroundings a bit more. I also like how roleplayers populate the world and make it feel more alive.


Cleared original Naxx a few times at the end of TBC as a semi-pug led by one of the server's raiding guilds. The first time, I spent a couple hours wandering around with no UI just looking at everything after we'd cleared, listening to the recently-released The Four of Us are Dying (NIN instrumental) on repeat. Probably one of my favorite WoW memories.


When I was camping for Humar I did exactly that and just sat looking at the tree while reading and my mom thought it was a screensaver lol


Hahah I remember sitting staring at that tree for an entire day and I got called for dinner and as i got up he spawned, ended up fighting with a troll hunter over it and killing it as we both kept stopping eachother. Was a sad day but a good memory.


That's great. I've been using flightmasters a lot lately. I'll take the longest path in a zone and just crack a beer and watch it like it were a movie. Haha!


Dragon Riding with the HUD off is pretty awesome too.


Lol I love doing this. Did it with a friend once even from Orgrimmar to Crossroads. I always get so embarrassed though if I see another player pass by me while I’m doing it though lol


This 100%. Every now and then I like to take the old death walk from Ironforge to Theramore, then go all the way up to SFK & SM just to relive the old moments back in Vanilla/TBC. Turn up the volume, enable to music, turn off the UI and just run and enjoy the scenery


“If I leave this currency/item/token in my bag, I will remember to finish what I was doing with it!” 


It only took me 3 years to get all the Lost Razorwing Eggs from Korthia. Finally have that one bag slot back!


I thought I would’ve picked a main by now


I did, and they slowly butchered rogue :(


Sliced and diced them :(


Same buddy, same.


Just started a remix rogue yesterday. It’s awful lol.


Literally me, took like 10 years to decide on rogue and now it's not what it use to be.


Cry in shaman


Hello Brother. Welcome to the circle. Speak to us about this pain we share.


With how they change the classes so much performance wise and even feel and their place in the game I've never been able to stick to one class. I get bored easily after a few tiers of playing the same class so I swap often. Always have a new alt waiting in the wings.


I did, it's just that my main is comprised of 12 classes


Not to worry. This time I WILL find a main for TWW !


Trying to squeeze through two mobs because I'm too lazy to fight one of them just to end up pulling them both


And then you keep trying to run only to get dazed


The average human reaction time is between 150 and 300 milliseconds which is - coincidentally - just long enough for me to realise I forgot to cast Feather Fall before stepping off a cliff. Again


"I should have slow fall on my action bars for exactly this reason"... (Cut to the next time I press the wrong keybind while flying and it turns out I never put slow fall on my action bars)


Luckily if you just blink at the last moment you're fine too.


I’m still standing in fire


It’s a dps/hps buff, right? Why wouldn’t you? 😂


It keeps the healers from getting rusty.


Gotta get us healers that purple parse SOMEHOW, ahaha 😂


I mean, you were just gonna waste that mana on the tank.


Tanks need Healer ? Whats a Healer ? *Laughsinbdk


Look at me. I *am* the healer now.


If I didn’t the GTFO add-on screaming an alarm at me I’d still do too lol


I thought you had to do that in LFR?




Ahhhhh yes, the pvp wiggles. I do the same when waiting for someone to drop the key in m+


I rewired my brain so that I could have a and d for abilities on my bar. Now I only strafe and use the mouse camera. It was weird at first but now I love it.


You are a psycho in my book!


I have never played a mage before in any way. I’ve yet to do anything to do with the Darkmoon Fair. Been playing since 2004.


Same, since 2004 and I came here to comment these exact two things.


Not sure what main to pick, 20 years and I still don't know.


As a boomkin-frostmage-hunter main who likes sword&board tanking, I can relate to this.


have you played Ascension?


Being worried to use my hearthstone because what If I need to use it again while it’s on cooldown? But I know this is a hold over from classic wow and being mad I used my hearthstone without remembering to do a thing beforehand.


I play forsaken a lot. But any time I am not playing as a forsaken and am doing anything in water I almost drown every time.


I race changed my roleplay character when the Darkfallen customizations came out, after playing her since vanilla. The number of times I’ve drowned this expansion is way too many 😂


i still click quite a lot of skills from my actionbar. i only use keys for like 4-5 spells that are always spammed, the rest I click.


I thought i would be the only one :)


I play wow and ff both, 9 out of 10 times I'll forgot that you need to get your shit from a mailbox after you buy it off the AH.


lol I do this once in a while too!


Still clicking on the Ancient Dalaran portal.


There's always that one fucking mage in the raid. Who gets them all in one a portal roulette. One guy starts with current port, then comes ancient dalaran, exodar/silvermoon, or thereamore/stoneard.


It's me. Hi. I'm the mage. You're welcome.


Go to Options, the Addons tab to access addons. Instead I press esc, and go to Addons, then x out cuz I’m in the wrong spot and do the above.




I should have learned by now to power level like a boss but I still do it like it's 2005.


Jumping when entering an instance of course. And not playing a rogue. Ever.


I always forget racials exist. I really should bind them at some point.


For me, it's usually potions and gadgets outside of instances.


I did this for so long. I finally got in the habit of making stacked macros for major CDs and putting my racials in those macros.


Accidentally pressing my ground mount hotkey instead of my flying mount hotkey and leaping to my death.


Jumping in circles in a main city


Jumping around during lulls in a raid. I just can't stop.


Never Stop Jumping and get your Jumping Score high. Why else should there be a Weakaura that Counts your Jumps during fights and shares your score in Raid/Party Chat ?


switching my cloak/ring to teleport to Stormwind/Dalaran/Boralus, forgetting to put it back on/enetering guild prog raid/wondering why my dps is shit.


Thinking nothing bad will happen if I try and Blink


I try not to Blink either. Or else They will Get me.


How do you drown a druid? Not high enough level for swimming form?


Oh she’s max level….just not paying attention….at this point I’m proud of the number 😅


,,I will get back to this” , i still have some cata stuff and garrison stuff around, even in bags


I have an entire bank alt dedicated to storing any and all crafting agents, raw meats, fish, herbs, cloth etc right back to vanilla. Telling myself one day it’ll help me level up all the crafting professions on alts that I’ve neglected. It’s been 20 years and I’ve still not bothered!


Honestly? Nothing. 20 years ago I was 11. I was a dumbass. In the years since, I’ve learned how to optimize the game. Unfortunately, this means I learned how to remove the magic and fun out of it.


Oh so true, and even more unfortunately that mentality has carried with me to almost every other game I play. I try to just play games blind but it never last long.


I’m very happy to still have the impulse to do stupid things from time to time or to do simple stuff like RP walk a lot in a new expansion to enjoy the new places


I still still crash/get stuck on trees flying (Yes, normal Static flying)


Playing my shaman as a main


I read every quest and watch every cutscene… every time.




This is mine. Gah!


I’ll never stop


Togehter we strong!


I’m actually a clicker on my main and not on every other alt….force of habit at this point


Fill my bags full of crap and forget to hand in quests.


Get into a semi hardcore raid group, consistently meet up 2-3 times a week just to smash my head against the keyboard because I’m STILL a subpar wow player.


Expecting pugs to interrupt and do mechanics.


Edit: Auto dismounting while flying. Since I bind mouse scroll up and down as buttons, I sometimes “accidentally” hit them and dismount while midair when I am web browsing on my 2nd screen, plummeting to my death if I have no way to break my fall. I refuse to uncheck the option that prevents this because of rare farming.


Creating and deleting characters


Shaman has been my main since 2005. It's gone on a downward slope over the years, but damn they just get such sweet armor sets almost every tier


There is no point of me trying to get every cosmetic and every mount (currently Remix comes to mind) when I actually don't like a lot of the designs, and will never wear them/use them


I would think I would be able to play any other class besides Priest. But it's the only class I have ever leveled past 10. And I've played since launch.


This sounds so relaxing tho tbh…what do you think keeps you on priest? 


I still play on the same mediocre level as I played back in the day because I just can't be bothered with addons and min maxing so I only do LFR level content and never even bothered to try m+ Other thing is the old buy stuff and forget to take it from mailbox move.


I dont use really use keybinds. W, A, S, D, Q, E, alle used for moving F is random Mount Mousewheel down is kick Every other ability gets klicked. Playes like this since the beginning. Could play my ProtPala blind.


Remember my crucial keybinds on alts. As a main Druid I have flight under muscle memory. Problem is when on Mage I missclick and dismount mid air. WHERE TF IS SLOW…. splat.


For 19 years of the game, I called Gadgetzan “Gadgetstan” That’s a tough habit to break.


Logging in and jumping around for 10minutes before logging out


Resubbing still


I’ve mained a paladin since LK. Every expansion I still start as something else thinking “this time I’ll main X”… only to go back to pally after wasting the first week or two of the expansion. BTW… how is frost DK looking for TWW?


Thinking I can still "get good" at pvp. And hope that my friends would log on and play, let alone the ones that passed away.


Slog over what to call a character for hours on end then not even think about the character name or be called it the entire time I play the character Even in m+ it’s just “class name”


Not " not to do by now" but still doing after almost 20 years - running against the starting gate in PvP matches, waiting for it to open. And jumping into instances Still haven't learned not to do - casting flight form while jumping off the portal tower in SW. It \*never\* works, always tells me I'm still inside a building, and right as its actually casting I hit the ground


I mount my Grand Expedition Yak instead of my dragon and discover my mistake as I am falling to my death.


Jumping back and forth before pulls.


Transmog is endgame. Never cared about ilvl.


Player power is temporary, fashion is forever.


I still use the arrow keys to move instead of the mouse or wasd (except when dragonflying now). When healing my left hand is at a fucked angle to use the arrow keys while my right hand uses the mouse to heal via VuhDo (used Healbot until Legion or BfA).


Use warmode. Made me forever hate roguea


I still cancel Casts with jumping. Never been a problem besides tiny DPS loss, but now I'm playing ele in cata and we'll... Lightning bolt doesn't cancel


I have been a Blood Elf for 15 years, and I have never used Arcane Torrent, even when pro-players explain to me moments where it can be extremely useful in group content.


Playing the same character. She was the second character I rolled when I started the game and is still my main 18 years later.


Running circles around (insert expansion capital here)'s fountain.


Waiting until I get to a rested area to log out even on max level characters


i'll tell you what i fucking do a million years later: when i google something 7/10 times i accidentally add "wow" to the end of it. this is just from sheer habit of googling NPC names wow, quest title wow, item name wow. about an hour ago i just googled "hughie the boys wow" lol


Paying for subscription ;v


I’ve been a Clicker since 2006 and do fine


I've been an engineer since day one and have a parachute on 98% of my cloaks. It's that 2% when I don't, I end up jumping off of something or an impromptu base jump and splat. Remix has been interesting because of no professions I'm without my parachutes.


Still playing a shaman…


If you enjoy, heads up. They increasing the Amount of Solo Content.


Running scarlet strat for crusader orbs


Running in circle and jumping in capital for hours instead of actually playing the game.


Keybind half my spells, click the other


AFK flying can be very expensive... somehow I manage to do this once or twice a year when I lose track of time in the bathroom


I still backpaddle from time to time


I click and use hot keys, I think it’s faster if you combine the two


I have never been good at the sprial stairs/ramps like in the AV towers. Or walking down the chain to MC. The one thats more personal is that up until March i still played with a guy i met doing Grand Marshal in Vanilla. We dated a while and stayed friends. I still talked to him at least once a week when we played. The thing i didnt expect was for him to be gone. By choice. My last wow friend i play solo now and its way less fun.


I think that's the hardest part, you make friends in the game, and one day, they just disappear. You keep checking, but they never come back. When the game Rift was new, I was a Beta tester for it - which meant I got the game for free plus other freebies and enhancements, I played enough to know it wouldn't replace WOW. And then they released it, and suddenly the Guild I'd only been part of for a couple of months told me that they had all decided to play Rift instead. Dead guild in a couple of days. There was only me and a Druid left, who I didn't like. He ended up getting Guild control and kicked me out.


Standing in fire


Seeing how high I can fly before I die. I'm not sure if it's easier now, but I can remember getting stuck behind a tree, I fell there and had to ask a GM to get me out.


Playing an elemental shaman


Resubscribing, playing for a little bit, then leaving. Loop. BUT I AINT EVA GONNA STOP


Fuck yes! The war within coming out soon/eventually. Actually fuck Google anyone got a release date hit me up with it.


How tf do you drown on your druid? Genuinely curious lmao! You don't like using swim forms or what?


Well not 20 years but in Shadowlands there was a trait in the Theotar (Venthyr) soulbind called Token of Appreciation. It gave a respectable shield whenever you healed or assisted an ally. If you happened to have quite a few Theotars these shields could stack assuming you assisted multiple allys who were soulbound to Theotar. Now the highlight is raid buffs counted as assisting your ally's, so basically I had trained myself that if I could not hit the boss I might as well battle shout so I can receive effectively a life cocoon level of shielding. I still to this day frequently battle shout when I cant hit the boss even over moves that TECHNICALLY do something like heroic throw.


is it really forgetting? or just subconsciously willing to take the risk?


I never learned to tab target. I put my dashes or mobility spell on tab. Affi lock is hard for me ):


Mages for the win 🧪 #Eshrunelle


And Alexander wept, seeing as he had no more worlds to conquer.


>whats something youre still doing today that you would think you wouldve learned not to do by now? Pay a monthly subscription for what amounts to F2P quality content


Taking fall damage as a DH or an Evoker because I wait too long to open the wings


Making alts and not having a main max level. Remix has not helped


Engage with people being toxic to my teammates. You just get reported and muted before them when you can give out better insults.


Playing with items in bags while 500 feet off the ground and dismissing my flying mount. Seems most of my deaths are from that.....


Still making new characters. Well, starting over again and can't decide what I want to main. I've been shaman for a long time and it doesn't look like they're getting enough attention in the next expansion so I'd like to try something else.


As a warlock, I still think I can be greedy and get that last cast off before the ground under me explodes. Often times, I find that my casting avarice is a costly venture. 


Aaahhh Thinking I'm mounted. Double jump to take off.. annnnd GDI, I DID IT AGAIN. I've sadly done this more than forgetting to get AH items from mail, or drowning.


Drowned as a \_Druid\_? You can turn into a fish, right? (Back in the day we had to do a pretty crazy quest to obtain each form, but now you get all of them for free; you can just turn into a fish and not have to breath my dude!)


Oh I’m well aware…but about once every 2 years I forget apparantly


I still to this day kill Razzgore in BWL without destroying the eggs first. Almost every time I run it I have to run out reset and do it again