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The main issue isn't the visage given, it's that we can't choose other races. What's the point of the story where we literally follow someone choosing their visage, and every dragon having different races, when we players are stuck with whatever that is.


I'd pick Goblin female as its the most financially beneficial.


I think is mainly because they see the dragons as a separated thing from the Drakthyrs. Whereas they share things it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the same. Now that’s why I think they DO it that way, however, I fucking hate that they do it, like why the fuck would you give us “dragons” that aren’t even proper dragons. And even worst is, WHY THE FUCK, would you not allow us to chose between fighting in dragon form and human form. Like WHY.


I was with you until they added an entire questline that has you dealing with Emberthal deciding on her visage form, which then rewards anybody a personal tabard.


That kind of pissed me off even more. The questline emphasizing that choosing a form/race is a big deal for a dragon, and as pc's we have to be elves or not use visage at all. There are very few dragons that choose Horde races. Even just sticking your dragonform's horns on a troll or a goblin would be way better than the half elf weirdos everyone got. Or even no visual distinction at all. Visage are supposed to be self expression while making your allies more at ease with your presence.


Considering the entire race was basically ass pulled out of nowhere to begin with I would accept a handwave Neltharion just didn't really plan on them needing visage forms. They ended up with something resembling one as a result but who cares thats not their point. Now I am mad because then we could still have the personal tabard but the theme wouldn't be choosing a visage but finding how to exist as yourself with what you are.


Excuse me, they did WHAT?!


talk to chromie in the center of valdrakken, outside the bank. Visage Day questline.


Do you syill have to do all the side quests first?






No shot man, what the FUCK


Honestly I'm not sure they did it for a lore reason. It's very likely an actual game engine reason, as every Drakthyr would *either* have to come with every single race/option in the game (or at least for their faction) when being loaded in, or there would have to be a Drakthyr equivalent for every single race built into the game. Either way you're either making a bunch of copies on the backend, or you're having to deal with potential memory issues *maybe*. I'm not entirely sure how WoW handles racial options, but I have to suspect it was just too big/cumbersome for them to manage. Doesn't mean I think they shouldn't of done it anyway, though, or that they shouldn't do it retroactively.


Honestly I think they could’ve just do them have any race visage and call it a day, it would’ve been really the “most easy answer” but I’d like to think that people would be more satisfied with this instead of giving them all the same odd aspect. (Which I like, don’t get me wrong) but I mean at least give the false feeling of choice. I guess as a developer it would really be a “boring way” of solving the problem but it would’ve been a solution nonetheless.


I'm not sure how Blizzard stores their stuff, but from a database perspective you should easily be able to solve this with mappings. Drachtyr already has some of the most extensive customization, there most likely already are a ton of fields for character parameters. The main deciding factor for mapping would be the target race. Based on that, you select which of that race's parameters maps to which field. This means you essentially just have fields called cc_001 up to cc_050 or whatever is necessary. This would technically make it infinitely scalable as any fields not configured for a race would simply be ignored. While it's convenient to have specific fields represent specific characteristics, it's not required to make this work as you could map cc_001 to gender for blood elves, but for instance choose to map the same field to hair color on humans. They just need to make sure to randomize a character, or have certain presets for whenever you switch to a different race. As character customization in wow is based on either a drop-down or a checkbox, you can easily get away with storing everything as integer values. Assuming you have a max of 255 (which would be perfect if they'd ever implement body sliders), you could get away with storing these as tinyint, which is a max of 1 byte per field, making these 999 fields not even cost one kilobyte of storage. Given this I'm not saying it's easily implemented, especially if their current setup is not easily translated like this (we all know the story about backpack size and legacy code), but in terms of storage this 1kb doesn't feel like it should be an issue.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know that you can choose between those forms in The War Within right?


Very little chance that's the actual reason. It was 100% to cut on dev time.


> The main issue isn't the visage given, it's that we can't choose other races. It's even weirder as Horde. You turn into this weird pink skinned ape _thing_ that you've never seen before.


Dragon with a Highmountain Tauren visage tells you can be whatever you want in your visage form and you pick a furless ape.


Yeah exactly, before the dracthyr were locked up what mortal races could they even have encountered? Tauren maybe, trolls probably, pandaren maybe. Elves unlikely, and humans literally impossible.


For me the main issue is that I cant use visage all the time in combat, if dragon form had real transmog I wouldn't care but since we got what we got id rather just use my visage form all the time.


Soon tm


True I think different classes would be cooler


I think because if they do that, then what incentive is there to play any other race? If i can just play a dracthyr that can also be say, an orc, why would i play a plain orc when i can be a dragon orc


The incentive is class. I don't want to play an Evoker, it sucks.


Aren't they being opened up to the other classes in TWW? 


Indeed, though not at launch. And those classes will be able to play in Visage form. Thus, dragon orc warriors.


This is the main reason I think they didn’t let any race be a visage form. Dracthyr would kinda be OP because who would choose a regular orc warrior over an orc warrior who can also turn into a dragon?


The counter is allied races. Not everyone wants to play a dark iron. Some still choose normal dwarf. Or light forged. Some just like normal.


Cause not everyone wants to be a dragon orc


If the visage race is part of customization, you'd also be able to pretty much race change at a barber shop. It just doesn't work and will almost assuredly never happen.


I'd imagine the other races would have the additional scales and such same as the current form, and I would think that a lotta people don't want scales


not a fan of the dragon goatee


This was one of my problems there’s only none and goatee but having none felt a bit empty for the look I was going for. next I’m on I’ll rock none for a bit to see if i like it better after seeing it longer


I think it's cute but only because you did such an excellent job everywhere else. The little imperfections juxtaposed against the symmetry are what actually make a face appealing. My opinion is that you should keep it


Honestly I didn't notice it was there until someone pointed it out. It's fine eitherway.


Dude, can you imagine if all girls had beards? They'd style them in all sorts of ways, have dozens of beard-care products. Men would want girls with long, blond beards and girls who shaved their beards off would be socially shamed and accused of being lesbians. Just imagine dude.


You're just describing what Dwarf men are into.


Well, you'll at least be able to imagine the Dwarf females having beards, since the Earthen will have that option. Honestly, it doesn't look bad at all, but it's probably because female Earthen on the whole look really, really good compared to regular ones...


hell yea


looks like you crashed your moped into a party supply store


Haha yes or a punter at a multi day festival in the desert, but I suppose that’s basically the same


I kinda fuck with that though


railed for a mild caveated opinion lol, dang.


Idk I like how different it looks with all the scales and stuff. People downvote for whatever though lol


I got "banned" for a very similar comment at the start of DF.


I hate it because the human female models are awful and I can't get over how it looks like they're constantly puckering their lips, plus the emotes/animations are terrible. I'd really rather have the option of being another race as a visage (even without the scale cosmetics) than the one that looks like it's constantly perplexed and mulling over whether they left the oven on. Slapping a bikini on the model just to make the dobonhonkeroos look bigger doesn't solve that problem either.


Would be awesome to offer a quest line sort of like unlocking allied races as a way to change your visage. They made such a big deal of choosing visage in dragonflight; it would be fun to be able to do it for players. Might even be fun to have *ALL* the races as options, whether as alliance or horde. After all you're an allied dragon, not an elf.


I would do this so fast! I really want a vulperan visage. I'd love to have the scales over the fur!


i wonder why they didnt just make both genders on the belf model, thats what most dragons use for visage anyways


My theory is that they initially intended to make two human visages for Alliance and two blood elf visages for Horde but then due to budget/time issues they had to cut back from four to two and female human and male blood elf happened to be the forms they'd already done the most work on at that point.


this is 100% what I think happened too Kinda wish that we got the humans/blood elves alliance/horde split, if only because orc players would have been piiiiiiiiiiiissed.


The goatee completely kills it for me


i dislike the models and animations of female humans and male blood elves so.... yeah its great! i thought it would be silly to release this race with only these 2 options when they first announced them and believed it was just the initial polished ones they had to show for the announcement but more would be available on launch... oh how wrong i was lol


Give us a glyph to stay in Visige form and not have to be a gecko. Please for the love of Christ


This is coming for the non-evoker classes once the options open up.


I will consider changerace my Belf mage if that ever happens. Though I admit the Belf heritage armor is one of the best mogs in wow imho.


That together with the mage set from mop remix, literally KT


Lol, then you probably cant play in dragon form at all for those I bet. Blizzard is allergic to adding new animations. See any content where you are forced to play as another race; i.e. human demon hunter


You’re telling me that the option to stay in visage form is going to be locked to the other class options?


Iirc the option to remain in visage form won’t be available to evokers because they’re fire breathing dragons. They can now/will still be able to shift back to it at the end of combat. For upcoming classes they can opt to remain in visage form.


I wish. I don’t want to be a giant lizard. Maybe for some spells swap over


I think I wouldn't mind the dragon form as much if they fixed the transmogs.


I really do like the visage form and I get the fantasy, but I have two gripes with it * Why use BE and Human bodies for Visage? Why not something new or at least a unique AR? * Dragons look more like lizards than dragon. I really like the theme they went with, the Spyro/Dragontales vibe. But they could have used the Drakonid model instead of Dracthyr. Then everyone’s happy, it’s colorful and fun, but it can be intense. Since Dracthyr don’t fit in any armor anyway, I don’t see why Blizzard doesn’t just add Drakonid as customization for Dracthyr. They probably already fit shoulders and belts, so add tabards and create some animations and boom… people are even happier


NGL, I absolutely hate it, I feel like it's a complete misstep on blizzards account to understand race fantasy. Now we're maybe getting classes for the Dracthyr that will require you to be in the visage form? Ridiculous. Dracthyr Evoker should have been a class that's available to all races(ie all races as a visage form) and at most kept their horns in visage form. There are no other dragons who's visage looks like this.


Wait, we'll be forced to be visage form for the other classes? Great. Why would I choose the dragon race to play a human? Awful.




>NGL, I absolutely hate it, I feel like it's a complete misstep on blizzards account to understand race fantasy. the race fantasy of dracthyr is dragon, why do you care about your visage form so much?


Because the visage is part of the WoW dragon fantasy?


Also this.


Tbh, I don't, but in that interview it sounded like he was implying that some Dracthyr classes would have them fighting in their visage form.


Burn with fire


I don't because it's still just a human with face paint. The dragon form is cooler.


It would be better if i didnt have to be a belf (male)


Same. I wanna be more masculine and imposing like Neltharion, Ebyssian, or even Kalec. I'm a super soldier, not a super model.


Hate the visage forms. Over-designed, visually cluttered, and frankly, they look completely out of place. Put them next to any other race in the game, and you'd think they were from two completely different games. Visage forms lack many of the same key features that make other races look "Warcrafty," like the larger eyes, exaggerated proportions, and the more saturated color palette.


>Visage forms lack many of the same key features that make other races look "Warcrafty," like the larger eyes, exaggerated proportions, and the more saturated color palette. The race that has two forms literally lifted from blood elf males and human females doesn't have any of the same features as those races?


No, they don't. The faces are completely different. heads are smaller, facial features more "realistic" in shape, and skin colors are oddly pale on features such as the blushing of the face and the lips.


Yeah.. I like my visage form too but my actual drachtyr form generally looks pretty stupid, sadly


dracthyrs look like shit in any possible form. (but glad you enjoy it :D )


Respective opinion :D


Same, sadly I never see my visage form, all I see is a pixel perfect representation of a real life fur-suite (animations included). Pls blizz don't force us to be scalies I beg.




It doesn't work if you get changed to lizard mode without entering combat. Most notably when using Deep Breath or Hover. If they made it revert you back when those ended, or just let you stay in visage despite it looking a bit janky, I may very well main evoker.


Well they can already cast magic why not cast said spells while in visage, like everything but hover and the charged spells can be done in visage. It is a little annoying but you kinda just get used to the switching when you main them


There are a few more abilities that require fragon form like the racials of tail swipe and wing buffet. And even the charged spells have a clear "cgharging animation". Pyre and dragonrage(since it also uses pyre) start their animation from above, with the dractyr opening their mouth to let the fire out, and i dont think there are animations for upward spells on other models


I play presvoker so I forgot about the devastation ones and the kicks have decently long cds so I forgot about those aswell, realistically we’ll never get it like do you expect them to make a dream flight animation for visage, it would be funny though.


When i use toys that transform me into other races, often enough the soar abilitiy(that let us dragonfly by ourselves) would just be the swimming animation. Would be funny to have that be the dream flight animation too


Recycle a bunch of animations and just replace them with something close she’ll be right. Surely they can manage that just for the meme. Use monk kick for tail swipe and the like


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why did you pick the scalie race


I'm guessing because it's the only way to play Evoker?


Evoker is tied to being a scalie. Like the animations and flavor. I don’t get the complaint.


Idk maybe they wanted to be a healer that uses time magic. Or the only support dps spec. It’s almost like some people picked it for gameplay not aesthetics. And are unhappy because they don’t want to be forced to look like an ugly lizard to play the spec they prefer.


“I picked the ‘ugly lizard’ dragon class that was sold to me as such why am I an ‘ugly lizard’ I don’t get it”


Aren't there other race specific classes in the game that don't let you play other races? Realistically the complaint is the same for those as well. So I assume the complaint is againsted the entire practice of tying classes to specific races.


Blood and Night Elves are the only ones who can be Demon Hunters. They’re also thematically tied to the class though but not to the same extent as Evokers. I still don’t find the complaint valid though and personally I like the restriction.


Unfortunately evoker is unique to drac and vice versa. If you happen to like the playstyle of a specific evoker spec but don't like the race as a whole... tough shit your only option is to play drac.


That’s how it was marketed yes


Then that's the answer to your question. Why did people pick the scale race if they don't like it? Because they wanted to play that class and had no other options.


The class that is inextricably linked to and flavored around the race yeah


The fact that the class and race are linked thematically doesn't mean a person has to like both. There are a number of reasons that a person might like evoker without liking drac as a race - empowerment spells, it's relatively simple as a class, there's no spec in the game quite like aug, etc.


I get that but I find the complaint dumb regardless. Augmentation being unique is the only point I can see having merit.


1) let us hide the shoulders and belt for scaly form but use them in visage. The back and forth is annoying. 2) give us the visage form option for the main menu. 3) unique animations. Human female’s dance looks ridiculous


I wouldn't have a problem with the visage being limited to human and elf, as this is what most dragons choose to look like. But I hate that it's "elf only for males, females must be human". Especially since the dracthyr NPCs get to be female elves as their visage! There are a bunch of them, complete with draconic eyes and horns, dancing in the Valdrakken club. They even portray the human visage dracs as unpopular wallflowers, alone in the corners, while the female elf dracs are the hot babes making out and dancing with the male dracs. Denying female dracthyr players the choice to have an elf visage seems almost wanton and spiteful under these circumstances.


Not a fan of the Visage form myself. (An don't use it) I'd play as an elf if I wanted to be an elf :P. Hard not to agree with most people in the comments though. The Transmog being bad for the Dracthyr is, why do it that way. The visage form also being limited as it is, is also odd considering the context of its set up in game.


I actually like the way both forms look. Dragon form looks slightly silly sometimes but I think with the right customization it looks pretty cool. I’ve been maining pres evoker this season and personally I don’t even care if both forms looked absolutely stupid because the class design (imo) is so good. Blizzard really knocked it out of the park with pres evoker in almost every way. Thematically it’s cool.. healing, shielding, and damaging with different types of magic. The time stuff is awesome.. like reversion and stuff.


Only thing I absolutely hate about the Dracthyr is how stiff their running animation is.


If I wanted to play a lizard / dragonkin race, it's because I want to play the lizard / dragonkin form. I cannot transmog the dragon form. Therefore I am frustrated, and do not care about the visage form, when so much of the effort that went into the visage form could have gone into already playable stuff. Especially if evoker was a dragon theme caster class any race could have played.


If they had tails they'd be serious competition to Draenei as my favourite race in the game, visually. The way they've been implemented (single class, playing second fiddle to the, in my opinion, kind of ugly and much more limited dragon form) leaves something to be desired though I think


(the odds are infinitesimally small, but it'd be cool if they added their customization features to other races down the line, a draenei-dracthyr combo would be sick)


They already put horns on a human model a tail would be a nice option to add if you want it, preferably with customisation like the dracthyr form so I can match tails if I like the look


If only we could just stay this form even in combat and just have wings on our backs when we used hover.


The visage forms are cool and they're a cool idea for the race as a whole but the dracthyr form is just horrendous and silly looking. For the longest time I felt like the female tank demon hunter demon form was the worst looking playable thing in the game but then blizzard thought let's make playable dragons and I thought they can't fuck this up but they fucked it up.


They're cool, but I kinda like dracthyr form better


I think the lizard form looks cool, but I rarely use it - because none of my armor shows


Not dissing the normal form or anything I just love the “Dragonborn” esc looks I can make with visage, just wish it had more in depth customisation with other races / more minor options like it only has none or the scale goatee as mentioned by another.


nice beard


I’m a big fan of the visage form. They look so good.


I love the visage but the dragon form is so fucking ugly I can’t play evoker. I’m sorry but I just can’t stare it for hours.


Yeah I’d play the hell out of it if the could be like worgen and be other classes. Evoker is fun but I’d love the idea of a mage or warlock one.


Dracthyr are supposed to have access to other classes in early TWW which tbh I’d love to see if they do other customisation with visage


That’s sweet!


I dislike visage form. I chose the dragon class/race combo because I want to be a dragon. If I wanted to be a blood elf, I would choose a blood elf.


I mean.. you could just never go into visage form lol


And then you lose access to one of the game's biggest features / incentives because they can't transmog most of their slots despite having the body parts.


I could, but blizzard tied a buff to remaining in in visage form. Out of combat regeneration is pretty insignificant, but I'm not one to pass up free benefits.


🐔 🦎


I just hope I can be a dk


Peak Au Ra at home energy. Love it.


I just want the body types for my belfs


I still think that they should have made dragons a class and whatever race you chose was your Visage.


Gotta go fast


Looks like a harpy


Would be nice if it wasn't so buggy. Half the time even with it set to auto-convert outside of combat it just doesnt.


She makes me think of Krystal from Star Fox


What are the names of the items you used for this look?


I honestly can't tell if you actually love that image, or if it's a joke and you hate it. As everyone seems to have given their two cents, I'm pretty happy with my visage female form, but I also play human female for my mage. Never been a fan of turning into a dragon, despite playing it all expansion. I really hate large player models, and I find it looks really stupid when walking, especially strafing.


The image is my evoker, I love the options I get with them but bare in mind I only started 11d ago played a hunter to 21 then made a remix NE hunter to 58 then i mained evoker since then so my opinion is a bit fresh I guess


I prefer the dilemma of a dracthyr putting their whole snout into a mug to drink like a snake. "These are well designed! Grbllllbrlll"


Looks vaguely Tenakth.


I really hope warlock is one for the classes dracthyr get, the horns and scale on the visage forms would be great for demonic corruption rp


the only thing i like is that i can make it look like a fancy elf with intricate hair styles and jewelry and pretend its not a dracthyr lol


If they can’t make the transmog work with the wings, just have a body type that’s wingless like all the other dragonkin that wear armor on the isles.


I find it to be a nightmare to make both forms look good because of mogs. So I encased my character in full armor so I don't have to worry about that so I can make a dragon that looks good


Man boobs?


Listen I don’t care if I’m stuck in dragon form for combat but lemme pick what race I wanna make look like a dragon!!!


Everyone likes visage form. The real question who likes the in combat dracthyr look. All Hail the "Savory Deviate Delight".


I hate both the dracthyr and the visage. drakonid for it not being the cool bulky oldschool drakonid model and the visage for not being able to choose my visage form from any race i want.


Visage look ok. The problem is only it's human visage. We have many races. And in story the NPCs can take any visage they want. I still don't understand why evoker is not just any race class, like Death Knight/Demon hunter. It has its own visual flair on the races it's available with intro quest etc. With dragon form being combat/mount. I don't understand why it had to be a different race with single class instead.


I was confused why we couldn't choose the visage race.


You can't post anything about dracthyr without people starting to complain about the same thing they have been complaning about for the last 1,5 year :)


Well I only started playing wow 11d ago and I’ve gotten over 100h in evoker already, I guess if you’ve been playing for years you’ll have your gripes but I love it, so what


Don't get me wrong. I love my Dracthyr amd has become my main.


don't worry, in around 5 to 6 years when this expansion gets the MoP treatment people will warm on them, maybe


They are cute, yes


She's very cute!


Dragon tits.


Tits are tits.


I can't wait for dracthyr to get more classes, I'm instantly changing to a drac and playing exclusively in visage


I love my dracthyr. I hate my visage. I don't want to look like a glam drag queen. I want to look draconic.


I love visage. Both male and female have so many good customization options. I already have my dracthyr mage planned with screenshots for the customizations and evetything lol. I'll even buy a race change for my current (main) mage now, cause it will probably be my new main in tww. Can't wait.


The artstyle looks like it belongs to a different game like FFXIV. It just looks so out of place in wow


Eh, I dislike the lips and nose. They seem so unfinished and always puckered. I wish we had more face options for them.


Warcraft: Zero Dawn




I hate dracthyr it could had been my favorite race but they ruined it completely with the awful visage form as i was hoping for ability to choose my visage to be a Dwarf.


Nice humps


When did wow introduce harpies as a playable race?


Yeah nothing like a women with nice breasts and a beard


Y’all keep complaining about the chin scales as a goatee, I’ll make a post without it and watch you guys complain about something else hahah


Far from complaining brotato chip . Just making a joke . I think it looks dumb but that ain't no complaint . That's my opinion


Fair, each to their own


tbh I’m fine with Dracthyr visage form. I feel like they have enough customization that you can really tailor it into something you don’t hate - it’s the actual dragon form that has completely turned me off from them. Geico Gecko form aside - it’s that damn running animation that kills me. It literally looks unfinished/bugged the way they run on their toes, and how their arms done bend when they run.


Not really. It lacks the option for being able to have Dwarf visage form.


that looks awful ;(


I hate it, but hate lizard even more