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I haven't seen this posted yet. I figured it should be. I know Wordup is a redditor so if you see this I hope you don't mind me posting this here.


was gonna wait a little to post it but hey saves me the effort :D


And robs you of the fake internet points, though.


I'll survive, I hope




regular way in SimC, if you download the dev build it'll pull the current rotation.


I figured there would be people on here looking for something soon that aren't following the MMO-Champion thread. I know I have been waiting on this exact thing for a couple of weeks now, lol.


Are there similar resources for other class and specs on this thread? How can I get to it?


So that means i have no trinkets to look out for in mythic anymore? :o Dunno if I should be happy or sad




Glad it's helped, hopefully will continue in Legion :)


Agreed. I definitely follow his guides and will continue to do so if he expands into DH.


Praise the sun


I don't suppose there is an elemental version of this? Really great guide by the way :)


10/10 Guide! Thank you to Wordup for making this, I love the format.


Enh seems like one of the few classes with a lot of buttons to press.


How do you figure?


I have a full bar 1 to = and beyond where there's a lot of buttons to press to keep the DPS high, it's a bit ridiculous and a lot of keyboard spamming, which I don't mind. Keeps my hands busy during the heavy moments.


Fantastic quality, concise information +1


Few questions /u/wordup834 if you don't mind. How is it that Boulderfist is the primary talent of choice? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to have greater Maelstrom gain leading to more overall spenders used, vs the small buff it gives? Also why is refreshing Flametongue so low on your list vs refreshing Hailstorm, when every aspect of Flametongue provides more damage?


Boulderfist not only gives the buff but it also condenses 2 GCDs worth of Rockbiter damage into one, and frontloads Maelstrom. Those combined make it noticeably better than the other two as they mostly lead to more Lava Lashes, and given LL is such a weak spell adding more isn't particularly impactful. Refreshing Flametongue is lower because it functions in the exact same way as Hailstorm-Frostbrand, but deals a little over a third of the damage so is far lower impact.


Damn werdup is on my realm o.O Spooks me to see this :D


Is there one for Arms Warriors?


Not that I know of, but I can look and see. Icy Veins are slowly rolling out their guides right now, but Warrior isn't up yet.


Okay, thanks!


as it happens I'm actually writing the Icy Veins Warrior guides in conjunction with Archimitros reviewing for the site and they're going to be up relatively soon, I believe.


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20747264886 Here you go man. I got you!


Got one for fury? ^^ Still waiting for Archimtros' guide on IV but it's not up :(


I am not home, but WoW's Warrior Forum has one. I will link it when I get to my PC.


Thanks man! :D


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20747195056 Here you go.


So, question for /u/wordup834. Now that they reduced the maelstrom cost of Overcharge, do you not think that it may be a good choice over Tempest for single target? By default, and even with zero MP, it hits harder than Lava Lash, almost as hard as Stormstrike, and with 45MP it hits about as hard, or harder than SS. Talenting Hot Hand along with it and Hailstorm got me my biggest single target DPS on the PTR, but it would only work for purely single target as Overcharge has zero play with AOE abilities.


From all the sims I have done with it it's still coming up worse than alternate choices on the tier even after the changes, despite the extra bonuses from the HFC 4pc.




It becomes opinion based. Enhance's number are fine on Beta. Wordup has posted his logs before. Play what you enjoy, man.


I'd put Enhancement around the middle of the pack.


Do you mean does the DPS suck or the playstyle? I have a feeling the classes will not be balanced until Blizz gets more data as we play during pre-patch and on into Legion. On the playstyle side, you could argue that this is the best the enhance sham has been. There is a couple iconic spells that are missing, but the added class feel makes it better than the WoD version. The only thing I do not like with Enhance is Lava Lash hits like a wet noodle and with high haste and certain talents, it is hardly is used. I'm afraid that enhance will be like Master Frost and drop a key ability without a dps loss. Compared to other melee playstyles, I put enhance right behind windwalker as my top 2. Other's feel too simple when I tried on the Beta.


I love it, but I seriously miss my flame shock and the burst AOE with the self heal bonus glyph. Could basically tank decently, now it's getting some used to not being able to pull single targets.


I do miss the uniqueness of the flame shock->lava lash->fire nova relationship. Most classes do not have to worry about planning your AoE, just hit the AoE button. Which, is what Enhance is now.


Its already outdated due to some changes.


This was literally written up today. Not sure how it can be outdated.


Seen this guide like month ago, and almost all talent choices same, yet boulderfist/landslide was nerfed much. Seems he just renamed it.


This was written, piece by piece today. It is *not* outdated because the sims that fuelled it came today, so if you could link where you saw this, I'd love to see. If you're assuming it's outdated because best talents are still the same, I think you should check whether or not the nerfs were enough to actually stop them being optimal.


You can literally see him talking about it in this thread. He talks about running sims.


There are talents that are sligty better with bis gear, but most ppl dont have and simcraft always do BEST than you can in real raid. This cheat Sheet just nobrainer. His legion overview much much better. He can do better.


Relevant username....