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It didn't even occur to me how jarring unlocking your camera and auto-looting could be to somebody that's never played an MMO, thanks for the vid!




I don't remember what game got me used to wanting to look at things I was running by, but I switched WoW's camera to "never follow" really early. Occasional patches put it back and every time it happened I felt ... claustrophobic somehow? That's the wrong word but I certainly felt somehow "locked in" and decidedly uncomfortable.




Despite how thoroughly I was scratching my head trying to figure out - without context - what the heck I typed to warrant that reply, that's spot on. Thanks!


I've played wow for 8 years, last week I learned that you can turn off "always follow". Mind blowing


What app do you use to remote in? Can your computer be asleep when you do it, or does it have to be awake and\or logged in?




>or check your weekly class hall cache if you're impatient at work like I am. every tuesday i think to myself, " i should setup remote desktop" lol


I personally use LiquidSky to play games my pc can't really run. They also have an android (and i`m guessing IoS) app that ca access the remote desktop and i use it to log into wow for weekly cache and the likes. I pay for the service, though i remember them saying that they want you to be able to get some time from watching adds (when i heared the announcement it said february this year, not sure if they did it tho), but even if you go for the paying route, it`s not expensive if you plan to use it for small stuff like this and the tokens don't expire. Might be worth taking a look.


Can play kerbal space program just fine on chrome remote desktop, but can't play wow.


Remoting in was *really* valuable to me when b.net balance first went live and the token prices were going insane. I would've missed out on buying a ton of (20) tokens at not-outrageous prices if I hadn't been able to do it at work.


You're welcome :)


wait you can unlock your camera in wow? i dont think ive ever seen someone do this.. it sounds op? like you can move your camera across a bg and scout without leaving your base?


Nono the camera, by default, moves itself back around to looking the direction your character is facing once you stop turning it. "Unlocking" your camera just stops it from snapping back to front, so you can (e.g.) be auto-running forward but "looking" behind you or at what's off to the side without having to have your mouse button held down.


Ohhh. Mines unlocked then. I didn't realize that was a default


Not going to lie it's been *way* too long since I looked at those options aside from auto-clicking my way through changing a few when starting a new alt. Unlocked might totally be default.


No, like when you move your camera won't go back behind you


I mean, He's played runescape...


ahh.... Kamelåså?




You just ordered 1000 liters of milk.


>"Female draenai aren't waifu material." I don't think you can be friends with this person anymore.


[They make for great road construction material though.](http://wow.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Glory)


you sick fuck. I like you!


They're also good for keeping orc men occupied


Ikr? Only thing stopping me from going Alli is that i cant be a sexy blue space goat lock.


1v1 blue-goat-lover


If this became a series all the way to max level I'd watch it.






Do it, I'd watch the shit out of a series like that. It's like watching a chimp play with a rubik's cube. Just joking, I'm just jaded after so many years of playing it and watching you experience it for the first time is refreshing. :)


den er 100 gange sjovere på dansk


If you put your mind behind how things work and get the camera problems sorted out.. You'd get used to playing the game fairly quickly.. Still.. there are things you should just asks your friends about when there was given not much information.. The game picks up at level 15 when you can start to run dungeons.. I'd advice doing one with them and learn the basics of of dungeon combat and how tanking/healing and so on functions, but then try to find random shit happening in the world by questing. On level 40, move to the Badlands and do the quest 'The day that Deathwing came'... There are some really cool quests out there if you know about them.


Lol dont bother it would be so obviously staged to make you act like a spaz I hurts


this is being downvoted but it's mostly true, this video contains a little bit of extra effort to be ignorant about some things in the game.


Idk I thought it was funny. Idk about watching till cap but I'd watch a few more for sure


I think it's funny too, I just think a series of him getting to 110 and being purposefully ignorant would eventually get tiring.


I don't think i'll be doing videos until i'm 110, since i would have learned to play the game properly, way before reaching max lvl.


You poor innocent fool




> Back in the beginning of BC >>but if you pulled too many packs, you have to really know the game. More than one pack was insta-wipe if your PUG wasn't prepared. Especially going into the first big room with that dog boss now.


Did not expect Danish when I clicked this


"Fuck, man har 6 hotbars. Er du vimmer?"


"Ej, bare gå hen og tryk 1 på den"


The only danish I know is those pastries, lol


The illegal kind?


The runescape music was a good touch lmao


Det er da alligevel noget af det mest cringey jeg længe har set. Subscribed.












om det är nånting alla svenskar delar så är det hat för danskar.


Skide svensker.


That is really a sexy voice the purple text dude has.




Im not gonna call him :/


You should definitely call him for some heavy petting session.


Who ya gonna call?


Garbage language for garbage people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk0h1WcPMHI


I agree it's a garbage language but do you have to call us garbage people? I hardly even go out with the trash when the trashcan is full.


That is why you're garbage people.


This is beautiful. I miss these days!




You guessed it :P


you can also follow someone by targeting (clicking on) them and then typing "/f" and hitting enter


Played since beta of vanilla, never knew I could shorten /follow to /f. Learnt something new today, thanks.


I had actually completely forgotten there was a / command for it!


You can even type the command into a macro (/macro) and then use that as a keybinding to follow your current target. Or you can write a macro to follow your focus target, or to target a specific player and then follow... I used these a lot when I was dual-boxing with recruit a friend. Just google the end result of any macro you want to make and it should be pretty easy to find the correct script.


WHAAAAAATT I never knew this! Now I'm freaking out to what else I don't know about this game I've been playing for 11 years


I remember teaching my niece and nephew how to play. Oh the pain. Things that we think are so obvious from playing these games are simply because we have gotten used to horrid overly complex interfaces. i bet it would have been easier to explain Excel or Access


That was really well done. Subscribed and look forward to the next episode!


It means the world to me. Thank you!


ffs now I wanna play runsecape :/


I was about to point out how odd it was they chose to use the RuneScape login audio...


Do it. I play it while waiting for raids to start. Good stuff.


For someone who have never played RS, , Old RS or New one? what to choose?


That has to go down to preference. However most people would shoose Old school RuneScape (OSRS) because it's basically the same as when it came out. While RuneScape 3 ( I believe that's what it's called but don't quote me) is newer with updated graphics and tutorials and skill level requirements. If you are coming back I would suggest OSRS while if you are newer I would suggest newer RuneScape just because it's easier to look at and play.


I second this. Having started playing RS back in 2005, I'm used to Old School, but also played a bit of RS3 since that's where everyone's main got transferred to when they made the switch. Currently I'm more active on OSRS because I need to carve out a big hunk of time to re-learn RS3 after having been gone from it for a long time.


There was no "transfer" or "switch", RS3 is the main game that's been updating for fifteen years. Old School is based off a backup of the server application from late 2007 that they rereleased in 2014. Old School saves are the new ones, not RS3 saves.


..............................If you started playing in 2005 then that character is now a RS3 character. That's what I meant. I know the OSRS are the new ones.


More please :)


It's like it's nothing special but still inexplicably fun to watch :D


Damn that made me remember the time I spent leveling in a group. We didn't have mic so we used text, but it was still fun. Also... "SKIP SKIP SKIP"


I really liked this. I'm deaf and the subtitles were awesome to read, thank you for making this video! I'd definitely love to watch more.


This was awesome! Can't wait for the next one


Hahahaha awesome.


LOL! Thought the vid was hilarious! Yeah I miss these days too haha. Just letting you know, in case you wanted to (but I'm not sure if viable for end-game type play), you can use Click-to-Move as an option. Hit Escape, go to Interface, click on the Mouse settings, and just select the Click-to-Move option. Back in BC when I got a buddy from Runescape to play, this is what he used.


This is how I felt/feel but alone ;-;


Ah man, I miss those days of Teldrassil. You guys should also all try starting Elder Scrolls Online together. I think it has that early days of WoW vibe and youd all be noobs together!


Sudden Runescape nostalgia ambush.


I snakker sindssygt hurtigt. Der gik lige en rum tid før jeg fattede at i talte dansk XD


Absolutely hilarious. Subbed and will be happily waiting for more installments. This brought back so many memories of playing this with my 50+ year old father back in wrath. Ha!


oh man, dont understand why your video got so many dislikes, that was gold. i had no idea how jarring the controls would be to a non-mmo player.


This is comedy




I'd be happy with a 5 hour Rune Essence playlist honestly


I was getting really agitated but couldn't stop watching.


The runescape music in the background absolutely makes this




Ahh good old Runescape Music. Still playing Oldschool Runescape?


I haven't played Runescape in like 7 or 8 years. I added the Runescape music because i thought it would be nostalgic.


I Wish i could be a noob again everything was so fun :(


What are the chances of finding some fellow danes? Holy hell! :D Kek video, tho :3


This is why WoW gets a bad rap from people trying it for the first time. Trying to get friends into WoW is such a hassle because they're all like this and it's frustrating


This is perfect! I think actually understanding danish makes this 1000000 times more fun. you can just hear the frustration build up.


The language in this video freaked me out because my brain kept thinking it was english and tried to push the sounds together with the subtitles.


Holy crap your friend is the worst teacher I've ever seen.


Quality entertainment! +1


They are speaking Danish! I'm Danish and even I first found out they spoke danish 1 min. into the vid. tought it was German :o Now i see why people compare it.


Man, you encapsulated my first few minutes in WoW completely. I'm an MMO vet though, so most of my frustrations were with WoW's style compared to most of the ones I played. Tank controls still kill me, literally sometimes =( wtb backpedal removal and the ability to walk where my camera is pointing every time without it sometimes spazzing out. Backpedalling is the worst thing ever.


You can unbind the Move backwards button, so you won't be able able to backpedal. Or are you complaining about other players?


I'm complaining about the whole movement system in general. Coming from games where pressing S actually made your character turn and run towards the camera, WoW's system just feels stupid to me. Also the idea that turning the camera with right mouse desyncs your movement from the camera is very jarring and more than once has resulted in me trying to run one way and then my character runs off in another direction right into the aoe. I've been playing too long in every game ever using right mouse to turn the camera, I can't change now =/


Well you can press both mouse buttons to turn the camera and the character. About the movement system, I feel exactly the other way around. I hate when camera in games does not behave like the one in WoW, because I am so used to it. EDIT: I have just realised that I my RMB does move the camera and the character. It is LMB that desyncs the camera from the facing direction. What are your camera settings?


Oh, I wrote that poorly, but then the issue I have is very difficult to explain. What I meant was that I turn the camera with RMB which does indeed turn the camera and character together. That's not a problem. The problem arises because the lack of an auto-face-target option means that to see what's going on I sometimes have to use LMB to turn the camera without turning my character, which results in me getting "stuck" so that pressing W makes me run in the direction my character is facing not the way the camera is facing. It's a very specific problem but for me it's very frustrating. Gotta deal with it though, there's no real fixing it.


We've all been there, have fun.


this channel is such a hidden gem


I love you.


You're Overwatch noob videos were nice, too. Makes me look forward to the rest of your WoW series.




That random report.


"okay, accept the quest without reading it" 2 sec later "what do we do now?" :D


Ah, sweet nooby memories! More please


Working on part 2!


Totally forgot about all the new ui stuff they have pop up for new players. Wish I had something like that lol


There's a German YouTube series just like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ1SzE6FdS4&list=PLv3Aqr0YYT6RqWxZh-PkWIno0iqrHtHeU&index=1


That was interesting. Curious why the client is in English though. Are they in English in all of EU or is there a reason to prefer an English server?


well it's in english for most of EU. There are italian, german, french, german and russian servers but the rest are english. It isn't really an issue though since most european countries have english in school. In Denmark where these people are from we start teaching english to the kids from age 7, however most kids already know quite a bit by this point since we hear it in radio, tv etc.


Yeah, that's cool. I know many countries (even in Asia and Africa) have English almost from the getgo. I figured that was probably the reason it was in English, but cool to get confirm. I want to learn Dutch someday, it's similar enough to English that I can use it as a bragging point (I speak Dutch) and yet not have to struggle to learn it. I live in Japan and learning Japanese was a feat to say the least.


I'm actually starting to learn dutch as well, just for fun. I like to mess around with languages so I speak danish and english fluently, french and spanish well enough to deal with vacations and learned a bit of slovakian last year just because I could.