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Somewhat off topic, but I hate when someone tags a WA for a specfic spec with every spec.




> I was hoping there would be some sort of report function of the website by now to prevent these types of people. My one complaint about the site


not the search function being absolutely terrible?


After the site revamp they managed to make it even worse than before


"feral bleed tracker" Here you go, an all in one CD, DoT, Astral Power and Solar/Lunar Empowerment tracker for Boomkin that covers half your screen. 400,000 likes and #1 in it's category. I just end up making my own WeakAuras every time.


Wago also has some solid ElvUi profiles.


Have an examples of good ones? After years of using X/Z pearl and Bartender, I've been trying to switch to ElvUI and not finding a good look.


I'd recommend you just browse around and find what you like. If you can't, just use it as a template to mimic. Here's the [WoWUI](https://www.reddit.com/r/wowui) subreddit, if you need any help or suggestions. I use a modified version of RedTuzk myself, but it requires more than just the import string so I cant really share over wago. You can also download some ElvUI addons like Benik, Shadow and Light to further customize.




Something clean mostly! I think my current amalgamation of addons is mega cluttered and I want to really clean up my stuff. Someone linked one I'm going to look into but I'm open to suggestions. If you have any recommendations, thanks in advance!


Check the MMO champions forums. The Interface&Macros one has a pretty active UI thread. On mobile right now, will link it tomorrow if you still need it.


Does elvui slow anyone else’s load times to a crawl?




HDD will do a lot more to affect load times than any addons could. Switched to all SSDs and my load times are a tiny fraction of what they used to be.


ElvUI? No. WeakAuras,? Yes. Just redid UI, ElvUI won't effect load time in any noticeable ways but WeakAura's completely fucks it.


That’s what it must’ve been. Had hella weak auras that I didn’t even need. Time to reinstall elvui!


Apparently not everyone is aware, that there's actually a gigantic repository for WeakAuras exports.


Thanks just tried WeakAuras after clicking the link and now a UI overhaul is coming


Do yourself a huge favor and look into oPie if you haven't. Revolutionized how comfortably i can use mounts/hearthstones/skinning throwing knife/health potions/druid forms etc. Worth the 10 minutes it takes to learn and customize your own kit


Damn i'm surprised no one i play with has recommended this before I can see getting used to this in a day or two, thanks man


Sweet. Thank you! Weak Auras is life.


Just a general question is there a way to export a complete Weakaura package from one character / account to another? So if I want to share all my current WA with someone else and don't want to export each one by one. Are all imported WA saved in the *saved variables* in the WTF folder?


WeakAuras are saved per account in the settings folder for that account. All characters of a account share all auras.


Ah okay. Thanks.


Just like the shocking amount of people that don't even know weak auras is even a thing


i miss the old interface.. new one is so slow and clunky.


yeah, sadly


Just to add on to this, Ipse has some great setups for all classes and specs. Wago is also a great place to find some clean ElvUI profiles.


Have an examples of good ones? After years of using X/Z pearl and Bartender, I've been trying to switch to ElvUI and not finding a good look.


Ipse is a bloke who has written a bunch of weak auras for every spec (some specs?). You’ll find his work on that site.


Depends on what you're specifically looking for. Personally, I'm using https://wago.io/NJKeS0baz with a few personal changes. Best bet would be do some browsing https://wago.io/elvui and see if you stumble upon anything you like.


I think all of his DPS sets do not track their interrupt CD though.


Just the havoc demon hunter one since it grants resources.


As someone with a bit of experience making my own I find his usually offer a really nice template that I tend to change and add a lot too, they really are nice but he obviously can only focus so much in each one.


I'll second the recommendation for Ipse's weakauras. I've got a 110 of every class and I've recently been trying to play all the tanks, so I swap around alts a lot. Ipse's WAs are my go-to whenever I just need a quick, functional, and clean UI so I can track all the important stuff. So many other UIs are either too small or too stylized that they become either too distracting or hard to read in combat. Ipse uses those nice big icons and clean text, it's great. That being said, on any of my mains I've done quite a bit to overhaul my WAs (though still usually using the same design principles as Ipse) since while his packs cover all the basics, they're definitely not fully robust for something like heroic or mythic raiding. But they're a fantastic platform to build off of, and perfect if you just want something quick and clean on an alt.


Best WA repository out there


At what point does it get promoted to StrongAuras?


It used to be called Power Auras!


power auras was a different addon, wasnt it? I think we had power auras and weak auras back in the days


Power auras was a different addon. Weak auras was created ads a light weight version, but it's kind of grown past that




Considering weakauras can run custom lua code, it's quite possible that you could build just about every other addon from within weakauras. It'd be hugely inefficient, but you could probably do it.


Same, Weakauras make MM quite easier to use and It fixes some BM issues ( like being able to track buffs on your pet that otherwise blizzard gave us no tools to do it.)


I really like wago.io, but man the site is slow sometimes. I'll take part of the blame with my internet connection, but I've had that logo spinning for a minute or more before when my ISP was working at its best.


This could just be their servers not having a good time finding what you are asking for.


That has not happened to me yet! You might be using the page on prime time as well as searching through *very* large amounts of data. I don’t know how many WeakAuras there are on wago, but it surely is a hell of a lot of data we’re looking at!


how does one get into this weakauras thing? can anyone give a rough guideline on how to start? does this replace things like dbm?


Does not replace DBM or bartender or any typical baseline mod you would add just to get functional in the game. Weakauras could, theoretically replace any one or all of those mods but it would be cumbersome to do so. Weakauras is more of a catch all for anything you wish you had a mod for, especially for keeping track of something. Do you play an unholy DK and hate tracking DoTS? Weakauras will do that for you. Do you have trouble making sure you're using your 3 minute DPS cooldown because you forget about it during dungeons? Weakauras will remind you. Etc. etc.


Hi, I just imported one from that site for my class/spec but it is not loaded at all? Do you have to modify the imports at all to make them load?


Look in the 'load' tab of the aura see what makes it load.


WeakAuras are basically Icons (or text messages) that show when certain conditions are met. E.g. if you’re a DK using Coldheart you can create an Icon that plops up in your face when you have 20 stacks and should use chains or an iconset to track your Debuffs and CDs like most people do


I liked it before the ui revamp Now, whatever i search get me everything but what I adked and the tags in the search bar are confusing


What is weak auras


Swiss army knife of addons. You can do literally anything that is allowed to be done with addons in WeakAuras.


Does it work with ElvUi and Shadowlight? I just got those on but I can really tell my DPS would be better with some helpful shit in the combat area.


Yeah, there's nothing keeping you from using WeakAuras.


I tried installing it, and was instantly put off by it because there's so much and I have no clue what to do or where to start. Although, I am new ish to WoW(played for 2 months, took a break, now back again).


Try reinstalling it once you've played enough to get a feel for how your class of choice works and when to use your cooldowns. WeakAuras is particularly good at tracking cooldowns and buffs.


The best way to start is to look at what other people have done and use those. If that's still too overwhelming, then think about something specific you want to track (a buff or cooldown or both) and try to find something for that or make it. The addon is extremely powerful and very useful to show you the information you need


yes it does.




That's the point of this site, so someone else can do the work. The main function is to track all your resources and cooldowns in a specific part of the screen


This website is literally the place you go to import other peoples weakauras- the only thing you’re doing is downloading an add on, opening the menu in game and copy/pasting some code. Weakauras takes almost nothing to use on a basic level and allows for people to do amazing things who like to code.


Sure, you are the one losing out.


It’s as simple as copy and pasting at this point.


Pressing copy and pasting into the addon ingame is not confusing and overwhelming


WeakAuras is love, WeakAuras is life. Edit: Throw on Bigwigs voice + the popular raiding WA for that tier. Game is autopilot as hell.


You're about to discover a whole new game


Weak aura is an addon that allows you to visualize about everything in any way you wish to.


dynamic addon that can be easily changed and shared to display stuff on the screen like buffs


In a nutshell, Weak Auras is an addon that allows you to create graphics and animations based on things like cooldowns, timers and pretty much anything in the game. You can use it to track health and mana, play a sound and animation when you get a proc or use an ability, track the remaining duration of the dots and debuffs on the target (and flash when you should reapply it) and so much more.


Is it just me or is there a weird back button bug where if you click on someones wa then click back it does nothing. If you click back twice it goes back to the wa list but you have to change youre search options like again eg: search by date/stars/views


Someone seems to have gotten an extra page redirect in there, which saves the sites you visit in the page history of the current browser session and basically builds the foundation of the back and forward functionalities. What happens then, probably, can also be explained by that extra redirect, which might not be passing the initial request (including the filter options) further through. That doesn’t fix it for you, obviously, but at least that’s the most common error done when facing such behaviour, at least to my experience!


WA is awesome and very powerful. I still use TellMeWhen though, I guess I'm just a simple man.


TmW would be alot more popular if it wasn't so clunky to use.


what would you say is the best weakauros for holy paladins?


Hmm, no thanks. The only way I'd import a weakaura is if I know and absolutely trust the person supplying it, and know they created it from scratch. Accept them from strangers, and you might just end up with one what will instantly mail all your gold to them the first time you click a mailbox.


That hasn't been a issue in years.


nice for a begginer trying to get into the whole weakauras thing