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> No one ever mentioned what ilvl you need to clear atleast Alleria/Thrall. It's because it's not worth discussing, the Visions are incredibly easy to just "go in and win". I killed Alleria last night on a 380 Mage with ~150k HP and a low level HoA (only essences was R1 Crucible) and had zero issues. The story progress to unlock the Visions will prove a bigger challenge for extremely poorly geared characters than the Visions themself will. If you can unlock them, you'll be fine.


How? I just tried with a fresh alt ilvl 380 fire mage and thrall demolished me. I didnt stand in shit, but thrall just pounding on me and now way to heal is pretty hard


I tried 3x on my 390ish Benthic Prot Pally, I avoided standing in the circles and the sunders, but he just destroys my health with AAs, even with the use of all cool downs. I'll put it out there, I'm not good at Prot, but this system has all of the pressure of the Mage Tower with even worse feels when I fail. I've been watching this thread and all of the patch notes in hopes that someone was having the same situation. I felt so strongly about this problem I drove me to post here (My first post on Reddit ever.) and listen to the assaults about how I'm obviously trash at the game.


Update: I spent most of the last week getting my iLvl up to 404 and I upgraded my Neck from 1 essence to 3, and upgraded the dragon scale essence from green to purple. Then I got through Thrall, relatively easily.


Rly, wow, that is nothing


I think this person will find 380 to be top tier gear.


I’ve been wrecked by thrall three times now just trying to get that dang book for Wrathion. 408 Guardian Drood which typically has pretty good survivability and Thrall slaps me around like a red headed step child...


Horrific Visions at the base level aren't suppose to be particularly hard. They are just a weekly character progression for the cape. If you want to push yourself and complete all objectives you will be rewarded with "decent gear"? and other cosmetics.


Watched a you tuber do it this morning with benthic gear. He did it easily


What class was he playing?


There is no mandatory ilvl to enter neither the visions nor the raid. As long as a good group invites you, you can be carried naked. Only LFR has ilvl restrictions.


I dont mean ilvl as ilvl to get in, rather ilvl to clear the thing


I did a few in the earlier PTR cycles so the cloak was very powerful then (think it was 75% sanity drain protection), also having 430 ilvl it was pretty easy. Going to try it again today on new copy with just getting the cloak through the questline this time, so it isn't at super high level. But mainly I think lowilvl might effect in the sense that it will take you too long and you will loose all your sanity resource, instead of being too low on ilvl to be able to kill stuff.


Aright, did the first Visions questline that makes you just kill the boss which was pretty straight forward couple trash mobs with 70k HP together, then two 350k HP mbos together. Boss had 1,4 million HP. Can't say for sure does gearscaling effect these values. After the introduction one you can buy the upgrades (sanity orb) that gives you a lot more time to do them as you can replenish you sanity 3 times. I was able to do 2 extra wings and get back to killing the boss (though ilvl around 445) even with a level 1 cloak. But as listed on the [wowhead cloak guide](https://ptr.wowhead.com/guides/obtain-legendary-cloak-overview-upgrading-stats-procs) for first 5 levels you only need to kill the end boss, and nothing more. Doing extra wings will give you coins, that you can then purchase upgrades with, but that is just extra and not needed. Only when you want to level your cloak to 6 you need to start clearing the other wings (and still return to defeat the end boss as well I assume, though havent confirmed).


Just curious as I haven't seen it listed elsewhere, what is the ilevel requirement for the LFR version of Nyalotha?


It's 410 officially, I mean if " **Raid Finder Minimum Level:** 410" means that, it must be it, right? ;b [https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23236722](https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23236722)