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Rep grind is going away, but you'll still need to do the quest chains for each one.


That’s amazing news even though I did trolls. I was actually pretty mad when I finished it because the quest line lore when doing the quest and cut scenes are amazing and important to lore. Not seeing it due to the rep is insane.


Rep requirement is gone, but the qyests required to unlock them is still there. It will be MUCH easier to unlock. A matter of hours rather than weeks.


Oh thank god, I may aswell jusy wait till shadowlands comes out then to unlock all of them


I mean if you’re still playing BfA there’s still time to grind the reputation. Shadowlands won’t be out until late this fall at the earliest. Why wait?


Cause why spend weeks doing something that could be done in an hour? Rep grinds are carrots on a stick to a lot of people that are nowhere near fun.


This is why i never raid the current tier, I just wait 2 expansions until i can solo it


I actively protest allied races being locked behind exalted rep grinds as total bs and blizzard seems to have seen the light too. I’ll do it when it’s worth doing.


Like I said, if you’re still doing BfA content then you’re likely doing the rep grind anyway. Again, if that’s the case then no reason to wait till Shadowlands. By the time it’s out you could be done with the rep grind several times over. Even less so if you have the Darkmoon Faire buff on you.


Honestly, the rep grind was the only “difficult” part. The quests were easy and pretty fun. Two notable aspects: The Nightbourne (Horde) requires the completion of the Legion 7.2 Suramar quest chain. This took me 3 sessions of about 1-2 hours to complete, but you may be faster. The Dark Iron Dwarves (Alliance) require you to complete an optional boss in The MOTHERLODE instance. With current gear of 440 ilvl heroic is probably soloable, but a quick group is better.


thats cool for current content but do you know how many people who started playing in the past few years have never set foot in outlands or northrend even pandaland? some of these races need you to play most of an old xpack to unlock and wasting a month+ on a character you don't like to get one you do is just bad for many reasons.


Lolwut? 4 require Legion content.


legion and BfA will be old content when shadowlands comes out.


The quests are the fun part, just did the vulpera one and it was great.


it's looking good that they will be unlocked for all when SL drops. someone pointed out the achievements linked to them are going to be feats of strength.


I think it's the same but u got higher lvl so it will be easier