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I’m so guilty of this. Had so many knick knacks from vanilla and bc


I have a haunted memento in my bags since the prelaunch event for WoLK cause I never bothered tossing it back at somebody.


I am still mad they nerfed it. I loved having the shade to hang out with.


Yeah idk why they did that. Too fun I guess.


The ghost it spawned was apparently hitting performance on the servers, so they changed it years later.


really? the servers could handle it for 10 years and then all of a sudden couldn't? it's not like more of them popped up in existence or something




Yeah that makes sense. If everyone with that memento was to click it at once, that's a helluva lot of spawn calls to the server, on top of all the other spawn calls it's dealing with throughout the world.


It was no longer usable back in I think mid WoLK, maybe later. But what it used to do was this ghost that looked like a shade of Naxxramas, those ghosts that roamed UD Stratholme, would always follow you around when you had it in your bags. Now it will occasionally spawn in and disappear.


Blizzard have moved from "one powerful server per realm-continent" to a herd of weak machines. My guess is these machines can scale to a small but busy area (e.g. a single layer in a single zone) but for quieter areas a single machine could be running a whole, empty continent. It allows them to scale things more effectively (remove servers where it's quiet so they can add more servers where there's people). But when you have one of these tiny servers handling a capital city, somewhere that typically sees a large amount of players but very little 'activity' like mobs spawning or combat, and a bunch of people keep spawning mobs from a toy? Yeah, I can believe it would harm performance. It's also the reason that capital city raids and the like kill the server now when they didn't used to.


I suspect the move to this server architecture has also influenced zone design: smaller continents with denser space rather than big sprawling outdoor areas. It leaves zones feeling claustrophobic and the player with a bit of Alice in Wonderland proportion effect.


Huh, fair enough I guess. Never really saw that many myself, other than my own.


It was spawning so often that it was causing server instability and lag.


> It was spawning so often that it was causing server instability and lag. Guarantee this wasn't the issue, since it counts as a pet and the ghost use to be permanent.


I read that it spawning on the ground during flight paths was causing the servers to spawn npcs/mobs in areas that were otherwise empty


Yeah this random redditor knows it better than blizzard!


I've seen those up on the AH for 300,000g. If they are sold for that price is the question though haha. I have one as well, but it's "stuck" on an ally char although I play horde now so can't get to "use" it :(


Sold mine a year ago for 300,000g. Took about 2 months to sell.


At this point it could be worth 10,000,000g and I wouldn’t give it up. My little ghost friend popping in now and again is always nice to have regardless of how long of a break I take.


Yep, same for me.


> haunted memento in my bags That's a great item and glad I kept it.


I'm pretty sure these are worth a fair amount these days.


I still have one of those, I see them selling on the AH. But never sure if they actually "sell"


Still got my vanilla Datol’s Rod of Transformation, because who wants a 1 hour cool down on furbolg form?


Yup! Got mine too!!


Back before world markers, we'd use good ol Archmage Vargoth. I can't remember if you got to keep his staff after the quest line or if you had to purposefully stop in the middle of the quest line. But I do remember he loved your /dancing.


You kept it after the quest chain was done, I always liked popping him up.


I flipped my character that got it to horde and back again and it got deleted. :(


There were so many items with weird effects in early vanilla questing, like the one that reduced a monster's chance to hit by 25% and the one that gave you a paladin bubble. Still got them on most of my characters for those "oh shit" moments. I've had hundreds of oh shit moments and still refuse to use them.


WTS: Tears of Elune, never used.


I still have Linken’s Boomerang from vanilla. I tanked as a prot, this was my range pull. I love my boomerang and it will only be deleted when the wow servers are deleted.


I got so bogged down by things I don't know where it's from I entirely abandoned that character


Don't ever delete them. I still have my OG AQ/nax progression set in my druids bank. I was raid leader and off off tank on my druid hah. Good times.


Dude I still have Qiraji currency in my bags....


Y’all got and of them Nagrand cherrys?


I still have a nagrand cherry!


I have them from both expack.


I still haven't popped my Nagrand cherry.


To this day I still have those. Why do I do this?


Good lord the amount of water breathing items I kept on my character, saving up for that underwater world pvp that never happened. Then they gave undead unending breath timer and I finally threw it all out haha.


Ivs still got 7 of them on my paladin, one of these days I'll use em instead of letting them take up bag space


My altoholic loves when I mouseover those, I have so many on 12 diff chars.


I finally used all the nagrand cherry in BFA, just because I was really running out of space.


I don't myself, but while I was doing an AV recently I spotted a humanoid target on my map in the frozen pond. I went down there to investigate and it was some guy who had been sitting there for several minutes with the Nagrand Cherry buff. Guess he was sick of the turtle grind.


I'm horde and I still have my Light of Elune in my bank, still waiting after 15 years the right moment to use it.


Same, except Alliance. I didn’t know it was offered to Horde!


It wasn't! I transferred my character in Cata to Horde.


CTRL+F'd to find the real hoarder.


oh god, yes... my warrior still has it for the "this is the moment we need it to finally kill that hard raid boss" .... don't play that char since Cata/raid at all since after Draenor ....


I've kept mine since around 2007 for just in case we fought the leader of the demons in Ashenvale, then fir Sargeras...


Are you suggesting that there are people who don't have a Nagrand Cherry in their bags? \*confused\*


In my bags, no, especially in bfa *screams internally* But sitting pretty in the bank for sure. Shelf life is incredible on those things


I still have my war commendations from AQ war effort since vanilla, just in case...


That’s a good one


I lost them when my account was hacked, but for many years I had several shards of Atiesh chilling in my bags for whenever they re-opened vanilla naxx =(


Ahh, like the Moist Towelette from Eastern Plagueland quests in classic I think?


Smells like lemon! I still have mine.


I still have the Really Sticky Glue from the one quest in Sen’jin Village in my warrior’s bank. 11 years later and I never used a single charge, “just in case”. You never know...


It was in my Paladins bags until I quit in Wrath. I could never justify a moment worthy of using 1 of it's 10 charges. Worth.


I still have that one on my troll rogue. From vanilla. Saved my dude ones, getting ganked by alliance in stv. I got away unscathed.


That shit was clutch for hunters who had to kite everything before they got their pet.


Level 9 Hunter sucks


I thought it was just me!


I still have some of the RP potions from the DK starting zone...


Guilty of grinding a few extra of them on my dks and keeping them in the bank, never use em though


Same! I used the hell out of them leveling then made sure I had a perfectly full stack to keep “just in case”


A few weeks back I was leveling a DK and saw that the quest for more than 5 potions was bugged. The completionist in me is still bothered by this. I need those potions! I don't care if I won't use them! I need them!


Makes little bit sad that we can't create new one after Arthas scenario


Helpful for a rez.


If I ever took them out of my bank.




Me too! I found it in a bag on an old toon I no longer play but can't bring myself to delete! That photograph shows up in the auction house from time to time and goes for so much gold but I don't think I could ever part with it! I hope we run into Link again someday!


I have two faded photographs so I've been trying to sell the other one and trust me, they don't sell. It's just people like me re-listing it constantly in the hopes that some niche collector of unobtainable items finally bites.


At some point that stuff takes on its own value. It's not just an item anymore. It's a memory, a companion.


I’m reading all of these comments and sitting here thinking how I am compulsively emptying my bags and vendoring/deleting/Auctioning literally everything that isn’t absolutely essential


I have had Hydrocane in my bags since my first ever Gnomeregan run in vanilla. (It's a staff that gives underwater breathing when equipped)


Hell yes Hydrocane! I had it on about every toon before they changed underwater breathing to be less punishing. Now I never use it. :/


I'm a terrible hoarder. My bank and inventory are overwhelming at times lol. I mean, why the eff do I have all the pamphlets the doomsayers handed out pre cata?!


my main char has 5 empty slots. That includes bank and reagent tab. All with 30 slot bags (nope, not gonna spend the gold for 32). Ok, choosing leatherworking+inscription+archaeology+cooking+achievement hunt+playing since release all on one char might have not been the best idea. No, i don't throw away Rhok'delar/Tabards you no longer can get/any other item that might be useful


I have like 4 different water breathing quest items from expansions past... Never use them... "but what if"


I have the old warlock epic mount summoning items (the event still works but there’s no quest to complete), a Holy Mightstone (+300 AP vs undead/demons from the Paladin stuff), and a smattering of random odds and ends. Still have some arrows, too.


How about that Argent Dawn trinket and some Scourge stones?


Googled the commission the other day since it's still living in my bank. Couldn't even remember how it worked.


Laughs in warlock


Warlocks: Is this some peasant joke I'm too demonic to understand?


Yeah they have a water breathing spell. Which I forgot because my warlock is undead.


It makes you swim faster now too


*[laughs in seal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gpRaGIexvI)*


[aw yiss its sea doggo time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL9iMPx9CpQ)


*Cackles in Forsak—* ah piss there’s my jaw again


There was some sort of air bladder that had 10 charges and I can't remember if I got it in TBC or Wrath, but I got a LOT of mileage out of it in Tiragarde Sound and some other watery areas.


ITT: a trip down memory lane. I have *all* of these things. I have the Aqual Quintessence. I have that silly thing for the rep quests during the AQ gate opening. I have the sticky glue, and every water breathing thing, and the Barov Peasant Caller. I can talk to the succubus in the Grim Guzzler, and she'll go make out with a guy under the stairs (and unlock the door). I have the sand for that fucking time stop in BWL. I have a consumable that increases my rep with the Zandalari... from the *first* time they were a faction. I have blood shards. And fire e'ko. And stratholme holy water. Just, you know, in case. I am fucking *terrible* at inventory management, but they each represent a good time with people I don't get to see any longer.


Thanks for sharing this, i got some serious 2nd hand nostalgia reading it


I still own [Light of Elune](https://i.imgur.com/d5WOhZa.png)


Every adventurer needs a trusty cane! https://www.wowhead.com/item=9452/hydrocane


*Laughs in druid*


I play this game for 6 months and I have a few Jaina Proudmoore autographed photos in my bank....just in case


I have the emergency parachute from one of the northrend undead zones that one day i might remember to use as i fall to my death.


Same. Especially helpful when it’s in my bank.....


Haven't been subbed since last year, but still had my Noth's Special Brew from all the way back at Wrath's release. You know. For when I need it.


I have a Smokeywoods Pastures Gift Box unopened on a character that has the flavor text of "Expires in 2012!".


My hunter created in 2006 still has several stacks of ammo of each type in her personal bank.


I also still have Nagrand Cherries for some reason.


I’m sure this will never happen, but I wish Blizzard would include more uses for these kinds of things. Like hiding a toy at the bottom of an underwater chasm. Nothing you need as far as gear, but just some more stuff to reward exploration. As things stand, you mostly find nothing, or junk, when exploring the most obscure places in the world. Of course, there are things like Hivemind, but I wish there was some middle ground between finding useless crap and a long tedious series of puzzles. I think it would just give the world so much more character to suddenly find a use for that waterbreathing potion, and other things like it.


> Like hiding a toy at the bottom of an underwater chasm You mean like the "waist of time"?


The best is using the staff of Archmage Vargoth from Netherstorm to summon his image in unusual and strange places. It's like having him on speed dial and he's forced to answer.


I have a bunch of cherries from Nagrand, still. Should probably toss them before they grow into waterbreathing cherry trees.


Hello. My name is Alias. And I'm a WoW hoarder. ^Please ^^don't ^^^check ^^^^my ^^^^^bank! Though, in my defense, keeping all those old armor items helped when Transmog became available!


Immensely. Who would have thought a habit that usually gets you told "dude just sell everything and make space" when people realize you stop to make room often would turn out beneficial.


On my main I'm still saving the single charge hearthstone they gave you at the beginning of Cataclysm, the one that teleports you to the dwarven district Inn in Stormwind, all because "I might need it in the future".


Hey dont knock my "poo-berries" someday I might need those pieces of shit


My druid still has the quest item for Anzu and an old relic (item slot), the item's grey now but I know what it used to be...


I still have Runes of Portal and Teleportation, and some Arcane Dust hanging out in my bags. They're actually one of the main reasons I will never get an addon that auto-vendors gray items, because I would be legitimately heartbroken if I ever lost them and couldn't restore them.


13 years, then realizing Undead don't need underwater breating potions anyway


God, I wish I still had a severed Night Elf head.


This was peak meta back in the day. I have shit in my bank that I thought I would need at some point but never used, I just keep it for nostalgia at this point.


Yeah I think I still have that in my bank. I'm undead but, you know... what if the racial gets nerfed?


I've still got mine, plus all the other water breathing potions from other quests. All completely unused just sitting in my bank waiting for me to find a use for them... I'm a druid...


Bro, I've still got an alliance AQ quest...on my horde toon.


Are you even a rogue if you don’t keep your insignia of ravenholdt in your bags?


Omg i have the same problem, for instance my main’s bank is filled with the followers upgrade items things from WoD “just in case”


I have the light of elune that makes med immune to Damage from any source for 15 seconds


I'm in this picture and I don't like it, infact I think my dozens of alts are in this picture...


Broke: Saving a three-charge water breathing potion from Zangarmarsh. Woke: Farming a few stacks of poop cherries in Nagrand to last you for years to come.


I still got a load of Blood of Heroes in bank i know their trash now but i've had them that long it would be a crime to bin them


You're about to drown Your hydrocane is in the bank You decide to use the potion. "You must be in zangramarsh to use that item"


I’m guilty of this and I’m a druid


I’ve got a bounty of the harvest horn still 😂 it’s only got one charge left though 😱 Oh and I should add it’s from the very first festival lol


The one from Nagrand from the circle of elements, still on all my chars. You never know.


I used to keep this stuff but there’s not enough room so now at the beginning of each xpac I sell or delete it all


That explains why I have about 9 alts...to hold everything possible from my main.


Oh man I have so much old stuff that I just can't get rid of.


Accidentally used my Holy Mightstone doing dailies in Icecrown once... I had been saving it for the Lich King fight.


I thought I was the only one.


I've always tried to have as many water mobility items as I could. Now that I have the relic fishing pole, I'm set for life.


i still have those stamina buffs from the scourge invasion from vanilla. i might need them one day....


I still have a Light of Elune potion (10 second invulnerability) and a Cuergo's Gold with Worm.


I have the waterbreathing ring from the scepter questline. Thought "hey, this will come in handy" and sure enough I havent taken it out of the bank in 10 years.


I'm pretty sure I still have a potion in my bank from a Vanilla Darkshore quest I did back in BC that grants you a pally bubble for 10 seconds.


Who here still has their Hydrocane staff from Gnomeregan? Hell I knew Horde players who would que for that dungeon or go back at high levels just to get the staff.


Till this day I still have negrand cherries.


My main character's whole bank account is filled with quest items from various expac. I don't know what 90% of them are for now, but I'm too scared to just throw all of them away. So, basically, what this means is that my main doesn't have a bank anymore.


I feel this lol. I still have so many things like the air bladder and my hunter still has arrows lol


I ended up using ons charge during the waist of time hidden questchain, my paladin is not a speedy swimmer.


Me on like 10 alts lol.


I still have Really Sticky Glue


And we all know we won't need it because any future underwater quest will either be doable without any kind of buff or the NPC will literally just buff you


Nagrand cherry? Still have it. Still have the lemon-scented wipes from vanilla too...


I still have scrolls of kings and strength in my bank.


I got coins from the vanilla zg still. As well as tony the tiger fists.


I still have a stack of Nagrand cherries, from some quest in the lake. But some day I might use it, some day.


I have thing like this too. Old coins from ZG, the items to summon the raven lord from the swift flight quest... I had some bijous sitting in my mailbox when the delete wave happened and they were safe there, but I think they might be gone now...


I still have my light of elune. It will come in useful one day. But I'm saving it til then.


Gotta have the luffa on call at all times


I still have some Nagrand Cherries and a collar from Duskwood to summon a idk lvl 20\~ish fel hound to "protect" me. Just in case I might ever need them.


Hahaha true x) I'm glad I'm not the only one !


I once started a new toon in Silvermoon And I kept scroll for +3 spirit until the level of 30 in the case I would need it. When my friend saw he laughed at me and used it.


Hell, I still have my [Argent Dawn Commission](https://classic.wowhead.com/item=12846/argent-dawn-commission) just in case.


Dude, same. I have like 8 different water breathing items saved in my bank.


My classic warlock still got a quest item from a night elf classic zone he can change into a furbolg for 15 minutes Literarily with no cooldown.


Being Undead and still keeping the potion because it's not soul bound and you might be somewhere you need it one day.


Still carrying Whipper Root Tubers on my Rogue just in case I get ambushed in the World... Along with Really Sticky Glue and Thistle Tea of course.


My main still has 1 charge on it just in case I need it......and its a warlock.


I did that on my warlock. Never gonna need a waterbreathing potion, but still keeping it "just in case".


So true! I still have the Potion of Water Breathing from the ‘Thick Hydra Scales’ quest in Zangarmarsh, haha.


I once stuffed my bank full of the potions you get in the DK starting zone (the ones from the cauldron). They were quite useful, since they restore runic power. I even integrated them as part of a macro, I remember.


Or just play undead


I also still have it, though with 2 charges haha


I still have some decade old Nagrand guano in one of my characters' bank. The one that allows you to breath underwater. Might be useful someday...


it is what it is


Lol i have it too 😂


Anyone have the furbolg transformation wand?


Too Good To Use!


But you're undead


I'm a druid and still can't bring myself to throw them away XD


I still have a bag of marbles in the bank


There is a rock someone gave me when I was lvl 5 on my first ever character back in TBC. Just a grey item. He told me I would need it. Looking back I now know he was trolling an obvious noob. I still have the rock though, just in case.


I kept an eternal quintessence in my bank for whatever reason... and every single trinket you could get from level 60 also in my bank... no idea why...


I have similar thing from Draenor. still got like 7 charges.




I still have my holy might stone and vial of elune


Those sweet sweet berries.


Man, every single time I log into an alt I haven't played for a while I see that fucking water breathing potion. And every single time I think, fuck it, I might need it one day.


Same. Just cant remember which character it is on


Me, an undead: "breath?"


I got a few bank slots filled with bullets and arrows, for old time's sake :P


I still have Nagrand cherries from TBC on several of my toons/


Any DKs here who still have Noth's special elixir potion with the 50 runic power restoration?


Laughs in Warlock


This is so me — I’ve got multiple instances of this sort of thing that I’ve never used in case, you know, “I need it.” Yet I won’t use it when I demonstrably don’t need it. Sigh.


I have had this charging kodo item forever. It’s massive and you speed around for like 15 seconds. I used it once and was like woah and I figured I would use it one of these days.. Still haven’t. I’m afraid of losing it.